The Clinton’s – Political Parasites

by Jack

One of the many things to come up in Trump’s speech yesterday was an allegation that Bill Clinton made a quid quo pro deal with Sweden’s telephone maker, Ericsson for $700,000 in [speaking] fees. In return Hillary (then Secretary of State) would soften the U.S. sanctions on Iran. This would allow the Swedish company to do business there while others couldn’t.

Trump was saying the Clinton foundation and the Clinton’s themselves received over $100M in questionable [speaking] fees from 2001 thru 2014. Bernie Sanders had railed on big money donations and phony speaker fees as just another way politicians sell influence. He accused Mrs. Clinton of taking such money and at one point she responded by saying she wasn’t doing anything illegal and she further defended herself by saying everyone in Washington does it. She said she was playing by the rules and when the rules change then she would change.

Trump’s latest speech sounded a lot more presidential. As long as he stays on script and doesn’t try to ad lib too much, his speaking style will probably be ok. He certainly drop a lot of bombs on the Clinton campaign and so far Hillary has not had any response to the charges. “I didn’t either” does not qualify as a response.

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8 Responses to The Clinton’s – Political Parasites

  1. Libby says:

    “Trump’s latest speech sounded a lot more presidential.”

    You’re kidding me, right?

  2. Chris says:

    Jack, I’ve noticed this grammar error in a lot of your titles lately: there is no apostrophes needed in “Clintons.” Apostrophes signify possessive nouns or contractions, not plural nouns.

    There isn’t a shred of evidence for Trump’s Ericsson “quid pro quo” allegations:

    Ericsson ERIC -0.13% did pay Bill Clinton $750,000 while Hillary was Secretary of State, but the assertion that the company faced sanctions isn’t entirely true. Yes, the SEC did send Ericsson a letter in 2010 asking it to explain the nature of its operations in Iran, but Ericsson’s response makes it clear that the business it did in Iran was for commercial rather than for military purposes.

    The book is unable to show any evidence that the State Department wanted to quash the business Ericsson was doing in Iran prior to Bill Clinton’s speech. In fact, there is evidence that the Clinton State Department and the rest of the Obama Administration wanted to spread the use of communications technology—like that which Ericsson provides—in Iran, in order to help dissidents combat oppressive governments.

    But even if the payment from Ericsson didn’t end up affecting policy (and we can’t say for sure either way), it was probably not a good idea for Bill Clinton to accept money from a company who had business in front of the State Department while his wife was running it.

    The fact checkers have had a field day with Trump’s speech. He told lie after lie after lie. He said once again that he opposed the Iraq War from the beginning, which is a proven falsehood. He lied when he said the US is the most highly taxed nation in the world. He lied when he said “For the amount of money Hillary Clinton would like to spend on refugees, we could rebuild every inner city in America.” He lied when he said Clinton was asleep during the Benghazi attack. He lied when he said there is no way to screen refugees. And this is just the shortlist; a quick Google search wil turn up even more lies he told in today’s speech.

    And this is what you call “presidential?”

    I understand you want a rehabilitation for Trump since he is your likely nominee. But there is no rehabilitation possible for Trump at this point. The only way out of this is if Trump quits or the establishment just says “No, we will pick a different nominee, regardless of the votes.” Barring an extreme circumstance, Hillary Clinton is going to win.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Re : “Barring an extreme circumstance, Hillary Clinton is going to win. and the rest of the Chris cra*.

    Dear Chris,

    Hillary is what you consider to be “presidential?” No surprises there.

    Trump does not need to be “rehabilitated” he only needs to win. I agree — at this point it appears that Hillary is going to win — but only because ideological progressive nitwit scum like you, ignorant or just plain stupid — will vote for this thoroughly corrupt and unindicted criminal.

    This is neither “extreme” nor a “circumstance”, Hillary is a bag of **** that you will vote for. This is you, this is her. This is the Rat party. This is progressives.

  4. Harold says:

    Stopped by my local Ford Dealership this morning to look for a new truck. I saw a nice F-350 crew cab loaded with all the options that I liked and asked to take it for a test drive.

    The salesperson (a lady wearing a Hillary for President lapel pin) sat in the passenger seat next to me, describing the truck and all its options. She explained that the Electric Seats were connected to the ventilation system and could be set to direct cool air to your butt in the summer & warm air to your butt in the winter.

    So I mentioned that this must be a “Trump truck”. She looked at me a bit angry, and asked why I thought it was a Trump truck. I told her that if it were a Hillary truck, the seats would just blow smoke up my ass year round.

    The two mile walk back to the dealership to pick up my truck was worth it.

  5. Tina says:

    Dismissal flavor of the week? Flippant sarcasm…how they do go on.

    Let’s see. This is what passes for honesty and credibility for the woman our progressive friends call presidential material: I can’t recall, I don’t know, I don’t remember… (everything but gee golly whiz (250 times); a vast right-wing conspiracy, bimbo eruptions!

    One of the first astonishing achievements (Harold recalled): $100,000 in profit within 9 months on a $1,000 investment in the volatile cattle futures market. Her story: she just studied the WSJ. The odds for her success were figured at 1 in 250 million.

    Many miles of bad road and a lot more since.

    Defiance and anger when our government has the audacity to question her and hold her accountable after Americans were left stranded to die in Benghazi. It was a video doncha know, a spontaneous protest.

    Conservative American has the full archive. A sampling from the 16-17 pages:

    Hillary Clinton’s Health Plan = Single Payer/Government Run Socialist Healthcare!

    February, 1993 – From the Washington Examiner 2/10/14: “They are called the “Hillary Papers,” a collection of notes from political science professor Diane Blair, a personal friend of Hillary Clinton, who died in 2000. The papers reveal some of Clinton’s thoughts during her husband’s first administration, as recorded by her friend… “At dinner, [Hillary] to [Bill] at length on the complexities of health care—thinks managed competition a crock; single-payer necessary; maybe add to Medicare,” Blair wrote in February 1993 after a dinner at the White House.” From the Washington Free Beacon: “The account is at odds with public statements by the former First Lady that she never supported the single-payer option. In an interview with the New York Times as she ran for president in 2008, Hillary Clinton said she had never seriously considered adopting a single-payer system, in which the government, using funds appropriated from taxpayers, pays for all health care expenses. “You know, I have thought about this, as you might guess, for 15 years and I never seriously considered a single payer system,” said Clinton in the interview.”

    5/15/14 – Josh Rogin at the lefty Daily Beast adds another one to our list: “The former Secretary of State claimed Wednesday she was responsible for tough sanctions on Iran. But while they were being crafted, her State Department opposed them again and again.

    Hillary Clinton is now claiming to be the architect of crippling sanctions on the Iranian economy. But during her tenure as Secretary of State, her department repeatedly opposed or tried to water down an array of measures that were pushed into law by Democrats and Republicans in Congress…”

    Caught in Lie to Congress! 5/12/14 – Communities Digital News has the story, “The House committees on Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Judiciary, and Oversight; Government Reform issued an interim progress report, based on the paper trail they had to pry from the Obama administration with a crowbar. One of the findings – “Reductions of security levels prior to the attacks in Benghazi were approved at the highest levels of the State Department, up to and including [former] Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton. This fact contradicts her testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on January 23, 2013.”

    So many miles of bad road. Time to build a wall to keep the Clintons OUT!

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