Change This in November

Obama Lynch ISIS2016-06-25


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30 Responses to Change This in November

  1. Chris says:

    How can you stop something that isn’t really happening?

    There is no credence to the idea that the Obama administration is trying to “hug it out” with ISIS. We’re bombing them, end of story. No negotiation, no diplomacy has been (or can be) tried with such an enemy. Where are you getting this from?

    Refusing to call them “Islamic terrorists” isn’t about being nice to ISIS–they *want* to be called Islamic, and refusing to do so is an insult to them, not at attempt at niceness. This cartoon is nonsense and describes nothing in the real world.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Hey, Loretta! The “love” defense didn’t work too well for those folks in San Berdoo or Orlando, did it?
    The Dept of Jerks is covered in rhetorical flatulence.

  3. Dewster says:

    You know how silly that makes you look?

  4. Harold says:

    Change is needed , but what is so desirable about Hillary that the Liberal community wants her in office?

    • Chris says:


      Townhall lied to you.

      Loretta Lynch did not say “the answer to terrorism is to show “compassion, unity and love” to terrorists.” That is a completely dishonest paraphrase of her words.

      What she said was this:

      “We stand with you to say that the good in this world far outweighs the evil, that our common humanity transcends our differences, and that our most effective response to terror and to hatred is compassion, it’s unity, and it’s love. We stand with you today as we grieve together, and long after the cameras are gone, we will continue to stand with you as we grow together in commitment, in solidarity, and in equality.”

      The sensible reading of that paragraph is that Lynch is saying we need to show compassion, unity and love to one another after an act of terror. That is an uncontroversial position. Townhall, in an effort to make her words seem controversial, chose to misrepresent Lynch to make it seem as if she said we should show compassion and love to terrorists–a ridiculous reading of her words that could only be arrived at intentionally, for the purposes of partisan hatred.

      Are you mad that Townhall lied to you? You should be.

      • Peggy says:

        You’ve got to be kidding me. You now want to argue the definition of terror vs terrorist? Hey teach, is it a noun or an adjective? Are you kidding me. You really want to go back to Obama’s and Romney’s debate and whether Obama did or didn’t actual say the word terrorist. Forget it. Go argue with yourself.

        If I was one of the loved ones who died and was injured in Orlando I’d be outraged at Lynch saying, “…our most effective response to terror and to hatred is compassion,” As the US Attorney General what happened to JUSTICE? Why didn’t she say justice was her top priority. The AG in Baltimore sure did, or was it the mayor or both? I thought justice was equal toward everyone. But, not apparently to you liberals. It’s different if you’re black, a cop and a terrorist or someone who commits an act of terror.

        As for lying, how the he77 do you know what the writer was thinking? Were you in his/her head?

        I’m outraged by all of Hillary’s lies about her private server and her emails and you should be too. I hear another one was disclosed proving again she did receive classified information. Justice won’t be served on her either, because of the email exchanges between her and Obama. He knew she was using a private email. He will instruct Lynch to not indict her so he won’t/can’t be called as a witness. How do you like them cookies? Justice equally applies has not existed under this administration going all of the way back to Holder and his arming the Mexican cartel when Obama played his executive privilege card as a get out of jail free card.

        So no Chris I’m not mad at Townhall for lying, since I don’t believe they did. Are you mad at Obama, Hillary, Kerry, Lerner, Gruber, and all of the others for lying about Fast and Furious, ObamaCare, the VA, the IRS, etc. etc. etc.

        Obama lies, Hillary lies and you don’t care. But, have some reporter use the verbiage you don’t agree with and they’re instantly liars to you.

        • Chris says:


          No, I am not kidding you.

          My response has nothing to do with the difference between “terror” and “terrorist.” Again, Lynch was obviously telling people that the most effective response to terror was to show love and compassion to one another, not to terrorists. She was saying that we need to go about our normal lives and not get caught you in hysteria or scapegoating. This is similar to some of Bush’s responses urging calmness after 9/11. A nyone not trying to find fault with an innocuous statement can see that.

          It does not matter what was in the Townhall writer’s “head” when they told this lie, and this is not a standard you would apply to any liberal. They misrepresented Lynch’s speech and made it sound like she said something she never said. That’s called lying, and now you are doing it too.

          What do you mean when you said Lynch should have made “Justice” her first priority? Omar Mateen was killed, and was acting alone. What further “Justice” is needed in this case?

          As for the other liars–I have spoken against Obama and Clinton’s lies before, when I felt they were lying. That is irrelevant to the lie you shared from Townhall.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    The Obama administration is hugging a path for terrorists (including ISIS) to come to the US under the misguided policy of importing Syrian Muslim refugees and others.

    Get a dang clue you ridiculous fool. There is no vetting possible that would filter 0ut ISIS plants or any other terrorist plant. Get it Chris?

    Off Topic

    I may have posted this before, but it bears repeating. This progressive left-wing Rat is for real, just like all progressive left-wing Rats —

    The purpose of the Constitution is not to limit the power of the federal government, but to increase it.

  6. Tina says:

    As the video Peggy posted so specifically points out, the approach this administration has taken is heavy on tolerance, appeasement and hugs and light on effective efforts to destroy this enemy and free the world of it’s menace. Quoting Lynch, “Good far out-weighs Evil, our common humanity transcends our differences and that our more effective response to terror and to hatred is compassion, community and its love.”

    Our “differences” comprise a gulf so wide it cannot be reconciled…she is nuts! This is an administration that cannot see, refuses to see, there is no “humanity” in those who embrace terrorism and murder…gunning people down, burning them alive, throwing them from buildings, crucifying, committing religious genocide, throwing acid in the faces of women, using women and children as bombers and shields, using children and women as sex slaves, and creating chaos and havoc across the world to advance their religious, political and legal authority. This is an administration that refuses to make a disinction between this and this. This is an administration that creates doubt about whose side he supports.

    Our president approaches our enemy with great reluctance and no workable plan for success. He created the situation in Syria and was shamed into action after Russia began using more effective tactics. Where is the press, asking him why he got us into this mess, why his efforts are failing, why he hasn’t changed course, and how he can justify the innocent people being killed, the refugees fleeing the Middle East, and the lack of adequate vetting here that allowed San Bernardino and Orlando to happen?

    Chris, who was so unfailingly critical and nasty during the Bush years, particularly toward the end, has suddenly become the perverted western version of the three mystic apes. He turns a blind eye to the obvious and attacks anyone who dares to see, hear, or speak the truth behind the administrations posturing, messaging, and failures.

    This nation has never seen such a person in the oval office. I hope we never see it again.

  7. Tina says:

    “they want to be called Islamic”

    This is the lamest excuse. Of course they do. They call themselves Islamic and believe that their religion is above criticism or disdain…even their brand. We play into their hands when we refuse to condemn them and their uncivilized, hateful, murderous ways with loud strong unified voices. Refusing to see them and label them for exactly what they are shields them and gives them strength…”see…even our enemies know we are right…even our enemy’s leaders bend to our superiority and will”

    Obama either doesn’t know how to do this, in which case he has no business being Commander-in-Chief, or he is up to something far more sinister. Whatever he is doing he is not working to defend the American people and western values. He talks about western values as if he knows what that means but he refuses to stand firmly and strongly against the most egregious examples of those who would crush and bring death to western values.

    And Chris, don’t bother to remind me again how all of the experts, including under Bush agreed naming terrorists as Islamic is a recruiting tool. Obama is not executing on this idea or on the war as Bush did…not in any way, shape, or form. There is no comparison.

    • Libby says:

      “… as Bush did …”

      Tina, I’m sorry the conduct of the enterprise is not spectacular enough for you. Not enough blood, carnage, collateral damage? Maybe they would televise drone strikes for you.

    • Chris says:

      Tina: “Our “differences” comprise a gulf so wide it cannot be reconciled…she is nuts!”

      She’s not talking about the differences between us and terrorists, and it’s nuts to think she is.

      ” This is an administration that refuses to make a disinction between this and this.”

      A ridiculous statement. The administration is bombing one but not the other, so how can you say they don’t make a distinction?

      ” lack of adequate vetting here that allowed San Bernardino and Orlando to happen?”

      Huh? The Orlando shooter and the male San Bernardino shooter were both born in the U.S. Was Obama supposed to go back in time and vet their parents to stop them from coming here?

      Do you think just saying “there is no comparison” makes the comparisons between Bush and Obama invalid? And that it makes you less hypocritical for criticizing Obama for doing some of the same things as Bush?

      “We play into their hands when we refuse to condemn them and their uncivilized, hateful, murderous ways with loud strong unified voices.”

      Who on earth is “refusing to condemn” ISIS? Obama condemns ISIS all the time. There is no possible way you don’t know this. So why do you say such ridiculous, out-of-reality things?

  8. Chris says:

    Does this look like “hugging” to you?

    Why doesn’t this site ever report on our successful attacks against ISIS? Do you want your readers to think we are losing?

    • Tina says:

      It’s an election year. Obama has stepped up his game a bit, but we know what the history has been since he arrived in 08 and you do to…the rise, spread and strengthening of the terrorist threat in the form of ISIS and a ME in greater danger and chaos than before he came.

      Besides, we talk about things that have made headlines…don’t blame PS if the media has tried to help the Peace Prize president keep his lousy record under wraps!

      • Libby says:

        Election year is right … and might explain why you’ve spent the last month or so telling the most outrageous lies about the OA … or the Obamaphobia is becoming more intense, which is particularly crazy, as the man is nearly out of office.

  9. dewster says:

    Hate so profound that those with no critical thinking skills misinterpret than spin in delight. When actuality they play into the hands of the war-hawks and terrorists.

    Keep the people divided as their assets are raided and sold to the highest bidder.

    “Conservative fears of nonexistent or overblown boogeymen — Saddam’s WMD, Shariah law, voter fraud, Obama’s radical anti-colonial mind-set, Benghazi, etc. — make it hard not to see conservatism’s prudent risk avoidance as having morphed into a state of near permanent paranoia, especially fueled by recurrent “moral panics,” a sociological phenomenon in which a group of “social entrepreneurs” whips up hysterical fears over a group of relatively powerless “folk devils” who are supposedly threatening the whole social order. Given that conservatism seems to be part of human nature — just as liberalism is — we’re going to need all the help we can get in figuring out how to live with it, without being dominated, controlled and crippled by it.”

    Couldn’t have said it better myself

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Dopester believes Salon propaganda garbage. ‘Nuff said. I said it myself.

      • Dewster says:

        LOL Pie refuses to read actual statements by ISIS.

        Pie you an not be that stupid. Go read the docs.

        Using a post that is fairly accurate is not where I get My info. BTW that is common knowledge in DC cause it is the truth.

        A fool is born every Fox News Cast. A true American cares to know the truth with no party affiliation

  10. Peggy says:

    Off topic.

    Here we go again. I’ve lost track of the body count.

    UN Official found dead was set to testify against Hillary Clinton same day. “BARBELL FELL ON HIS NECK”:

    “Ashe was due in court Monday with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, who is charged with smuggling $4.5 million into the US since 2013 and lying that it was to buy art and casino chips.

    Ng was identified in a 1998 Senate report as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration. (Ng was not charged with any crime.)

    Ng and Trie had visited the White House several times for Democratic fund-raising events and were photographed with then-President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton.

    One source told me, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”

  11. Tina says:

    Salon and Dewey regurgitate left-wing professorial biases and imagine themselves great thinkers. The Nazi’s weren’t real either. The people being loaded in trains and cooked in ovens were just figments of conservative “near permanent paranoia.”

    We have all, liberal and conservative, watched as thousands from many nations were murdered in the towers on 911, we have seen journalists beheaded, Christians crucified and homosexuals thrown from buildings. We have watched as the Middle East dissolves into chaos and thousands of refugees move into the west to settle. We have watched as small but deadly attacks occur over and over in many nations as our enemy fights their war in a way unlike any we have ever experienced…and this bunch of nuts thinks conservatives are only imagining the danger. Could it be they are saying this because their party and it’s limp destructive ideology has been so incredibly bad at ridding the world of our common threat?

    There are no ends to which progressives will go to create disdain, animosity and hatred toward fellow Americans who happen to hold to a different, conservative perspective. Progressives get particularly vile when they have spent a few years displaying their own inept approaches to dealing with fanatical enemies.

    What could Dewey’s game be?

    He complains about everyone. He shares Salon’s disdain for conservatives. he claims he blames both left and right and wants us to unite…but for what?

    He seems to have some idea about what he’s against but nothing to offer in terms of what he’s for.

    What do you want Dewey?

    • Dewster says:


      Tina that is easy…What am I for? facts …truth…real conversation

      And have had enough of the Bold face Lies from Media rinse and repeat. Turn off your TV and find documented facts.

      Try getting to know real history. I spent a lot of time in DC researching. You troll the internet.

      Why is the Middle East in turmoil Tina? Why? Nothing to do with the innocent USA right?

      You have not a clue what our CIA ops and Military Industrial complex does? How we overthrow and install dictators? Decades worth?

      Maybe go back to what the middle east was ……the Ottoman Empire. It has been just over 100 years my friend. Not that long ago. Go back to WW1 and the redrawn borders. Also there was German genocide as well that pissed off Hitler. They divided up the German people then cut them off and slaughtered them.

      You need a history lesson.

      Do you know how many American and European companies helped Hitler?

      Bottom Line the truth is recorded. It is fascinating and ugly at the same time.

      The USA is not some saintly country we are imperialist fascists by definition. We are better off for admitting it.

      Until Americans put down the bought our propaganda called the Media and digest real facts and truth we are doomed to fall as a free people.

      That is a fact. yet you play their game left and right

      Why is Hillary surrounded by republicans? Why is a Republican actually running the DNC now? Wasserman Shultz has been sidecared cause she is being railed for election corruption.

      Tina lets talk policy how about that?

      lets start with the TPP

      what have you actually read ? Why are you not alarmed?

      Why is the patriot act OK? NDAA? and Why did Obama continue them after GW? cause they are so different as parties right? NO very similar when it comes down to it. We are an oligarchy not a democracy and that is just the fact.

  12. Libby says:

    Sorry, Tina, the psychologists have spoken. A paranoid fanatic is a paranoid fanatic. And, psychologically speaking, you and the fundamentalists of Islam are in the same boat.

    Would that it were literally so. You could gleefully murder each other … leaving the rest of us in peace.

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