Hold on to Your Hat – Republican Tax Plan Includes IRS Reform!

IRS2Posted by Tina

We conservative Republicans have choices to make. It will require letting go of past grievances with the Republican Party to ensure that progressive Democrats are not returned to power in Congress, Hillary loses her bid for the White House, and Paul Ryan and his troops return to save us all from this miserable economy. Just in time…an article in The Free Beacon offers help to get over our disgust and anger…Dick Armey just might weep:

House Republicans, led by Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.), have introduced their tax reform plan, which would simplify the tax code so it could fit on a postcard.

“For years, hard working American taxpayers have asked Washington for a tax code so simple and fair and understandable that it could fit on a postcard,” said Rep. Kevin Brady (R., Texas) who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee. “That is exactly what we propose.”

The plan would lower taxes for Americans at every income level and would limit the number of tax brackets to three. It would lower the corporate tax rate from the highest in the world to 20 percent, and would lower the top individual tax rate to 33 percent.

Read the article for greater detail, in the meantime LISTEN UP cause this is a winner:

Finally, the plan would restructure the IRS with the goals of clearing out bureaucracy and cutting down on intimidation.

“A simpler, fairer tax code demands a simpler, fairer tax collector,” Brady said. “We will bust up the IRS as it is today, redesigning it into three smaller, more focused units to serve businesses, to provide state of the art taxpayer service for families and individuals and quickly and affordably resolving tax disputes.” (emphasis mine)

Maybe the Justice Department won’t do anything about the gross misconduct of IRS Commissioner Koskinen, that Lerner broad, and others but this would feel like justice for a long string of IRS offenses to me.

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3 Responses to Hold on to Your Hat – Republican Tax Plan Includes IRS Reform!

  1. dewster says:

    Yes it is the Tea Party Economic agenda at work. It cuts social security, medicaid and food stamps and taxes for the elite.

    It does not deal with the country’s problems with jobs, wages, investment, trade, inequality or other pressing economic issues. It is a corporate wish list and a catalog of House Republicans’ fantasies.

    But Better yet let us look at social security in the Plan?

    Get ready for a massive explosion of protests by working people. People have had enough of this fascism and privatization to the elite.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Poor Dupester, he actually thinks IRS reform is somehow linked to cuts social security, medicaid and food stamps and taxes for the elite.

    So, Dupester, where is your evidence? (No, I do not expect a credible answer from you, you drug addled conspiracy theorist.)

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    IRS reform is a good thing. I would like to see it started with de-politicization of that corrupt bureaucracy, a flat tax or something similar, and a gutting of the entire institution and our insanely complex tax code. The tax code could be reasonably written down on two pages.

    But of course, nitwit progressives like Dopester have a problem with that.

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