Protest Sparks Bloody Fight At Capitol In Sacramento

Posted by Tina

Two, or is it three, groups clashed on the steps of the capitol in sacramento today according to KCRA:

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —Ten people were injured during a clash between anti-fascists and white supremacists at the State Capitol Sunday, authorities said. Two people suffered life-threatening stab wounds were taken to area hospitals, officials said. Nine men and one woman, ages 19 to 58, were injured during the fight. At least three people were stabbed at the State Capitol while others were stabbed in a neighboring park. Fire crews report patients’ injuries range from stab wounds to lacerations.

The Traditionalist Workers Party had a scheduled protest at noon when a group of counter-protesters showed up to demonstrate against them. More than 150 anti-fascists confronted about 25 white supremacists in front of the State Capitol, police said. The protesters threw pieces of concrete, rocks and smashed the glass at the Capitol. A large fight broke out where people carrying sticks rushed into the area of the rally, according to Sacramento Fire Department spokesperson Chris Harvey. A few members of the Traditionalist Workers Party were hit with concrete and sent bleeding into the building.

Several members of an anti-fascist group assaulted KCRA 3’s Mike Luery and his photographer John Breedlove, making it clear they did not want documentation of their destruction of the Capitol. “Well that’s what you get for messing with the Black Bloc,” a protester said.

The Black Bloc wear all black clothing with hoodies over their heads and bandanas over their faces to mask their identities, officials said. “Typically we will see them bring some type of weapons, whether they be rocks, bottles and backpacks — could be as much as a knife or a gun — and they will come in with the intent of creating chaos or anarchy,” Sacramento police Lt. Dennis Joy said. “They want to damage businesses (and) break windows.”

Read about the Traditionalist Workers Party here, although the group seems to be newly formed and the site is very simple. It’s founder is purported to be Matthew Heimbach. Heimbach admits to pushing a black woman at a Trump rally, claiming Black Lives Matter started the mayhem that led to the act.

Golden State Skinheads were in attendance but the various stories I read didn’t make it clear whether they were another group or the Traditionalist Workers Party.

“[Video] features yours truly helping the crowd drive out one of the women who had been pushing, shoving, barking, and screaming at the attendees for the better part of an hour,” he wrote in a post on the website for the Traditionalist Youth Network, a group that promotes white supremacy.

Read more about the sometimes anarchist oriented Black Bloc here:

Black blocs are “ad hoc assemblages of individuals or affinity groups that last for the duration of a march or rally” in which members retain their anonymity via head-to-toe black clothing. While there may be uses of force, “more often than not they are content to protest peacefully” with the main objective being to “embody within a demonstration a radical critique of the economic and political system.” A black bloc can be one person or thousands. It should be noted the black bloc isn’t a group, but rather a tactic to allow for radicals to engage in direct action without fear of arrest; while many black blockers are anarchist, not all of them are. …

…The first time the black bloc made a major move in North America was during a January 1991 rally against the Persian Gulf war where the World Bank building was targeted. Black bloc tactics were also used by the militant anti-racist group Anti-Racist Action, which focuses on directly confronting neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

The skin heads apparently had the permit. The photo’s I saw showed a few bloody skinheads. No word about numbers of injured by group affiliation. This is nuts!

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36 Responses to Protest Sparks Bloody Fight At Capitol In Sacramento

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Now isn’t this interesting! Well, sort of. Neo-Nazi and Skin Head morons are pretty much self marginalized and passive these days. They do not have even a toehold for any political power or credibility. Much like the Democratic party created Ku Klux Klan, Nazis are pretty much a dead issue, Most folks know they are racist and fascist morons just like La Raza and MECha who get a free pass from the left.

    Yet rock throwing, knife stabbing , “liberal”, extremist left-wrong progressives often do get a pass. So called “anti fascists” and racist Nazi-like organizations such as La Raza and MECha are valued, on the left, if not endeared — by Democrats and their “progressive” affiliates.

    For evidence, just observe the intimidation and assaults by the racist left, “liberals” and “progressives” at Trump rallies.

    • Libby says:

      “Neo-Nazi and Skin Head morons are pretty much self marginalized and passive these days.”

      Not no more. Thanks a bunch.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Libby is your typical progressive idiot living in a fearful fantasy world where Neo-Nazis are super dangerous and influential. The truth is Nazis, Neo-Nazis, and Skinheads are essentially socially and politically dead. Not so with progressives attacking participants of Trump rallies. They get a pass from Libby et. al. Progressives stabbing Neo-Nazis get a pass too.

        The extreme violence comes from the left and their partners in crime, Muslims.

        • Chris says:

          There is no doubt that neo-Nazi groups are growing and that Trump has been a huge motivating force in this. Nor is there any doubt that anti-immigration hysteria has been a motivating force in the rise of fascist parties in Europe. A vote for Trump is a vote for an increase in the power of these frightening movements.

          And your attempts to draw a moral equivalence between skinheads and groups like La Raza or MECha are simply sad.

        • Tina says:

          Remember when a handful of skinheads organized a protest and nobody came?

          I mean really, people ignore them. They have the right to protest…their right was marginalized by agitators who believe in the pig rules. Those groups seem to be on the rise on the left, say in the last eight years. Now why do you suppose that is?

          If it weren’t so serious, as they say….

          • Chris says:

            And white supremacist groups are on the rise on the right. Why do you think that is?

            Do you think if you would stop linking to white supremacists on your blog, that would help? You can’t tell people to “ignore” white supremacists when you yourself–and several of the commenters here–frequently cite them as sources, and then say “no big deal” when I point out who they are.

  2. Libby says:

    My news reports that Heimbach has been seen at Trump “rallies” in other states.

    • Tina says:

      Yes he is apparently a Trump Supporter. Bernie’s BLM agitators have also been present at Trump rallies.

      Hillary has her Black Lives Matter, La Raza and MECha fans as well. So?

      • Libby says:

        Heimbach is a racist using Trump’s appeals to racism to build his power base. And I really resent the damage he’s doing to the language. Traditionalism is a good thing. Workers are a valuable things. But the Traditionalist Workers Party is going to sully both terms.

        • Pie Guevara says:

          Re “Heimbach is a racist using Trump’s appeals to racism to build his power base.”

          So? Heimbach is actually an idiot who thinks Trump is a racist who appeals to racism – which is part and parcel the bonehead progressive propaganda theory. Trump may be loud mouthed jerk, but he is no racist, misogynist, xenophobe, fascist or Nazi. That is an invention of Rats, “liberals”, progressives, the left-wing in general, and the GOP beltway establishment. All of these f***ers have a political axe to grind.

          Trump is no more responsible for Neo-Nazi racist morons who are assaulted and stabbed by liberal activists than he his responsible for La Raza and MEChA racist morons who assault people at Trump rallies.

          • Chris says:

            Liberals “invented” Trump saying a judge was biased because he was Mexican?

            Liberals “invented” Trump’s overtly misogynistic attacks on Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina, Heidi Cruz, and countless other women?

            Liberals “invented” Trump’s proposal that we ban immigrants based on a religious test?

            Liberals “invented” Trump telling his supporters to beat up a protester?

            You can’t pass the buck on this one, Pie. Everyone saw these things happen. That’s why even many Republicans have called out Trump’s racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and fascism. You’ve spent the past few years convincing yourself that these words are meaningless when applied to Republicans (while simultaneously hurling the same accusations at liberals, often for no reason) and now you find yourself defending a fake Republican from these charges even though there is absolutely no defense of him on these grounds–he meets the dictionary definitions of all four. You should be embarrassed.

        • Tina says:

          The President is a race based divisive community organizer who uses his office to create animosity and anger in groups of people toward other groups of people. He inspires and promotes violence made visible in the rise of “Black Lives Matter,” groups of youths doing the knockout game, individuals attacking people and saying, ‘That’s for Trayvon.”

          Trump is appealing to your sense of self preservation you ninny. You interpret his words because you take great joy in screaming racist and can;t think in any other terms…selectively, of course.

          “Traditionalism is a good thing. Workers are a valuable things. But the Traditionalist Workers Party is going to sully both terms.’

          It was the wave of stick wielding agitators that swooped down on the protest…that’s quite a bit of “sullying” right there. This is the purpose of the workers party group:

          Our mission is defending faith, family, and folk against the politicians and oligarchs who are running America into the ground. We intend to achieve that goal by building a nationwide network of grassroots local leaders who will lead Americans toward a peaceful and prosperous future free from economic exploitation, federal tyranny, and anti-Christian degeneracy.

          Sounds pretty dangerous, alright. Better consider arming yourself!

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    So tell us Chris, inquiring minds want to know! What would YOU call a white, northern European group that called itself “The Race” and had a racist agenda and declaration of a racist purpose like “La Raza?”

    What would YOU call a white, northern European group that called itself the Movement of Students for a White Supremacy in North America and Mexico like the Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlan (MEChA) proclaim?

    What would the SPLC progressive frauds call them? (Nevermind, that was rhetorical, the SPLC give racist Latinos a pass,)

    Seriously, what would YOU call such white skinned groups, you ****-for-brains, racist, intellectually dead hypocrite from progressive hell?

    We want to know.

  4. Tina says:

    Maybe you only absorb the things that validate your beliefs. Try starting from the presumption that we on the right are NOT prejudiced or racist. That we do care about people, all people.

    Breitbart, “American Latinos for Trump Blast Politico: ‘I’m an American First ”

    Washington Post, “African American businessman: ‘Donald Trump is not a racist, guys’”; National Diversity Coalition for Trump

    …love Chandhok Jasdip Singh’s turbin!

    People experience things differently. Obviously the people above don;t see what you see. Why? They don’t look stupid or crazy…or racist!

    Did you notice or care when Obama said the following in June, 2007 at Hampton University in Virginia about the (white) Bush Administration:

    “The people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much! By contrast, survivors of Sept. 11 and Hurricane Andrew received generous amounts of aid. The reason? Unlike residents of majority-black New Orleans, the federal government considers those victims part of the American family … America will survive. Just like black folks will survive. We won’t forget where we came from. We won’t forget what happened 19 months ago, or 15 years ago, or 300 years ago.”

    By January of 2007, six months before Obama’s speech, the federal government had sent at least $110 billion to areas damaged by Katrina. Compare this to the mere $20 billion that the Bush administration pledged to New York City after Sept. 11. Moreover, the federal government did at times waive the Stafford Act during its reconstruction efforts in New Orleans.

    When Barack Obama talks to the American people, he talks about unity. When he’s is in front of an audience of black Americans, he tells them that white people are racist and white people hate them. Shouldn’t his message be consistent across all races?

    America elected this man twice.

    Chris, you’re like a programmed robot. You don’t care about what is really going on or what really motivates people. You have a script; you read your lines.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Tina : “Chris, you’re like a programmed robot.”

    No Tina, Chris is a programmed robot.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Chris “Liberals “invented” Trump et cetera”

    Of course not. Trump blurted out that stuff because he is a jerk. That does not make him a racist, a xenophobe, a misogynist or a fascist you twit. It makes him a jerk with a big mouth.

    GOP elitists and Rats like you insist he is all these things, which is an invention. If you ever examined the breadth and depth of his campaign workers and the people he employs, you would know better. But you are a progressive who does not know jack ****.

    You are the one foolishly convincing yourself, not me, and you run away like the coward you are when I ask you —

    So tell us Chris, inquiring minds want to know! What would YOU call a white, northern European group that called itself “The Race” and had a racist agenda and declaration of a racist purpose like “La Raza?”

    What would YOU call a white, northern European group that called itself the Movement of Students for a White Supremacy in North America and Mexico like the Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlan (MEChA) proclaim?

    What would the SPLC progressive frauds call them? (Nevermind, that was rhetorical, the SPLC give racist Latinos a pass,)

    Seriously, what would YOU call such white skinned groups, you ****-for-brains, racist, intellectually dead hypocrite from progressive hell?

    We want to know.

  7. Chris says:

    “He inspires and promotes violence”

    The hypocrisy here is stunning.

    Obama–who has never once endorsed violence by his supporters–is condemned for doing so.

    Yet you are planning to vote for Trump, a man who has explicitly, non-metaphorically called for his supporters to engage in violence against protesters more than once.

    How can you even pretend to have principles at this point? How can you pretend to believe that endorsing violence is wrong, when what you really believe is that it’s wrong for liberals, but OK for conservatives–even fake conservatives like Donald Trump? Who do you think you are fooling with this?

    (And if you think I am going to dignify “This one black guy says he’s not racist, so there” with a response, you’ve learned nothing in eight years.)

    • Tina says:

      “Obama–who has never once endorsed violence by his supporters–is condemned for doing so.”

      The naivete is stunning; the inability to connect the dots is programmed blindness.

      “How can you pretend to believe that endorsing violence is wrong, when what you really believe is that it’s wrong for liberals, but OK for conservatives–even fake conservatives like Donald Trump? Who do you think you are fooling with this? ”

      You make this crap up. Again and again, you just spit out the same garbage. That isn’t anywhere near what I think. You don’t get it. You may never get it. You certainly show no signs of poking even toe outside of that race box.

      An adult thinking person would get that a president injecting his powerful self into a local criminal case and insinuating racism before the facts are even known, is going to rile up the violent types. An adult thinking person is going to see that a president that tells black people the cops are gunning for them, even if he uses erudite speech and talks about peaceful protest and taking the high road, is going to send a signal to young black minds. And when that same presidents administration gets the justice department in the mix and fails to prosecute when death threats are made, some of those young black kids might just take it into their heads to run in packs and attack vulnerable old white men or cops sitting in their squad cars.

      You miss the underlying evil because he talks a good game. Conversely you can’t recognize a blow hard when you see one.

      I wouldn’t recommend going to any carnivals, you’re a sucker for the con.

      • Chris says:

        Tina: “An adult thinking person would get that a president injecting his powerful self into a local criminal case and insinuating racism before the facts are even known, is going to rile up the violent types.”

        Ok, let’s assume that’s true.

        How is that *worse* than a presidential candidate *openly* telling his supporters to engage in violence?

        • Tina says:

          The message Trump put forth is simple, “You don’t have to stand by like a *chump* while these *pushy*, *foul mouthed*, *bullying*, *violent* protesters try to stop you from hearing my message.”

          I agree with that message. The bullies invaded the space. They would have been welcomed had they come to hear the message…they had another purpose which, by the way, is an attack on free speech and assembly rights.

          • Chris says:

            Disgusting. You are saying that violence such as “knocking someone out” or “roughing them up” is an appropriate response to *non-violent* protest you don’t like. You are a hypocrite who would make any rationalization, no matter how stupid, as long as it makes you feel better about yourself.

  8. Libby says:

    “By January of 2007, six months before Obama’s speech, the federal government had sent at least $110 billion to areas damaged by Katrina. Compare this to the mere $20 billion that the Bush administration pledged to New York City after Sept 11.”

    There’s just one little problem with your comparison, the degree of destruction in the two incidents. Take this into account, and the citizens of New Orleans got royally shafted by their fellow citizens.

    I think I’m getting a little angry here. You seem to have, but do you think the rest of us have forgotten the four days during which the BA did NOTHING? 14,000 people locked into the Superdome with overwhelmed plumbing and no food … do you really think anything like that would be allowed to happen in, oh, say, Ann Arbor? You really got some nerve.

    • Tina says:

      There’s just one little problem with your comparison, the degree of destruction in the two incidents.

      No there are many more problems than that. Try Rudy Gulianni compared to Ray Nagen.

      Also the president can’t send federal money until the governor asks for it.


      During the Bush administration, Louisiana received far more money for Army Corps of Engineers civil projects than any other state, but it wasn’t spent on levees or flood control. Surprisingly enough, it was spent for unrelated projects favored by Louisiana’s congressional delegation.

      What about the state and local governments? If you’re going to have a city below sea level in hurricane country, you’d better have some disaster plans. And plans they had. But apparently those plans didn’t include strengthening the levees or evacuating residents.

      After Katrina left a path of destruction in Florida and picked up steam over the Gulf of Mexico, Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco conferred emergency powers upon herself. So she knew disaster was coming, not that that seemed to matter. Her Department of Homeland Security refused permission for the Red Cross and the Salvation Army to go into the city and deliver water, food, medicine, and other relief supplies to those suffering at the Superdome and convention center. Similarly, she took several days to sign a simple proclamation allowing doctors licensed out of state to help the sick and injured. Several doctors sat around for days waiting to go to work. As the storm hit New Orleans with full force, the local government effectively abdicated. Reports of looting began only hours after the assault.

      FEMA issued a sternly worded release on August 29, the same day the hurricane made landfall along the Gulf Coast, titled “First Responders Urged Not to Respond to Hurricane Impact Areas.” FEMA wanted all the responders to be coordinated and to come when they were called. And that was one plan they followed. As the New York Times reported September 5:

      When Wal-Mart sent three trailer trucks loaded with water, FEMA officials turned them away, [Jefferson Parish president Aaron Broussard] said. Agency workers prevented the Coast Guard from delivering 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel, and on Saturday they cut the parish’s emergency communications line, leading the sheriff to restore it and post armed guards to protect it from FEMA, Mr. Broussard said.

      Those weren’t the only examples. The city declined Amtrak’s offer to carry evacuees out of the city before the storm. On September 2, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported, “Up to 500 Florida airboat pilots have volunteered to rescue Hurricane Katrina survivors, transport relief workers and ferry supplies. But they aren’t being allowed in.” Hundreds of firefighters responding to a call for help were held in Atlanta by FEMA for several days of training on community relations and sexual harassment.

      Even President Bush acknowledged September 13 that “all levels of government” failed to respond adequately to the most-anticipated natural disaster in history. But the government failure in this instance runs deeper.

      Who were the people who suffered most from Hurricane Katrina? The poorest residents of New Orleans, many of them on welfare—the very people the government has lured into decades of dependency. The welfare state has taught generations of poor people to look to government for everything—housing, food, money. Their sense of responsibility and self-reliance had atrophied. When government failed, they had few resources to fall back on.

      Some journalists have suggested that the despair of poor New Orleanians undermines President Bush’s case for the “ownership society.” In fact, the suffering visible in the poorest parts of the city is a perfect example of the failure of the “non-ownership society.” People had become trapped in dependency, with neither financial nor moral assets to rely on.

      Meanwhile, despite FEMA’s best efforts, immediately after the hurricane the private sector—businesses, churches, charities, and individuals—began to supply services to the victims. Within 10 days after the catastrophe, charities had raised $739 million, far ahead of the pace of donations after the 9/11 attacks or the Asian tsunami. Experts predict that donations might eventually exceed the $2.2 billion donated after 9/11.

      Even though private companies have no obligation for disaster relief, they started planning for a Katrina response before the hurricane made landfall. Two Washington Post reporters wrote that it’s “unsettling but inescapable” that commerce resumes quickly after natural disasters, that “Wal-Mart and Home Depot are in a class by themselves, going to extraordinary lengths to keep their customers supplied.” Would they really prefer that Wal-Mart and Home Depot closed in honor of the victims? Surely it was better for the survivors that these companies planned for disaster and reopened their stores rapidly.

      Wal-Mart’s emergency preparedness division had ordered 10,000 seven-gallon water jugs for hurricane season. A full week before Katrina hit New Orleans, Wal-Mart ordered 40,000 more. Jefferson Parish president Broussard said that “if American government would have responded like Wal-Mart has responded, we wouldn’t be in this crisis.”

      Drug companies created their own distribution systems to move medicines and medical devices into the storm-ravaged areas. Ten days after the storm the U.S. pharmaceutical industry had donated cash and products worth $42.5 million.

      Churches and charities in the area and as far away as New Mexico and Maryland began sending trucks loaded with food and clothing and offering homes to evacuees. The Washington Post reported that “owing to stealthy acts of hospitality that are largely invisible to government”—and fortunately so, lest the government try to shut down these uncoordinated efforts —“hundreds of thousands of people displaced by Hurricane Katrina seem to be disappearing—into the embrace of their extended families.”

      That’s nothing new. After Hurricane Andrew in 1992 the government set up tent cities, which went largely unused as people were taken in by family, friends, church members, and neighbors.

      I will never forget the image of that young black boy who, seeing school busses sitting idle, took it upon himself to drive people out of danger using one of those buses. When a kid can figure it out but a mayor and a governor have no clue….

  9. Libby says:

    “He inspires and promotes violence …” in people who, nearly eight years into his historic presidency, still cannot stomach the fact of his very black existence. Tina, you are irrational on the subject.

    “Black Lives Matter” arises from a brutal and racist police state, which existed before Obama was born. It might be argued that having a President of African descent has inspired a disinclination to put up with this any longer. That you would find this a distressing state of affairs … Tina … what does that tell us about you?

    • Tina says:

      “…in people who, nearly eight years into his historic presidency, still cannot stomach the fact of his very black existence. Tina, you are irrational on the subject.”

      No Libby, you are irrational. Is there no other reason to despise what this man has done? As I said to you eight years ago…I’m not fond of the white Obama either. The man has used race to divide people, to label police officers, to create an atmosphere for violence to be a tolerable, if not acceptable, response.

      ““Black Lives Matter” arises from a brutal and racist police state, which existed before Obama was born.”

      Horsefeathers! The state that need to be looked into is the state of criminality that goes on in the black community. The time for blaming cops and whitey for the problems blacks have made for themselves with a whole lot of help from dependency builders on the left, is over.

      I’m just fine with me. I have more compassion for, insight into, the state of black America than you imagine with your auto-racist knee-jerk opinions. No more excuses.

      Police state? You’re delusional.

      • Libby says:

        There is nothing delusional about 16,000 outstanding warrants in a community of 20,000, as in Ferguson, where the police subsidize their department by writing bogus tickets to black people. You need to face this, Tina. It’s not going to get better until you do.

  10. Chris says:

    Pie: “Of course not. Trump blurted out that stuff because he is a jerk. That does not make him a racist, a xenophobe, a misogynist or a fascist you twit. It makes him a jerk with a big mouth.”

    Ridiculous. The stuff Trump “blurted out” was, respectively, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and fascist. If these were all anomalies, and he didn’t have a habit of saying similar things, I might not use these terms to label him. But he has demonstrated over the past year that they are crucial parts of his character. He opened his campaign by making nasty generalizations about Mexicans, and has proven he is a racist with his attacks on Curiel’s heritage. He has made sexist remarks about women literally his entire life. His border wall and Muslim immigration ban are central parts of his platform, and both are xenophobic. His calls to violence against protesters are definitively fascist, and signature significance; no non-fascist would ever tell his supporters to attack protesters.

    After all this, what would it take to convince you that Trump is all four of these things? What would he have to do to earn those labels from you?

    As for your questions about MECha and La Raza, you’re simply lying about what these terms mean. In context, “La Raza” means “the people,” and there is nothing in MECha about supremacy of any kind.

  11. Chris says:

    Pie: “If you ever examined the breadth and depth of his campaign workers and the people he employs, you would know better.”

    The implication of this sentence would seem to be, if someone hires a member of a particular group on their staff, they thus cannot possibly hold bigoted attitudes toward that group. So because Trump has women and Mexicans on his campaign staff of working in his other business, he can’t possibly be racist or sexist.

    Do you really believe this? If so, why?

    • Libby says:

      As it happens, Politico reports that the Trump campaign actually pays a grand total of 69 people.

      So much for breadth and depth.

      Whereas, the monies paid to assorted Trump entities just about equals the amount of campaign contributions taken in to date.

      Is that interesting, or what?

      • Tina says:

        The man won over 16 candidates without wasting a lot of money.

        This is a bad thing?

        America could use someone who knows how to get more bang for our buck.

        • Libby says:

          That’s what I like to see in a citizen … obliviousness, obtuseness, and, of course, stubbornness.

          Tina, the man has paid ’round about three million dollars to himself in “campaign expenses.”

          There’s a word for this, Tina, and you know what it is.

        • Chris says:

          Man, Tina. If turd-polishing were an Olympic sport, you’d get the gold.

          Trump won the primary *because* there were too many bodies in the field and he had the most name-recognition, attention-getting antics, and of course free press. He can’t win a general–there is no demographic which rates him net positive, not even white men. He has spent the majority of his campaign budget on a) hats and b) his own freaking company. His. Campaign. Is. A. Scam. I doubt he even wants to be president–this is a marketing gimmick for whatever comes next. And you’re a rube for falling for it.

  12. Dewster says:

    Tina do the research

    “Although the group seems to be newly formed and the site is very simple. It’s founder is purported to be Matthew Heimbach. ”

    No the group is not new and Matthew has quite the past. He started in college at Towson MD. Oh yea I was in that area. Everybody is quite familiar in MD and FL with his racist tirades.

    Again this is new news to you? Not to most of us! He has progressed and joined up with multiple groups. He believes the white race is the victim of genocide by the Multicultural world. He is way out there and I believe quite capable of going over the edge in the future. As he travels around the country he goes deeper down the rabbit hole. He calls others “The Enemy”

    Start when he was in college and read his antics through the last few years. They are buried cause of sac but available.

    He is trying to spark civil war and now sits back and says they were peaceful… They prompted these groups for years and I knew of it out here in the east but was surprised to see he has organized the whole country. he has his Mentors.

    In the end they are taking a cue from trump and trying to get media attention

    Neo Nazzi White supremacists looking for civil war. They keep that out of print now.
    They are big here in the south and yes they are organizing

    Rival White Supremacist Groups Unite To Fight “Race War”

    So no it is not a new group and Yes Matthew is well Known

    Trump has given them hope

    Really got to get out into the world you are missing all the fun!

    “The best form of government, I would say, at least in the interim, would be some form of fascist government.” – Matthew Heimbach, 2014

    Sacramento is hailing its “courageous warriors” for sending five antifascist counterprotesters to the hospital with stab wounds and other injuries. On Twitter, meanwhile, other right-wingers and Trump fans are mocking the “antifa” victims.

    Well Done conservatives You have done it a whole new violent generation of violent neo nazi fascists who are energized by Trump.

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