Hillary and Elizabeth – A Feminist Comedy Routine

hillary and elizabeth_warrenPosted by Tina

Hillary and Elizabeth Warren were out campaigning today. You would think that a couple of feminists bent on getting the first woman president elected would want to really stand out and shine, putting their best foot forward to show that women are prepared and ready to take on the highest job in the land. Instead Warren, a so-called powerhouse, regurgitated a comedy routine filled with a nasty, gossipy jokes…the type of chatter you might have expected in the 1950’s at a neighborhood coffee Klache.

The pair opted for jokey slurs over of substance. Bad call…ugly image.

A few quotes:

“(Trump)…small, insecure money grabber . . . a nasty man who will never become president of the United States.” … “Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States because she knows what it takes to beat a thin-skinned bully who is driven by greed and hate,” … “Donald Trump says he’ll make America great again. It’s right there, it’s stamped on the front of his goofy hat,” “Want to see goofy? Look at him in that hat.” … “When Donald Trump says he’ll make America great, he means making it even greater for rich guys just like Donald Trump.”

Hillary cooed, “I do just love how she gets under Donald Trump’s thin skin.”

I doubt it.

Elizabeth also said something about Trump crushing people under his feet or boot to get what he wants. And I’m supposed to take these women seriously? I’m supposed to vote for Hillary “…because she knows what it takes to beat a thin-skinned bully who is driven by greed and hate?” Like that is the one big thing, the thing at the top of the resume that would convince me she’s fit.

How many jobs has either Elizabeth or Hillary created? What do either of them know about meeting payroll or complying with the thousands of regulations and roadblocks that blunt job creation? Hillary and Elizabeth are a regulation builders. The two are a couple of frauds. Neither is qualified to evaluate Trumpss record of achievement. Hillary climbed the ladder of “success” on her husbands coat tails working in government for most of her entire adult life and getting rich, not by working to build a business, but by accepting “donations,” government perks and pay, and by overly inflating speaking fees from the very types of businesses Elizabeth Warren derides. Oh yeah, she also wrote a book or two…what politician hasn’t?

Hillary Clinton is not presenting example of a woman with the stuff to be president. She and Elizabeth might consider a comedy routine on a feminist cruise, however, the hoots and howls will be rewarding, guaranteed.

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12 Responses to Hillary and Elizabeth – A Feminist Comedy Routine

  1. Chris says:

    I don’t understand your position here. Slinging petty insults at one’s political opponents is wrong when women do it, but OK when men do it?

    Is that your position?

    • Chris says:

      Well, then, where are all of your articles denouncing Trump’s slur-tossing? He has spent the past year doing nothing but insulting his opponents’ looks, calling them losers, making up silly nicknames, and spreading ridiculous rumors about them–and I’m just talking about the other Republicans here. And yet, when Trump suggested Ted Cruz’s father might have helped murder JFK, you did not say that Trump engaged in “the type of chatter you might have expected in the 1950’s at a neighborhood coffee Klache.” When he said of Carly Fiorina, “Who would vote for that face,” you did not say he “regurgitated a comedy routine filled with a nasty, gossipy jokes.” And you certainly never described any of Trump’s utterances as “cooing.” These are explicitly gendered critiques, and they reveal a sexist double standard on your part. The interpretation that your point is “It’s OK for men to insult their opponents with juvenile taunts, but not women” is easy to arrive at given your rhetoric here.

      But since the idea of you examining your own internalized sexism is a lost cause, let’s put that aside.

      Your critiques here, even aside from the sexism, are overtly hypocritical. You have never written an article in which you stated that Donald “opted for jokey slurs over of substance. Bad call…ugly image.” Even though that is literally how Trump has spent 90% of his campaign over the past year. And suddenly when Clinton and Warren retaliate, this creates the image that Clinton is not serious enough to be president? And yet Donald Trump still is? It doesn’t make any sense. You are holding them to entirely different standards.

      “How many jobs has either Elizabeth or Hillary created?”

      Or maybe it’s not sexism; maybe you just think it’s OK when the sacred “job creators” spend a year of campaigning insulting everyone under the sun, but not when others do it.

      And of course let’s forget that economists on both the left and right have said that Trump’s incoherent economic policies would plunge the world into a recession and kill thousands of jobs. Let’s forget they say he would significantly add to the debt. Let’s forget that he has no realistic idea of what the unemployment rate is, or whether we should raise taxes or lower them, or what would happen if we defaulted on our debts. Let’s forget he doesn’t even like talking about economic policy unless pressed, and then when he does talk about it, he doesn’t make any sense. He’s “met a payroll,” so that automatically qualifies him to run the United States government better than two women who have actually spent a significant time in government working on economic policy.


  2. Libby says:

    But Tina, we workers like regulations. They do some small bit to prevent employers from ripping us off. If it weren’t for that, and for some lucky few their unions, we’d still be back in them good old Dickensian days.

    • Tina says:

      Libby I have no desire to take people back to the days of Dickens. I’ve said so many times. I’ve also said I applaud reasonable regulations.

      I don’t agree that only unions and regulations created relief from Dickensian days. We live in a big country. people knew they could build their own businesses and did.

      If people want to join a union that’s their business. I think some unions have become more like arms of a mafia type organization and their demands have become unreasonable leading to failure of the hand that feeds them…dumb as dumb regulations. Also government unions do the same thing only it’s worse because the taxpayer has no seat at the bargaining table but is required to pay the price in higher taxes or when the city or state goes bankrupt.

      People are people. Greed and corruption are everywhere. My solution is smaller government, simple but effective laws, regulations, and taxes and the freedom to vote with your feet.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Two screech owls – without the wisdom owls are supposed to have.

  4. Dewster says:

    I do not approve of any of this election Theater. Never talk issues just throw a show for the people and let the corporations write the laws.

    That said You do not understand the job of a President. They are not a CEO of their workers the people. You speak as if we were USA Inc and that is a grave error. #Fascism

    Also Trump does not run a business doing payroll ect, he sells his name for branding. He outsources the work. He uses the bankruptcy laws for profit and willfully admits that. So if you need someone to sell off our assets to the Oligarchs you have your man!

    Trump is a Phony. Man I can see why this country will fall.

    keep up your Red and Blue party while they all sell us out and your grandchildren will live without the very basics you had as a kid.

    We are not a Business. Stop electing Millionaires who are in it for their own gain.


    The election is rigged wake up

  5. Tina says:

    “I do not approve of any of this election Theater.”

    Theater is about all you do, Dewey, whether or not it’s an election year.You preach like the best of preachers. You complain like a little kid. You act pompous like a mayor in any small town play, and like a con man you say you have all the answers but offer no real solutions. Reality is definitely not your strong suit.

    Consider, there are several choices: A) Vote for Hillary, B) Vote forTrump, C) Vote third party, D, Stay home on election day. Those are our choices.

    Now, I happen to think only two candidates have a prayer of winning. Neither is my dream candidate. I choose Trump.

    You do as you like. It’s a free country.

    • Dewster says:

      Theater? No Tina I am out here as an activist. You just do not get it locked up in a small city.

      You really have not a clue. I am not alone. I am part of Millions who communicate and organize. I went to the DMV area for a year. I lobbied congress and also the MD house of Delegates. I canvassed DC and the outlying MD areas talking to people from all parties. I helped get a bill PASSED!

      I work on issues, campaigns, work in small ways with Indie Media. I watch livestreams of actual events and listen to people.

      Not theater a real look at the country.

      You can disagree but to sit there and tell me I just make up the real world while you sit and repost Blog propaganda is the Greatest Hypocrisy of it all!

      I am in FL for about a Year and will make my way back west home to CA.

      CA, MN VT are the best states in my book. Be proud of our great state!

      People are angry. Many people follow media and when you show them the docs. Use the FIOA act and show the proof they wake UP.

      Do Something real!

      Those who do nothing should not interrupt those who are trying to do something about the corruption.

      Corruption has no party just donors.

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