Zero Tolerance for Highly Offensive Conduct

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California Civil Code

45. Libel is a false and unprivileged publication by writing, printing, picture, effigy, or other fixed representation to the eye, which exposes any person to hatred, contempt, ridicule, or obloquy, or which causes him to be shunned or avoided, or which has a tendency to injure him in his occupation.

45a. A libel which is defamatory of the plaintiff without the necessity of explanatory matter, such as an inducement, innuendo or other extrinsic fact, is said to be a libel on its face. Defamatory language not libelous on its face is not actionable unless the plaintiff alleges and proves that he has suffered special damage as a proximate result thereof. Special damage is defined in Section 48a of this code.



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28 Responses to Zero Tolerance for Highly Offensive Conduct

  1. Libby says:

    You never would have thought of it … if I hadn’t.

    And … you routinely pass on the slanderous Pie, just cause he’s on your side … so just settle down.

    • Tina says:

      libby you often “pass” cause Hillary is “on your side.” So?

      The real humor in your article, particularly on this soon to be infamous day, is this:

      He, Trump is not the first guy to benefit from the phenomenon of voters who believe he is above corruption because he’s rich.

      This is not the time to “settle down.”

      Wake up

    • Tina says:

      “You never would have thought of it … if I hadn’t. ”

      What does this mean?

      Jack has repeatedly posted this information and warning. it’s just like a narcissist to take credit even for what others have done…mind boggling.

      • Libby says:

        Back when Chris facetiously queried into your meth business, you remember?

        He was trying to get you to realize what a bummer it is to have scurrilous and totally unfounded accusations hurled at you … of murder, say … and I pointed out that Hils has to put up with that sort of thing cause there’s an exemption in libel law for public figures, so we can’t go around saying “Tina runs a meth lab, Tina runs a meth lab, Tina runs a meth lab” … cause Tina is not a public person.

        Tina runs a meth lab.

  2. J. Soden says:

    And this just in . . . .
    Any swearing-in of newly elected Democrats will now include Miranda rights – just to save time . . . .

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Thanks, I needed that!

    • Tina says:

      And money! Home run J.

    • Libby says:

      J. … never go there … lest you be squashed flat by raining Republicans on their way to jail … and you didn’t read Mr. Pierce that I linked.

      “It has been noted all over the Intertoobz that the $1.2 million the campaign has for cash-on-hand is a.) less than that on hand for the Ben Carson campaign, which has been as dormant as its candidate for quite some time, b.) less than one would need to run a decent congressional campaign, and c.) less than he would need to buy a decent-sized house in Vancouver, h/t to Bruce Arthur for that last one. (Nicholas Confessore of The New York Times tweeted out the point that the Trump campaign has less COH than does the campaign of Dean Skelos, the former majority leader of the New York state senate, and Skelos is headed for the hoosegow for a spell.) ”

      And … I believe a prominent Alabaman is also on his way up the river. Tsk.

  3. Libby says:

    Hils is a public figure, and there’s a precedential exception, which, interestingly, Trump wants to remove … so he can jail people who call him a heinous excuse for a human being … and a liar.

    With regard to the lies told around here, all we can do is point them out, and hope that here, unlike in the UK, the sensible people still out-number the morons.

    • Tina says:

      Hils is a Democrat public figure. As we have seen throughout the last eight years there is always and exception to excuse and dismiss egregious and flagrant breaches of the law and public trust by Democrats: IRS targeting of conservatives, the pre, ongoing, and post Benghazi shenanigans and failures, Hillary’s public server and classified emails, Obama’s phone and pen legislating, and more all point to systemic corruption.

      • Libby says:

        I think hyperpartisanism may already be in the DSM.

        There are good reasons not to vote for Hillary. But all this conspiratorial cabal stuff just makes you look deranged. So why do you do it? I can only come up with two scenarios.

        1) You’ve actual convinced yourself of the truth of all this horsepucky about contriving murders and subverting the FBI, which would make you delusional; or

        2) You are quite cynically slinging mud every which way, and it has to be REALLY outrageous slime in order to counter Trump’s negatives, which behavior casts nasty aspersions upon your character.

        If these are my only choices, I will kindly go with scenario one. But don’t you think that you could come up with, yourself, a third way?

        • Tina says:

          “…all this conspiratorial cabal stuff just makes you look deranged”

          I don’t think the Clintons brandished a weapon. I do think that like the godfather, they know people who know people. There’s no other way to explain the many prominent people around this couple that were positioned to make trouble for the Clintons who wound up dead under strange circumstances. if you deny the possibility you are one naive, prejudiced person.

          • Libby says:

            And I told you, Bill Clinton is no Joe Kennedy.

            And, as it happens, Joe Kennedy may not be Joe Kennedy. I have been reading about Marilyn, and did you know she overdosed six times before she finally succeeded. Kinda takes the wind out of the very alluring supposition that Joe had her done in to save his boys from political ruin.

            Foster was a suicide. Ashe was an accident. Stop being obnoxious.

  4. Libby says:

    From Salon re Cleveland:

    If you are in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention in two weeks, here are some sights you can expect to see:

    White nationalists defending Donald Trump supporters from “leftist thugs.”

    Armed RNC delegates. Though the Secret Service will prohibit guns inside the Quicken Loans Arena, where the convention will be held, obviously they can’t protect all the attendees roaming the city in their spare time. What if they encounter some of those leftist thugs? Or ISIS decides to attack? (If ISIS does attack Cleveland, Republicans can thank conservative “journalist” James O’Keefe for planting the idea in their heads.)

    Thousands of liberal and leftist protesters.

    The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. (I hear it’s nice!)


    Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy … I can’t wait!

    • Tina says:

      “Republicans can thank conservative “journalist” James O’Keefe for planting the idea in their heads”

      Like they aren’t capable of picking that location themselves AND…like choosing the Republican convention isn’t an indictment for the failures of Democrats to mount formidable resistance to terrorists…not too bright there Libs!

      “Thousands of liberal and leftist protesters.”

      Yep…you “folks” don’t believe in freedom of speech and assembly. You’ll do anything you can to deny those rights to anyone who thinks outside the progressive box.

      • Libby says:

        You miss the point, Tina. Apparently this highly irresponsible O’ Keefe person has suggested that ISIS might attack the convention. That is highly unlikely. What is much more likely is that some hyped up moron with his gun will, at the instigation of the irresponsible O’Keefe, kill a 7-11 clerk.

  5. Harold says:

    “sensible people still out-number the morons”

    Not yet, but as America gradually awakens from the lack of Liberal misdirection, sensibility once more appears to be on the mend from the Right.

    And the fallout of Liberal morons who lack of understanding about sensible Governance has led to Americas decline and unprecedented modern political divide, which in percentage of voters could be similar to that of pre Civil war period.

    • Tina says:

      Harold if we marry the divide with the state of prosperity today and the lack of justice we are pretty darn close to being a banana republic…Venezuela anyone?

      • Libby says:

        Again, with hyperbole. When the Safeway contains nothing but cooking oil, you come get me. I am really quite scandalized by your unwillingness to manifest grace in the face of your very many blessings.

        The next soak in the tub, you try and think how many people on this planet have no access, none.

        • Tina says:

          All of that smarmy dismissive language doesn’t change the fact that under the very progressive ‘fundamental transformer” America has become a nation whose middle class is disappearing, whose numbers of poor and homeless are growing, and whose wealthy are doing more than well. It doesn’t change the fact that entire industries have been severely limited,and compromised leading to business and job losses and insurance that doesn’t cover their care needs because deductibles and co-pays are too high. it doesn’t change the fact that bubbles are bubbling up all over, debt, student loan debt, asset bubbles…and recession bubbling foreign lands. Sure, we’re a long way from Venezuela today but, why would we even set our foot on that path and why, or why, would we believe with child-like trust that another big world-wide crash isn’t possible and wouldn’t open us up to even greater vulnerabilities?

          Chill lady. We are wide-eyed adults, here. Big boy and big girls pants required. Assessing the state we’re in is both smart and wise. Pretending everything is unicorns and rainbows is ignorant.

          I’m well aware of the number of people in the world that have no access…YOUR PARTY HAS MADE SURE THAT CONDITION GOT WORSE!!!

  6. Harold says:

    Oops typo “the lack of” should have been omitted

    This is how it should read:

    “sensible people still out-number the morons”
    Not yet, but as America gradually awakens from Liberal misdirection, sensibility once more appears to be on the mend from the Right.

    And the fallout of Liberal morons who lack of understanding about sensible Governance has led to Americas decline and unprecedented modern political divide, which in percentage of voters could be similar to that of pre Civil war period.

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