Melania Trump Will Be a Wonderful First Lady

melania TrumpScreen-Shot-2016-07-18-at-10.25.41-PMpowerlinePosted by Tina

Melania Trump took the stage tonight with poise, grace, and sincerity. She took a few moment to give respect to those who keep us safe. She then spoke of the values she was taught by her parents and how those values led her to America and eventually to her marriage to Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a man she admires greatly and she spoke very highly of him listing his love for family and for America, his dedication and honesty. “His word is his bond,” she said. She spoke of the importance of passinggood values to America’s future generations and vowed to work for America’s children and to help bring opportunities to them as first lady. She is a woman of grace, humility, and poise who spoke about love and loyalty, two things we need desperately in America today. She called her decision to become an American “the greatest privilege on planet Earth. America couldn’t wish for a more gracious first lady; our very own ambassador of freedom.

John Hinderacker of Powerline, “Melania Goes Yard”

The highlight of the evening was Melania Trump. Donald started it off by coming onstage to “We Are the Champions,” just to drive his enemies crazy. He introduced Melania briefly, and a star was born. Seriously. There may have been a teleprompter on the premises, but Melania knew her speech cold. English is not her first language, but she deployed it effectively. What came through was her steely immigrant temperament, the quality that brought her from Slovenia to New York City. If you are looking for a strong woman, she puts Hillary in the shade.

Is a wife’s vouching for her husband meaningless? Perhaps so, but Melania’s exotic quality and the fact that we have not previously heard much from her commanded attention. I think that in the eyes of most viewers, she gave Donald a real boost. The CNN commentators thought so too, with Anderson Cooper in awe and a couple of Clinton operatives trying desperately to find a negative, or at least neutral, spin.

The conventional wisdom is that a vice-presidential candidate rarely has any impact on an election. A candidate’s spouse, presumably, has much less. But we haven’t seen the last of Melania Trump. As I said, I think a star was born tonight, and we will see much more of her between now and November. Unless I am badly off the mark, she will be very popular, and not just with Republicans.

He’s right, she’s a star!

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26 Responses to Melania Trump Will Be a Wonderful First Lady

  1. Remiro Juarez-Valasquez Jr. says:

    Can you imagine the status and adoration she would bring to the White House? I would want her to be an ambassador, may be to some Arab country! Think of the deals she could make for us!

    This is a little off topic, but I think Trump was right. It’s pretty risky to bring in refugees without proper vetting. If they are these Sharia wackjobs they could be dangerous. Did you hear that today German police shot and killed a 17 year old Afghan immigrant and he started stabbing people on a train and yelling Allah U Akbar? If they are not the radical types and they believe in our system of government they could live next door, I could care less. I just don’t want the crazy fanatic types getting in here and until we figure out how to filter them out, we ought to block them all.

    • Tina says:

      Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts Remiro. We don’t mind “off topic” comments a bit. I think Trump is right too. He’s a little blunt at times but Melania sure softens that image!

      Imagine, a little girl from a foreign country grows up, comes to America, marries and American man, becomes an American citizen and then ten years later is America’s first lady. It’s the Princess Grace story in reverse.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    The best speech of the night.

    Off Topic …

    Socialism works!!!

  3. Roger says:

    I liked her speech better when Michelle Obama gave it.

  4. J. Soden says:

    Great speech!
    And yet today, we hear from the moron media presstitutes that her speech was plagiarized from Michelle Obama. Similar phrasing, perhaps, but not copied, but then how many different ways can you say “my husband is great”?
    And if that’s the best the leftie media bobbleheads can do, they need to find employment elsewhere.

  5. Tina says:

    Roger I guess you think you’re saying something profound. Unfortunately, As J Soden points out, Obama, Hillary, and Biden have all done the same.

    Someone today said, sarcastically, that she was guilty of “plagiarizing cliche’s.”

    The important point to me this morning is what the media will do to try to destroy (for Hillary) this beautiful, gracious, sincere woman who is republican. Will they go even further? That’s been their pattern despite the fact that they would jump down the throats of any who would suggest something like this made about a democrat’s wife or child.

    The press are nothing but a bunch of propagandists for the Democrat Party. The shame is on them.

    • Roger says:

      I’m not saying anything “profound,” I’m saying something obvious, which you somehow missed even though everyone online was talking about Melania’s plagiarism before her speech was even over. You’re the one who praised her speech–why not give Michelle Obama credit for it?

      I know others have plagiarized. Did those others lie about it the next day, as the Trump campaign did this morning? Did they claim to write the speeches themselves before their campaign said it was written by speechwriters? Did they plagiarize somebody their campaign has spent years demeaning and insulting?

      At least this answers Rep. Steve King’s question about what non-white people have contributed to society.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    The funny thing about this is that folks like Roger and Dewey actually think they are making political capital out of their BS about Melania’s speech. I would give them both the use of a back-hoe, but all I can afford is a couple of shovels.

  7. J. Soden says:

    At the risk of upsetting poor Roger again by referencing Breitbart, let me add a final note:

    The author said it much better than I could.

  8. Peggy says:

    Everyone’s criticizing Melania for speech, but LOOK what Obama did….THREE TIMES!:

  9. Tina says:

    Researchers at Reddit did some homework:

    This first quote is the prior mentioned quote by Elizabeth Dole at the RNC convention in 1996.

    “Because they know he is honest and trustworthy, a man of his word, and his word is his bond, and they know he has exceptional leadership skills. Isn’t that exactly what we want in the President of the United States?”


    Got a tip that Melania did an intro for Trump in 2004 at a Kenneth LaValle campaign event at St. John’s University — apparently it’s strikingly similar to what she said last night AND it predates Michelle’s address SOMEONE FIND THAT VIDEO!

    EDIT: NEW INFORMATION — Further suggestions of Plagiarism. This is only the work of a couple of us, this might be a pattern! All hands on deck.

    “Only limit to achievement is the limit you place on your own dreams.” -Crossing Antarctica 1991 page 318

    “The only limit to the height of your achievement is the reach of your dreams.” -Michelle Obama 2008

    “The only limit to your achievement is the strength of your dreams and you willingness to work for them.” -Melania Trump 2016

    EDIT: SLIGHTLY NEWER INFORMATION — Michelle Obama lifting Obama’s made up catchphrase from Saul Alinsky:

    “And Barack stood up that day, and he spoke words that have stayed with me ever since. He talked about “the world as it is” and “the world as it should be.” -Michelle Obama, Wife of a former Community Organizer

    “The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be.” – Saul Alinsky, Community Organizer


    EDIT: EVEN NEWER NEW INFORMATION — Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech is strikingly similar to this passage from a book called “Business in South Africa” written in 1992:

    Content Reads:

    However, in a curious development, the IOTWReport website finds some curious analogues between Michelle’s own 2008 speech, and a book written in 1992 by African author Rob Marsh titled, “Business success in South Africa.” Spot the similarities.

    Michelle’s Speech:

    “And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don’t know them, and even if you don’t agree with them.”

    And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

    1992 Book –

    “…is based upon the application of certain basic truths: that integrity is all important, that your word is your bond, that if you owe a person money you pay him back, that you work hard, enjoy what you do and show a loyalty to those with whom you work and do business. He instilled in me simple, clear cut values and a will to succeed.”

    For those who want to help here’s a good place to start: (List of RNC First Lady Speeches) Eleanor Roosevelt – 1940 Pat Nixon – 1972 Nancy Reagan – 1984 Barbara Bush – 1992 Hillary Clinton – 1996 Elizabeth Dole – 1996 Laura Bush – 2000 / 2004 Tipper Gore – 2000 Teresa Heinz Kerry – 2004 Michelle Obama – 08/12 Cindy McCain – 2008 Ann Romney – 2012

    So the media dumped all over Melania’s graceful eloquence for absolutely nothing.

    Have to share one of the comments, LG03:

    “Steal some words and you are a villian.

    Steal national secrets and the lives of soldiers and you deserve to be president.

    The left are not only phony and hypocritical…they are mean nasty petty ungracious people.

  10. Libby says:

    Poor Melania. She thought she was going to do her ten years, take what the pre-nup entitles her to, and be on her merry way.

    Nobody told her that “The Donalds” do not die … that The Donalds and The Cheneys will, in tandem, usher in the apocalypse.

  11. Tina says:

    Yep, Libby, you continue to display the same old cheek!

    Melania doesn’t need your sympathy.

    We’re looking pretty apocalyptic now after nearly eight years of O’bumer, the lying crook Hillary, and John Lurch Kerry.

    US News

    Not to be outdone by Carter, the Obama administration has also fecklessly facilitated the destruction of a constitutional Turkish government to be replaced by an hard line Islamic state in Turkey.

    Well done Libby. Your guys have set the world back a few centuries and brought us to the precipice of nuclear war started by, how did you hippie types put it back in the day, oh yeah, some lunatic with his finger on the button.

    Conservative means you are careful. You liberals play by the seat of your pants and never look back. The mess in your wake is considerable!

    • Libby says:

      I don’t see how you can chide the Turks for electing a fascist when you propose to do likewise.

      • Tina says:

        I can’t answer your question unless you answer one for me first.

        In what way is Donald Trump fascist?

        • Libby says:

          He is a fascist in that he has banned news organizations from covering campaign events because he does not like their reporting, and further, proposes to change law so that he can jail reporters who print things that annoy him … as does the democratically elected fascist in Turkey.

          He is a fascist because he makes extrajudicial attempts to influence law suits filed against him.

          Now, I’m not sure this is strictly fascistic, but his attempts to whip up racial animus, to place blame for social ills on minority populations, is decidedly Hitlerian.

          He is a fascist because the principles and institutions of our republic are not, in his view, to be respected, they are to be circumvented.

  12. Tina says:

    Melania makes dumpy Hillary look even more dumpy…Dumpy and the Horn-dog…wow, what a power couple.

    • Libby says:

      Form over substance … as always.

      I think that photo of the inappropriate grin with finger gun to the boobs takes all the prizes for vulgar boorishness. If she’s not getting at least $10 Mil out of the deal, she needs to renegotiate.

  13. Tina says:

    Speech writer does what no liberal would EVER do…apologizes for “plagarism” in speech:

    In a statement issued by the campaign, McIver said Mrs. Trump had told her that she admired Mrs. Obama, and had read passages from Obama’s speech as an example of things she liked. (Meredith) McIver said she wrote down the passages and later included them in the speech.

    “This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant,” McIver said.

    This was a gracious thing to do since we all now know that the words spoken by both women were in the lexicon long before either took the stage to speak about their husbands.

    • Libby says:

      Actually, Obama did so over an inadvertently lifted paragraph during the 2008 campaign … no initial denials from the O-man. He fessed right up, like the man of honor that he is.

      Do you know, there are speculations abroad that it was deliberate. I mean, McIver admits that Melania quoted passages from Michelle’s speech to McIver as something she admired and wanted to emulate. (Heavy, heavy irony here, people … mind blowing, in fact.) How could they possibly have mistakenly wound up in the speech? How could Melania have failed to recognize them prior to giving the speech?

      What are these people playing at? Sometimes I suspect that their sense of political impunity, their contempt for their audience is entirely unbounded.

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