Party United ~ Ted Cruz and Newt Gingrich Align with Trump and Pence

Posted by Tina

With no requirement for endorsement Donald Trump invited his competitors to speak at the convention. That invitation was taken up by Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz received a long standing ovation tonight. As someone who Trump said was a fierce competitor he deserved no less. He did not vocalize endorsement but neither did he run from standing unified behind Trump and the ideals we Republicans all hold dear. As he spoke he painted canvas after canvas to illustrate freedom, individual power and rights, individual achievement and choice, states rights, our military…he said: Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience…fight for freedom…We will defend freedom and be faithful to the Constitution…We will unite the country by standing for liberty.

Newt Gingrich made it clear that the threat from Islamic terrorists is real and dangerous and the only choice in this election is Donald Trump. He made clear the requirement of law and order and support of our police force for our safe existence.

Introduced by Paul Ryan Mike Pence accepted the nomination to run and serve as vice president of the United States of America. Trump is a man who never quits and I know with a united party we’ll win…people are tired of being told…Hillary will never be President…our current economy is not the best we can do, it’s just the best they can do…conservative policies work every time their put into practice…we will always stand with those who stand onthe thin blue line of law enforcement…you can’t fake good kids…these are the examples of a man of good character…it’s change vs status quo and when Doald Trump becomes president of the United States the change will be huge!

How this turns out will depend on us in the face of an onslaught…it won’t be good enough…issue by issue we will take our agenda to the voters fora stronger and more prosperous America….Donald trump digs coal…will fight for educational opportunity and school choice…our party and our agenda will open the doors for every race and every person in America…we must make sure the next president to appoint SC justices is Donald Trump…anyone who said, “what difference does it make,” should eb disqualified from ever being president…Barack Obama’s presidency ends exactly six months from today…another rendezvous with destiny…another time for choosing…

(Some of the above is paraphrased…I’m a two finger typist!)

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7 Responses to Party United ~ Ted Cruz and Newt Gingrich Align with Trump and Pence

  1. Roger says:

    Are you kidding? Ted was booed off the stage! He said today his refusal to endorse Trump was motivated by Trump calling his wife ugly and his father a murderer who killed JFK. To call this “unity” is pure propaganda. You are not reporting even half of what is going on at this crazy convention and you are in fact spinning to help your party.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Roger, thank you for commenting, but it’s unfair to criticize us for not reporting everything on the convention because that is not our job. We’re a free speech podium where opinions take up most of our time. Sure, we’ll try to pass along interesting and helpful news stories, but we’re not a full time news service. I wish we were, then maybe I could get paid to do this! lol

      • Roger says:

        You didn’t just “not report everything,” you claimed that Ted Cruz’s speech demonstrated “party unity” when it did the exact opposite of that! His wife was even escorted from the premises because they were worried about violence. You’re not just leaving crucial information out, you’re creating your own insulated reality where the facts don’t matter. But then that’s exactly what has brought Trump this far.

        • Tina says:

          Roger, again, we are not reporting!

          Also, whether or not this united the party is a matter of opinion…not a fact.

          The hype all day long about this is much more dramatic than what actually happened, including with Cruz’s wife. Security escorts quite a few people through the back staging area.

          You’re lecturing us about facts and yet…

          Black lives matter is a protest group based on a lie that is at least partially responsible for the deaths of several cops. Where has the media been on that?

          The opposition candidate lied about her emails, many many times, and the FBI, the AG, the President, and the media all let her get away with it…they carry her water to this day!

          Thank you for your thoughts but I think you’re off base and sounding a little too familiar…

    • Tina says:

      Yes he did…so what? In the next moment Trump made an entrance all smiles with a big thumbs up for his son who spoke next.

      “To call this “unity” is pure propaganda”

      The party is united and after this well staged event will be even more united. That is not propaganda; it is the simple truth. Trump already has over 80% of the party…and as Trump and others have made clear, it is the people who matter.

      You should know that Ted Kennedy refused to endorse Jimmy Carter in 1980. That was a bitter year for Democrats. HuffPo thinks that’s what cost carter the election. I think that’s ridiculous. Reagan WON BIG! See Map and Carter had been a disaster in the same way that Obama has been a disaster.

      You should also know that a Cruz supporting organization that he had no control over attacked Melania before Trump countered with criticisms of Cruz family members. Politics is a down in the dirt game…Democrat play it well.

      Despite the hoopla, this will blow over.

      Cruz’s speech was well received…his words and themes were uniting despite his failure to endorse. Politically this was risky. I’m with those who think he should have endorsed. I was a Cruz supporter. Now I agree with Phil Robertson who said this AM on FOX Business that forgiveness is needed. Cruz and Kasich need to do as Trump has done and set aside their animosity. He perfectly cited Christ who told his disciple that the requirement in terms of forgiveness for Christians is 70 x 7.

      You should also know, as Jack has clearly indicated, I am not a reporter. I am an unpaid observer. I assume you are as well? We do commentary and exchange of ideas as declared conservatives. Mathew 18: 21-22

  2. Libby says:

    “Ted Cruz received a long standing ovation tonight.”

    On which planet did this happen? This cognitive dissonance thing gets worse by the week.

    Here on this planet, the man was booed off the stage, at Trump’s instigation … leaving the delegates too agitated even to hear Pence’s attempt at civil political discourse.

  3. Tina says:

    “On which planet did this happen?”


    You read the news, yes? It happened at the beginning of his speech.

    “…leaving the delegates too agitated even to hear Pence’s attempt at civil political discourse.”

    Look at the Newt Gingrich speech…Cruz said to vote for those who would uphold the Constitution. There is only one candidate who will uphold the Constitution…it ain’t Hillary Clinton

    Pence was not only heard” he was well received.

    Dream on lady…all you have is a unindicted criminal and liar who panders and postures for votes.

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