RNC Convention Day Two – Partisan Media Ugly Stumps for Hillary

Posted by Tina

When the public’s right to know is threatened, and when the rights of free speech and free press are at risk, all of the other liberties we hold dear are endangered. – Christopher Dodd (Democrat, Connecticut)

Commentators and journalists in the nation’s major media outlets have given up all pretense of impartiality. The “Hillary for President” media has gone ballistic attacking the convention and the speakers and supporters of Trump like never before. Their coverage of the RNC convention is in full attack mode now. Take a look:

Chris Matthews, who wildly re-imagined Chris Christie’s speech on her terrible foreign policy mistakes as some kind of gladiator movie where the crowd would root for Mrs. Clinton to be eaten by lions or something.

…film critic Frank Scheck called the convention a “hatefest” and the “world’s largest lynch mob.”

Seldom will you see such a clear case of advocacy journalism as this: Jorge Ramos pitching comprehensive immigration reform to the father of a young California man murdered by an illegal immigrant in 2008, just three doors down from his home.

Bill Maher is unleashing his usual sleazy insults on Twitter during the Republican convention, and the targets this time are Trump’s sons Donald Jr. and Eric, that they “look like the date rapist in every after school special ever.”

According to Hardball host Chris Matthews on Tuesday, “bloodthirsty” Republican delegates are ready to “kill” Hillary Clinton.

Chuck Todd on Monday dismissed Benghazi at the Republican Convention as nothing more than “cheap unity” for the “lowest common denominator” crowd.

Can you believe this arrogant hypocritical partisan bunch? The more their worldview is challenged, the more their power is threatened, the more desperate and nasty they become.

Men and women of the American press take note:

“The most effectual engines for [pacifying a nation] are the public papers… [A despotic] government always [keeps] a kind of standing army of newswriters who, without any regard to truth or to what should be like truth, [invent] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper.” –Thomas Jefferson to G. K. van Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785.

Just as Hillary Clinton has managed to escape public disdain in her party for her criminality and malfeasance, the media that carries water for the Democrat Party continues without condemnation. The party, it’s leaders, and the party faithful fully embrace the partisan press. Obviously corruption runs throughout the party. The American people cannot trust in journalism to seek out facts or speak truth. They have become the weapon of the Democrat Party. But manipulators and bullies will not be tolerated forever. The day of reckoning is here!

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4 Responses to RNC Convention Day Two – Partisan Media Ugly Stumps for Hillary

  1. Harold says:

    Tina, “Ugly” is all they have, negative ugly belittling spew, People are catching on fast that if Hillary is the best the Democrat’s could find to run for POTUS then they have issues they need to resolve. .

    More and more people are becoming independent voters, we don’t need (well at least those of us with common sense) to be lectured by some bias media hack filling a time slot with BS.

  2. Tina says:

    “People are catching on fast that if Hillary is the best the Democrat’s could find to run for POTUS then they have issues they need to resolve.”

    Hillary is it because it was her turn and the DNC owed her…Obama got her slot. But I don;t think there are too many people they could call on anyway.

    Both parties have issues that need to be resolved. I have more hope for the Rs than I do the Ds…they have built their party on special interests, activism and division. They are the originators of hate and we, their convenient whipping post. But the one thing Trump has done is tear the illusion of tolerance and compassion to shreds. Their ugliness and their willing accomplices in the press have been exposed. Since they don’t learn (too arrogant) they will be the last to get it. Some never will.

    The voters are sending a very clear message and people from all three major parties are sending it.

  3. Roger says:

    “Chris Matthews, who wildly re-imagined Chris Christie’s speech on her terrible foreign policy mistakes as some kind of gladiator movie where the crowd would root for Mrs. Clinton to be eaten by lions or something.”

    That’s exactly what it was like, though. A Trump adviser said at the convention that Clinton should be executed for treason! The media didn’t make him say that, just like the media didn’t make Melania Trump plagiarize and didn’t Laura Ingraham do a Nazi salute. The media didn’t make numerous speakers lie about Benghazi or make Eric Trump lie about Clintion’s position on Medicare. They didn’t make Ben Carson compare Clinton to Lucifer. They didn’t make Trump say he will break our commitments with NATO and they didn’t make the convention make concessions to Russia. Stop blaming the media for this convention’s failures and start blaming the people representing you and making your party look foolish!

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