DNC Convention Launch ~ Big Trump Convention Bounce

Posted by Tina

The Democrats have had a very negative weekend going into convention week Bernie Supporters are already camped out this morning to protest the convention armed with the slogan, “‘Hell No, DNC, We Won’t Vote For Hillary’ As I reported i comments Bernie protesters have also chanted, “Lock her up!”

Debbie Wassermann Schultz attempted to bow out with a support for Hillary speech at a delegate meeting in Florida and was booed loudly by angry Bernie supporters who began to shout, “Shame! Shame! Shame!” Andrea Michell reported that security had to escort her off the stage.

In California Sanders Supporters disrupted a speech by Nancy Pelosi, yelling, “Bernie, Bernie, Bernie” and Nancy Pelosi, condescending as always said, “Some People Are New And Are Not Familiar With How Things Work” Oh they know how things work, that’s why they’re so angry!

Sanders: “I Told You A Long Time Ago The DNC Was Not Running A Fair Operation”

The Obama Team wanted Schultz out last fall:

After Obama’s 2012 victory, Messina and longtime political adviser Patrick Gaspard, who worked under Wassermann Schultz at the DNC, pressed the president to push her out, advising that he tap former Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak as her replacement. Obama — who cared little for the party machinations — figured the move would be more trouble than it was worth and told his aides that he was OK having Wassermann Schultz serve as chairwoman until he left office. “It’s embarrassing that Obama left the problem for Hillary,” one former West Wing adviser told POLITICO.

Yet the aggregated animosity toward her led to a swift and brutal conclusion to her five-plus year tenure at the helm of the president’s party. Wassermann Schultz resigned less than 24 hours after Wikileaks posted dozens of emails showing her staff working to undermine the insurgent campaign of Bernie Sanders in order to aid a Clinton organization they often derided as inept and timid.

Find details of hacked DNC emails gathered by Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit. they include some disturbing items:

DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
DNC making fun of black womans name.
DNC telling each other, “I love you too. no homo.”
DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.
DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.
DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.
DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign. (continues)

The FBI is investigating the wikileaks DNC hack.

Police Chief David Brown suggested protesters get off the protest line and apply to become police officers in Dallas after the cop killings…since then employment applications to the Dallas Police Department have increased 344 percent! His conservative message hit the mark!

Speaking of messaging, a post RNC Convention poll from CNN finds Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton 44% to 39%. (Only 30% find Hillary trustworthy, 68% say she is not trustworthy.) Donald Trump is not conservative on all issues but he is conservative on issues that matter to most Americans: Jobs and the economy, border security, fighting terrorism. His message about police officers is that they need community support. His messaging about blacks is honest and offers a change from the usual left race based trash talk. Their communities need their attention and support because black lives do matter:

One demonstrator at the Republican National Convention stood on the sidewalk outside a Cleveland casino and unleashed his rage at police. He swung his arms frantically. He screamed and swore about his hatred for law enforcement.

Twenty feet away, sheriff’s officers stood guard to make sure nobody unleashed any fury onto him. … The Black Lives Matter movement focuses on interaction between police officers and suspects. What the movement overlooks, however, is that most law enforcement officers are trying to protect crime victims who are minorities. Day to day, police and prosecutors are advocating, investigating, bringing criminals to justice, on behalf of those victims. In Cook County, the majority of victims of violent crime are black.

The Chicago Tribune reports, 2 dead, 8 wounded in Chicago shootings. It’s like that on many weekend in Chicago. And, sadly, in Fort Meyers, Florida, at least 16 teens were injured and 2 are dead at a Club Blu shooting. Shootings in other neighborhoods occurred in the aftermath. Three people have been detained. When will the democrats give up their gun craze and get that this indicates an ethnic social problem they have ignored for years!

Donald Trump is the law and order candidate. He addressed underlying problems that relate to these shootings, school choice, improved opportunities for jobs, community efforts to improve local conditions. Blacks who care about their kids should reconsider their support for Hillary who panders to them for votes and then shifts blame to guns.

Nate Silver, a polling journalist known for his unique methods for reading polling data, writes that if the election were held today Trump would win:

…Silver gave the Republican nominee a 57.5% chance of winning the presidency. Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton had a 42.5% chance of securing the nation’s highest office if voters were to take to the polls Monday. Silver’s model had Trump winning in the swing states of Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Iowa, Nevada, and New Hampshire. He would win 285 electoral votes in Silver’s model.

None of this is surprising.

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One Response to DNC Convention Launch ~ Big Trump Convention Bounce

  1. J. Soden says:

    Known for throwing foul-mouthed tantrums when things don’t go exactly the way she wants, can you imagine what $hrilLIARy is doing now as she watches the Demwit convention disintegrate into name calling and “lock her up” calls for her new-hire Debbie????

    Sure would like to be a fly on the wall. . . . In the meantime, it’s sounding more and more like Philly may be a replay of Chicago, 1968. Stay tuned, folks!

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