Clinton Delegate Bounced for “Assaulting” Sanders Delegate

Posted by Tina

Well that does it! The Dem convention has now outdone a Trump campaign event. A male delegate from Tennessee was ejected from from the floor of the convention over an encounter with a female Bernie delegate:

Jerry Ogle, a Clinton delegate from Monroe County, was removed from Tennessee’s delegation Tuesday morning after it was determined that he violated the party’s code of conduct agreement when he had an inappropriate interaction with Amanda Kruel, a Sanders delegate.

“Yesterday I was cheering for Bernie as many others were and there was a guy behind me who was making faces at me. There was one point where he grabbed me by the shoulder and he twisted me around and yelled in my face ‘Act like a Democrat,” Kruel, who is from Knoxville, said while describing Ogle’s actions as “assault.”

Jerry claims he only tapped Amanda Kruel, “I take full responsibility for that. And added that he didn’t believe it was serious enough to warrant his removal as a delegate.

Jerry’s no dummy. He admitted he violated the rules, “I’ve let a lot of people down. I’m so sorry and I feel awful that all of this has happened.”

I’m surprised he hasn’t been remanded for harassment retraining.

The state party replaced Jerry Ogle with an alternate delegate.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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5 Responses to Clinton Delegate Bounced for “Assaulting” Sanders Delegate

  1. J. Soden says:

    As per on Wednesday morning: Online views of Clinton Ca$h top 1.1million.
    At the same time, LA TImes/USC poll: Trump 47%, $hrilLIARy 40%

    The word is getting out…

  2. Peggy says:

    Sanders supporters look to Green Party’s Jill Stein to take up the cause:

    ‘I May Vote Trump’: Pro-Bernie protesters furious after Hillary hires DNC chair:

    “I’m going to wait to see where I think my vote will most hurt Hillary. I might even vote Trump. I’ve been a Democrat all my life. I’m 60 years old and it’d be the first time I’ve ever cast a vote for a Republican, but if it’ll keep Hillary out of office, I’ll vote Trump,” she explained.

    Cook said, however, that most of the protesters are leaning toward choosing Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate. She highlighted that on Thursday, 13 million people are set to leave the Democratic Party in protest to Clinton’s nomination.”

    • Mar says:

      While a few angry protesters have fled Hillary Clinton, she still has the support of her party apparatus behind her–the “elites,” if you will. Trump lacks the support of his fellow Republicans across the board. No living former Republican president will endorse him. The BernieBro protesters made a lot of noise at the convention but they’re a vocal minority. There was nothing like Ted Cruz, a major conservative Republican, refusing to endorse Trump.

      I like our odds.

      • Dewtser says:

        A few is not true. There was a Massive action. Stop relying on MSM they are hiding everything going on. Try watching the Revolution media it is being streamed, live, no lies.

        A few who were Republicans may vote Trump out of spite. Some will not vote. Others like me are going to help the Green party build for the future. We are on point. On Message and still organized. We want to end this 2 party “Controlled Opposition” Sham we are losing our country they “Divide and Conquer”

        We will still expose trump. Bottom line we will not vote for a candidate by brand. This is not democrat vs republican for us.

        We expose every corrupt politician. We actually are going to fight the TPP which is planned to be passed by GOP and DNC in Lame duck.

        You do not even get it yet. TPP is the nail in the coffin. Both parties work for the Oligarchy and want it. TPP can never be reversed it is a Treaty not a trade deal to Global governance by WTO.

        All you care about is winning by brand? #Sheeple vote that way.

        Both candidates have done enough to be disqualified.

  3. Tina says:

    “Trump lacks the support of his fellow Republicans across the board. ”

    Absolutely false!

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