Dem Convention Goes Dark

DNCflag-burning-dnc-night-3Posted by Tina (Can’t believe I forgot a title!)

Big Smiles. Sarcasm and jokes. Plenty of red meat attacks on Trump. Adoration in layer after layer heaped on Hillary. It was all meant to create a promotional night for Hillary Clinton before she takes the stage tonight. Her praises were sung by the big guns…Tim Kaine, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama. But in general the evening took a on dark, cynical tone. The Oregon and Washington state sections’ lights were lowered as delegates in those areas protested with disruptive shouts. A Hollywood created green video warned that natural disasters would threaten children and other living things if Trump is elected. In fact Trumps name may have been invoked as often as Hillary Clintons…maybe more. The big guns fell short despite all the smiles and mirth…so say those who bothered to watch.


Even with all the big names onstage last night, convention-to-convention, the combined rating of the DNC stumbled against Donald Trump and the RNC. Day 3 in Philadelphia was down 18% in the fast affiliates key demo from the drama of Day 3 in Cleveland when Ted Cruz refused to endorse the candidate and running mate Mike Pence spoke.


…for some reason, Obama delivered a Bill Clinton-esque performance, meandering around his own record, taking random digs at Donald Trump, and hitting applause lines (YES WE CAN) almost at random.

Addressing the Democratic National Convention on its penultimate night to lay out the case for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, President Obama began by recalling his political debut at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He then described how his family has become so well known to America in the intervening years. He spoke of his time in office, how the presidency has physically aged him, but how his daughters euphemistically note he now looks more “mature.” … In total, we counted 119 times Obama referred to himself during his speech ostensibly about Hillary Clinton.

Various bright lights of the party and at least one big Hollywood star also turned the tone to the dark side.


Former CIA Director Leon Panetta was giving a speech in support of Hillary Clinton and her ability to take on terrorists when the crowd erupted into chants of “no more war” and “lies” at the Democratic National Convention. They interrupted Panetta several times before he ended his speech. Others responded to the chants by shouting “USA, USA, USA!”

NY Post

PHILADELPHIA — Rahm Emanuel was mocked at the Democratic National Convention for his opposition to Obamacare — in a a ten-minute video introduction to Wednesday’s most important speaker, President Obama

Heat Street:

Susan Sarandon is calling out the Democratic National Committee for the “disgusting” behavior revealed in DNC staff emails published by WikiLeaks over the weekend. “That’s so disgusting,” Sarandon said of revelations that DNC staffers were actively working to undermine Sanders’ insurgent candidacy in the Democratic primary against establishment favorite Hillary Clinton. Some DNC officials even suggested a campaign to raise doubts about Sanders’ Jewish faith. “I think we have to really ask what’s happened to us in terms of what we’re willing to sacrifice to get our person in,” Sarandon said in an interview with The Young Turks, a progressive online news network.

Protester to the left of her the disgruntled to the right there she is right in the middle of mayhem.

CBS Local:

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A total of 17-protesters were arrested on day 3 of the Democratic National Convention. Things got chaotic outside of the Wells Fargo Center Wednesday night.

DNC fraud bannerCoasvu3WEAAci45American Thinker:

Rachel Stoltzfoos of the Daily Caller noticed, even if the MSM didn’t. “…Democrats unfurled a massive banner that read “Election Fraud, #Wikileaks” as vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine took the stage Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention. The banner hung briefly over the railing just above the section where Vice President Joe Biden is sitting, along with his wife Jill and other VIP guests, directly across from Kaine.” – DNC banner fraud photo by Pete Schroeder

And Bernie walks away…

Heat Street

…despite pleading with his base to support Hillary, even though they’re concerned that she’s too moderate, Sanders will return to Vermont and to his seat in the Senate, and he’ll do it with no official party affiliation.

The Democrat Party is a phony organization where symbolism flies high over dark unnoticed and unreckognized failures and the absence of substantive achievement. That’s why it’s necessary to hype Hillary’s accomplishments and personally attack her opponent. That’s why the candidate is held up like a prop for the lefts political agenda rather than featured as someone with the skills to move the nation forward. 70% of Americans believe the country is moving in the wrong direction after eight years under the leadership of this gaggle of self promoting, mess making fools.

America can do better and we will if we reject Hillary Clinton who represents another Obama term.

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7 Responses to Dem Convention Goes Dark

  1. J. Soden says:

    There was so much BS being spread around last night in at the Demwit convention that the janitors had to bring their hip boots, nose plugs and BIG shovels to clean it up!
    They should put in for Hazardous Duty pay . . . .

    And tonight, we can look forward to even ore hot air with the big Fart-In:
    Ya just can’t make this stuff up, folks…….

    • Tina says:

      The professionally made film is despicably misleading. Total garbage!

      And to think that all those millennials were raised on this stuff in our government “schools.”

  2. J. Soden says:


    IRS knew what Lois Lerner was doing TWO YEARS before they informed Clowngress!!

    Thank goodness for Judicial Watch!

  3. Tina says:

    JW will be remembered when history is written. I’ve not always agreed with some of their positions but I can’t fault them for their tenacity and committment.

    They are doing the work that corrupted journalism won’t do and corrupted people in the legal arena fight tooth and nail to advance the radical progressive agenda.

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