Hillary Is As Hillary Does

Posted by Tina

It was designed to be a pretty night with warm fuzzy feelings and solid sounding answers to the problems we face. It was the same stuff from the old progressive playbook. At one point Hillary said, “None of us can raise a family, build a business, heal a community or lift a country totally alone. America needs every one of us to lend our energy, our talents, our ambition to making our nation better and stronger.”

America needs us? We work for America instead of ourselves and our families? Not only that, we also have to depend on each other? Our nation can;t be strong unless we are dependent…and needy.

And when has anyone suggested that free individual Americans are “totally alone?” Exactly NO ONE!!! As individuals we have choices about when and how we participate and contribute. But as “dependent group” we are helpless to do anything without direction and marching orders. Guess who want to be chief bossy person?

This is Hillary’s “we-are-the-warm-and-fuzzy-party” appeal to voters. “You don’t want to vote for someone who expects you to be ALONE do you? Come join us and we can all play together.

Except progressives don’t play “all together.” They divide us into groups. They pick winners and losers. And for all of their central planning, controlling, and manipulating over the last eight years we are not doing well at all. One heck of a lot of Americans are feeling like they’re all alone, out in the cold, and with nowhere to turn! Some have been abused by this lovey dovey notion of togetherness government.

Despite low interest rates and easy money home ownership is at a 48 year low. The relatively low unemployment rate means nothing when 94,708,000 people of working age are not working because they’ve give up. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has said “the economy added a disappointing 38,000 jobs in May, well below analysts’ estimates of 158,000.” in fact over the last three months, job gains have averaged a pathetic 116,000 per month.” This is not a robust jobs market. Happy talk about “depending on each other” means little when the government stifles job creation. Happy talk means nothing when the industry you worked in is targeted for destruction. In like fashion free college means nothing when College graduates end up living with their parents because they can’t find work in their field or afford the rent and necessities of life. Instead they’re still doing barista work and that doesn’t make them feel upwardly mobile. It doesn’t help them to begin to create a family or save for the things they need and want. This opportunity dead zone puts a big dent in their wealth building years. And Obama’s progressive America is even more bleak for persons of color. A “record 12,202,000 black Americans” are not in the work force: “The unemployment rate for black people in March was 10.1 percent, which is nearly double the overall national unemployment rate of 5.5 percent. … For black teens, age 16 to 19 years old, the unemployment rate was even higher at 25.0 percent.

Seven years ago the recession ended and we began our heady journey of hope and change. Now we are out of hope, and the change we experience as Americans isn’t good. The rich have gotten richer. the poor have seen their ranks swell. the middle class is disappearing. Those who are lucky enough to work in the “winners’ circle of high tech, banking, Wall Street, academia, and government are doing swell. The rest of America is sitting at the back of the bus. Depending on each other is a pipe dream and we know it. We can provide for ourselves when government gets out of the way. As it turns out we also depend on each other when government gets out of the way. America isn’t America unless we are pursuing our dreams as individuals and working together. when we fail to honor the individual and his effort we kill the spirit that made America. When we try to make the group more important the entire concept of individual rights and freedom flies out the window. Hillary thinks like a communist…and America is not a communist nation.

I resent the fact that Hillary Clinton and her high powered political team feed us a bunch of flowery talk while pretending they have not created this mess. They must think we are too stupid to notice who’s been in charge for eight years (10 if you count the two years they had control of the Congress pre-Obama).

But this is how the left always plays it. Hillary steps into the magic shoes, clicks them together three times, makes a wish, and the world is suddenly in living color. She talks and talks and talks and says nothing of value, nothing that will actually get Americans back on their feet. She filled with phony and disingenuous talk just like her predecessor with all of his hope and change and it’s a slap in the face to every free American with the will to work or to create a business. It’s a slap in the face to every working stiff whose life has been blunted by this government first, winners and losers party.

You can read Hillary’s full speech here.

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10 Responses to Hillary Is As Hillary Does

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    So, allow me a little analysis …

    “On Tuesday night, I was so happy to see that my Explainer-in-Chief is still on the job.” So, evidently the “Explainer-in-Chief” has explained his marital infidelities, his being pals with convicted underage girls sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein, his numerous accusations of rape, and the blow jobs he got from Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office make you quite happy, Hillary.

    “… the man of Hope, Barack Obama.” As in the multiple and continuing lies about the Affordable Care Act screwing every American with higher rates and no choice of insurance or doctors?

    “America is stronger because of President Obama’s leadership” as in the loss of respect and trust worldwide and the rise of ISIS?

    “I want to thank Bernie Sanders.” For being a communist stooge that you used to make you look more acceptable?

    “Our country needs your ideas, energy, and passion.” As long as you pay the piper to the Clinton Foundation for political favors, chumps.

    “When representatives from 13 unruly colonies met just down the road from here, some wanted to stick with the King.” Some still do. It is called the Democrat Party.

    “Bonds of trust and respect are fraying.” Well no kidding. Only idiots trust and respect Hillary Clinton.

    “Our country’s motto is e pluribus unum: out of many, we are one.” Funny an elitist like Hillary quoting that motto.

    “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Actually, fearing you is just as reasonable. How much influence have you sold to overseas interests via the Clinton Foundation?

    “We will not build a wall. Instead, we will build an economy where everyone who wants a good paying job can get one.” Which explains the flood of cheap labor illegal immigrants the Democrat party enables and supports.

    “There’s too much inequality.” Which explains how you and your husband sell for millions in influence and favoritism via your speech making scams.

    “We have the most powerful military.” Not for long given Democrat party policies.

    “So don’t let anyone tell you that our country is weak.” ROTHFLMAO. Why do you think ISIS, Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, and more openly challenge us, you idiot.

    “And most of all, don’t believe anyone who says: “I alone can fix it.” Like you and the Democrats “fixed” healthcare?

    “None of us can raise a family, build a business, heal a community or lift a country totally alone.” Well duh. That does not mean we have to rely on an authoritarian government to do so.

    “A country where the economy works for everyone, not just those at the top. Where you can get a good job and send your kids to a good school, no matter what zip code you live in.” And what have Democrats done to do that in the past eight years? See Chicago.

    “Then I represented all of you as Secretary of State. But my job titles only tell you what I’ve done. They don’t tell you why.” And we are still asking why about your Benghazi debacle, your Syrian and Libya debacle, your selling of large uranium mining interest to Russia quickly followed by large contributions to the Clinton foundation, your gross, criminal negligence of exposing classified government communications on an unsecured private server, your deletion of 33,000 emails from those servers when you were caught.

    “My family were builders of a different kind.” Yes, builders of your own wealth, power, and influence. Builders of one of the most corrupt and powerful political machines ever devised.

    “And yes, love trumps hate.” You mean like all the love you showed for the embassy in Benghazi and the love you showed for the families of the victims?

    “I went to work for the Children’s Defense Fund, going door-to-door in New Bedford, Massachusetts on behalf of children with disabilities who were denied the chance
    to go to school.” And then subsequently gutted it under your husband’s administration. (Actually, not a bad idea.)

    I could go on and on, but now I need to rest …

  2. Tina says:


    had Obama’s recovery — which is now in its 28th quarter — been as robust as the average of the past 10 recoveries, the nation’s economy would be $2.2 trillion — with a “t’ — bigger than it is today. That translates into more than $17,000 per household. (It’s worth noting that many of those previous recoveries had suffered a subsequent recession 28 quarters after they started, so Obama is doing worse despite the current recovery’s longevity.)

    n other words, if Obama’s recovery had merely been average, millions of people who are unemployed today would be working and paying taxes instead of worrying and collecting benefits. There would be millions fewer stuck in poverty today, and millions fewer dependent on food stamps and other government programs to get by.

    If Obama’s economy had merely been average, spending would have automatically been lower — because so much of it is tied to benefit programs — and revenues would have been higher. As a result, the country wouldn’t be straddled with a national debt of more than $19 trillion, and Medicare and Social Security would be on somewhat sounder footings.

    Just as important, had Obama’s economy been average, the country wouldn’t be in such a foul mood, and wouldn’t so easily fall sway to the empty promises of a socialist, or the demagoguery and blame games being peddled by the major parties’ presidential candidates.

    More than three decades ago, Jimmy Carter delivered his infamous “malaise” speech (in which Carter never actually used the word “malaise”). Just like today, the economy was dead in the water, and there seemed to be no hope for anything better than mediocre. The country was told then to lower their expectations, just as the Obama administration and various liberal economists are busy telling us today.

  3. Tina says:

    Millennials who feel cheated by a rigged system should read this!

  4. Peggy says:

    Obama wants Hillary to win so she can be his third term and carry on his legacy. Based on this latest report let’s hope the voters are smart enough to not believe their lies again.

    GDP Expands 1.2% in Second Quarter of 2016, Well Below Expectations:

    “Growth down from second quarter growth in previous year

    The U.S. economy expanded in the second quarter of 2016 as real gross domestic product grew at a rate of 1.2 percent, which was well below expectations, according to the advance estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

    The second quarter growth in 2016 of 1.2 percent, which includes performance from April, May, and June, was an increase from the 0.8 percent growth seen in the first quarter of 2016.

    Growth from the first quarter was revised down from previous estimates. “For the first quarter of 2016, real GDP is now estimated to have increased 0.8 percent; in the previously published estimates, first-quarter GDP was estimated to have increased 1.1 percent,” the bureau states.”


    Hahahahahaha Well, I have to give California Democrats credit for figuring out one truth finally.

    California DNC Delegates Change “Hillary” Signs To Something Much More Appropriate:

  5. Tina says:

    Obama made a ridiculous statement in his convention speech:

    “I can say with confidence there has never been a man or woman — not me, not Bill, nobody — more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America.”

    He had to be joking.

    Howie Carr had some fun with it:

    Dwight Eisenhower was the Supreme Allied Commander. Hillary ran the Bimbo Eruptions Unit.

    Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Hillary wrote “It Takes a Village.”

    Teddy Roosevelt charged up San Juan Hill. Hillary dodged sniper fire on the tarmac at Tuzla.

    Honest Abe, Crooked Hillary.

    Lincoln slept in the Lincoln bedroom. Hillary rented it out.

    Reagan said, “Tear down this wall.” Hillary said, “Delete them all.”

    William Howard Taft threw out the first pitch at a baseball opener. Hillary threw the first vase at a president.

    Gerald Ford appointed Justice Stevens. Hillary abandoned Ambassador Stevens. …(continues)

    Follow the link, it’s Carr at his best.

  6. Peggy says:

    Bet you can’t not laugh.

    Breaking News: Bikers for Hillary are on their way to Philly:


  7. dewster says:

    To play the blame game instead of being ready to take every corrupt politician out is part of the problem. The Clinton’s have a part in our Demise and so do the Bush family.
    Clinton Foundation? Carlyle Group? Halliburton? ect ect

    Why do you protect any of this corruption. Where were we Bush’s last year? The economy and markets were doing so good right?

    The Bush and Clinton families are very tight. The NY elite is very tight. Ya think Trump and Bill playing golf all the time with Giuliani and Bloomberg is hostile? Wake Up

  8. Tina says:

    Please show us evidence of corporatism or quid pro quo under Bush.

    You can’t just yell, “Halliburton,” and call it good. Halliburton has been used under several presidents because of their capability not because of quid pro quo agreements (citing Rich Lowery):

    …The Clinton administration made the same calculation in its own dealings with Halliburton. The company had won the LOGCAP in 1992, then lost it in 1997. The Clinton administration nonetheless awarded a no-bid contract to Halliburton to continue its work in the Balkans supporting the U.S. peacekeeping mission there because it made little sense to change midstream. According to Byron York, Al Gore’s reinventing-government panel even singled out Halliburton for praise for its military logistics work. …

    “…the U.S. Army Logistics Civil Augmentation Program, or LOGCAP… is a multiyear contract for a corporation to be on call to provide whatever services might be needed quickly…” Halliburton has frequently been the low-bidder on LOGCAP, and both no-bid contracts were been made in the context of many Halliburton low bids to do exactly the same things. The idea that Dick Cheney just tossed a crony contract to his old firm is rubbish spread by toads who get to sleep quietly at night because decent Americans like Mr Cheney and the folks at Halliburton roll up their sleeves and tackle horrible problems in faraway places. And if they are well-paid for it, good! They deserve it. It doesn’t look to me like they are nearly as overpaid as the NGO’s and multinational institutions that the snivelers would prefer.

    And imagine if the expected massive oil-field fires had actually occurred, and our response had been delayed for even a week by red tape. How the Bush haters would have crowed about the Administration’s “lack of planning.”

    There is a difference; it’s important to understand the difference because the left media will do everything it can to make sure we don’t get it:

    In 2003, Halliburton Company received a great deal of scrutiny from the establishment press over certain no-bid contracts obtained in connection with the Iraq War. Examples, two of which are from the Associated Press, are here, here, and here. A Google News Archive Search on “Halliburton no-bid” not in quotes allegedly returns 1,760 items (Google’s counter is suspect, but the list extends to at least 19 pages, or well over 190 items, including multiple items in some listings).

    In 2010, the Washington Times was virtually alone among media outlets in reporting that the Obama administration, despite presidential candidate Barack Obama’s campaign promise never to entertain such deals, had entered into a no-bid contract with KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, “worth as much as $568 million.” It turns out that CGI, the Canadian company which is the lead firm in the design and rollout of HealtCare.gov, also has a no-bid contract with the federal government. But an AP search on “CGI no-bid” (not in quotes) comes up empty. A Google News search on the same string (not in quotes) returns only four times, none of which are establishment press outlets (as would be expected, the Washington Times is one of the four).

    How cute of Obama’s HHS to use a Bush era “task order” arrangement to clear the way for a no-bid contract for what was supposed to be the administration’s signature achievement. … Feds reviewed only one bid for Obamacare website design … Rather than open the contracting process to a competitive public solicitation with multiple bidders, officials in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid accepted a sole bidder, CGI Federal … CGI was one of 16 companies that had been qualified by HHS during President George W. Bush’s second term …

    …How typical that the press is failing to recognize the existence of the no-bid arrangement, In many of the Halliburton-related instances a decade ago, there was no other firm with the capabilities required. Obviously, there are plenty of IT firms in competition with CGI.

    How interesting too that the contracts were awarded without low bid applications to a foreign company…these jobs weren’t “given” to Americans, they were “given” to Canadians.

    Now let’s look at Hillary Clinton as secretary of state and Halliburton:

    Boeing gave generously to the Clinton Foundation after Hillary Clinton personally intervened on its behalf to secure a lucrative contract with the Russian government.

    The secretary of state made what she called a “shameless pitch” to the state-owned Russian carrier Rosavia in October 2009.

    Russia struck a multi-billion dollar deal with Boeing in June 2010, after which the aerospace conglomerate cut a $900,000 check to the Clinton Foundation.

    Bill Clinton doubled the amount of money he earned from speaking engagements funded by foreign entities while his wife served as secretary of state.

    The spike in foreign groups that became interested in hosting the former president raised questions as to whether their invitations were made in an effort to curry favor with the secretary of state.

    For example, Bill Clinton earned $2.2 million from just six international speeches in 2014, but reportedly made $4.8 million from 13 speeches in foreign countries in 2010.

    Hillary Clinton’s role in approving a contentious uranium contract emerged in Peter Schweizer’s May book Clinton Cash.

    In the deal, a state-owned Russian energy agency took over a Canadian company, Uranium One, that controlled such a large stake in America’s uranium deposits that the transaction required approval from Hillary Clinton and other cabinet-level officials.

    Frank Giustra, a top Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the former president, served as a financial adviser to Uranium One as the deal unfolded.

    The charity failed to disclose other significant donations from individuals and entities involved in the transaction, including the $2.35 million Uranium One chair Ian Telfer funneled to the charity through another foundation under his control.

    The State Department’s acting inspector general, Harold Geisel, appears to have removed damaging passages from a report before publishing it in February 2013.

    References to specific cases in which high-level State officials halted internal investigations and descriptions of the extent and frequency of those interventions appear in several early drafts but were later eliminated, the Washington Examiner reported Tuesday.

    The unexplained gaps between the reports call into question Geisel’s independence as an interim inspector general.

    I defy you to find similar quid pro quo arrangements with Cheney and Halliburton or the Bush family and Halliburton.

    That’s why blanket statements like, “They all do it,” or, “They’re all guilty,” are meaningless and stupid.

    Show us some evidence!

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