Flint Michigan Water Scandal: Six State Government Officials Face Charges

Posted by Tina

Three defendants for the Department of Health and Human Services and three from the Department of Environmental Quality face charges that they, ” “failed to act, minimized harm, and altered data” related to the lead levels in the water in Flint, Michigan.

Attorney General Bill Schuette said the offenses “varied” but followed an “overall pattern and theme,” hiding the problem and undermining efforts to ring the alarm bells:

… Peeler, the early childhood health section manager at the DHHS, buried a report about lead levels in Flint children’s blood and “produced a bogus report that she and Robert Scott prepared.”

Peeler sent that report to Miller, a state epidemiologist, who, Schuette said, “told others not to take action when it was required.”

Peeler, Scott, and Miller have been charged misconduct in office, conspiracy, and willful neglect of duty. If found guilty, the misconduct and conspiracy charges are felonies carrying a maximum sentence of five years in prison; willful neglect is a one-year misdemeanor.

Within the Department of Environmental Quality, Schuette said that Cook and Rosenthal ignored reports that Flint’s 100-year-old drinking plant was not in compliance with lead and copper rules.

Rosenthal “tampered with results of water testing, instructing that he needed more tests to go in the right direction,” Schuette said. “In other words, tests that did not show high levels of lead.”

Both have both been charged with misconduct in office, conspiracy, and willful neglect. Rosenthal was also charged for tampering with evidence.

They reported to state Chief of Drinking Water, Shekter-Smith, who “deliberately mislead her superiors” about the severity of the contamination, Schuette said. She has been charged with misconduct in office and willful neglect.

It will be interesting to see if this bunch will get off. Justice seems to be in short supply these days.

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7 Responses to Flint Michigan Water Scandal: Six State Government Officials Face Charges

  1. dewster says:

    They will get off unless they have railed them as scapegoats.

    There is no Justice anymore. parallel worlds. The corruption levels in our elected abusing what was suppose to be a Gov by the people for the people has reached beyond what you can comprehend.

    We are going down fast. Profit before human life and the TPP seals the deal. Next up the TTIP ect ect. Projected profits will be the law of the world. Human Life means nothing.

    • Tina says:

      “…has reached beyond what you can comprehend.”

      Insulting whoever “you” is, is really dumb Dewey. Please don’t talk down to your hosts and our contributors.

  2. J Soden says:

    The same charges should be filed against the EPA since they also knew and kept quiet.
    But bad bureaucrats also get a pass in the Obumble criminal admin.

  3. Tina says:

    J there’s a pattern of cover-up that’s for sure. It was reported in January that the EPA was informed and chose to ignore it. But if underlings were hiding reports and minimizing results in testing their lack of response was based on minimized reporting. Corruption is at all levels in this mostly Democrat controlled situation. Similar patterns can be found in every big city run by Democrats for decades.

    • Libby says:

      I love it. You clowns are only for local control, culpability, responsibility … when it suits you. When the locals fail, it’s the Feds who are culpable?

      Just so. And henceforth you will pay up and shut up.

      • Tina says:

        Libby are you capable of getting it’s about seeing to it that individuals are held accountable?

        Just so? Your indignation is evident except when it comes to holding your fellow progressives accountable. In those cases there is always a excuse.

        As I said to Dewey, we can’t prosecute a party.

        Your partisan attitude and contempt are useless in our society of laws. They do work n dictatorships where the opposition is always silenced, jailed or eliminated and the big mouth sycophants and party rabble issue such orders as, “…you will pay up and shut up.” (Can’t decide, are you more Nazi or Commie?) They’re forcing folks to work in Venezuela these days, sound familiar? Progressive policy is socialism. It leads to collapse every time it’s tried. The way our progressives work against the people it amounts to a long slow painful death.

        Where will Americas go for food when it all falls apart? right now progressives in California continue to throw good clean water into the ocean (they insist is rising) to “save” the smelt (bait) while farms go out of business and shortages continue.

        Stupid is as stupid does!

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