Globalists Love Hillary – ‘Cause “It Takes a Village” to Run Your Life!

Posted by Tina

That title should actually be, It Takes Village to Ruin Your Life. The evidence is all around us in America and in the world.

Who is happiest about the candidacy of Hillary Clinton? Many are global elitists, rich global elitists! These are the open borders types that live in gated communities and travel in private planes with armed security guards. They see themselves as the smartest, most capable people in the world and think it’s their duty to “save” all of us by taking control. They’ve been given more and more power over the decades and they want even more. How will take that power? By taking your individual freedom. By taking your individual power. By taking money from you, and from investors in the private sector, to grow the size of government until there is no hope for an independent life.

Start with a tax policy that bleeds wealth and opportunity from the private sector to grow the government:

Hillary Clinton has made clear she intends to dramatically raise taxes on the American people if elected. She has proposed an income tax increase, a business tax increase, a death tax increase, a capital gains tax increase, a tax on stock trading, an “Exit Tax” and more (see below). Her planned net tax increase on the American people is at least $1 trillion over ten years, based on her campaign’s own figures.

Hillary has endorsed several tax increases on middle income Americans, despite her pledge not to raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000. She has said she would be fine with a payroll tax hike on all Americans, she has endorsed a steep soda tax, endorsed a 25% national gun tax, and most recently, her campaign manager John Podesta said she would be open to a carbon tax. It’s no wonder that when asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos if her pledge was a “rock-solid” promise, she slipped and said the pledge was merely a “goal.” In other words, she’s going to raise taxes on middle income Americans.

Check in at High Tax Hillary for updates on her tax plans.

We are now completing the 8-year term of Obama’s progressive leadership. Excitement about hope and change and the elitist view is reflected in the numbers of Americans renouncing their citizenship:

A total of 508 Americans renounced their citizenship in the second quarter of the year, according to information published by the Internal Revenue Service, putting the country on track to lose at least the second highest number of citizens on record.

That brings the total number of expatriates for the year to 1,666, according to data published on Friday, just below the 1,795 who renounced during the same period in 2015. Yet because the number of expatriates tends to increase toward the end of the year, 2016 could still set another record for the number of Americans it sends packing. A total of 4,279 left over the duration of 2016, a new annual record.

Tax experts have suggested the uptick is due, in part, to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. The 2010 law was aimed at forcing nonresident citizens to report more of their income for tax collection. Expatriation increased in subsequent years, and 2015 saw a 560 percent increase in departures over the highest number seen by the Bush administration.

President Obama did his best to describe his economic policy as a success when he spoke at the convention. What a joke! Bloomberg reported today that his economy grew at a basement rate of 1.2% in the second quarter.

Hillary and her big government Democrats want us to believe this low growth and lack of jobs and opportunity is the most that can be expected. Maybe that’s because they have no respect for individual achievement. They have no respect for Americans who are the engine of our economy. Instead they see us as the masses, as people to be herded into groups and “cared for” in the “village” run by Democrats like Hillary.

Hillary must be rejected. The group, Americans, are only as strong as our weakest link. In seventy years of progressive policy our weakest links have not been strengthened and uplifted. They have been herded into dependency groups in cities, like Philadelphia, that have become broken:

how is it that two nights into a Democratic National Convention held in a city where one out of four people lives in poverty, where one of five children goes without enough food, where 700 people sleep on the streets each night, the words hunger or homelessness have barely been mentioned from the lectern, if at all?

When the circus leaves, we will remain, as will our problems.

It was a point not lost on David Brown. He sighed as he watched the protesters, wishing the crowds were clamoring for something else: the end of homelessness.

Homelessness will never end as long as big government comes before individuals. It will never come as long as the message to Americans living in poverty is that their only hope is a government check. The global elite don’t notice as they sip their cocktails and talk about their dreams for your future.

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20 Responses to Globalists Love Hillary – ‘Cause “It Takes a Village” to Run Your Life!

  1. Tina says: fact checks Hillary’s speech:

    Clinton misrepresented Donald Trump’s “I alone can fix it” line, suggesting he said he could fix everything by himself. Trump was referring to a “rigged” system, and went on to talk about working with others.

    Clinton said that “we’re going to pay for every single one” of the initiatives she has proposed. We can’t predict the future, but a nonpartisan analysis found her proposals would add to the national debt.

    Clinton said “90 percent” of income gains “have gone to the top 1 percent.” But that is an outdated figure. It’s now 52 percent.

    Clinton said 15 million private-sector jobs have been created since President Obama took office. The actual number is 10.5 million, and it’s less — 10.1 million — when accounting for the loss of 460,000 public jobs.

    Clinton rejected Trump’s border security proposal, saying, “We will not build a wall.” As a senator, however, Clinton voted for and supported legislation to add more fencing along the southern border.

    House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi cited the “91 Americans who are killed by gun violence each day,” urging Congress to “keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists.” However, nearly 58 of those daily gun deaths are suicides — not criminal homicides.

    Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney twisted Pay Pal co-founder Peter Thiel’s words, claiming Thiel at the GOP convention had called “equality” a “distraction.” Thiel was talking about the debate over bathroom access, not equality in general.

    Rep. Joaquin Castro said Trump “defended” World War II internment camps. Trump cited the camps as a legal precedent for his proposal to ban all Muslim travel to the U.S. But he stopped short of defending internment camps.

  2. dewster says:


    Trump is no better. He is not qualified and yes trying to make deals with the devil.

    That said I am very concerned about Clinton. The GOP and DNC are pulling off the corporate coup of the century. This election is all about SCOTUS appointments but more importantly the TPP> It is known they expect Obama to get it through the Lame Duck congress but also that we have a mass coalition of Republicans and Democrats ready to rail them.

    It is irresponsible for any citizen to not fully understand the implications of this “Treaty” Very little about trade in it. It shifts power to a Global Tribunal. Read the darn leaks. It is not a flag that the TPP can never be undone nor will the public have access to it for a specified number of years? Clinton is lying about not supporting it. Clinton worked on the TPP>

    The DNC conventions was more like an old GOP convention. Really weird.

    The evidence now supports Bernie won. This was a stolen election. Bernie’s face as Clinton repeated much of his stump speech tells all. The man promised not to run indie, kept his word, and may be the biggest mistake in American Politics ever.

    I am not kidding. BTW Hillary hired Republican campaign staff. They cheated Rove style.

    This cess pool of corruption has no Party. Very dangerous times and Trump is fake as well.

    Wake Up this election will be rigged and the donor powers are fighting.

    When the parties and media run campaigns of he/she did this instead of talk policy it is pure distraction to divide. How many times are we going to stand by while they play lessor of 2 evils game? All a sham. “Controlled opposition” by the oligarchy.

    Both Clinton and Trump have foreign money commingled in this election and you think either cares about US? Only a fool follows the media lead.

    • Tina says:

      Dewey the insults do nothing to improve your credibility.

      If you have evidence regarding your allegations please post the evidence. Evidence, not insults, get it?

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Re: “If you have evidence regarding your allegations please post the evidence. Evidence, not insults, get it?”

        Not gonna happen. The sheer force of Dewey’s superior intellect should be enough for you, Tina. Bow before the great “Dewster.”

  3. Peggy says:

    Is the DNC using behavioral scientist to develop the Tea Party platform to market their candidate?

    Message to the GOP: You Don’t Know Your Ass From Your Elbow:

    “What was presented this week? Because what you saw was a show. It was a Hollywood production. Politics is Hollywood for ugly people, and they have merged entertainment with politics now. Let me start with the reality of who they are. The reality of who they are, at least on the Clinton side is this: • They are big government elitists that use the government for control. • They use charity for control. • They are void of principles, except for power and control and money. • They are masterful students of behavioral science. The Clinton Foundation is corrupt to its core, at least that’s the strong speculation, and I believe that to be true. (You will see the Obama Foundation do the same exact thing now.) You can see that in things like what they did in Haiti. If you’re not going through the Clinton Foundation, you’re not getting anything done there. They’re using charity for control and cash. They learned this from the Rainbow Coalition and black charlatans like Al Sharpton, and they also learned it from Eva Peron: You can use charity as a cash cow. But you can also use the government’s charity as a cash cow. Now, you’re not necessarily personally being enriched by it, but you are growing the size of government.

    Putting on the Mask of the Tea Party Think about these three categories:
    1. The reality of who they are, the core’s reality.
    2. The people who were actually in that building and really funding them.
    3. Who were they trying to reach and co-opt during the week.

    Let me tie the first column together to the last column.

    They are students of behavioral science. Because of that, let’s see who they tried to co-opt, because if you listened to the actual speakers and you know what was what, you heard them talk radical Marxism. You heard them say things that were unbelievable. However, if you were watching as the average person, you heard a very youthful, very fun, very united, very centrist, even constitutional approach.

    A Muslim man came out last night and pulled out his pocket Constitution and said, “Mr. Trump, do you even read the Constitution? Do you even know what’s in the Constitution?”

    Now, let me ask you something. Who in the life of America has a pocket Constitution? Tell me who has a pocket Constitution? Tea Party people. What else did we hear that Tea Party people are talking about? You heard them talk about the Founders over and over and over again. You heard Hillary Clinton last night quote de Tocqueville, Democracy in America: “America is great because America is good.” You heard all kinds of language that is taken directly from the Tea Party movement, did you not?

    That was the mask they were wearing. They were wearing the Tea Party mask: This corruption has to stop, and if we just do the right things, if we just take care of each other, and if we just follow the Constitution, if we would just return to our Founding principles, we would be okay. Well, you and I know they don’t believe a word of that. They’ve been fighting against and mocking the people who have been saying that for eight years.”

    • Tina says:

      “…They were wearing the Tea Party mask.”

      They were also wearing the Reagan mask. Hillary’s personal story is a contrived bid to appear as human and authentic as Reagan actually was. Reagan was always Reagan. But Hillary has many faces, most of them unflattering.

      Bubba’s recollection was sweet but absurd…at this point, what difference does it make?

    • Libby says:

      “Now, let me ask you something. Who in the life of America has a pocket Constitution?”

      A fervently devoted immigrant whose son died for the cause … not your cause, plainly, … our cause. Are you not mortally ashamed? Are you not?

      My fervent prayer is that, come November, you and your demagogue are consigned to the historical dustbin.

      • Tina says:

        “A fervently devoted immigrant whose son died for the cause … not your cause, plainly, … our cause. Are you not mortally ashamed? Are you not?

        Your cause? BS! This is only “your cause” (and a failed one at that) when Democrats are making war and pretending not to be at the same time…AND THAT GETS MORE OF OUR GUYS KILLED!

        This poor man is just a prop Hillary uses to smear her ONLY enemy…Republican/conservative/Trump…or Obama if he were running against her!

        Just like Chris Stevens, et al, were just props in her grand scheme to be Reaganesque in freeing Libya. Only problem is this woman does not know hat she’s doing and the result is the rise of ISIS and the destruction of several nations that were, before she stepped in, stable. She is an ambitious one woman wrecking crew!

        YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED! But you are to busy being a total hypocrite because you should be screaming about the mess your progressive leaders have made…EVERYWHERE!

      • Peggy says:

        LOL Libby. Your cause’s leader is a woman who had a “Secret War” where she even hired Sidney Blumenthal through her foundation to advise her on the profit making business of supplying arms to the Libyan rebels and then shipping them to Syria through Turkey where they ended up in ISIS.

        Since your memory seems to be so short here’s a reminder about the war monger you want.

        What Sidney Blumenthal’s Memos to Hillary Clinton Said, and How They Were Handled:
        “In 2011 and 2012, Hillary Rodham Clinton received at least 25 memos about Libya from Sidney Blumenthal, a friend and confidant who at the time was employed by the Clinton Foundation. The memos, written in the style of intelligence cables, make up about a third of the almost 900 pages of emails related to Libya that Mrs. Clinton said she kept on the personal email account she used exclusively as secretary of state. Some of Mr. Blumenthal’s memos appeared to be based on reports supplied by American contractors he was advising as they sought to do business in Libya. Mr. Blumenthal also appeared to be gathering information from anonymous Libyan and Western officials and local news media reports. What follows are descriptions of some of the memos and how they were handled by Mrs. Clinton and her aides.

        Clinton Says Idea on Rebels Should Be Considered:
        In April 2011, Mr. Blumenthal sent Mrs. Clinton a memo about the rebel forces fighting the regime of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. The rebels, Mr. Blumenthal wrote, were considering hiring security contractors to train their forces. Mrs. Clinton forwarded the memo to her aide, Jake Sullivan, and said that the idea should be considered. (Pages 1-3)

        In 2011 and 2012, Mrs. Clinton forwarded 18 memos to Mr. Sullivan, who in turn circulated them to senior State Department officials, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, and Ambassador Gene A. Cretz, who preceded him.”


        NYT Reporter: Blumenthal ‘Very Important’ in Swaying Hillary to Take Credit for Libyan Intervention:
        ‘LANDLER: I believe that Sidney Blumenthal was very important in influencing her, particularly in the aftermath of it, in making sure that she positioned herself correctly in taking credit for it. He was one of those who said, “Look, when they finally get Gadhafi, you should go into the driveway of your home and give a press conference. You need to be established in this historical moment.” So I think that, you know, as with a lot of her other advisers, they thought this was going to be a big victory for her.’

        Hillary’s Secret War:
        “As secretary of state, Clinton obtained permission from President Obama and Congress to arm rebels in Syria and Libya in an effort to overthrow the governments of those countries.

        In the course of my work at Fox News, I am often asked by colleagues to review and explain documents and statutes. Recently, in conjunction with my colleagues Catherine Herridge, our chief intelligence correspondent, and Pamela Browne, our senior executive producer, I read the transcripts of an interview Browne did with a man named Marc Turi, and Herridge asked me to review emails to and from State Department and congressional officials during the years when Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state.

        What I saw has persuaded me beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty that Clinton provided material assistance to terrorists and lied to Congress in a venue where the law required her to be truthful. Here is the backstory.”


  4. Pie Guevara says:

    If the Tea Party was actually a party and was fielding a candidate for POTUS, I would hop on board in a heart beat.

    • Peggy says:

      The Tea Party as an organized cohesive bunch of individual groups was assonated by the IRS and Obama administration and forced to go underground for the most part. Individuals and small groups are still out there fighting against the establishment and the democrats, but aren’t winning many of the election battles.

      Time for a Real Tea Party — in 2016!
      “The Republican Party establishment — read the corporatist U.S. Chamber of Commerce and their incumbent toadies controlling the Party in Congress — is in the process of vanquishing the Tea Party. Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader, predicted as much when he told the New York Times in March that his brand of corporate Republicanism is going to “crush” challengers that Republican incumbents will face in their primaries.

      The plan to “crush” the Tea Party candidates is detailed, very well-funded and working. During the early primaries in North Carolina, big Republican money gave state legislator, Thom Tillis, a big victory over his Tea Party opponent, Greg Bannon. Other Tea Party challengers in Kentucky and South Carolina have since withered, although, this Tuesday, the Nebraska U.S. Senate Republican Primary was won by a Tea Party-backed candidate.”

      2016: GOP House And Senate Members To Face Tea Party Primary Opponents:

      Republican primary in Kansas highlights continuing battle between tea party, establishment:

      Cruz bucks GOP establishment with endorsement in Colorado primary

      Conservative Leaders: Tea Party vs. Establishment Is Part of GOP ‘Civil War’:

      Big uphill battle to get real conservatives into office when their own party is stacking the deck against them.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Peggy is, as always, a wealth of information. Thanks!

        If a conservative party arises that can challenge the corrupt beltway GOP (I gave up on Libertarians two decades ago) in the next election cycle, I’ll jump.

        I am completely disgusted and conflicted. Will the despicable Hillary cause more ruin to the nation and faster than the despicable Trump?

        Some days I can almost stomach Trump, most days not.

        • Peggy says:

          Thanks Pie, just trying to share what I’ve read, which has brought me to the conclusion we are now a post-republic nation.

          If Hillary wins we will be on the next step to a complete socialist style gov’t and our republic will go down in our history books of what the US used to be. The Communist/Liberal/Progressive movement that has changed it’s name as needed over the decades has had a long term plan to infiltrate the Democrat party and take it over from within. Conservatives who want to return our country to a Republic will need to develop a long term plan to regain it. This has been a failing on their part that put them always on defense without a plan to move forward and take back what was already theirs.

          The modern day progressive movement over the last few decades has been working it’s way into the Republican party resulting in the strong-hold of the Establishment GOP and the election battles with the traditional Conservatives that have been fighting to preserve the Republic.

          This election will be the final battle. Since Trump has no public service history he’s an unknown as to how he will actually govern. We can only assume his actions will be based on who his advisors will be and if he will take their counsel. Based on what he’s said on his own he scare the you know what out of me.

          So, we have a known progressive socialist we know will drive us faster over the cliff to end up at the bottom like Venezuela or an unknown big mouth with no record where we can roll the dice, cross our fingers and pray for the best.

          I’m starting a new business and will be selling nose clips and barf bags with 2016, an elephant and a donkey on them. Then I’m taking the profits and buying an island where what neither Hillary or Trump do won’t reach me.

          I too have been daily changing my mind on Trump and have come to the conclusion I’ll be voting AGAINST Hillary since I can’t FOR Trump.

          For the first time in my adult life I’m ashamed of my party and sad my grandkids are likely to live in a socialist country without the freedoms and liberties even I grew up with, while accepting my part in allowing it to happen.

          I donated every month to the Cruz campaign and will do so again to hopefully keep him in office in 2018. And I’ll pick out conservative PACS to help keep others in Congress and elect new candidates the GOP Establishment will try to defeat.

  5. Tina says:

    Many of the people advising Trump on economics are former Reagan advisors. On that front I give Trump a better shot. Hillary will continue to put the nation on a path over the cliff. She will have alliances in bot parties to bend arms and threaten to get her agenda pushed through. Trump Pence will do what they can to keep those factions tied up.

    On the war front we need a clear eyed no holds barred man of action who will take advice from”the best people.” Here too, Trump is the better choice.

    Honestly, given the conditions that now exist in the world, thanks to elitists and progressive ideology, the task ahead requires more than one man or woman can do. We must have a leader that chooses good people and delegates authority. we need someone who stays on top of the overall situation and can make adjustments. Trump has a good record there. My suggestion is have no expectations and watch for movement in the right direction. It could take a couple of years or more for real turn around but we should see mild improvements right away. (Unless Hillary is elected)

    • Peggy says:

      Agree. With Trump we at least have hope. With Hillary we know it’s over.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Therein lies the rub. Will Trump choose the right people and shut his big fat mouth?


      I knew a fellow (I’ll call him “John”) of my same-age from K to 12 school. He was a total blowhard even as early as third grade. He thought of himself as a salesman genius and leader even in grade school. (His father was a successful businessman and, not unsurprisingly, another magnificent blow hard.)

      John always used the royal “we” when referring to himself, as if he always had some invisible entourage at his beck and call. That was weird enough. (His younger brother — I’ll call him “Clark” — who was actually a better salesman and even more of an arrogant snob than John had this same affectation.) Nevertheless, to be fair, John did sell a lot of Boy Scout fundraising Christmas wreaths and branch sprays, but he could never best another, quiet, unassuming Scout in my troop or even his own brother. Those defeats were an excruciating personal embarrassment for John, but it didn’t even take a week for him to go back to his blowhard ways. By the time we reached high school John’s bloviating and the bizarre royal “we” habit had reached full flower.

      Years later in my thirties I went out to dinner with some friends. To my horror we were seated near John, his younger brother, and their dates (or significant others). I purposefully seated myself so as to obscure their view of me. John was being the same blowhard he had always been and loudly and animatedly going on and on about what he would do if he were POTUS. My friend Daniel finally had enough of John’s energetic self-aggrandizement, and announced loudly “If you were president you would be assassinated!”

      I went further to obscure my face in a large, folded menu. The last thing I wanted was to be recognized and forced to interact with John and Clark. Clark laughed out loud (as did people at several other tables) but John — as ever — was undeterred and went on as if he never heard Daniel’s exasperated remark.

      So what is the upshot? Trump can no more stop being a pompous jerk than John could, even if he chooses the best people to advise him. The exact same goes for another obnoxious person who once frequented these pages.

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