Is It Real? Media: Hillary Big Bounce – Trump Must Drop Out

by Tina

How does the media create the illusion that Hillary is more presidential (popular) than Donald Trump? Easy. Spend a week hammering Trump for defending himself in the calculated, orchestrated Khan flap without disclosing Trumps praise for Khan’s son or Khan’s ties to the Muslim brotherhood, his legal and tax work, or his ties to the Clinton’s, their foundation, and her private server. Next suggest that Republican elites are so worried about Trump that they’ve considered an “intervention” to try to “save” Trumps campaign. Follow that up with claims that Trump’s tax plan will ring up more debt than Hillary’s (more about that momentarily), next get a couple of female talking heads to disparage Trump’s economic advisors as white, selfish, free market (evil) “men,” and finally, float the notion that Trump should just “give up.

This is the same media that has not asked Hillary Clinton a single serious question, has accepted every lie she utters, and overlooks her record of negligence, carelessness, and criminality without challenging her. This is the same media that looks for every opportunity to feature her in a positive light and sing her praises as accomplished.

This sham is a disgrace. The circus clowns in the left stream media will make every effort to keep the distorted picture they’ve helped to create alive…Hillary is the perfect candidate, and Trump an incompetent buffoon. Is it real? Is this the truth or are we being played every hour of every day?

Regarding the debt. The main drivers of debt are underfunded Social Security, Medicare, and now Obamacare, programs. The debt will continue to grow no matter who our next president is. Regardless the good intentions behind these programs, or the negative affect they’ve had through unintended consequences, they cannot be sustained and must be reformed. Democrats and the media have defeated all attempt to make needed reforms for thirty years by lying to the people, just as they are doing now in this election.

Both candidates have offered tax plans.

Hillary’s will tax the wealthy at high rates. Trumps will cut taxes on income that grows the economy. CBO scores Hillary’s plan as better than Trumps. This information is deceiving as reported because scoring depends on things remaining static. It assumes no future changes. Hillary’s tax on the rich will discourage investment and profoundly impact job growth…negatively. Trumps plan will encourage business investment and profoundly impact jobs…positively. Other changes will change the landscape. Hillary’s future entitlement programs and government funded infrastructure programs will change the landscape. Trumps ideas for savings in government bureaucracy and private infrastructure plan will change the landscape. The media will not offer balanced reporting. They will not interview economic experts that can explain to the public how taxing investment income has discouraged and blunted job growth or how Hillary’s plan will exacerbate our economic and jobs problems. They will not ask left leaning economists why there are so many Americans sitting on the sidelines while the rich get richer under the economic polices of last eight years. They will not ask how more of the same will lead to growth of more than 2% and jobs.

Today the new jobs numbers came out at 255,000. The media tells us this is fabulous news. However, they are not telling us that 225,000 more young people just entered the work force. They aren’t DNC convention mentioning that seniors are not retiring in numbers expected. They aren’t telling us that for the first time in our history more businesses have failed in America than have been created. The media uses statistics to deceive rather than inform and educate. They aren’t telling us the kind of low paying jobs are being created. It’s an election year, the media uses statistics to get the Democrat elected.

Hillary’s Way Ahead. Real or contrived?

Trump should just give up; he’s finished! Real or contrived?

Only the voter can decide and because of the games that Democrats play with the help of an activist media it’s hard to judge the reality on the ground. Trump is attracting thousands at his events. Following the DNC convention alternate media reported that Hillary’s event were drawing low numbers.

Trump was not the first choice for many of us on the right. But, unlike Hillary, he won his race and became the Republican nominee fair and square against a sizable field of competitors. Given Hillary’s terrible record, given the well known pattern of dirty tricks of the Democrats and left media, and given the survivalist compromising attitudes of elitists in the Republican Party, I see no reason to pile on and criticize Donald Trump. I see no reason to tell him he must change his demeanor. I will not participate in another scheme to confuse, silence and shame the electorate by piling on.

*Related: Hillary ooops #1, she nearly calls Trump her husband and, ooops #2, she vowed to raise taxes on the middle class. It does’t matter anymore, the the middle class is shrinking after ten years of rptogressive oversight.*

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15 Responses to Is It Real? Media: Hillary Big Bounce – Trump Must Drop Out

  1. J. Soden says:

    Our moron media presstitutes are starting to sound a lot like the British gaggle of media blowhards who kept telling the voters that Brexit was losing in the polls and trumpeting all of the imagined horrible consequences should Brexit pass.
    And then Brexit passed in a walk.

    And another time when our media was telling us that Ronald Reagan was un-electable and horrible, and we all know what happened with that.

    The stench of $hrilLIARy keeps wafting through, even though our media bobbleheads try to change the subject. And in doing so, they are cloaking themselves in the $hrilLIARy sleaze. The ONLY poll that matters is the result of the election in November – if we actually can have an HONEST election without the normal Demwit voter fraud……..

  2. Tina says:

    J you’ve got their number. “Demwit” fraud and cheating seems to be pervasive.

    John Hayward over at Breitbart reports on an interview with Pat Caddell, a long time political strategist, in which he claimed tampering with polling data to manufacture a sudden surge for Hillary:

    “They not only changed their formula, to put Hillary ahead. They went back and changed the results, for a week of results where Trump was ahead, and then they turned those into Hillary leads,” said Caddell. “They also erased all the former polling off the site. They didn’t tweak their procedure – they cooked it.”

    “Never in my life have I seen a news organization, and a supposedly reputable poll, do something so dishonest,” Caddell continued. “What they have done is, they decided the people who said, ‘oh, I’m never for someone’ – oh, those must be Hillary votes. They used to be Trump voters.”

    “They made a switch, as much as nine points, in their results from the beginning of last week, the 25th and 26th. It is, beyond doubt, the most outrageous thing,” he declared, noting that results in three- and four-way polls that include independent candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were also skewed.

    “This is what the media is willing to do, to try to elect her,” Caddell said. “This poll is nothing but a part of a media offensive. In the 45 years since I was a child, in top-level presidential campaigns, I have never seen the media on such a jihad, and so involved in hiding facts, and not following up. This is a crisis of democracy, what the press is now doing.”

    We are witnessing a crisis of democracy. It colors media reporting but as we’ve seen it is present in justice department practices and rulings, it is present in false accusations and attacks of police officers, it is present in attempts to silence conservative speakers at our colleges, it is seen in attempts to put limits on speech and manage our language, it is present in attitudes that attempt to raise groups over individuals in terms of rights…and more.

    A media and a nation that sees Trump as some kid of threat and Hillary as superior shows the damage runs deep. The woman has proven herself to be negligent, careless, untrustworthy. She is the author of a complete foreign policy failure! Those who support her are…how do you describe it? Willfully blind? In the bag for the communist inspired progressive way and identity politics?

    There is no doubt the radical left is transforming and stealing America.

  3. Libby says:

    You know, post-docs write theses about the psychopathology here evidenced.

    If Trump is toast, it is because the media reported him. That is the function of the media.

    Are you proposing that Trump did not attack a Gold Star family? Are you proposing that Trump’s tax plan is not a gift to his class?

    Are you ever going to realize that you have been played?

    • Tina says:

      Libby, I understand that you are blind , deaf, and dumb to the goings on. Since you share so many views with the radicals of your party you wouldn’t be expected to notice what they do.

      But if your little thesis were correct, the media is “just reporting,” then we would be seeing relentless negative, hammering stories and headlines about Hillary’s lies, her abysmal foreign policy record, her negligence, her carelessness, her corporatism, her ties to big banks and foreign money, and her involvement in the Iran deal, which is nothing more than cowing and bowing to a terrorist sponsoring nation that takes pleasure in making America look foolish and small.

      But they play dumb, they cover for her with obnoxious feints and worried brows, they toss her soft ball questions, they engage in pre-rehearsed acts.

      If there is some sort of pathology going on that’s where you’ll find it. Turn your gaze toward the fourth estate.

      Hillary is a lost cause. She is a pathological liar and apparently pathological is the new “presidential/criminal” for you lot.

      • Libby says:

        Hillary’s deficiencies have been reported. We are fully aware. Your problem is that Trump perpetrates deficiencies on a daily basis.

        • Tina says:

          Trump speaks without thinking in typical New York fashion. He will have to learn to think before speaking and is already showing signs that he can do that. Trump has not been a politician and has no record of abusing the public trust or it’s funds. He does have a record of saving the city of NY a lot of money. He’s also run his campaign on a budget.

          Hillary burns through money like someone who hasn’t earn it…surprise! She burned through $117 million in television advertising prior to the convention. Trump spent $115,000 on online advertising and $5,000 on print ads.

          Hillary’s comfortable spending other people’s money. She doesn’t appreciate where that money is generated or the work required to generate it. She is the worst type of person to put in charge of America’s budget.

          Hillary has yet to responsibly answer for her Benghazi, Iran, Syrian, ISIS, and email failures and corruption. On a daily basis she is a whole pack of deficiencies.

  4. Dewster says:

    Both Trump and Hillary are polling negative when all voters are included. They are not counting Millennials in most polls. 18 – 34. It is all a Media game.

    Bottom Line Bernie won the Primary and Millions of Voters have stood up. A few went to Trump, a Few to Clinton, more went to Jill or Johnson and the rest are standing idle. That is how Johnson got his increase. We are from all parties.

    We just taught a whole generation how corrupt our elections are either party.

    Trump is not mentally stable or educated enough to be Prez and Hillary is part of the Bush/Clinton corruption squad.

    Media is their tool. People called us liars. Then Wiki released the emails that proved us right. Maybe if you were less Partisan and stuck up for those fighting corruption we could reform elections.

    This election is all a sham. Clinton is the winner. They are scared they will not get our votes to hide the rigging. It has to be a close race to rig. Many of us may take the stand. No more voting for lessor evil scam.

    We may let Trump win. But rest assured we are working hard down ticket to protect America from his Mental fits.

    I suggest the DNC and GOP are secretly freaking out on Trump because of all the unconstitutional laws they have in place. We are setup so one can flip a switch and lock us down into marshal law.

    Get with the game folks it is high stakes.

    Patriot ACt? NDDA? FEMA Laws? NSA? …. They can detain US Citizens without cause or warrant nor tell anybody where those citizens are by LAW now.

    Imagine a Mentally unstable Ego maniac flipping that switch. We may get the chance. We are very angry voters. So do not complain about this election when you refuse to help us with the primary fraud that just occurred.

    The election is rigged period. We have lawsuits out there again. The lawyer who filed in OH actually put a letter on FB in case he disappeared. He is the same lawyer who litigated against Rove in previous OH vote flips.

    There is a dark world underneath this Media party and it is the same one that has been there for decades. WHat Nixon did is kindergarten to what the DNC and Hillary have done or GW before her.

    Yet we hear crickets from the so called constitutionally correct right wing.

    • Tina says:

      “We just taught a whole generation how corrupt our elections are either party.”

      So you are a millennial? If so you should know others have come before you. You may feel like the first generation ever to discover corruption in high places but that notion is purely ego driven. It’s a story as old as time.

      I ask you to look beyond parties to ideology. I ask you to look to individuals and what they propose rather than groups and catagories. I ask you to compare ideas expressed by any politician to our Constitution and then compare with the ideals of Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini, and others of a socialist bent. America is unique; ti is the ideals of the American founding that I support and defend.

      “Hillary is part of the Bush/Clinton corruption squad…Media is their tool.”

      Are you insane! Where were you over the eight years Bush was in office when he was hammered daily by the radical left wing media?

      “…we are working hard down ticket to protect America,”

      Like he77 you are. You are working to preserve your own ego and sense of group power. You do group think, a concept that is foreign to the ideals on which America was founded and built. You find monsters in inanimate things and believe hating “corporations,” “banks” and “profits” means you’ve discovered the answer to the worlds problems. You think like a child; everybody is wrong except you. If you don’t win, you pout, take your ball, and go home.

      “Patriot ACt? NDDA? FEMA Laws? NSA? …. They can detain US Citizens without cause or warrant nor tell anybody where those citizens are by LAW now.”

      No, they can’t. That is a myth, unless the law is interpreted and carried out in a manner that goes against the law as written by an individual or individuals. Obama believes laws should be flexible. He believes the Constitution places too many restrictions on the president and gets in the way of his activism. Hillary has been shown to have absolute contempt for laws and rules.

      George Bush enacted laws through Congress to address problems. When challenged legally he worked through Congress to change the laws. When he went to war he got approval of Congress, he went before the UN to make his case, and sought assistance from a coalition of nations. When challenged on his legal interpretation of interrogation techniques in court, he adhered to the courts finding. When challenged on illegal combatant detention the court’s ruling was ambiguous and the term has yet to be fully defined.

      There is a difference between an administration that is determined to use whatever means it has at it’s disposal to keep America safe, and that takes steps to do so legally, and an administration that hides what it does, (Benghazi,arms deals, Iran, emails, cash for prisoners, video fiction) and flies by the seat of its pants thumbing it’s nose at Congress, process and procedure. IF YOU HAVEN’T NOTICED THE DIFFERENCE YOU AREN’T PAYING ATTENTION!

      Conspiracy theories and broad accusations are not truth.

      “Yet we hear crickets from the so called constitutionally correct right wing.”

      Geez Dewey, the right has been fighting this stuff since before we were both in diapers. Prior to 1994 Democrats held power in DC for forty years almost exclusively. That takes us back to WWII. Prior to that the lefties were fast at work establishing their design to fundamentally transform America. Read some history and you will find it was the progressive movement (communists) that began the long march in America away from American ideals and toward group think, group rights, and central planning and control. The main stream press is part of that radical progressive movement.

      “All that progressives ask or desire is permission — in an era when development, evolution, is a scientific word — to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle; all they ask is recognition of the fact that a nation is a living thing and not a machine.” – Woodrow Wilson

      All they ask my Aunt Fannie! Whatever they “ask” (demand) is never enough!

      Read here, here, here, and here.

      I also highly recommend this expose:

      Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders seek to claim the “progressive” mantle. Both claim the other is not a true progressive. Clinton teased Sanders as being the “self-proclaimed gatekeeper for progressivism.” Bernie Sanders said that Hillary Clinton can’t be both a moderate and a progressive and that most progressives don’t take millions from Wall Street. But let’s talk about the origins of progressivism. It’s only historical ignorance that could explain black affinity for progressivism.

      The Progressive Era is generally seen as the period from 1890 to 1920. President Woodrow Wilson, a leading progressive, had a deep contempt for the founding principles of our nation. Progress for Wilson was to get “beyond the Declaration of Independence,” because “it is of no consequence to us.” President Wilson implored that “all that progressives ask or desire is permission — in an era when ‘development,’ ‘evolution,’ is the scientific word — to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle; all they ask is recognition of the fact that a nation is a living thing and not a machine.”

      President Woodrow Wilson was a believer in notions of racial superiority and inferiority. He was so enthralled with D.W. Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation” movie, which glorified the Ku Klux Klan, that he invited various dignitaries to the White House to view it with him. During one private screening, President Wilson exclaimed: “It’s like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.” When President Wilson introduced racial segregation to the civil service, the NAACP and the National Independent Political League protested. Wilson vigorously defended it, arguing that segregation was in the interest of Negroes. Booker T. Washington wrote during Wilson’s first term, “I have never seen the colored people so discouraged and bitter as they are at the present time.”

      President Woodrow Wilson’s predecessor, Theodore Roosevelt, was another progressive captivated by the notions of racial inferiority. He opposed voting rights for black Americans, which were guaranteed by the 15th Amendment, on the grounds that the black race was still in its adolescence.

      Theodore Roosevelt said that “race suicide,” a term coined by sociologist and eugenicist Edward Ross, was the “greatest problem of civilization.” “The theory that races are virtually equal in capacity,” wrote Ross in the journal of the American Sociological Society, “leads to such monumental follies as lining the valleys of the South with the bones of half a million picked whites in order to improve the conditions of four million unpicked blacks.”

      The Progressive era gave birth to the “separate but equal” doctrine that emerged from the Supreme Court’s notorious 1896 decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, a case that symbolized Jim Crow racism. Progressives were also people who attacked free-market economics. Along with muckraking journalists they attacked capitalistic barons. They were advocates of what might be called “scientific racism” that drew from anthropology, biology, psychology, sociology, eugenics and medical science. Popular books during the Progressive era included Charles Carroll’s “The Negro a Beast” and R.W. Shufeldt’s “The Negro, a Menace to American Civilization.” A best-seller was Madison Grant’s “The Passing of the Great Race,” where he argued that inferior races were out-breeding their betters, leading to race suicide. Economist John R. Commons regarded blacks as immutably inferior therefore justifying slavery. (continues)

      It’s time for YOU to get a clue!

  5. Dewster says:

    P>S> anybody that protests the Gov now is defined a domestic terrorist. Turn off Fox News and read all the new definitions in FBI military, FBI, homeland security docs cause the Tea Party is included with the rest of us.

    WHy is 1st amendment rights and the Constitution the enemy of the elite?


    Stop the divide and recognize we are all on the same side

    • Tina says:

      Please respect the individual rights of our readers. Stop telling others what to do as if you were superior to them.

      “read all the new definitions in FBI military, FBI, homeland security docs”

      Where have you been Dewey? Bernie supporters may be new to all of this; we are not. Please recall it is the Tea Party that was targeted by IRS, ATF, OSHA, EPA, and FBI. They have also been targeted by you, Dewey, because you believe the lies that progressives float and the media repeats.

      “Stop the divide and recognize we are all on the same side”

      Dewey from the beginning you have come to Post Scripts as an enemy to the conservatives who post here. Your attitude seemed to prevent you from reading and understanding our positions and ideas. If anyone has been divisive here it is you.

      • Libby says:

        Enemy? You’re projecting again. Dews is here to post his opinions. If it’s his opinion that you need to remove yourself from the influence of certain propaganda mills and gather some actual fact on which to base your positions, well, it’s certainly a stong opinion, but this does not make him an enemy.

  6. Jacob says:

    Tina: “They aren’t telling us that for the first time in our history more businesses have failed in America than have been created.”

    They’re not telling us this because it isn’t true.

    “Several Republicans — including presidential candidates Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina — have claimed that business deaths outnumber business births in the U.S. That was accurate for individual firms for 2009 to 2011, in the wake of the Great Recession, but no longer.
    According to the Census Bureau’s September 2015 release of these figures, firm births outnumbered deaths in 2012. And the same goes for 2013.”

    It also isn’t true that Khan has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. (Nor would it be relevant if he did. Trump started attacking Khan and his wife, and their religion (“maybe she wasn’t allowed to say anything) before those accusations even started.

    You critique the media for not reporting lies and conspiracy theories that irresponsible right wing media tell you to believe. You dismiss experts because you are all on board Trump’s dangerous anti-intellectualism. The media is not the problem; your bubble is.

    • Tina says:

      Jacob (Chris), the information I have came from The Brookings Institute, a left leaning institution (see chart). Starting in 2008 the entry and exit lines crossed. Unfortunately the chart ends in 2011. Brooking claims the reasons are “unknown.”

      As Ed Morrisey at Hot Air disagrees as do I:

      The reasons can’t be that unknown. Since the 1970s, the federal regulatory environment has grown exponentially, with its power amplified by the federal courts. Even short eras of regulatory reduction resulted in only moderate reversals of that decline, which quickly disappeared. Look, for instance, at the period between 1983-88 during the heyday of Reaganomics and deregulation, and the shallower gains during the George W. Bush administration.

      Note too that this isn’t so much of a sharp increase in business failures but a lack of business creation. The steep drop came during the Great Recession, but that continued well into the supposed recovery, too. What happened during that period? Massive top-down regulation via ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank, and massive amounts of gimmicky Keynesian economics with short-term incentives and crowd-out “investments” in areas like solar energy. Instead of freeing capital for entrepreneurial purposes, the regulatory and tax policies of the Obama administration have choked off entrepreneurship.

      In order to reverse this trend, we do indeed need the “virtue of entrepreneurship enhancing policies,” which begin with valuing job creation over regulation and the use of capital over the punishing of it. Instead of celebrating job-killing policies as an end to “wage slavery,” we need to rid ourselves of job-killing policies and command-economy regimes. Mostly, though, we need a change in leadership from the current economy-killing administration and some semblance of sanity in the reach of the federal government.

      Your link included the following which confirms what I reported:

      Hathaway also sent us a chart with what was then the most recent data from Census, released in September 2014, that showed firm deaths in 2012 (424,864) still outnumbered births (410,001).

      It then goes on to say that numbers have been “revised” under the Obama government. This government has quietly “revised” nearly every GDP number it’s reported. It is also dishonest about unemployment numbers and what they mean. This administration continues to say things are improving when we have not had a single quarter of growth over 2%, an unprecedented record in modern times:

      In the 85 years for which BEA has calculated the annual change in real GDP there is only one ten-year stretch—2006 through 2015—when the annual growth in real GDP never hit 3 percent. During the last ten years, real annual growth in GDP peaked in 2006 at 2.7 percent. It has never been that high again, according to the BEA.

      Entrepreneurial small business creation is lagging. The reason can be summed up in a few words. Progressives think all business is the same and all money belongs to the government.

      Progressivism is killing the Golden Goose, the spirit of the entrepreneur, and making it impossible for wealth building and job opportunities for the middle class and the poor. ONLY THE RICH can afford to continue and only the rich are making money. The rest of us have been left out and oppressed!

      Khan started the feud when he accused and scolded Donald Trump over words, latter clarified and expanded, that he chose to find offensive. He also chose to use his son as a prop to politically smear Trump publicly, which I find offensive.

      Our Constitution DOES allow a president to block certain people from entering the country. At a time when our current president has failed to make appropriate accommodations in the ME for refugees fleeing nations torn by war and that he and Hillary blew up through failed hit and miss strategies and interventions, the West is faced with a crisis. A temporary pause in immigration from nations where terrorists operate and refugees are fleeing is an appropriate strategy to put on the table. Mr. Kahn chose to take Trumps remarks personally even though Trump praised his son’s service and revised intiial remarks. All of you on the left do this and then deign to scold for percieved “lies. You don’t care about what has been communicated, only what you can use as a bludgeon. “He was also right, if indelicate, when he suggested Khans wife might not be able to speak, given the traditional roll many Muslims adhere to.

      Trumps remarks are no worse or offensive than remarks made by many prominent Democrats. I could point out a number of them but I’ll point out one. At the National Prayer Breakfast Obama compared ISIS attacks to the violence committed by Christians in the Crusades. Anyone who knows their history knows that the crusades were a response to the Muslim invasion of Spain and it’s westward violent, oppressive march into Europe. Muslims were the aggressor. They have been throughout history. There is a fundamental reason but you’re too PC to accept it.

      This need to excuse offensive, barbaric, Radical Muslim attacks on the West, by trying to create a moral equivalence today from events of centuries ago, is not only deeply offensive (Christianity HAS reformed), it is horrendously dishonest to Christians and peaceful, reformed Muslims.

      This PC deception is not about protecting loyal American Muslims. It is about attempting to smear political adversaries as “Islamophobic.” The so-called Islamophobic right did not exist until left activism invented it:

      The term “Islamophobia” was invented and promoted in the early 1990s by the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood. Former IIIT member Abdur-Rahman Muhammad — who was with that organization when the word was formally created, and who has since rejected IIIT’s ideology — now reveals the original intent behind the concept of Islamophobia: “This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” In short, in its very origins, “Islamophobia” was a term designed as a weapon to advance a totalitarian cause by stigmatizing critics and silencing them.

      This plan was an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood’s “General Strategic Goal for North America,” by which the organization aimed to wage “a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.” To implement this plan, the Brotherhood enlisted the help of 29 likeminded “organizations of our friends” (one of which was IIIT), whose task would be to depict themselves as civil-rights groups speaking out on behalf of a Muslim American population that was allegedly besieged by outsiders who harbored an illogical, unfounded fear of them — i.e., by a society replete with “Islamophobia.” (continues)

      You have a right to believe what you want about Mr. Khan. Not everyone is convinced he has no ties whatsoever to the Muslim Brotherhood. Daniel Greenfield thinks Khan drew inspiration for his work from “Muslim Brotherhood Islamist ‘Fascist'”

      In writings by Khan he instructs Muslims: “All other juridical works which have been written during more than thirteen centuries are very rich ad indispensable, but they must always be subordinated to the Sharia and open to reconsideration by all Muslims.”

      Are you going to hold Mr. Khan to his written words when it comes to our laws and Constitution?

      It seems deceptive to me that Mr. Khan would stand on that DNC stage and wave a copy of the Constitution he subordinates to Sharia while challenging Trumps loyalties and knowledge of the Constitution. I am decidedly unimpressed with this orchestrated act of pure partisan dirty politics. It would appear that the DNC and Khan have found common ground in fascism which fuels the alliance.

      President Bush led the entire nation in fighting radical Islamic terrorism and as a good leader he also made it clear that attacks on loyal American Muslims was wrong and inappropriate. He also refrained from divisive “group” remarks.

      It is Obama’s own prejudices and divisive style that has created this PC environment and it happened long before Trump became the opposition candidate for Hillary. He, along with millions of Americans, are being targeted with the underhanded, dirty tactics progressives have used since Alinsky wrote his evil book and dedicated it to Lucifer.

      (Chris) you have to suspend reality to believe otherwise. Since you are in the left progressive “bubble” you believe you have cornered the market on truth. If I’m correct, your days are numbered because you have finally been exposed for the dirty trickster, fundamental transformers you are. I hope you wake up to the goal which is to destroy America, individual rights, and the rule of law.

  7. Tina says:

    Hillary’s big bounce is going flat. Reuters, “Clinton’s lead over Trump narrows to less than three points: Reuters/Ipsos poll”

    Margin of error, plus or minus 3.

    • Libby says:

      That’s good. Do what you can to keep your morale up. But prepare yourself also. My sister has a theory that Trump may be in the early stages of dementia. The fractiousness, lack of control, tetchiness, inability to focus for any length of time, these are all early indicators.

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