Bureaucratic Corruption and Waste

Posted by Tina

Two stories on Friday suggest massive questionable accounting practices that in turn point to corruption and waste of taxpayer dollars. One involves the military and the other the state department.

Daily Caller, “Clinton’s State Department Blew $6 Billion In Contracts, And We’re About To Learn Why”

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry greets former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on stage at a symposium on advancing Afghan women at Georgetown University in Washington November 15, 2013. REUTERS/Jason Reed U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry greets former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on stage at a symposium on advancing Afghan women at Georgetown University in Washington November 15, 2013. REUTERS/Jason Reed

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton may soon have to answer questions about an estimated $6 billion in contract mismanagement, fraud and incompetence that happened under her watch at the Department of State.

Non-profit government watchdog Cause of Action Institute (CofA) filed a Freedom of Information Act request Friday for records related to a March 2014 management alert issued by the department’s Inspector General (IG).

“The total value of the contracts the [IG] reviewed exceeded $6 billion,” the CofA’s FOIA request said. “Many of these cases arose during the tenure of Secretary Hillary Clinton.” Clinton was the country’s top diplomat from January 2009 to February 2013.

The IG alert that unveiled the mismanagement was based on three investigations and two contract-related audits. …
… Among the examples cited by the IG were:

Modifications and task orders were awarded to a company owned by the spouse of the State Department official managing the $52 million contract. The contract’s file was missing documentation reflecting those modifications and task orders, an IG investigation uncovered.
A State Department contracting officer on a contract valued at $100 million falsified technical review information and provided the contractor with advance pricing information.
Forty-eight of the 82 files the IG reviewed related to $2.1 billion in contracts supporting the U.S. mission in Iraq lacked required documentation.
None of the files reviewed by the IG for eight contracts issued by the department’s Bureau of African Affairs and valued at $34.8 million contained required documentation.

Does it occur to the average American that our taxes are used to pay these people? That it is our hard work that supplies them with salaries, benefits, perks…and bonuses! They should taking extra care to account for every dime. Instead, they take advantage, they’re sloppy, they quietly line their own pockets…hey, the attitude is, It ain’t my money. Will anyone be fired?

What difference at this point does it make? It’s only money.

More sloppiness…Free Beacon, “Report: U.S. Army Manipulated Its Accounting Entries by Trillions of Dollars”

The U.S. Army manipulated its accounting entries by trillions of dollars in an attempt to make its books appear balanced, making it impossible to uncover how the branch spends taxpayer money, according to a government audit.

Reuters reported Friday, citing a June report from the Defense Department’s Inspector General:

The Army made $2.8 trillion in wrongful adjustments to accounting entries in one quarter alone in 2015, and $6.5 trillion for the year. Yet the Army lacked receipts and invoices to support those numbers or simply made them up.

The report concluded that the Army’s 2015 financial statements were “materially misstated” because of the “forced” adjustments, which made its financial statements useless.

Audits are scheduled for the end of September and the Army says it will “assert audit readiness” by the deadline. We’ll see.

The founders were right. Limited government would be much better.

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5 Responses to Bureaucratic Corruption and Waste

  1. J. Soden says:

    All you have to do these days is say “Corrupt” and everyone knows that you’re talking about $hrilLIARy.


  2. Tina says:

    Bill and Hill were scrambling last week to gain a footing, swearing up and down that if Hillary is elected the foundation will refrain from taking foreign money. It’s a bit late for gestures. They’ve already proven to be untrustworthy and corrupt. Ed Klein appeared with Sean Hannity with news on Thursday:

    sources have confirmed to him that not only is The Clinton Foundation under federal investigation, but also at least one Clinton Foundation insider is prepared to testify in a court of law against Hillary.

    Reports of legal troubles for the foundation began last week when The Daily Caller reported that a joint FBI-US Attorney probe of The Clinton Foundation is currently underway. The charge is supported by a number of emails recently released by Judicial Watch, which suggest The Clinton Foundation engaged in pay-for-play while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. …

    I’ve come to expect exactly nothing from our government in terms of prosecuting it’s elites. But as they say in DC, even the appearance of conflict of interest is to be avoided; Hillary should never be president.

    Related: The sailor that tried the Hillary Defense was sentenced to “one year in prison and a $100 fine, along with six months home confinement, 100 hours of community service and a ban on owning guns.” His crime? He took a few photo’s inside a submarine so he could show them to his grandchildren one day. Careless? Yes. But not quite the same as transferring very sensitive information over a non-secured private server that has the potential to get people killed. Hillary gets to live by a different set of rules. Piggy piggy piggy…sooey!

    • Peggy says:

      Hillary promised and even signed an agreement to break ties with her foundation while she was Sec. of State. She didn’t keep her word then, why would anyone believe her now.

      Chelsey will be running for senate soon and will need the foundation funds to get her elected. And don’t forget her unemployed hedge fund husband and two kids’ future. They’ll never give up their tax exempt cash-cow that provides them with a life style that doesn’t require an honest days work they’ve never done.

  3. Peggy says:

    Would love to learn if the millions Hillary’s State Dept. spent on wine and wine goblets was a part of the missing $6 billion or was it in addition to the funds wasted by her dept.

    Remember all of this waste, fraud and abuse was going on during the Benghazi attack when Democrats were accusing Republicans of not funding the State Dept. so it could provide the security requested by Chris Stevens 400 times.

    State Department finalized a $5million order for custom crystal wine glasses for American embassies just hours before the government shutdown:

    “Vermont-based crystal company Simon Pearce commissioned to make 12,000 pieces for American embassies.

    Order was finalized the day before the government shutdown

    One of a handful of pricey orders filed in the last week of the fiscal year, known inside the Beltway as ‘use it or lose it’ week

    A $5million order for custom crystal glasses and bar accessories was placed for American embassies on the day before the government shutdown.

    The State Department finalized the order for custom stemware on September 30, just hours before nearly one million federal workers were put on unpaid leave as a result of the on-going budget dispute in Congress.

    The contract was awarded to Simon Pearce, a Vermont stemware company that makes hand blown crystal that retails for up to $85-per-wine glass.

    The order calls for more than 12,000 pieces of 20 different styles.”


  4. Tina says:

    I guess that’s why we call them elites, Peggy. They are actually the biggest robber barons this nation has ever seen.

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