Who’s Presidential?

presidents sealPosted by Tina

Well it’s been quite a week hasn’t it? President Obama has been vacationing on Martha’s Vinyard, playing golf and taking time out to fundraise with Hillary.

Hillary…where is Hillary? She’s had a few rallies this week. She was in Scranton on the 15th with Biden and once again she was on a stool. Joe Biden’s talent for bizarre off-hand remarks was on hand:

“There’s a guy that follows me right back here, has the nuclear codes,” Biden said, turning and pointing. “So God forbid anything happened to the president and I had to make a decision, the codes are with me.”

How smart is it to reveal such information in a room filled with strangers? The poster at that link recalled when, in 2009, Joe also told an audience where the top secret bunker is that houses the President or VP in a national emergency. Was he trying to demonstrate responsible behavior or was it the usual Biden braggadocio…whatever it was, he showed how casually negligent and irresponsible this administration is and has been.

As we reported recently Hillary is taking a lot of breaks to rest. I didn’t see much coverage of her this week. I did hear some of her angry scolding rhetoric. Can you imagine listening to that woman for four long years?

Finally we come to Trump. Trump has had a fabulous week making speeches at rallies on specific policy items. He addressed foreign policy and ISIS, law and order and the problems in the inner cities, and the economy and jobs. The speeches were well attended and well received. Trump was doing all week exactly what his detractors have said he could not do. Trump was acting like a president, speaking to the people, showing he’s tuned in to their concerns and specifically stating the things he would do to put us on a new path toward greater prosperity, safety, and opportunity, including better schools and economic conditions in America’s inner cities. Today Trump and Pence are in Louisianna with the flood victims.

Trump on foreign policy.

Trump in Detroit speaks on the economy and jobs.

Trump in Wisconsin reaches out to black voters.

Trump joins Sean Hannity for a TownHall meeting in Wisconsin to address ISIS

Who’s the most obvious choice to be our next president? The choice is clear. Donald Trump could disappoint, as all presidents do, but the alternative has already proven to be irresponsible, unreliable, and untrustworthy and quite possibly not up to the job.

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15 Responses to Who’s Presidential?

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “but the alternative has already proven to be irresponsible, unreliable, and untrustworthy and quite possibly not up to the job.”

    Anyone who crows and laughs about getting a pedophile rapist off and blames the victim is not suited to be president. Such a person is not even suited to be a human being,

    She neither defends women nor children. She attacks the most vulnerable. She is no champion of anything except her own self aggrandizement and personal wealth building.

    The Clinton Foundation passes 10% of funds collected to charity. What happens to the 90%, eh? The Clinton Foundation is a pimp selling political influence.

    Say what you will about Trump, Hillary is an evil witch from hell.

  2. J. Soden says:

    What’s truly scary is that Bumbling Biden has access to the nuclear codes . . .

    And as for $hrilLIARy – she’s taken a week off to “rest.” Or did she have another health-related issue . .. ?

    TheDonald went to Louisiana to show support to the flood victims – something Obumble has been too busy playing golf in Martha’s Vineyard to do.
    Neither floods, earthquakes, bombings, shootings, riots, invasions or gloom of night shall ever stay Obumble from his appointed (golf) rounds!
    Or taxpayer funded vacations. . .

    And just recently, Obumble announced that he’d visit Louisiana on Tuesday. TheDonald shamed him into it. Hope Louisiana gives him what for!

  3. Peggy says:

    This man is asking where is the help from the BLM and the Black Panthers.

    We all know Obama is on the golf course and attending a $35,000 a plate fundraiser for Hillary while Hillary is resting in bed this weekend so she’ll have the strength to attend her fundraising even without falling down again.

    Meanwhile today Trump flew down to Louisiana, without his campaign media followers, with Mike Spence where they met up with Franklin Graham. Then he flew back to Michigan for a rally.

    Who really cares about the people of America is becoming more obvious. As you know I’ve not been a Trump fan, but he sure impressed me today.

    After His City Falls To RUINS, Black Man CONFRONTS BLM With BRUTAL Honesty [VIDEO]


    • Tina says:

      I think the cartoon character Trump that the left loves to promote is nothing like the Trump that will be our president should he win. His heart is with America and he fully understands the working class and the poor who just want better schools and an opportunity to better their lives. He will work hard for all of the people, I have no doubts. I also don’t have high expectations. When the dust settles the same struggle between left and right in DC will make it difficult. The effort to take him down will be monumental! Dysfunction cries out for truth and justice and the ignorant prefer darkness. We do indeed live in strange times when half of our citizens don’t even value the fundamentals of our republic: equality under the law, individual rights, and freedom from government oppression and intrusion. Strange too are the shifting values that undermine those tenets.

      We soldier on doing what we can.

  4. Peggy says:

    Gold medal for Trump. Obama and Hillary scratched for no show.


  5. Peggy says:

    Obama and his administration step in it again.

    Obama irks La. flood victims with memo warning them not to discriminate:

    “President Obama has refused so far to survey the Louisiana flood disaster, but he did let state and local officials know that he’s watching to make sure they don’t engage in racial discrimination.

    In a 16-page guidance issued Tuesday, the Obama administration, led by the Justice Department, warned Louisiana recipients of federal disaster assistance against engaging in “unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency).”

    The guidance’s frameworks “highlight the importance of complying with nondiscrimination requirements of civil rights statutes, addressing the needs of the whole community, and ensuring equal opportunity to access recovery efforts.”

    Needless to say, some Louisiana residents were offended, including the American Conservative’s Rod Dreher, who took umbrage at receiving an anti-discrimination lecture from Washington, D.C., as locals struggle to rescue, house and feed their neighbors.

    “[E]verywhere you look you can find black folks and white folks loving on each other, helping each other through this crisis,” Mr. Dreher said in a Thursday post.

    He referred to the guidance as a “long bureaucratic memo” issued by the “Department of Justice and many other agencies of the executive branch overseen by He Who Cannot Be Troubled to Leave Martha’s Vineyard.”

    Mr. Dreher said such discrimination is wrong and Louisianans need to “own our mistakes,” but that residents knee-deep in rescue efforts don’t appreciate being painted with the administration’s broad brush.

    He quoted an email from a local named Jimmy who said, “Not many things get me seething, but this does,” calling Obama administration officials “dividers instead of uniters.”

    “Look no further than this ‘guidance’ press release telling us in the middle of it to be sure not to be racist, y’all,” said the email. “Meanwhile, our President enjoys golfing and Martha’s Vineyard and sunny skies. No visits, not even that reviled [George W.] Bush flyover. Just politically motivated, radically laced memos.”

    More than 40,000 homes were damaged during the flooding, sparked by thunderstorms and a low-pressure system that began Aug. 5, which the Red Cross has described as the worst natural disaster since Superstorm Sandy in 2012.”


    • Tina says:

      “In a 16-page guidance issued Tuesday, the Obama administration, led by the Justice Department, warned Louisiana recipients of federal disaster assistance against engaging in “unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency).”

      Peggy my Mom had a name for people like Obama (All progressive activists really). I hesitate to use it but it does fit. Obama is a divisive sh*t-stirrer, an evil trouble maker.

      This man’s blatant bigotry and racism couldn’t be more obvious. This “savior” is all about furthering division and inciting hatred, a narrow agenda that sure hasn’t addressed the very serious economic and social problems that blacks in poor neighborhoods face. What a phony…what a failure.

      • Peggy says:

        Your mom was right and she sounds just like mine.

        Someone pointed out rightly the first thing Democrats see is the color of someone’s skin. Obama and his minions sure do. So, who’s the racist?

        Those poor people in LA needed a helping and incouraging hand from their president. Instead they were accused of being greedy racist.

        We can only hope people see him and Hillary for the hypocrites they are who only want their votes and have no intentions of really helping them obtain the American dream.

    • J. Soden says:

      Am hoping that Louisiana residents will greet da prez with a handful of good ‘ol Mississippi MUD to commemorate his performance in office!

    • Tina says:

      ” he did let state and local officials know that he’s watching to make sure they don’t engage in racial discrimination.”

      If Katrina is an indicator what the President will be looking for is any excuse to cry racism.

      “[E]verywhere you look you can find black folks and white folks loving on each other, helping each other through this crisis…”

      This is the reality that the Obama racist organization will not see. America does not have systemic racism. In fact the most racist elements in our midst are the activists and race pimps that provoke divisions with false narratives while doing absolutely nothing to effect real change in the black communities of America.

  6. Peggy says:

    The behind the scene story of Breitbart’s Bannon taking Ted Cruz out of primary against Trump.

    How Breitbart Turned on Ted Cruz:


  7. Tina says:

    As they say Peggy, politics ain’t bean bag.

    I didn’t see anything that was particularly unusual in the Breitbart transition. I think the headline of the Hill article is a bit of an exaggeration. Many of us have shifted our support, through various emotionally wrenching stages, and wished for a cleaner selection. But we get to live with the decision of our fellows. Time to move on and put full support behind our candidate.

    Hillary must not be our next president there is too much at stake.

  8. dewster says:

    Let’s see Trump goes down to LA for photo ops. Is seen delivering PlayDoh cause that is great to eat and drink.

    Gov’s Statement
    ‘Donald Trump hasn’t called the governor to inform him of his visit. We welcome him to LA but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he’ll consider volunteering or making a sizable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of the storm.’

    Lol he get’s playdoh? lol

    Also Before his trip to Louisiana, Trump’s campaign manager made it a point to tell ABC News that this wasn’t a political stunt…… Hello ABC…watch me!

    All these politicians are worthless. Neither Hillary or Trump should be elected.

    But really, pumping up Trump? That takes the cake!

    News reported that after he was told to stop making a spectacle. Trump stood in a bucket brigade behind a truck and passed along a few boxes of supplies and left for the day………Forty-nine seconds of help is how he showed his support to the people of Louisiana.

  9. Tina says:

    Dewey you have no idea what Trump will contribute to the people of Louisiana in this disaster why do you imagine you do?

    It’s also pretty stupid to think the Democrat governor is going to lay out the welcome mat to Trump. Lefties are rarely gracious, in fact, they are exactly like you.

    “Is seen delivering PlayDoh cause that is great to eat and drink. ”

    I know exactly which citizens will be grateful for the PlayDoh, most likely donated by Hasbro…the folks that make it, and that’s the parents of little ones that need something for them to do while the big people clean up.

    In the coming days we will see donations of all kinds coming from both individuals and companies because that’s what we Americans do in these situations.

    People like you prefer to be an a$$.

    Trump was greeted positively by many citizens in Louisiana. See here, here, and here.

    The man that has the power to do most preferred to play golf and attend Billy’s birthday bash:

    Yesterday we asked whether Obama cares about black people after he took some heat from a Baton Rouge newspaper for not visiting the state amid catastrophic flooding. Obama chose, instead, to spend the day golfing with Larry David, his 9th round of golf in the 14 days he’s been on vacation.

    Due to his rigorous golf schedule, Obama sent US Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to visit Louisiana who explained that Obama “can’t be everywhere” because he “has a very busy schedule.”

    Well, turns out Obama will make his way down to Louisiana but AFTER Bill’s 70th Birthday Bash in Martha’s Vineyard. I mean, can you fault the guy…look how happy Bill is when he gets to play with balloons (pun intended).

    This is all so unnecessary…it does distract from the miserable record of both the current administration and that corrupt woman you chose to run on the top of the D ticket.

  10. Tina says:

    Some of Dewey’s brown shirts were out in force Friday night in Minneapolis. Do they really think their fascist thug tactics will help get Hillary elected?

    Leftist agitators employed fascist tactics at a Donald Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis on Friday night.

    Video shows protesters banging on the doors of the Minneapolis Convention Center where Trump was speaking to attendees.

    When the event concluded, Trump supporters were forced to run a “gauntlet,” with many, including elderly women, being punched and pelted with garbage.

    Some of the little darlings were spitting too…nice.

    See video by Renee Jones Schneider for the Star Tribune at the link.

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