Against Freedom and Free Speech: Soros Files Leaked

george-washington-freedom-of-speechPosted by Tina

Free and open speech is a precious right that all people must value if we are to remain well-informed and free. This right has been under considerable attack in our country for some time now. It’s no accident that freedom of speech has been undermined in schools and colleges, young minds are easier to bend and shape, and those who seek to impose their will have always used students to create chaos for their “revolution.” (Or fundamental transformation). We have seen a systematic movement to label conservative speech as “hate speech” and to teach that these radical voices should be silenced. The idea that conservative think tanks work to “introduce false narratives and flawed research into the media cycle and use their misinformation to manipulate public opinion” has been tactically asserted as a means of projecting Soros own underhanded methods on the opposition.

I challenge anyone to find evidence that any right-wing think tank has taken steps to block progressive ideas and speech or to undermine the United States of America as has been asserted.

Last week documents were released that suggest a Soros led movement against free speech (and thought) has been orchestrated and funded by the George Soros Open Society Foundation. As David Horowitz, who was labeled “radical” and “hateful” as a product of this movement has shown, Soros has worked against our nation’s freedoms for some time promoting anti-American ideas: 1. America violates “the civil rights and liberties of many of its residents,” 2. America’s “enduring racism must be counterbalanced by racial and ethnic preferences in favor of nonwhites,” 3. The American criminal-justice system “is racist and inequitable,” 4. “Disparage capitalism and promote “a dramatic expansion of social-welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes,” 5. Advance socialized medicine (single payer), 5. Use the arts and media to “promote leftist ideals and worldviews,” 6. Inject the American” judicial system with leftist values,” 7. Infiltrate churches and religious congregations to promote leftist values,” 8. Promote “open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty,” 9. Oppose “post-9/11 national-security measures enacted by the U.S. government,” 9. Depict “virtually all American military actions as unwarranted and immoral and severly disarm and defund our military,” 10. Promote “radical environmentalism,” 11. Oppose “the death penalty in all circumstances,” 12. Promote “modern-day feminism’s core tenet—that America is fundamentally a sexist society where discrimination and violence against women have reached epidemic proportions.”

I would add to this list the organized effort to undermine our right to keep and bear arms.

Political CorrectnessSpeech is being managed and structured in America. A term has been created to describe speech that is no longer acceptable, “PC.” Anyone that is in breach of the new rules is labeled and ostracized as “fringe,” or politically incorrect (PC). Over decades our children’s minds have been massaged as our schools changed the way race relations, history, and science are presented. Biased claims about the founding of our nation, our racist past, and global warming feature prominently. The same is true at the college level with the added bonus that certain guest voices are made unwelcome and indeed are accused of being radical, hateful, dangerous, and fringe. Classes that create special status and promote division and bias are offered. This is how you create a fundamentally transformed population. A fundamentally transformed population will give up free speech and think it’s doing something noble. In reality we’ve lost the ability to discuss and debate issues that affect our lives and protect our freedoms.

This year we’ve seen managed speech bleed into the election even more than in the past. Some professors and student groups have tried to ban the name “Trump” from being chalked on sidewalks. The phrase, “Make America Great Again” was labeled as hate speech. Some went to far as to create “safe spaces” for their more sensitive students while students who support Trump have been marginalized and targeted for abuse. What do they fear? Words!

This ugly trend must stop. We citizens are responsible; we have not being aware and vigilant. Our schools are responsible for teaching and promoting bias and preference. Special interest groups attack companies while buying access to shape legislation against them. Departments of government target citizens for abuse and limit their participation. Our legislators and judges are too often biased, compromised, or corrupt.

winston-churchill idea-of-free-speech-The people have the power to return our schools to institutions of discovery and learning. We have the power to end special interest corruption. We have the power to restore our system of justice. Ironically we must use our words while we still can. We the people must speak out against political correctness and ideological, historical and scientific bias whenever and wherever we can. We must also vote for candidaes who are not afraid of free and open speech and who promote ideas and solutions that respect free people.

It’s not always easy to tell, individual to individual, which of our public servants works against America. It is easy to see that organizations on the radical left, that have been funded by a certain billionaire, have actually worked to silence voices and create conformity of thought through bullying, shaming, organized protest, and hateful attempts to discredit individuals. They are comprised of people who don’t believe in America but instead believe in a centralized ruling power. They imagine benevolent rule; history shows this is a pipe dream. World domination is the ultimate goal.

Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing. ~ Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

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16 Responses to Against Freedom and Free Speech: Soros Files Leaked

  1. RHT447 says:

    Welcome to Oceania. Newspeak, anyone?

  2. J. Soden says:

    Pretty simple. Am not now, nor do I ever plan to join the sheep and be politically correct and I urge others to do the same. Those that don’t like that can go pound sand.
    And as been shown by many years of his “activism,” anything associated with George Soros is NOT good for this country!

  3. Libby says:

    Cute. Very cute. But ineffective. Racism is pernicious, it is morally reprehensible, and will always be politically incorrect. It is a shame that The ELE has got you all worked up to no purpose, but it just is how it is, an no semantic cutenesses on your part will change any of this.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Idiocy is also pernicious, of which you are a prime example. Cute.

      • Libby says:

        And this pertains to your support of Trump’s
        racist and bigoted proposals … now … today … exactly how?

        • Tina says:

          Trump has made no racist proposals you PC fascist!

          • Libby says:

            Proposing to act against all Muslims because some are criminal is racist. You can deny this ’til the moon goes blue … it changes nothing.

        • Peggy says:

          So you’re saying Carter and other past presidents were racist and bigots too when they temporally stopped immigration, per their constitutional rights, to secure America’s safety?

          Carter Banned Iranians from Coming to US During Hostage Crisis: – Trump is just like Hitler. Or Jimmy Carter.

          “Trump is a monster, a madman and a vile racist. He’s just like Hitler. Or Jimmy Carter.

          During the Islamic Revolution’s Iranian hostage crisis in which Islamists took over the country, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency.

          Here’s Jimmy “Hitler” Carter saying it back in 1980.

          Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.;

          Apparently barring people from a terrorist country is not against “our values” after all. It may even be “who we are”. Either that or Carter was a racist monster just like Trump.”

          Here’s a history lesson for you Libs you really need to read before accusing a current presidential candidate being a racist bigot.

          Immigration Restriction:
          Digital History ID 3295

          “Gradually during the late 19th and early 20th century, the United States imposed additional restrictions on immigration. In 1882, excluded people were likely to become public charges. It subsequently prohibited the immigration of contract laborers (1885) and illiterates (1917), and all Asian immigrants (except for Filipinos, who were U.S. nationals) (1917). Other acts restricted the entry of certain criminals, people who were considered immoral, those suffering from certain diseases, and paupers. Under the Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907-1908, the Japanese government agreed to limit passports issued to Japanese in order to permit wives to enter the United States; and in 1917, the United States barred all Asian immigrants except for Filipinos, who were U.S. nationals. Intolerance toward immigrants from southern and eastern Europe resulted in the Immigration Act of 1924, which placed a numerical cap on immigration and instituted a deliberately discriminatory system of national quotas. In 1965, the United States adopted a new immigration law which ended the quota system.

          During the 20th century, all advanced countries imposed restrictions on the entry of immigrants. A variety of factors encouraged immigration restriction. These include a concern about the impact of immigration on the economic well-being of a country’s workforce as well as anxiety about the feasibility of assimilating immigrants of diverse ethnic and cultural origins. Especially following World War I and World War II, countries expressed concern that foreign immigrants might threaten national security by introducing alien ideologies.”


  4. Tina says:

    Racism is one form of bigotry; there are many. Racism against whites is as pernicious as any other form of bigotry. Bigotry toward conservatives, Christians, white males, gun owners, police officers, or Trump supporters is as pernicious as any other. The attempt to silence has been obvious and fascist “protests” to marginalize and silence others do not go unnoticed.

    Take your ELE theory and shove it, Libby. It’s misdirection going nowhere. This isn’t “semantic cuteness.” What’s happening is real and demonstrable on every campus and in nearly every publication and broadcast in the nation.

    The progressive left in America is the old communist Pravda operating out in the open. Arrogance has finally caused you to expose yourselves. No longer do you try to work in the background. Your blatant bigotry is on display for all to see.

    This power over the people crap is incompatible with equal rights and equal justice. You’re all a bunch of damn phonies!

    • Libby says:

      Again, you may choose to characterize the
      social disapproval of your racism as bigoted … we will continue to characterize it as morally sound, and “politically correct.”

  5. Tina says:

    Again, your notions of racism preclude you from making sound judgements or accurate statements in the matter. Your belief system is a bunch of phony political crap.

    • Libby says:

      If you are trying to convince us that racism is the sensible, practical, civilized course of action with regard to terrorism … it’s not working.

      Acting against ALL Muslims, because of the criminality of a few, will only turn MORE Muslims to criminality … and quite rightly. This is not what we want.

  6. Dewster says:

    OMG! Tina

    For years racist things have been printed here in Code.
    “Obamie” “Thugs” ect ect

    Yes we need to get the money out. And yes Soros, The Koch’s, Addelson, Pete Singer and all other donors should not control our gov, our media.

    But to sit here and pretend your party is some god like entity and all others are the enemy is to remain part of the Problem.

    First Step to a Solution is to admit you have a problem.

    Your world does not exist. You follow their game and therefore are part of the problem.

    Yes the RW think tanks have their written plans as well. Start with the Powell Memo and move through the decades to the John Birch Society and Koch Boyz.

    In Fact look at how much money the Kochs have set to control who a University hires in economics/science depts around the country.

    Brainwash failed Free market Crap to every student? As Charles said it “Change the Way America Thinks”

    These tactics go way back and yes breaks party lines………………………………

    Why did Life Mag snap up the Zapruder film and hide it? Why did they publish the stills in reverse order to make it look like JFK was hit from the back?

    Henry Luce, the founder of Life magazine was a close personal friend of Allen Dulles, the Director of the CIA. G.H. Bush was CIA and yes that is his picture in front of the Book Depository.

    The individual who purchased the Zapruder film for Life magazine was C.J. Jackson, formerly a “psychological warfare” consultant to the President.

    The Biggest coincidence and it may well have been one is the Folgers ad with the swinging pendulum after the announcement.

    Media has been used to lie to us for decades! Now the Oligarchs own it and the Gov!

    1977 – Carl Bernstein reported in Rolling Stone magazine that more than 400 American journalists worked for the CIA and this had been going on for about 25 years. New York Times, was one of the CIA’s closest media collaborators.

    Seeking to spread the blame, the New York Times published an article in December 1977, revealing that “more than eight hundred news and public information organizations and individuals,” had participated in the CIA’s covert subversion of the media.

    Our History is there for any who seek real truth to see the ugly facts.

    Now we have a election with 2 people who are bad for this country. And you wanna Play party Politics?

    How about cut the crap and help uncover the decades of deception? Unite with We the People? Who cares about these 2 corrupt Parties?

    The fact they admit it at all is amazing.

    Why do you think Alex Jones takes facts and spins them into Taboo conspiracies? THINK!

    He may be Nuts, but he is a well paid Nut. Now he is on the Trump Campaign running around with Rodger Stone.

    The Trump Campaign has taken the GOP down the crazy authoritarian Fascist road to Hxll! You are going to accept him? Then you own all of it.

    The Alt Right Fascists are rising. WHo is on the Trump Train? And where does that train take you?

    Try scanning independent sources not Mainstream Media and old Tea party Haunts.

    The truth always lies somewhere in between.

    I have spent 15 years connecting the dots and it never ends

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