Campaign 2016: The “Dirt” Hits the Fan

fan-620x350Posted by Tina

We’ve finally come to that part of the campaign when things begin to get down and dirty. A Hillary campaign attack ad associates Trump and his supporters with the KKK specifically targeting Breitbart:

The Clinton campaign attack ad targeting Donald Trump portrays Breitbart News employees and readers as racists, white supremacists, and members of the Ku Klux Klan.

The ad includes shots of men dressed in Ku Klux Klan robes followed by footage of crowded Trump rallies.

Last month, Breitbart News was read by a record 31 million people.

Hillary Clinton described KKK recruiter Robert Byrd as her “mentor.”

Pastor Mark Burns, who is black, from the Trump [campaign] condemned the tactic: Hillary Clinton and her campaign went to a disgusting new low today as they released a video tying the Trump Campaign with horrific racial images. This type of rhetoric and repulsive advertising is revolting and completely beyond the pale. I call on Hillary Clinton to disavow this video and her campaign for this sickening act that has no place in our world.

Breitbart had 31 million followers last month. How stupid is it to kick those people with such specious allegations.

As promised Trump hit back hard and in kind, ” ‘Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future. She’s going to do nothing for African Americans. She’s going to do nothing for the Hispanics. She’s only going to take care of herself, her husband, her consultants, her donors. These are the people she cares about.She doesn’t care about you. You’ve had her policies. Democrats running some of the inner cities for 50, 70, 80 even over a hundred years. And look what you have right now. Poverty, no education, crime, you can’t walk down the street with your child. ‘We’re going to fix it. Hillary Clinton has no remorse.”

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11 Responses to Campaign 2016: The “Dirt” Hits the Fan

  1. Confused in California says:

    One of the editors of Breitbart, outspoken gay conservative Milo Yiannopolous, led a sexist and racist abuse campaign against actress Leslie Jones for having the audacity to star in the new Ghostbusters movie. He posted fake tweets of the actress in which she was falsely shown to make homophobic statements. He also indicated a few minutes later that he knew the tweets were photoshopped when he posted them. He has taken similar actions against other female celebrities, and has boasted about how his fans will go after these women once he draws a target on their backs.

    Yiannopolous was banned from Twitter as a result, but still works for Breitbart.

    More on Yiannopolous:

    Yiannopoulos wrote a piece on March 29, 2016, about the Alt Right, praising its members as “dangerously bright,” and cheering the VDARE and American Renaissance sites as an “eclectic mix of renegades.” American Renaissance is helmed by Jared Taylor, who advocates for voluntary racial segregation and says African Americans are genetically predisposed to be criminals.

    Yiannopoulos defended Brimelow and Taylor by saying they “don’t want to commit any pogroms,” which is… not a very comforting sentiment.

    The article also goes into Breitbart’s other associations with racists.

    Robert Byrd renounced the KKK and ended up supporting expanding civil rights laws for African-Americans. He even recieved 100% ratings from the NAACP. The notion that Clinton’s association with a reformed KKK leader makes her a racist, but Trump’s own racist statements and associations–saying a judge should recuse himself because he was Mexican, frequently retweeting anti-Semites and white nationalists–is deeply unfair.

    Which candidate’s policies do you think more closely match those of white nationalists? The candidate who wants more immigration, or the candidate who wants less? The fanbase says everything. A brief look at Trump’s Twitter fanbase reveals abject Nazis, “alt-right” racists, and more dregs of society. They like him for a reason.

    Trump is now trying to distance himself from the racists he has to this point openly embraced by backpedaling on his immigration policies–thus going back on the only principle he has consistently held throughout the entire campaign. This is a man who doesn’t believe in anything; he even previously donated to the Clinton Foundation. Trump also began his political campaign in 2012 by engaging in the racist conspiracy theory that Obama was not born in the United States. He promised to reveal something “big” about Obama’s birth certificate. What did he reveal? Nothing. He broke his very first campaign promise. Why would anyone expect him to not break his others?

    One more thing: Imagine if Hillary Clinton was on her third husband, and had admitted to cheating on both of her two previous husbands. Don’t you think conservatives would bring this up constantly? Yet I see people using Bill’s affairs against Hillary while ignoring Donald’s completely. The double standards need to stop.

    • Tina says:

      Not surprised you’re confused (Chris).

      Bills “affairs” are between Bill and Hillary.

      Bills abuse and rape allegations are another matter. Hillary’s verbal attacks on these women are another matter. Hillary’s enabling of Bill’s horn dog, abusive behavior is also another matter, or should be for feminists. Her disingenuous assertion that every woman who’s been raped should be believed and respected is insulting and stupid given her record. Her attempt at revision was disgusting and delivered with that horrid jokey style she’s recently developed.

      There is nothing genuine or upright about Hillary or Bill Clinton.

      There is no way to judge real racism in America anymore. The radical leaders in the Democrat Party are race-war-mongers. They play the card for votes every election cycle. They use the race card when they can’t compete in the arena of ideas or deend their record.

      Obama has a terrible minorities record. He’s done nothing in terms of education, community development, and jobs. He’s been a divisive leader pitting the races against each other, pitting blacks against cops, pitting the poor, whose numbers have swelled under his leadership, against the rich, the only group that’s made money in his eight years.

      Trump is not “backpeddling.”

      Trump has always been in favor of following the law. People who want to come here should do so legally; people who come here illegally should be deported. Criminals should not be returned back to our streets. Our law enforcement people should be respected and supported in their work. Employers who hire illegals should be heavily fined (and monitored). There are things that can be done in future to discourage illegal entry and criminal activity. One is a substantial wall along those parts of the border where it’s practical to build one. The congress needs to address the immigration process which hasn’t been changed in decades. We should end the anchor baby policy and force nations South of our borders to take care of their own. The American people should be able to trust our leaders to keep us safe and uphold our laws.

      The radical leadership of the Democrat Party has thumbed it’s nose at our criminal and immigration laws and enabled those who break our laws to continue to do so. Through their purposely sloppy approach to law enforcement and immigration policy they have put undue pressure on state and local services and education dollars and allowed criminals to run free to commit crimes against our citizens. They cry racism to deflect attention from their irresponsible, “fundamentally transforming,” covert open borders policies…and they do this without engaging Congress, the voice of the people.

      Hillary cannot defend her record, she cannot run on Obama’s record, and she is plagued by her dirty-laundry filled baggage. On top of that she’s not very healthy…she lacks stamina and vigor. She has coughing fits and often needs a stool onstage and to get into a car. She hasn’t had a press conference this year indicating reluctance to be answerable to the people.

      It’s no wonder she resorted to name calling.

  2. Confused in California says:

    The conservative National Review has more on Breitbart and Trump’s disturbing embrace of the “alt-right:”

    Last week, Breitbart writers Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos took it upon themselves to pen an apologia for the “Alternative Right,” or Alt-Right — the grab bag of ostensibly right-wing anti-liberal ideologies whose disciples, of late, are thrilling to the rise of Donald Trump. The Alt-Right has evangelized over the last several months primarily via a racist and anti-Semitic online presence. But for Bokhari and Yiannopoulos, the Alt-Right consists of fun-loving provocateurs, valiant defenders of Western civilization, daring intellectuals — and a handful of neo-Nazis keen on a Final Solution 2.0, but there are only a few of them, and nobody likes them anyways. In other words, anyone familiar with Yiannopoulos’s theatrics, or Breitbart’s self-appointment as Donald Trump’s Pravda, will not be surprised to learn that the article is a 5,000-word whitewash. But it is valuable, in this way: It exhibits, albeit inadvertently, the moral and intellectual rot at the heart of the Alt-Right.

    Read more at:

  3. Tina says:

    So? It’s a free country.

    Some of the elites in the Republican Party, some at National Review, are acting like spoiled children since their candidate didn’t win. They’re more sophisticated than many of the Alt-Left Bernie supporters but just as childish.

    This is, basically, useless information as if my vote or that of our readers depended on what the folks at National Review think. We conservatives are individuals with the capacity to evaluate the candidates ourselves. It’s notable that the candidates they have chosen in the recent past have all failed to win. maybe it’s because none of them had the spine to meet the Alt-left’s nasty, negative, Saul Alinsky style head on.

  4. Dewster says:

    So all of you just talk about 2 corrupt personalities? Issues? Who cares!

    Just as long as my team wins!

    Trump has worked hard to gather the racists. Be Proud if you are a Trump supporter!
    The Tea Party is officially Dead.

    Republicans have taken the Dem Party. There us blow back there. Some such a Turner, Sanders, Ellison are vowing to fight back.

    In the end We need another box in the Presidential Slot.

    That Box? NONE of the above.

    If none wins we start over and hold election in 6 months inaug 1 week later.

    Trump’s financial advisers? All 13 Hedgefund managers not economists.

    John Paulson made billions in the mortgage market collapse and by holding the auto industry hostage for taxpayer money, now he gets to pay to play to help run US economy!

    The country is doomed and it is all the voters faults

    • Peggy says:

      I believe the constitutional process is if neither Trump or Hillary get the 270 electoral college votes needed the House is instructed to select our president and vice president. Since the House currently has a republican majority it’s sounding a like a better choice would be reached.

      Just heard Benghazi emails were amongst the 14,900 recently released by the State Dept.. And Julian Assange says he has emails of her that have “classified” across the top. She going down, and then she’s going to jail!

      • Peggy says:

        I was partially right. The House picks the president and the Senate picks the vice president. They could pick members from different parties. Interesting.

        Overview of the Presidential Election Process:

        “An election for President of the United States occurs every four years on Election Day, held the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The 2016 Presidential election will be held on November 8, 2016.

        The election process begins with the primary elections and caucuses and moves to nominating conventions, during which political parties each select a nominee to unite behind. The nominee also announces a Vice Presidential running mate at this time. The candidates then campaign across the country to explain their views and plans to voters and participate in debates with candidates from other parties.

        During the general election, Americans head to the polls to cast their vote for President. But the tally of those votes—the popular vote—does not determine the winner. Instead, Presidential elections use the Electoral College. To win the election, a candidate must receive a majority of electoral votes. In the event no candidate receives the majority, the House of Representatives chooses the President and the Senate chooses the Vice President.”

    • Tina says:

      What’s the alternative Bozo?

  5. Tina says:

    “That Box? NONE of the above. If none wins we start over and hold election in 6 months inaug 1 week later.”

    Why would that result in a different, or better, result? Guess what? It wouldn’t. This IS the process. Deal with it! (And Grow Up)

    “Trump’s financial advisers? All 13 Hedgefund managers not economists.”

    Wrong. There are many people advising Trump. One prominent person is Judy Shelton. Dr. Shelton has been consulted on international economic/financial issues by national security officials at the White House and Pentagon and was an economic advisor for the National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform chaired by Jack Kemp. Dr. Shelton joined the Atlas Network in 2010, where she is Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Atlas Sound Money Project. Shelton holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration, with an emphasis on finance and international economics.

    Another is Peter Navarro is a professor of economics and public policy at the Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine. Navarro holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University. He received several teaching awards in 2010 for the MBA courses he teaches.

    John Paulson is a Hedge Fund Manager and a billionaire but he is also well educated. He graduated valedictorian of his class summa cum laude in finance from New York University’s College of Business and Public Administration then went on to Harvard Business School, on a Sidney J. Weinberg/Goldman Sachs scholarship, earning an MBA as a George F. Baker Scholar (top 5 percent of his class) in 1980.

    Arthur Laffer earned a B.A. in Economics from Yale University (1962) and an M.B.A. (1965) and a Ph.D. in Economics (1971) from Stanford University. In 2008, he was named a Distinguished University Professor of Economics by Mercer University in Georgia.

    Larry Kudlow graduated from University of Rochester in Rochester, New York with a degree in history in 1969. In 1971, Kudlow attended Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, where he studied politics and economics. He’s an American conservative commentator, economic analyst, television personality, and newspaper columnist. He was the host of CNBC’s, The Kudlow Report. As a syndicated columnist, his articles appear in numerous U.S. newspapers and web sites, including his own blog, Kudlow’s Money Politic$.

    Stephen Moore received a B.A. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an M.A. from George Mason University in economics. Moore is an American economic writer and policy analyst and is a former member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board. In 2014, The Heritage Foundation announced that Moore would become its chief economist. In 2015, Moore’s title at Heritage changed from Chief Economist to Distinguished Visiting Fellow. His work continues to appear regularly in the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, and various publications including The Weekly Standard and National Review.

    I don’t know who’s been advising Obama but if they are all PhD Keynesian economist lacking in business experience it might explain the less than 2% growth we’ve had in eight years, the wage depression and lack of good jobs and the utter malaise that comes with a lousy economy. I feel for young Moms. My kids were little when Carter was President…gas lines, rising fuel and food costs, high interest rates…what a mess.

    “John Paulson made billions in the mortgage market collapse…blah blah blah.”

    He made money. Amazing how you make that sound like a bad thing as if you and your friends have never wished for a lottery win so you too could be rich? Well guess what? Some people actually do it by making smart decisions. Who else do we turn to when the “smart people” turn things to **i# but people with money? I know YOU don;t have any answers. I’ve asked! Crickets.

    Paulson also didn’t make money by forcing banks to make bad loans and bundle them in securities where they would hide like an IED waiting to explode! A number of Democrats did.

    By the way Dewey, did you hear your guy Bernie bought himself a third residence…a “lakefront” vacation home. Livin large, he is! (He just doesn’t want us to)

  6. J. Soden says:

    Top 20 lies in ShrilLIARy’s speech? Since when does she stop at only 20?

    And she conveniently left out the fact that it was the Demwits who created the KKK in the first place and her OWN campaign staff that started the birther movement in 2007!

    Gonna get even worse as we near election day, folks. Keep fresh batteries in your TV remote to MUTE the garbage!

    • Tina says:

      Great link J. Twenty is too many but also never enough for this woman. Lying is her life.

      It led me to another:

      Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter’s mission to restore black communities didn’t end when Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. He opposed Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment then because he knew that they didn’t represent the minority communities he engaged in politics to fight for.

      He doesn’t believe Hillary Clinton when she labels Donald Trump and his supporters as racists because he knows she falsely labeled her opponents in the primary as sexist “Bernie Bros.” Carter’s preparing to take the experience, knowledge, and contacts his group built during the primary to campaign against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump and other Republicans in battleground states across the country.

      Bruce Carter and Black Men for Bernie are at war with the Democratic establishment, whom he says pander for votes but haven’t delivered meaningful results to minority communities for decades. Carter became politically active to support Bernie Sanders, who taught him how the establishment’s only real constituency was the donor class. When he paired that knowledge with what he knew about the decline in the black and minority neighborhoods he loves, he realized Democratic politicians and the media had been lying.

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