Hillary Lies: 2008 Birther Meme Started During Her Failed Presidential Campaign

by Tina

Hillary-Clinton-Dem-Debate-4-14-2016-e1461277091393Hillary is either pathological or evil or both. Today she’s blaming Trump and his supporters for starting the birther movement. The truth about the birther movement is that it started in her 2008 campaign when she was running against President Obama. In April of 2008 an anonymous email was circulated by supporters of Hillary Clinton, according to the Telegraph.

As for his part Donald Trump was asked about it in March on ABC and his response was, “The reason I have a little doubt — just a little — is because he grew up and nobody knew him,” he told ABC News.

Wow…a “little doubt.” Damning right? Well, maybe not.

Let’s revisit what was going on during the race between Obama and Clinton in that contentious race in 2008.

MSNBC -Tucker Carlson

Real Clear Politics:

“It was raised this weekend, I guess we have to get our digs in on Hillary Clinton here, because I thought we were going to get through a segment without talking about her, Scarborough said Monday. “But for Hillary Clinton to come out and criticize anybody for spreading the rumors about Barack Obama [being a Muslim], when it all started with her and her campaign passing things around in the Democratic primary, is rich.”

“The Republicans are wrong for doing what they’re doing,” Scarborough said. “This started with Hillary Clinton and it was spread by the Clinton team back in 2008. That is the truth.”

This issue was never discussed on Post Scripts until one of our commenters, a lefty, brought it up. And because we were honest, and willing to discuss the possibility and what it would mean for the country, we were labeled “racist.” This is a game the left plays. They set the trap and then attempt to label the opposition with a negative. My own interest in the subject initially had to do with what it would mean to our nation since by that time Obama had already signed legislation into law. But it also became a curiosity when forensic examination of the original certificate raised questions about it being altered. See more here.

Imagine that this information was about someone else and was being broadcast on one of those shows that portend to solve mysteries. Would you find it curious and compelling? Would it raise a smidgen of doubt? Ultimately, if it didn’t change anything would it become an obsession? Of course not. Some questions or mysteries are never solved absolutely, even when the evidence is quite compelling. Take the information James Commey revealed to the public about the emails Hillary Clinton tried to hide from the public. His opening statement was damning. Everyone thought he was going to recommend indictment, and yet, he did not.

The frustrating thing about being called a racist when you’ve done nothing to demonstrate that you are, when all you have done is honestly engage in discussion about theories and information as presented, is there is no way to undo the charge…especially on the internet. The irresponsible use of this charge makes it even more disgusting when you consider very real and damaging cases of racism are diminished by such specious claims.

There’s quite a bit of evidence to suggest Hillary Clinton is deceitful, lacking in sound judgement, negligent, sloppy, careless, and a liar. Another layer of her deceitfulness was added today when we learned she didn’t merely wipe her server “with a cloth,” as she asserted when questioned by congress, but with very sophisticated software, Bleachbits, to erase her server. This isn’t “just for casual, quickie deletes of junk mail. It’s for when a user really wants to destroy material on a computer so that no one will be able to recover it.” Guess she’s not as tech challenged as she attempted to look when she snarked, “with a cloth?”

It’s quite clear that Hillary Clinton will do any dirty rotten thing to win the presidency. She did it when she ran against Obama in 08 and she’s doing it again. Her problem is she does not have a good record of service and her record as a person isn’t all that great either. Her negatives far outweigh her ideas for our future, which are simply more of the failed policies of the last eight years. Making false claims about her opponents threaten her desperate designs to acquire power and that’s the only arrow in her quiver. Hillary Clinton should never be made president.

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17 Responses to Hillary Lies: 2008 Birther Meme Started During Her Failed Presidential Campaign

  1. J. Soden says:

    When the Lefties can’t argue an idea on merits, their first defense is to cry “racism.” And because that word has been overused ad nauseum, it no longer holds the meaning it once did. These days, when the Left calls you a racist, it’s a badge of honor instead of a derogatory slur, and when you consider the source you can wear it proudly!

    $hrilLIARy tried to coin “alt-right” in her speech yesterday, but her supporters had no idea what she was talking about her speech went over like a lead balloon.

    If the Demwits would spend the amount of time they do making up catchy (?) names on actually helping people, the country would be better off.

    • Tina says:

      “If the Demwits would spend the amount of time they do making up catchy (?) names on actually helping people, the country would be better off.”

      I was thinking the same thing as I was leaving work today when Hillary’s Alt-right fiasco was featured in the news.

      She’s a conniving person, more interested in finding a label that will destroy than she is with connecting with the people. She also tries to connect with people by being seen with famous people. People are hurting today. Flaunting a rich and famous lifestyle is more likely to be offensive. Remember, she tried to tell us she and Bill were flat broke and in debt when they left the WH…poor things.

      Everything is symbolic…there’s no “there” there.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    The abject corruption of the Obama administration just goes on and on and on. Anyany pretense that these people work for us is dead.

    State Department stonewalls for Hillary Clinton

    • Tina says:

      We knew they would do this, it follows the pattern. I don’t think there’s ever been a more corrupt pair in politics.

      AP wrote the following yesterday: “The surest way for a person with private interests to get a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton, or a phone call returned by her, it seems, was to dump a bundle of cash into the Clinton Foundation. Of 154 outsiders whom Clinton phoned or met with in her first two years at State, 85 had made contributions to the Clinton Foundation, and their contributions, taken together, totaled $156 million. Conclusion: Access to Secretary of State Clinton could be bought, but it was not cheap. Forty of the 85 donors gave $100,000 or more. Twenty of those whom Clinton met with or phoned dumped in $1 million or more.”

      There’s no question about how this looks. Her calendars will prove pay for play. They will do anything to keep them stashed away prior to the election. It will be a mess if she does get elected.

      America doesn’t deserve to be subjected to her $#%*, we need economic relief and security.

  3. dewster says:


    Move On!

    Trump is a Media Hound. He has Taken over Conservative Media with his Alt Right White Nationalist Party. Be Proud of your Candidate. Be Proud of who you are.

    Trump does Create Jobs! Here he is showing us how he does it!


    Trump’s Campaign Chief is Steve Bannon of Breibart. Smart Move! Here is the latest from him!


    “Last week, when Donald Trump tapped the chairman of Breitbart Media to lead his campaign, he wasn’t simply turning to a trusted ally and veteran propagandist. By bringing on Stephen Bannon, Trump was signaling a wholehearted embrace of the “alt-right,” a once-motley assemblage of anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, ethno-nationalistic provocateurs who have coalesced behind Trump and curried the GOP nominee’s favor on social media. In short, Trump has embraced the core readership of Breitbart News.”

    “We’re the platform for the alt-right,” Steve Bannon

    Andrew would not agree ,but that is what and where you are today.

    So Again Be Proud of your Candidate and what he stands for. White Nationalism, Authoritarian fascism.

    He did not study Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin for nothing. He knows how to capture a crowd now.

    Stop Pretending that you are different than you are.

    And As For Hillary yes she lies Albeit less than Trump.

    Actually Hillary got cheated by the DNC in 2008. Same thing they did to Bernie. But it was Hillary that posted that stupid picture of Obama dressed in traditional Muslim wear when he was part of his family’s wedding in Kenya. It was Hillary that fueled the fire first.

    Trump blabbed on for months about it, even sent people to Hawaii.

    Remember your history

  4. dewster says:

    BTW now another Iraq War Architect has gone to Hilary, Paul Wolfowitz.

    She is a Republican and the GOP is now crazies, klan, sovereign citizen, ext ext loonie toons.

    Obama is one of them too. He has done nothing but expanded the Bush security state and continued allowing the CIA to arm both sides of these conflicts.

    We continue with The Project for the New American Century.

    “PNAC desires and demands one thing: The establishment of a global American empire to bend the will of all nations. “

  5. Tina says:

    PNAC was nothing of the sort. It was an educational organization established in the Reagan era on the notion of moral leadership and peace through strength. Leadership is not about a ruling power. It’s about being a positive example. Reagan was a strong spokesman for freedom…you got something against freedom Dewey?

    Nutcase libertarians and lefty Alinsky smear mongers like to read evil intent into anything that was inspired during the Reagan years. It really bugs them that he was able to use WORDS to bring down the wall in Germany and bring an end the cold war without firing a shot.

    As we have seen over the last eight years Alinsky types don’t have that ability. Their goal is central planning which stands in direct opposition to freedom and individual rights. Obama has oratory skills but since he was trained to be divisive and contentious the reality he inspires is anything but peaceful. When he is forced to engage in war he lacks the skills to establish a strategy. His efforts are haphazard when he isn’t acting to favor our enemies. Obama and Carter both had a profound effect nn the ME…none of it good.

    There are people who favor a global ruling party. You’ll find a lot of them among the greens. The types that are dangerous are the ones who are always promoting oppressive laws at the global level.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      I sometimes wonder, just how many morons place credence into Dewey’s hate filled, idiotic, lying lunacy.

      • Dewster says:

        The Nazi movement was a White Nationalist movement demonizing immigrants, gypsies, homosexuals & Jews. How’d that work 4 Germany? #AltRight

        BTW I read your Twitter timeline once in a blue moon, I see the swastikas on you’re header.

        Your reverse flow is an Epic Fail, You own the Hate

        I just point it out

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Too bad he does not have a chance.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      By the way, I do not agree that Trump is a racist as this article asserts. I also do not agree that he is a bigot, a xenophobe, or a misogynist as the vile left and some on the right assert. If you looked into Trump’s campaign staff and his employees, you would discover this is complete nonsense.

      What Trump is — a jerk with a big fat mouth he has no control over.


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