Comedy Hate and Racism

Posted by Tina

Roger L. Simon’s wonderful article, “Richard Pryor in the Era of the ‘New Racism,” is absolutely on the money…must read! Find it over on PJ Media. (Heads up for the kiddies-slight use of adult language)

And as long as we’re on the subject John Hinderaker’s article, “Who Made America Hate Again?” is also a must read. Find it over at Powerline

It’s long past time to put the brats in the corner for a time out. We have important issues facing us. The middle class and the poor have been used and abused for too long. Our economy is on the brink of collapse. Our leaders are corrupt. The free world is once again faced with a radical enemy bent on terrorism, destruction and oppression. As they grow stronger we grow weaker. this is unacceptable. We must not be distracted or enticed by malicious, specious accusations of hatred and racism.

And wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could once again realize that we are all Americans capable of laughing together at the absurd stories and jokes of wonderful men and women of humor without being negatively labeled and categorized?

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10 Responses to Comedy Hate and Racism

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Both spot on. Completely describes Democrats. Especially the deranged left (presuming some are not deranged) like that deranged “Chris” fellow who once frequented these pages and occasionally gets back on under various vacant, juvenile, and obvious aliases.

    Let us get this straight, the left hates the right and spews that hatred in a never ending stream of vacuous bile. This is precisely at the core of the Trump phenomena, imho. These folks are so sick of the never ending left-wing crap that even Trump’s many faux pas do not matter.

    • Tina says:


      In fact, in a world absent the nasty left, the “faux pas” are nothing more than bumps in a stream of conversation. Reasonable people pause in such moments to gain clarification and further understanding. They may be initially shocked or surprised, but if they’re engaged and interested they use such moments to increase knowledge and awareness. Rarely are points of contention so egregious that they cannot be tolerated.

      An example is Trumps announcement that he would build a wall. The ugly radical left immediately cried racism. Nuts…totally nuts. The current conditions, largely created by Obama and Hillary, are forcing extreme measures. Israel has built three walls. Hungary, Bulgaria, and Norway have, or will, build walls. And as Vocativ explains, there’s good reason:

      Last year, the number of displaced people worldwide topped 50 million, the first time that had happened since World War II. That number is now at 60 million, and shows no sign of going down in the near future. European countries are also struggling to coordinate their policies, leading to an ad hoc system of border controls across the continent.

      Expand your view and Trumps idea is not only reasonable but necessary and prudent. It also points to the fact that current foreign policy is terrible and damaging across the entire world.

      The unhinged, vicious left today begins by assuming an enemy, not a worthy opponent, an enemy. We are their enemy and always wrong. It is their intention to paint us as the lowest form of life on earth…worse than terrorists, rapists, murderers, the KKK…total scum. Their goal is to use language, including faux pas, to destroy, vilify and marginalize…to bully as a means of getting their way. Unchallenged power is the end to their means. They don’t care what is actually being communicated and have no interest in finding out.

      The left media has become their mouthpiece…a sad state for journalism in America.

      Three-year-old kids are masters at this technique. If their parents aren’t relentless in maintaining standards the little dears will grow up to be self-interested bullies.

    • Pie Guevara says:


      I see this problem as a cultural one resulting from inner city blight and a long history of welfare practices that ended up destroying the black family. It is not a racial thing, it is a Democrat thing turned into a cultural thing.

      Back in the seventies I attended several Renaissance Faires in N. California. They were fun, but once while walking into a faire, I overheard a conversation of a white man to his acquaintances.

      He explained that he and his girl friend’s plan was that they were going to have a couple kids so they could go welfare.

      Not racial thing at all. Culture developed by Democrats.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Years ago, Allen Drury write a series of books beginning with Advise and Consent (which was made into a movie starring Henry Fonda in 1962 and also won a Pulitzer for Fiction). At the end of the 3rd book was a cliffhanger: Book 4 continued the story with a Lib getting the presidency and eventually surrendering the country to our enemies. Book 5 started where Book 3 left off, but with a Conservative winning the presidency and the nation becoming stronger.
    Was a great contrast between the 2 ideologies, and is true even today.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Ann Coulter thrives on confronting the mindless, hate filled moron thugs of the left, which is why she appeared on Comedy Central’s roast.

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