Hillary Had Stamina Problems in 1994

Posted by Tina

Yes indeed. At least that’s what her staffers told Carl Bernstein when he was doing research for his best selling biography, ” A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton.” If you happen to have a copy you’ll find the entry on page 313:

“More than Bill, she was physically exhausted; she lacked his stamina and was losing weight. A newspaper story noted archly that Hillary ‘looks thinner than ever, even though she confesses that her exercise regimen has gone the way of the middle-class tax cut since she moved into the White House.’ On trips to the Hill, her aides noticed how she would perform perfectly during an appointment, then immediately afterward begin yawning and then collapse in the car on the way back to the White House.”

We’ve seen photo’s of Hillary propped up by cushions on Ellen’s show, helped up stairs by two burly men, using a little step stool to get into an SUV, and parked on stools on the campaign trail. Instead of the usual mad campaign schedule it’s been noted that Hillary takes time off..often. She doesn’t schedule news conferences. She does make appearances in friendly situations like talk shows and parties or fund raisers in private homes.

I do question Hillary’s ability to stand in the gap when America needs her. Is this tiredness one of the reasons she was absent from the situation room when our guys were fighting and dying in Benghazi?

I know what it’s like to be 70 and physically challenged. My stamina began t curtail at about the same age as Hillary. Even with exercise and rest I can tell you it doesn’t get better as you age, especially if you have health issues.

The media and her supporters will continue to shield her. In the process they will call anyone who demands to know the truth about Hillary’s physical state a liar. They will insist she’s in perfect health even when photographs suggest that isn’t entirely true.

The story at NewsBusters takes on the Washington Post, giving them 4 Pinocchio’s for hiding the truth about Hillary’s health and shielding her by attacking Donald Trump for saying she lacks stamina. Carl Bernstein is one of their distinguished journalists, shouldn’t they take him at his word?

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4 Responses to Hillary Had Stamina Problems in 1994

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Hillary’s physical heath problems are the least of my concerns. Her mental heath problems given her history of bad decisions, being a compulsive serial liar, and a consistent, manipulative, corrupt, left-wing kook from hell more concern me.

    If Hillary is elected and then dropped dead, I would not shed a tear. Tim Kaine, as awful as he is, would be a better POTUS.

    As far as that goes, so would Mike Pence be a better POTUS than the self destructing Trump fool.

    There is one light, albeit a weak one — if Trump and Hillary fail to get the required electoral votes, a Republican controlled legislature will select the next POTUS.

    Count me as one of the completely disgusted.

  2. Tina says:

    Duly noted, Pie.

  3. J. Soden says:

    $hrilLIARy had a LOT to do when Bubba was in the white house.
    She was probably exhausted from her continuing efforts to destroy all the ladies who courageously came forward to point the finger of sexual harassment at Bill . . .

    Her chickens have come home to roost, and they’re dropping guano all over her!

  4. J. Soden says:

    $hrilLIARy’s latest tactic is to claim that if you don’t agree with her, you are a racist.


    So the likes of a congenital liar, cheat, thief and worse calls me a racist because I don’t agree with her?
    Guess I’m a racist then, and won’t lose a bit of sleep over it. Gotta consider the source, y’know . . . . . .

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