Labor Day Weekend Follies

Posted by Tina

President Obama was out of the country on this Labor Day weekend for the G-20 Summit. He was not well received in China or by the Phillipine president. See also here and here. Coal Jobs_1_0 zerohedgeI doubt things would have been much better for him at home, especially in coal country:

This Labor Day, America has 83,000 fewer coal jobs and 400 coal mines than it did when Barack Obama was elected in 2008, showing that the president has followed through on his pledge to “bankrupt” the coal industry.

Hillary finally came out of hiding. She was at a rally in Cleveland to celebrate Labor Day with the folks but had another of her extended coughing fits (Video covers 4 minutes of it). She tried an attempt at humor blaming it on an allergy to her opponent. Staff and media pointed to the high allergin content in the region…we all know there’s more going on. I understand MSNBC cut the feed and anchor Ari Melber described it as “one of the worst coughing fits I have ever seen.” She had a coughing fit on her new plane too. Yes…Hillary’s bright shiny plane was ready this weekend. Reporters had the opportunity to be on the plane and finally ask her some questions after 275 days. As Zero hedge reports it was a typical stroll in the park for Hillary:

“How was your labor day weekend.”

Hillary’s answer: “It was good. It was really good. The last moment [sigh] before the mad dash the next two months so I hope you guys are ready. I’m ready.”

There was more: another reporter dared to ask if Hillary has a “Labor day message?”

Her response: “I do, you’ll hear it. I definitely, definitely do. If you want more happy Labor Days, you know who to vote for.”

Is she running for president or prom queen?

Hubby Bill was heckled and booed at a Labor Day parade in Detroit.

Trump was greeted warmly by county fair goers in Canfield, Ohio where the local GOP constructed a Trump Wall next to their display tent. they kept running out of supplies of Trump gear which had to be replenished three times.

Hope you all had a great day!

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35 Responses to Labor Day Weekend Follies

  1. RHT447 says:

    A great day indeed. Went dove hunting in the area around Giddings, TX with my oldest son, son-in-law, and a few others. Beautiful rural country—slightly rolling, green, lots of oak trees. Lots of hunting, but no doves (yet).

    As to the topic at hand, cogent discussion of the current situation here—

    • RHT447 says:

      Yes, I posted the same link twice. I have no idea how. Sheesh. I’m going to have some more coffee.

    • Libby says:

      The birds have all been trapped and fed to Cheney & Co.


    • Tina says:

      Always good reading RHT447.

      Although the subject id the overall economy I was struck by comments made by a professor that was sited:

      My students are know-nothings. They are exceedingly nice, pleasant, trustworthy, mostly honest, well-intentioned, and utterly decent. But their brains are largely empty, devoid of any substantial knowledge that might be the fruits of an education in an inheritance and a gift of a previous generation. They are the culmination of western civilization, a civilization that has forgotten nearly everything about itself, and as a result, has achieved near-perfect indifference to its own culture. . . . Our students’ ignorance is not a failing of the educational system – it is its crowning achievement … We have fallen into the bad and unquestioned habit of thinking that our educational system is broken, but it is working on all cylinders. What our educational system aims to produce is cultural amnesia, a wholesale lack of curiosity, history-less free agents, and educational goals composed of content-free processes and unexamined buzz-words like “critical thinking,” “diversity,” “ways of knowing,” “social justice,” and “cultural competence.” . . . I love my students – like any human being, each has enormous potential and great gifts to bestow upon the world. But I weep for them, for what is rightfully theirs but hasn’t been given.

      I’ve never heard it said more perfectly!

  2. J. Soden says:

    On $hrilLIARy’s new plane – dubbed StairLift One – added features include automatic Depends dispensers, a LARGE rest area for $hrilLIARy, roped-off areas for the media, and a special room for Bubba’s interviewing interns . . . .

    • Tina says:

      StairLift One?

      Love it!

      Did you see the shot of her personal cabin? If it’s authentic, it looks a bit like a hospital room with all kinds of monitoring devices. (I lost the link but will post it if I run across it again)

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    AUUUUGH! Labor Day Weekend Follies??? Try this on for size …

    My old, beater, pile of junk pickup truck was stolen from my home AGAIN! (It was stolen last December.) In it was over $200 worth of groceries (non-perishable canned goods, boxed goods) and general household supplies. I left all that stuff in the truck cab because my back is so bad I could not get it all inside at once and just brought in the perishable items. At least I got some of the stuff into the house.

    The truck has been recovered, parked on a nearby street and, of course, everything was gone and a full tank of gas had been drained.

    The last time this happened, same thing — lots of stuff groceries and household items in the truck stolen including an emergency tool box with flares, the jack, a box of tie down straps and such. Since then I cannot even change a tire because the jack and crank for lowering the spare are gone.

    In January the Park Service police happened upon my truck being driven down Park Avenue with the lights out. Finding that suspicious they lit up and a chase ensued, ending up downtown where the thief drove it over a curb, destroying the two front tires, bending the rims, and crashing into a brick wall. The thief ran into a large student party, at which time the officers gave up pursuit because they knew they would never find him.

    Inside the truck was found a syringe, in the bed a small bag of marijuana. Also found was a “For Sale” sign and the thief had mounted an interior door panel (wrong year) that I had removed to take out some dents in the passenger door. He had also replaced some dashboard parts I had removed to chase down an intermittent electrical problem that I had still not solved. Evidently his intent was to sell it!!! To whom? Another tweaker???

    This old truck is so beat up I cannot believe anyone would actually steal it. I keep it on collision insurance only because it is essentially worthless to anyone but me. Essentially no dollar value. Of course, this Labor Day weekend theft was just for the gas and the goods inside.

    Why do I bring this up? Well it isn’t for sympathy. It is to make note that Chico has become a crime hell hole. There are lots of evil, drug addled scum in this town. This place has become an absolute suck-fest.

    • Libby says:

      I don’t suppose it’s occurred to you to lock the thing?

      And, mayhap, that your reputation in the neighborhood is … provocative? My Dad was the jerk on his block, and was similarly abused.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Its was locked you moron.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Re: “And, mayhap, that your reputation in the neighborhood is … provocative? My Dad was the jerk on his block, and was similarly abused.”

        Well that explains a lot about you Libby. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        I do not know why I bother with this vile, moronic, and hate filled witch, but one last thought. My neighbors and I are really quite friendly, but I do find Libb’y theory about her father interesting — that because he was a jerk, he was the victim of crime.

        By that theory, you should be dead by now, Libby.

        • Libby says:

          Hit a nerve, did I?

          Anybody reading your posts would have to conclude that you are not a kindly person. You are, in fact, a fount of vulgar abuse. You can’t behave the way you do, Pie, and not have consequences, Karmic, and otherwise.

    • Tina says:

      Sorry to hear that happened to you Pie.

      We were loading groceries one day in a Safeway parking lot and a couple of women walked up to another shopper unloading hers. They grabbed a couple of bags and took off.

      You’re right there are some real scummy people out there.

  4. Jim says:

    Natural gas has replaced some of the need for coal. Fracking has added 725,000 jobs in the last few years, and could eventually add twice as many.

    • Libby says:

      It’s also led to earthquakes in Oklahoma like they’ve never had before.

      But it won’t be until the citizens of five contiguous states have poisoned drinking water that fracking will be halted for good.

      Why are we so dense?

      • Tina says:

        Good question…you and the radical green liar “scientists” (and money grubbers) should all look in the mirror!

        • Libby says:

          Uh, it was Cheney … one of your guys … in his energy policy negotiations with Big Oil we didn’t need to know anything about … twenty years ago … who crafted the exemption for fracking from the Clean Water Act.

          I’d tell you to look, but you would not see.

          • Tina says:

            Is that so!

            In 2005 the RCRA did exempt fracking companies from very expensive disposal regs, HOWEVER, the states were given authority to enforce their own standards.

            …when it comes to fracking, much of the regulatory heavy lifting is left to the states. According to a recent survey of state fracking regulation by University of Tulsa law professor Hannah Wiseman, states take a wide variety of approaches to the regulation of fracking activities. Some give the state
            environmental regulatory agency independent regulatory authority over fracking; others tend to regulate exclusively through the state oil and gas commission’s well permitting process.
            Fracking operations involve the storage of enormous quantities (sometimes millions of gallons) of fluids, and every shale gas state imposes some limitations on the methods of storing and disposing of chemicals and liquid wastes created by gas production from wells. All states require flowback water, for example, to be contained at the well site. However, some states impose strict technical standards on the
            storage of high-volume fluids on site; others have only minimal standards. Some, like New York, require fluids to be removed from these containment units frequently; others do not. New York and Pennsylvania require flowback water to be disposed of in specially approved facilities; West Virginia, by contrast, allows land application of flowback water. High profile spills of fracking fluids in Colorado and Pennsylvania highlight the importance of these storage and disposal standards.

            “High profile spills” is a vanilla term that suggests lots of death and illness. Heard of any? On the other hand that EPA spill was pretty sensational…haven’t heard much about it either.

            Here’s are a few examples of state regs:

            Fracking Regulations by state

            Ignorance drives much of these regulations. A little knowledge about the industry’s compliance and the steps they take to preserve ground water make the extreme regulations ridiculously onerous.

            A desire to impose extremely high costs as a means of punishing companies and preventing the extraction of gas and oil is also evident. Activist agenda driven regulations never take into consideration the harm they do to people in terms of jobs and the economy.

            The number left wingers responsible for doing this harm are too numerous to name. Al Gore is the number one scare mongering green idiot. Hillary Clinton is on board to continue this anti-american, picking winners and losers, plan to destroy our main energy supply…before any viable substitute is found.

            Progressive greens always take the stupid approach to conservation, health and safety. Nuclear energy is a smarter approach. But you lefty’s let actresses like Jane Fonda convince you they were dangerous. Your judgement in such matters is less than reliable.

    • Tina says:

      “Eventually” is right.

      A lot of people have relied on coal for winter warmth, especially back east. I don’t mind a change that occurs naturally or change from consumer driven choices. I don’t imagine the miners would either.

      I do mind our government picking winners and losers.

      Don’t you find it a bit despicable for the Obama EPA to overtly target coal, writing regulations specific to that industry that are too costly and with time frames impossible to meet?

      A lot of those fracking jobs have been lost now. (tax revenues to government coffers are suffering as well). We consumers are not consuming or driving or using heat and air because our budgets just don’t allow it. Why would they in an economy under 2% growth on average over eight years and wages in the basement?

      Jim there has to be some compromise. This radical approach is unacceptable.

  5. Libby says:

    God, I wish you people would listen to the real news.

    Obama had a constructive session with Xi Jinping.

    And we cancelled our session with the thug currently occupying the office in the Philippines after he loosed his inner-Trump in public.

  6. Jim says:

    Pie: “Why do I bring this up? Well it isn’t for sympathy. It is to make note that Chico has become a crime hell hole. There are lots of evil, drug addled scum in this town. This place has become an absolute suck-fest.”

    No argument there. This town has really gone downhill in the last 10 years. The police say they are understaffed to deal with this.

    There has got to be something that can be done to at least reduce the amount of crime. Any ideas?

    • Libby says:

      Oh, horsepucky. When I lived in the town, thirty years ago, somebody stole my one and only two pairs of blue jeans out of the dryer at the laundromat. They left the towels. I had to conclude they really needed the jeans.

      I was in a position to replace the jeans. People who get stole from are usually better off than people who steal, and you all have crummy attitudes … and these, I think, have nothing to do with being stolen from.

      They have to do with you.

      • Tina says:

        Libby you are a horses…@$$…for saying that.

        Since when do people, even bratty ones, pick on the disabled without getting an earful? Pie won’t say it but I will…

        You try getting groceries in the house by yourself from a chair for just one week and then see what you think…he77, just try getting in and out of the truck to get to the store for a week! The man has enough challenges in life without having to read your ignorant concern for some piece of scum who steals cars and another man’s groceries. Your “compassion” is misplaced…you are such a phony, Libby.

        • Libby says:

          Safeway will be happy to bring him his groceries. Friends, family might possibly bring him his groceries … and if they won’t … well … there must be one social service agency in the town who would be willing to run him out once a week.

          The unhappy fact is that we make, for the most part, our own messes, one way and another. And we operate a society where a person who leaves groceries unattended is likely to lose them.

          Did you hear we got a new government regulation? No more government employees leaving firearms unattended in plain sight in vehicles. You wouldn’t think it was necessary to make such a regulation, but, as I say, this is the sort of society we is running these days.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        People who get stole from are usually better off than people who steal.

        Dear Libby from liberal cretin hell —

        My, you assume a lot. Thieves are thieves. Are the black people who are the victims of black on black gun violence any “better off” than the perpetrators of such violence?

        Why are you such an idiot? Was it your jerk father (as you describe him) that made you such, or are you just an idiot?

    • Tina says:

      We could lock them up but some nut case would just let them go…Jerry Brown, Obama, any liberal judge on any given day. We could take all the spending perks out of the prison system to pay for it too (Libby).

      It used to be against local ordinances to litter, loiter, or even spit on the sidewalk. This is what happens when a populace decides to lower it’s standards and be “nice.”

      • Libby says:

        Tina, we already have a higher percentage of the population locked up than ANY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE PLANET.

        (And some of the stuff going on in some of these private prisons is right out of the Dachau playbook.)

        Has it done any good, do you think?

        • Pie Guevara says:

          First of all, the country with the highest rate is Seychelles.

          Obviously the solution is to set them free to roam as they please, hopefully in Libby’s neighborhood.

  7. J. Soden says:

    Isn’t it about time that Libby was redacted?

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Tina: Libby you are a horses…@$$…for saying that.

    No, she is not. She simply is a horses…@$$

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