“Deplorable” ~ A Second Opinion

Posted by Tina

Hillary’s basket of deplorables comment has been roundly criticized even by some progressives. It’s not that they disagree, of course, it’s just that she shot herself in her already damaged and fainting foot:

“The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it”

Her choice of the word “deplorable” set my teeth on edge as it did many other people. It wasn’t just the word, it was also her tone. It represents the attitude behind the destructive, divisive, condescending progressive today. The political line (lie) has been used regularly and unjustly deployed against the American people.

Could Hillary pick these people from a crowd? She’s obviously prepared to to pin a damning star of shame on their clothing but could she even find them in any group of Americans. I’m watching the Giants play San Diego. It’s a packed house. Could she find those who belong in her basket in that crowd? Of course not. Her basket is a prop and her line as phony as she is.

The people she attempts to describe have finally grown weary of such judgemental, bigoted accusations after fifty years and are fighting back. The Hillaries of the world
don’t tolerate anyone who doesn’t stand in lockstep with her views.

An article in The American Thinker echoes what many of us have been thinking and saying for some time. It ties various elements of progressive activism together to illustrate what is truly deplorable:

Let’s have a reality check about the -isms and the -phobias.

Racism is a problem? You mean in the country that went to war to free the slaves, that passed the civil rights acts? That elected a black president? Sexism? You mean the country that gave women the vote, that has encouraged women, indeed, has mandated that women get preference at the university and the workplace? Homophobia? You mean the country that doesn’t riot in indignation when elite gays get to harass the little people for not wanting to bake a gay wedding cake? Islamophobia? You mean the country in which a supermarket checker gets to wear the hijab, a defiant statement of separation and act of segregation in my book, and gets to live to tell the tale?

You know what I think? I think that the ordinary white middle class has shown the most amazing patience and sturdiness as they have marked time for the last 50 years while liberals deployed government force to help blacks, women, gays, Hispanics, Muslims at their expense.

That’s right! It’s not just that they mock and malign and attempt to destroy, it is that they will go so far as to use the power of government to punish and marginalize. We have no equal rights when politicians, and their activist groups, think they can do this. The IRS targeting is one glaring example.

As the author points out, our Republican leaders have been useless in defending those Hillary maligns, the white middle class in particular, as things have accelerated and special rights set aside equal rights. That just goes to show that the individual cannot depend on the elites in government to even notice them much less stand up for them.

We Americans are a generous, inclusive, welcoming people, almost to a fault. But we don’t appreciate it when we are mischaracterized. The American people are happy to help but we don’t expect to be kicked and pushed to the bottom for our efforts. The American people believe in free speech and difference of opinion. It has required incredible tolerance for people from so many diverse nations and cultures to live side by side in relative peace. Given our history, it’s unforgivable that we are characterized with such specious and ugly terms, especially by someone who asks to become our leader. It’s unforgivable because it shows, once again, that this woman’s judgement is unsound.

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9 Responses to “Deplorable” ~ A Second Opinion

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Chris must have gotten a job as a consultant.

    Side note: The Megalomaniac In Chief “stumps for” the Wannabe Compulsive Serial Liar In Chief.

    VIDEO: Obama talks about himself 137 times during speech for Hillary

    • Tina says:

      Re that consultant job: 😀

      Hillary probably saw it and is seething. Bill didn’t do much better. And apparently he got really angry after she collapsed and tried to get Hillary to go to the hospital and she refused! Tells you how she’d listen to advisors…not! We saw it in Benghazi…she does what’s good for her ambitions.

      Not only did Obama mention himself over and over again, he fudged the jobs numbers, counting from 2010 instead of 2009 and was also disingenuous about his “improving” economy: The median income is up slightly…but household incomes are still 1.6 percent below 2007 levels and fall 2.4 percent short of the all-time high-water mark set in 1999 after seven years of his “recovery.” And he failed to mention he has not had a GDP level over 2% in ANY year during his time in the WH.

  2. J. Soden says:

    One takeaway from this year’s prezidential campaign is the demonstration of just how low the media presstitutes are going to cover up for $hrilLIARy on one hand, and attacking TheDonald with the other.
    CNN = Clinton Nonsense Network (they’ve given up being called ‘news’)
    HLN = Hillary Lies Nonstop
    CBS = Clinton Bull S***
    NBC = Nothing But Clinton
    ABC = All Bilge Clinton
    Thank goodness for social media, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Judicial Watch, Wikileaks and others, or we would still be in the dark about $hrilLIARy’s shenanigans!

    • Tina says:

      Social media is saving America! We can thank Rush Limbaugh who started a new media movement and the entrepreneurial nerds of new technology for the opportunity to see and hear this diversity of opinion!

  3. dewster says:


    Who watches oligarch Media?

    They all LIE!

    Now Amy Goodman has a warrant? Free press is in the constutition.

    Her Video was used by every major outlet that bothered to report

    yet you ignore real news
    #StandingRock is a Huge Story and it is growing out there

    All you hear all day is Trump/Clinton on those stations


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