Hillary’s Health – Is It a Valid Issue?

by Jack

Recently several news anchors scolded some of their fellow reporters (Fox news) for making Hillary’s health a major story. T  It’s been called a great concern to the voters, others say it’s just another way for the GOP to attack her.  Among the Clinton media supporters was CNN’s Christiane Amanpour who reduced the latest fainting incident to, “Can’t a girl have an off day?” nothing to see here, move along….

1hillaryIs that all it is, much ado about nothing? I think not.

A presidential candidate’s mental and physical health are paramount to doing the job. But, before you say it…F.D.R.’s polio did not impare his brain! His health issues did not constrain his participation as a president in any meaningful way, and had he not been into his third term he would have made it through his 8 years without issue.

In Hillary’s case between 1998 and 2009 she suffered from thrombosis in the veins in her legs, and brain (cerebral venous thrombosis) in 2012. On July 31, 2015, she suffered a fall with injury to her head causing a memory lapse. The medication Clinton has taken since 1998 to deal with her blood-clotting problems may have dangerous side effects, say doctors. They include blurred vision and confusion – both of which she has been reported to have experienced – plus a tendency to bleed excessively even from minor injuries.

Here’s a brief summary of what we do know about her health and it’s not good:

•Multiple falls since 2005 – one leading to a broken elbow and another to a concussion
•Emails from Huma indicating sick Hillary is “often confused”
•Lengthy naps
•Lesion/biopsy of a tongue
•Repeated coughing fits
•Inability to stand without a stool
•Several mini-seizures
•Peculiar travel habits, including taking a private jet on 20 mile trips
•Refusing to do a press conference for over 280 days, a world record

Is that all there is to her health, both mental and physical? We simply don’t know because she will not release her full medical history.

I think Hillary’s major backers know exactly what her problems are, but they are hoping she will make it to the White House anyway and if she crashes, they will still be in control.

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33 Responses to Hillary’s Health – Is It a Valid Issue?

  1. Libby says:

    So … from what fount of journalistic veracity did you get the photo?

    We cannot respect you when you stoop so low … but then, there was “the naked Trump”. Perhaps we can call it even.

      • Harold says:

        Libby, like all Lib’s prefer the made up image of Hillary, seems either their not willing or reluctant to look for the real person behind her false persona.

        • Libby says:

          Guys … you are defending it like it is real. It is not. You are defending a fabrication, a sexist and prejudiced fabrication.

          And aren’t you ashamed of yourselves?

          I didn’t think so … which is entirely the problem.

          • Pie Guevara says:

            You truly are a fool nut case, Libby.

          • Harold says:

            Well Libby, we think you are the one who is in denial, and should be ashamed for not looking for the REAL reason of a person who’s health is extremely questionable.

            If there be more proven to this reoccurring health issue of Hillary’s health (providing the Clintons are going to be honest in the first place and release her health records going back to the beginning of Hillary’s multiple health problems, which would be a first!)

            We do not need even one term of a POTUS with decision making limitations, given the problems the most recent past two terms is leaving behind for the next POTUS to correct.

            My attached link does pose some interesting comments about the factuality of the “Clinton camp release of Pneumonia”, verse the real possibility of her reoccurring and suspicious health issues.


            So if you die hard Liberals could put down your Kool-Aid and quit trying to be TP to the
            Crap-pola that the Clinton machine want’s you to help clean up, we all could enjoy a better America.

  2. Peggy says:

    Hillary doesn’t have pneumonia any more than I have a beard I have to shave every morning.

    I’ve had pneumonia related to allergies twice and walking pneumonia once. First, off I was gasping for air to the point of saying a couple of words in a row was a struggle. There is no way I could have given a speech for a half hour or more. Second, it knocked me on my butt and into bed where I slept 24/7, getting up only when I had to. There is no way she could recover from passing out to bouncing down the steps like the picture of health an hour and half later. Not with pneumonia.

    This woman has some kind of neurological condition that brings on these seizures and loss of memory. I’ll even tie in Comey’s justification for not recommending charges against her as his primary reason. He knew the truth of her condition would come out and obtaining a guilty verdict would never happen.

    There are a variety of possible illnesses floating around from Multiple Scoliosis, epilepsy and brain damage from her many falls. Her condition dates back far longer than this last Monday. So, IMO this pneumonia farce is just another Clinton/DNC lie.

    For decades every republican presidential candidate’s health has been questioned and challenged. McCain being the most aggressively by the press and the DNC. Both Clinton and Trump should be examined and their results made available for all to see. We need to know our president doesn’t have a memory, brain, heart, etc. problem that could put our country at risk.

  3. Peggy says:

    LOL The latest today from Bill, Hillary just has the flu. What will tomorrow’s lie be?

    While Hillary Recovers From Pneumonia, Bill Clinton Says She Is Feeling Great And Just Has The Flu:

  4. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Very interesting and backs up a comment I made on Sunday about $hrilLIARy’s collapse.


  5. Pie Guevara says:

    The health of any candidate for POTUS is a valid issue.

    • Libby says:

      Indeed. But as Peggy half-assedly points out, pneumonia isn’t all that big a deal. A fundamentally healthy person takes their drugs and gets over it.

      But, ya know … fate … or her own ambivalence … has thwarted the woman a time or two before this. We shall have to see.

      • Post Scripts says:

        So libby, you agree there might be something wrong with Hillary beyond what is being announced? Interesting.

        • Libby says:

          No. I believe she’s come down with pneumonia … which, considering her sheltered existence, is telling.

          An electorate that would, even as a lark, consider Trump as President, is profoundly effed up. Would you have second thoughts?

      • Peggy says:

        Libby, your infantile comprehension level would be surprising if you weren’t a liberal. I pointed out the exact opposite of what you stated. Hillary does NOT have pneumonia. No one recovers in 90 minutes from it no matter what their last name is.

        Even her own husband outed her today. Guess he didn’t get the memo of didn’t get the latest version of her condition before the rally he did for her in Vegas.

        Better to have half an a$$ than half a brain any day.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic

    Mexico Wants Border Wall – On South, Blocking Central Americans

    “Well, isn’t this the pot calling the kettle black.

    “As much as Mexicans, under the leadership of President Enrique Pena Nieto, decry Donald Trump’s vow to build a border wall on America’s southern sections – keeping out illegal crossers from Mexico – views flip-flop, it seems, when it comes time for Mexico to deal with refugees from Central America.”

  7. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Sorta off topic, but certainly relevant – Judge Napolitano’s indictment of the FBI


  8. Jim says:

    How about Trump’s tax returns? We deserve to know the kind of financial connections this man has around the world.

  9. Tina says:

    Longest case of the flu or “pneumonia” on record. I mean come on, Libby, this woman has been having coughing fits that last at least as long as four long minutes for months and months! She has fainted numerous times over more than ten years. Blood clots are nothing to sneeze at….and that ain’t all. You guys had fits over McCains skin cancer. Be consistent at least!

    • Libby says:

      I have no recollection of McCain’s skin cancer. As I recall, my attention was entirely taken up by his deplorable VP pick.

      And you people have to subtlety. You are not taking my point. The pneumonia itself is a non-issue. That fact that she came down with it is interesting. Think about it. There are more private and pleasanter ways to gratify one’s ego than Hillary’s life-long career in public service. If you can bring yourself to admit it, the woman has paid her dues and is entitled to a shot at the office. And then, along comes this bloviating Neanderthal, selfish to the core, ludicrous, who has spent his life privately and pleasantly gratifying his own ego. That she should have to contend with such an opponent is … cosmically … offensive. I’m surprised she was not incapacitated by hives, psoriasis and leprosy months ago.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Libby has — FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER — a pint that is not on the top of her head.

        “The pneumonia itself is a non-issue.” While Hillary’s health is an issue, the pneumonia itself is a non-issue.

        The issue is the compulsive serial lying of Hillary Clinton and her mob.

      • Tina says:

        Poor baby!

        “…life-long career in public service…the woman has paid her dues and is entitled to a shot at the office”

        The woman has connived her way up the ladder. That isn’t the same as “paying dues,” but of course, you can’t bring yourself to admit it.

        She has a shot, despite her basket of unforgivables: deceit, lying, gross negligence, extreme carelessness, rude ruthless behavior, contempt, derision, corruption…she has a long history of talking down to people.

  10. RHT447 says:

    More off topic—


    Obama Will Set Aside 5,000 Square Miles Off New England–Ban Commercial Fishing

    (CNSNews.com) – The State Department is hosting a two-day conference on the world’s oceans, beginning today, and it’s expected to produce a raft of announcements and initiatives, including new marine protected areas — one off the coast of New England — as well as a ban on single-use plastic bags.

    Ahead of the conference, press reports said President Obama on Thursday will establish the first national marine monument in the Atlantic Ocean to permanently protect nearly 5,000 square miles of underwater canyons and mountains off the coast of New England.

    The White House said the designation will lead to a ban on commercial fishing — an industry that made New England famous — but a 7-year exception will be granted for the lobster and red crab industries. Recreational fishing will be allowed within the monument. Mining and drilling will be banned in the protected area.

    The designation of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument marks the 27th time Obama has acted to create or expand a national monument. He has done so unilaterally, using the authorities granted under the Antiquities Act.

    State Department officials on Wednesday held a conference call to preview the “2016 Our Ocean Conference.”

    “We are going to make a lot of announcements,” Catherine Novelli, under secretary of state for economic growth, energy, and the environment, told reporters.

    She said the price tag attached to the “hundred new initiatives” is expected to be “in the multiple billions of dollars.”

    “But there’s also going to be some other very significant things that aren’t really quantifiable in dollars, like new marine protected areas, like bans on plastic bags…one-single-use plastic bags. So there’s many things that are going to be announced.

    “And the reason why we decided to have them announced sort of throughout the conference is, frankly, there are so many things that are going to be happening that we thought we just couldn’t recite them all at once because it’s just so huge.”

    A reporter asked Novelli if the ban on single-use plastic bags will be global, or just in the United States.

    “No, it’s not worldwide, but there will be certain countries that are going to do it,” she responded. “And again, I don’t want to steal the thunder of the conference, so it’s going to be announced over the course of the next two days. And you will be able to get access to it at the ourocean2016.org site.”

    Novelli hinted, but wouldn’t confirm, that the U.S. is one of the countries that plans to ban single-use plastic bags.

    “Just if you follow the conference, you’ll see what happens,” she said.

    Novelli said representatives from 90 countries will be attending the conference, which is the third one since 2014.

    “It is hard to imagine that something as vast as the ocean that covers 71 percent of the Earth’s surface could be so threatened, but it actually is. It’s threatened by overfishing, by pollution, by acidification,” Novelli said.

    Novelli said climate change is the problem: She said the ocean has absorbed about 30 percent of the carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, making it 26 percent more acidic than it was before the Industrial Revolution. She also said the ocean has absorbed 90 percent of the additional heat in the Earth’s system since the 1970s, leading to the bleaching of coral, rising sea levels and stresses on marine ecosystems.

    “And so we know that we need to address these things. We want the ocean to continue to be an integral part of the solution on climate, but it can’t do that unless it’s healthy, and so that — these are all the things that we’re going to be addressing at the Our Ocean conference.”



  11. Harold says:

    And the latest pile, Doctor thinks Hillary is being poisoned, or did I read that wrong what the doctor said was ” Hillary IS poison” !

    Guess the Clintons machine realized the Pneumonia crap-ola wasn’t going to cut it!

  12. Harold says:

    New news topic about banks like US bank and Wells Fargo and Hillary Champaign stealing from depositors


  13. Peggy says:

    More off topic. This one is sad but true.

    “Top Ten Reasons To Vote Democrat” list is hilarious, and on target!

    10. I’ll vote Democrat because I can’t wait for college football season to be delayed or cancelled because the student athletes are union employees.

    9. I’ll vote Democrat because I believe oil company’s profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t.

    8. I’ll vote Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

    7. I’ll vote Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

    6. I’ll vote Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I am also thankful that we have a 911 service that get police to your home in order to identify your body after a home invasion.

    5. I’ll vote Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.

    4. I’ll vote Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away the Social Security from those who paid into it.

    3. I’ll vote Democrat because I believe that businesses should NOT be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.

    2. I’ll vote Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

    And the Number One reason I’ll vote Democrat is:
    1. I’ll vote Democrat because I think that it’s better to pay billions for oil to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher, fish or frog.


  14. Deplorable J. Soden says:

    Voting for $hrilLIARy is REALLY a health issue!
    The health of your freedom, your job, your wallet, and your peace of mind!

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