Post ’89 World Order – Is it Over?

Posted by Tina

Just between you and me, the “world order” crowd has been rising as a figment, an apparition, alive mainly in the imaginations of self-involved elitists. The times we live in follow the pattern of previous narcissistic periods with one exception. In the past a single figure rose to power and set out to take over the world. Today we have a cadre of elitists who think themselves the smartest people ever to walk the earth and those beneath them dumb as posts in need of managing. To make their magical reality work controls had to be in place. What we are left with is the stench of failed controls.

When communism faltered and individual freedom and capitalism were embraced throughout the world the world order types were forced to regroup and rethink. They found a universal theme in global warming (climate change). Once established as a “shared crisis” the globalists thought they were on their way.

But people are partial to freedom and they don’t appreciate attempts by ruling elites to control and manage their lives down to the light bulbs in our reading lamps. This heavy handed authority goes against the grain; it offends the individuals desire to be the director of his own life…the writer of his own story. And so…Brexit sounded the alarm, the EU is falling apart, the UN has fallen from grace, and in America an unexpected, off the wall candidate is rising in the polls with an agenda that stands four square against the world order mandate. His rise is a giant rebuff to the notion that we must all fall into some giant collective, surrenders our individual will to a bunch of controlling bullies.

This morning I began this article after reading an enticing piece by Joshua Mitchell at Politico: “Donald Trump Does Have Ideas—and We’d Better Pay Attention to Them – The post-1989 world order is unraveling. Here are 6 ideas Trump has to replace it.”

I’m assuming this was written somewhat as a warning to those who think Trump is just a loud mouthed narcissist. But it also seems to be a hopeful piece about a better way. Mr Mitchell writes:

It is not so much that there are no new ideas for us to consider in 2016; it is more that the old ones are being taken apart without a clear understanding of what comes next. 2016 is the year of mental dust, where notions that stand apart from the post-1989 order don’t fully cohere. The 2016 election will be the first—but not last—test of whether they can.

If you listen closely to Trump, you’ll hear a direct repudiation of the system of globalization and identity politics that has defined the world order since the Cold War. There are, in fact, six specific ideas that he has either blurted out or thinly buried in his rhetoric: (1) borders matter; (2) immigration policy matters; (3) national interests, not so-called universal interests, matter; (4) entrepreneurship matters; (5) decentralization matters; (6) PC speech—without which identity politics is inconceivable—must be repudiated.

These six ideas together point to an end to the unstable experiment with supra- and sub-national sovereignty that many of our elites have guided us toward, siren-like, since 1989. That is what the Trump campaign, ghastly though it may at times be, leads us toward: A future where states matter. A future where people are citizens, working together toward (bourgeois) improvement of their lot. His ideas do not yet fully cohere. They are a bit too much like mental dust that has yet to come together. But they can come together. And Trump is the first American candidate to bring some coherence to them, however raucous his formulations have been.

Either Mr. Mitchell is too young to remember (and his education sorely lacking) or he’s an old leftist that never popped his head out of the clouds during the 1980’s. Like many others he seems to be working from first impressions. Had he been paying attention he’d know that Mr. Trump’s ideas are not “blurted out” or “thinly buried.” Mr. Trump’s ideas have been well articulated in as much detail as possible given they are campaign ideas…suggestions, if you will. The ideas are as old as humankind and as fundamental as our nearly 250 year old founding documents. These are foundational ideas: liberty, individual rights, limited government, leaders who serve and respect all of the people, and a shared commitment to live and let live side by side in peace. Yes, Trumps articulations have been “raucous” but they are raucous in response to the sinister and audacious trampling of individual rights, states rights, the rule of law, and national sovereignty. His response is fitting to our times.

Ronald Reagan articulated a very similar message in a more refined and respectful time. People around the world were drawn to him and inspired by his words. So the messenger has a different style, but it is a style that seems perfect for these PC times when the old media no longer pretends to be impartial and new media has sprung from the ground like tulips in Holland…and when students on campus cry for safe spaces.

Those of us who love freedom, opportunity mutual respect, the rule of law and safe streets understand where Trump would like to take us. We remember well an America filled with opportunity and prosperity. And we remember an America when the rule of law was respected. No nation, group or individual is perfect but we can do a lot better if we just return to the basic principles that made our nation thrive and grow and become an inspiration in the world.

Trumps goal is to make America great again. He is the right man at the right time. And indeed, what have we got to lose?

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7 Responses to Post ’89 World Order – Is it Over?

  1. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Should only take one debate performance by $hrilLIARy to give TheDonald the win.

    And the next time someone touts how wonderful the Bubba foundation is, email them this:

  2. Harold says:

    This was a interesting read, from both stand points, Mitchell’s and mostly Tina’s review.

    My thoughts on both, starting with Mitchell and his statement that the 6 ideas of Trump as he listed them have merit,(and he is correct) but to become tangible they need a cohesive America to make them work. However he loses, me and hopefully you as well, when he attempts to belittle the very person capable of achieving it, Trump.

    When Tina corrects facts about possible the background of Mitchell, it is his following comments after defining the 6 goals of Trump that Mitchell portrays himself as bias toward Trump, and it is Trump who is currently offering us the direction we need, like the stars that led our forefathers here to begin creating a country of free choice and unlimited rewards for ones enterprise.

    Today that star is Trumps proven leadership and we should be drawn to it if we are to survive as a unified nation. We cannot allow ourselves to succumb to the black hole of deplorability that ever consumes Hillary, or her party leaders that promotes her.

    Tina’s comment about challenging Mitchells statement of’ blurting’ things out and ‘mental dust’, should be accepted by the left as a respectful outreaching hand by Tina to offset the misdirection of Mitchells attempt at propaganda spin, spin the left have come to accept so easily from their parties machine of misinformation, which is one of Alinsky rules, and is clearly only intended to justify their party’s goals.

    Yes Trump is blunt, but today, America needs that” kick in the a$$” to restart, rebuild and reaffirm our place of leadership in the world.

    We have had good leaders from both parties that helped blend thoughts and goals, and that may have led to today’s problem, by assuming leadership can come from either party and America could still stand strong, but the voters have been wrong! and it has been proven by Obama.

    Just starting with the socialistic subtleties of the Clinton Era (Bill), the humble attempt of political middle ground by Bush, and then through todays Obama’s blatant attempt to create separation between the American people. Obama and now Hillary understand that only through division of our country’s people can they achieve such socialistic goals and take hold of and destroy Americas truly free Constitutional mindset, ” We the people”

    Also to me Tina’s comment of “Those of us who love freedom, opportunity mutual respect, the rule of law and safe streets understand where Trump would like to take us. We remember well an America filled with opportunity and prosperity. And we remember an America when the rule of law was respected” rings as loud and clear as the preamble and is really the heart of the matter, and should be taught in Americas current education system, but instead a bias hatred of capitalism rears it ugly head and seems to be the norm.

    World leaders people like Khrushchev were correct that they would destroy America from within, people just didn’t understand how it would come into play, but we have learned it is through the indoctrination of our youth, must like Germany of the past.

    So we either change course immediately and vote against people Hillary Clinton, because enough is enough, and we have to do it in this election if we are to stop the spiral downfall of our once great country.

  3. Libby says:

    “And indeed, what have we got to lose?”

    Quite a bit, actually. But if you want to lose it, you put that personality disorder in the White House. Pooty is probably, quite literally, licking his chops.

  4. Tina says:

    Pooty is licking his chops, as are a number of dangerous leader types, because the feckless, spineless, weenie currently occupying the WH has made America the pushover nation. Thanks to Obama we’ve ushered in the rise and spread of ISIS and lost respect around the world. Our economy, and therefore much of the world’s economy, is in the toilet. We all live in a much more dangerous place and the nuclear threat, once on the wane, is rising.

    We have SO MUCH to gain but only if we turn our backs on the garbage leadership style Obama and Hillary represent.

    We can’t afford any more of the idiocy of the radical left.

  5. Libby says:

    “Our economy, and therefore much of the world’s economy, is in the toilet.”

    Not quite yet.

    But if you want to give “the powers” a moronic figurehead to manipulate, well, you just go ahead and do it.

    Hillary may not be entirely on our side, but at least she comprehends the game … and the consequences.

  6. Peggy says:

    Trump is reminding me lately of Churchill. His brashness, unorthodox rhetoric, his being both a liberal and conservative and the gov’t rejecting him.

    “Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” — Winston Churchill

    “Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” — Winston Churchill

    Trump’s message to the Black voters is really connecting. Polls have him at 20%, while hers dropped 19%. Decades of the Dem’s failed policies and taking their votes for granted has the internet full of Trump supporters and Hillary haters.

    Panic Mode: LA Times Poll Shows Donald Trump Skyrocketing as Hillary Clinton Falters in Black Community:

    It’s going to be an interesting couple of weeks.

  7. Peggy says:

    Must watch video of Rep. Tom McClintock in action.

    GOP Lawmaker Totally Trolls Obama’s Climate Adviser With ‘Global Warming’ Article From 1922

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