Rotten at the Top: The Incredibly Incompetent Government Bureaucracy

Posted by Tina

Given past terror events in Boston, San Bernardino, and Orlando…given the ongoing events in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota…

We need new leadership. We need a leader that will appoint strong administrators to clean house and weed out incompetent bureaucrats. The following is just one of the reasons:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday.

Excuses follow…dog ate homework, etc. …

DHS said the findings reflect what has long been a problem for immigration officials — old paper-based records containing fingerprint information that can’t be searched electronically. DHS says immigration officials are in the process of uploading these files and that officials will review “every file” identified as a case of possible fraud. … Roth’s report said fingerprints are missing from federal databases for as many as 315,000 immigrants with final deportation orders or who are fugitive criminals. … The government has known about the information gap and its impact on naturalization decisions since at least 2008 when a Customs and Border Protection official identified 206 immigrants who used a different name or other biographical information to gain citizenship or other immigration benefits, though few cases have been investigated.

If these individuals have “deportation orders” it’s ridiculous that we don’t we have complete profiles in a database!

If you ask me we don’t because the current administration is lackadaisical about immigration, securing our borders, and deporting criminals and potentially dangerous individuals.

Incompetency trickles down from the top and we are rotten at the top. We do not have to live with this threat. We live with it now only because our leadership over the last eight years has been weak and mealy mouthed on the one hand and duplicitous (Iran-Benghazi) on the other, leading us to wonder, “Whose side are they on?” The problem is they don’t take sides clearly or strongly against mortal enemies like ISIS (radical Muslim terrorists)…only against fellow Americans (basket of deplorables) that represent their political “enemies.”

Trump and his advisors have a plan to make America safe again! He is the only candidate that represents change that will take us in a positive, competent direction in the fight against radical Muslim terrorists and criminals in our cities and at our borders.

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14 Responses to Rotten at the Top: The Incredibly Incompetent Government Bureaucracy

  1. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Find those “immigrants,” revoke their citizenship and deport them. Or is the FBI/DOJ still too busy covering up for $hrilLIARy?

    On another note – I decided to create a Hotkey for $hrilLIARy. That way, I won’t have to type the whole thing out and it’ll be spelled correctly each time. . . . . Hotkeys are easy and a good way to keep from typing the same thing over and over and over and over . . . .

    • Tina says:

      DJS…how would you like to write a blog article about Hotkey? I’d like to know more and I’d bet others would too. No pressure, just a suggestion.

      Write the article and post it in comments to Jack’s or my attention.

  2. Tina says:

    White House spokesman Josh Earnest plays the PC terror card. Mediaite:

    When asked what steps Homeland Security was taking to address the threat of lone wolf and ISIS-inspired attacks in the West in the wake of the weekend’s terror attack, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told the hosts of MSNBC’s Morning Joe Monday that it was really all just a “war of narratives.”

    A war of narratives, huh? Sounds familiar.

    He goes on to say they are working with Silicon Valley to control the narrative. Good Lord!

  3. Libby says:

    “DHS said the findings reflect what has long been a problem for immigration officials — old paper-based records containing fingerprint information that can’t be searched electronically.”

    And whose Congress refuses to do anything (i.e., spend money) about this … or anything else?

    Ya can’t scream about “smaller government” and then scream about the consequences. It’s not rational.

    • Deplorable J Soden says:

      Poor Libby must’ve missed the stories about being unable to trust documentation from middle eastern countries.
      And if you have incompetents running an agency, all the $$ in the world isn’t gonna help.

      • Libby says:

        It takes staff and resources to verify dubious documentation … which you will not pay for … so quit snivelling.

        All you do is complain … constantly … but you will not pony up … and we are all sooooo bored with it.

        Leadership is key? Really? Some strongman gonna make it all all right? Spoken like Russian. I have long suspected that democracy isn’t really your thing at all … too much work.

        And snivelling is easy.

    • Tina says:

      Your Congress had a super majority for two years and did nothing. Your president refuses to work with Congress. I can complain all day long.

      But this isn’t about blaming Democrats or Republicans. This is about the huge bureaucratic monster. Big bureaucracies engage in busy work. When leadership is lousy they become even less competent. The buck is passed and passed and no one is accountable. The budgets are MORE than adequate. The money is badly managed…incredibly no one ever loses his job.

      I can scream about smaller, more productive, more focused, and less messy government and I will because it’s easy to make smaller government more efficient and more accountable! (leadership is the key)

      We have been at this for 15 years!!! Think about it. How much money is wasted year after year? Our government spends trillions of dollars, goes in to debt for billions more, and still can’t get the most basic things done? Then, after this unforgivable record (fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers) they are rewarded more often than not with an increased budget. It’s inexcusable!

  4. Deplorable J Soden says:

    When the HuffPost runs this, you KNOW $hrilLIARy is in deep trouble!

  5. Rick Clements says:

    I am so very tired of people being distracted with the Syrian immigrant migration to our Country, combine that with the Mexican illegal immigrant migration, all these migrations are done and allowed on behalf of the Democratic Party and it’s leader President O’Liar. It’s all about replacing the millions of votes the Democrats are losing Nationwide due to the Progressive Liberal agenda that has overtaken the Democratic Party. O’Liar is, like Jerry Brown did here in California, flooding the US with immigrants that when allowed to vote, they’ll vote 87% for the Democratic Party that kept them alive with free Medical, free Food Stamps, free schooling courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. Because the Republicans oppose this agenda, they are labeled as racist, homophobic, misogynistic, cereal hating, because Trix are for kids, race baiting scum Earth!!!

    • Libby says:

      “… with immigrants that when allowed to vote, they’ll vote 87% for the Democratic Party that kept them alive with free Medical, free Food Stamps, free schooling courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.”

      As they, themselves, are U. S. Taxpayers, I fail to see the problem. Their taxes should instead subsidise your investment in Big Oil, Big Ag, Big Whatever?


      No, I think not any longer.

  6. Peggy says:

    Hillary is done!

    BOMBSHELL: Hillary’s IT Guy Caught Asking How To Destroy Evidence.

    WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL!

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