Profiling is Not Un-Constitutional

by Jack

Profiling is what law enforcement has done since they were called Centurions. Ever hear the term, “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. . . it’s probably a duck?” We’re talking  common sense, that’s all profiling is.

Police use a number of identifiers to base an educated guess on so they can focus their very limited resources in directions that will produce the best results. Nobody I know in law enforcement ever used just race or ethnicity, that’s stupid and its wrong.  It is a whole plethora of things that are used taken into consideration with the circumstances at the time.  They (police) are looking for something common to a particular that is known to do  a very specific kind of crime, and in this case the crime is… terrorism.

Take a look at the people shown below and tell me if you notice a common pattern among all those depicted with just one exception?  Now imagine that you will get $1000 for each correct pick, but pick the wrong person and you lose all the money!

Well, in a general sense police are just making connections just like, only a little more sophisticated.  They note people’s identifiers, activity and noting the overall circumstances.  From that they may or may not develop certain suspicions.   It’s a matter of noting obvious things to them and not so obvious things to your average citizen. Age, hair, beards, clothing, tattoos, personal behavior, country of origin, business, friends, time, location and many other things that would potentially alert law enforcement to suspicious activity.  That helps to sort out the most likely from the least likely.  In this case, nobody has any civil right violated.  Cops are just observing a bit more carefully than other people might…its used for “probable cause” to take it to the next level.

All those shown below, except one, are real terrorists who have killed Americans, one isn’t…please tell me you figured that out.  Who in the world would not want us to use profiling as one of our many tools to find the bad guys?  Right….the bad guys.


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11 Responses to Profiling is Not Un-Constitutional

  1. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Those that subscribe to the PC BS are the ones responsible for “profiling” being a dirty word.
    It’s time that for our own safety, we should be using profiling – which is a successful way to target those who would harm us.
    Especially since the Foolish Bungling Idiots and Homeland INsecurity let the bad guys in ’cause they can’t do proper vetting.

  2. Tina says:

    Profiling works…everybody does it all day long. Police officers and others involved in security and law enforcement are well trained to be very good at it.

    I say, do what works.

  3. Jim says:

    Oh come on Jack, you know better than his. I notice that your photos don’t include people like: Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynsk, Byron Williams, Daniel Cowart, Jared Loughner, John Patrick Bedell, James Von Brunn, and Richard Poplawski.

    All of these people were white Americans who committed acts of terror.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Jim the focus was on the enemy who has declared war on us. Let me remind you that would be radical Islamic terrorists who have sworn allegiance to groups like Al Qaeda or ISIS. There is a certain pattern among those folks and you are loath to see it? I find that slightly amusing, but also disturbing.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Jim ironically you also made my point when you brought up Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynsk, Byron Williams, Daniel Cowart, Jared Loughner, John Patrick Bedell, James Von Brunn, and Richard Poplawski. If you look at each person there are signs that each was headed for serious trouble, but our society failed to notice or take the necessary steps to intervene on their trajectory of evil. First you have to notice… that’s kinda the point of my article.

      • Jim says:

        Yes Jack, that was my point. As I recall with McVeigh, the arresting officer noticed some strange behavior such as wearing a jacket on a long drive.

        Looking for suspicious behavior is fine, noticing gangland clothing, jewelry or grooming is fine, however judging someone solely be race is not. Doing so you might miss white criminals.

        My Dad was a US Customs inspector. While the government had official guidelines, such as look for nervous behavior, He said that he could tell if somebody was up to something just by looking at them.

  4. Libby says:

    Jack, that’s sick. How much time did you spend on that, anyway?

    Or, mayhap, it was fed to you?

    In any case, it’s really sick.

    Should I put together a montage of clinic bombers? What color do you suppose they would be?

    And what, in the name of sweet Jesus Christ, quite literally, would be the point?


    • Post Scripts says:

      Yes Libby, please do put together a montage of clinic bombers…. that is something I want to see.

    • Post Scripts says:

      It’s not sick Libs, its reality and the sort of things one does to fight evil lest some citizen like yourself becomes one of their victims.

      • Libby says:

        Good Lord, Jack. By that logic, we should have commenced to apply certain principals of animal husbandry to the human male population centuries ago: most of you castrated and the breeding bulls locked up.

        The possibility of male predation (and the race of such predators being of no significance whatsoever) under which I have lived my whole life … well, if I can be a brave girl … you can be a brave boy, and face down the possibility of victimhood … withstand the inclination to make sexist and racist prejudice the basis of your existence … live a contented, constructive life.

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