Trumps Has a Great Plan for Job Creation

prosperity-signPosted by Tina

Hillary the liar, and her progressive obsessed supporters, continue to claim that Trump has no plan for job creation. It’s understandable that these ignoramuses would believe such clap trap since none of them can explain how wealth or jobs are created. And Hillary’s great economic ace card is her husband who signed into law the Newt Gingrich tax cuts and reforms that made his record stellar. If you think I’m just a radical right winger do two things: First take a look at the policies over the last eight years and the abysmal economic record. Jobs have been created, as Obama never fails to say, but at a meager level that doesn’t even match the number of new jobs seekers much less put the hundreds of thousands out of work citizens into good jobs. Obama’s policies are responsible for GDP growth under 2% for his entire term. (4% is considered average growth). Second look into the records of tax cutters, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W Bush. (Also the record of George Bush who promised “no new taxes” and then broke that promise) Trusting Hillary and her supporters to judge Trumps plans for job growth is a huge mistake. Better you decide for yourselves.

So what will Trump do? He will address current problems surrounding energy and trade and do what has worked under past presidents from Kennedy forward with respect to taxes. The plan is pejoratively called “trickle down economics” by the left. They created the term as an ugly slur, via the Saul Alinsky method, to label and destroy the Reagan tax policies and demonize Republican Ronald Reagan. They did this knowing Democrat John Kennedy had done the same they just figured the public wouldn’t remember. See here and also here for a window into the progressive left’s socialist economic plans for us. Their political plan to demonize succeeded but it sure hasn’t served the people who depend on a robust economy and the investments of their fellow citizens to create good paying jobs. Don’t take my word for it. Research the tax cutting policies of President John F. Kennedy (Democrat) and Bill Clinton and the results of tax cutting policies for yourself. Trumps five part plan is available here. The highlights include:

1. Foreign Interventions Must Require Cost-Sharing Plans to Reduce U.S. Costs and Guarantee Veterans and Their Families Are Protected

2. Pass NOPEC Legislation to Break OPEC’s Grip on Energy Prices

3. Crack Down on China’s Currency Manipulation by Calculating Taxes on Imports Based on How Much a Manufacturing Country’s Currency is Undervalued

4. Spur Job and Wealth Creation through a 5-Point Tax Plan

5. Finish the Border Fence, Boot Out Criminal Illegals, and Reform America’s Legal Immigration System

Donald Trump has the knowledge, the experience, and the plan to make our economy explode. The conditions his plans create for businesses, big and small, will bring jobs, prosperity, and opportunity for advancement to all Americans.

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4 Responses to Trumps Has a Great Plan for Job Creation

  1. dewster says:

    Jeeze Tina all ya have is name calling and Saul Alinsky again?

    The Title is “Trumps Has a Great Plan for Job Creation”

    So where is the plan? Repeat the cut taxes for the wealthy who are in record profits? That has failed over and over again.

    Cut Revenue? add to the deficit and spend more right? Spend on that war war war!

    That was GW’s plan and that did so well. … NOT!

    The wealthy do not need tax cuts. They are in record profits. That does not create US good Paying Jobs.

    Why not look at where Trump creates his Jobs? OVERSEAS! and here ?…. He brings in as many foreigners on visas as he can. He makes his products overseas…

    LOL he is no diff than the rest he just wants a piece of the political profit pie.
    I will vote for neither H or T.

    Sorry that was an Epic fail……….Those polices do not work BAR NONE

    BTW Trump has no plan that was the GOP Playbook policy

    I find it amazing you leave your tea party candidate type out in the dust

  2. Tina says:

    Dewey posting Trumps 5 point plan for economic growth including a link that will provide more specific information and a link that explains the tax plan portion of his economic plan isn’t name calling.

    What’s wrong…stuck on auto-pilot?

    Dewey do you have any idea at all why the big corporations are enjoying record profits while the middle class is decimated and the numbers of poor and homeless about equal the depression? Any idea at all?

    Trump has no plan to cut revenue. The lefts accusation is based on static conditions and are therefore meaningless. Lower tax rates, fewer stupid regulations, and other changes will create conditions that will cause investors to take the risks necessary to grow the economy and create jobs. The tax base will grow. A broader tax base and GDP of 4% or better will put profits into more pockets and give the middle class and poor a chance to climb the ladder of success. It isn’t rocket science just common sense. Trumps plan to bring the big companies back to America will work. It’s much easier to attract bees with honey (competitive tax rates) than vinegar (one of the highest tax rate in the world)!

    Trump builds projects overseas…so what? He also builds projects here. The projects he builds are not manufacturing. They create building trade jobs as the project goes up and then they create service jobs once the work is completed.

    Hillary’s solar and wind projects DO create job in China…just as they have under Obama. Cheap labor and lower tax burdens ya big dope! Ya want jobs in America we have to give companies a chance to compete! The government backed Solyndra, for instance, was out of business before the new building was finished:

    In August of 2011, The Washington Post reported that Solyndra shut down, “leaving 1,100 people out of work and taxpayers obligated for $535 million in federal loans.” According to Solyndra Chief Executive Brian Harrison, “Regulatory and policy uncertainties made it impossible to raise capital to quickly rescue the operation.” … The Solyndra controversy was elevated to a scandal when it was revealed that Office of Management and Budget officials felt pressured to approve the loan, despite an awareness of Solyndra’s financial instability. ABC News reported, “The deal later came under scrutiny from independent government watch dogs and members of Congress, which said the administration had bypassed key taxpayer protections in a rush to approve the funds.

    Trump is not stoopid. He manufactures his products overseas because high tax rates, ridiculous regulation expenses, and lower wages in foreign countries lock our workers out of the mix. If our workers want to compete in the world they are going to have to help the companies bring the cost of doing business down in America. Trump is ready to help bring good manufacturing jobs back home by lowering tax rates and eliminating bad regulations but also by renegotiating trade deals and adopting better energy policies.

    My Tea Party candidate just endorsed Trump as have many others who initially held back. His tax plans and plans for smarter, smaller, more financially respnsible government is right up my alley.

    Oh do sit out of the race. You can’t explain how to grow an economy and you can’t explain why you think Trumps tax plan won’t work. You spout idiot words like, “epic fail” and imagine you are an informed voter.

    This administration’s “plan” for growing the economy and creating jobs was based in borrowing as far as I can tell. The big idea after the crash was to keep interest rates artificially low so people and businesses would go out there and borrow and spend! Woo hoo. Question: Why would anyone go into debt with a economy in the tank?) STOOPID! Next big idea Quantitative Easing. The central banks bought up financial assets and increase the supply of money. IQuestion: If more dollars are flushed into the system wont that make the dllars in you pocket worth less?) This was a sure fire way to depress the economy and shut out job creation and growth. The new money went right into the stick market making the wealthiest among us richer and the rest of us poorer. (The answer to those questions I asked about how the rich got richer.)

    The so-called “smarter” progressives think they can implement economic plans without effecting a change in how people order their lives. People are not buying much these days. A lot of us are out of work. A lot of us are homeless. The control has been in Obama’s hands. His policies do not work, in fact his policies have caused a depressed economy not seen since the seventies. The last time our GDP was this low for this long was the Great Depression…progressives were in charge then too!

    Pull your head out of those activists websites and do some reading…educate yourself. This stuff at it’s most basic is not that difficult to understand. It’s common sense.

  3. Dewster says:

    Tina I have a very good Idea and I did not learn it on the Internet. I use to work for Wall Street…………

    LOL You are saying that investor profits create jobs? No they do not.

    These companies are not privately owned. Their sole job by law is to increase Investor profits not create Jobs.

    Most business’s are owned by Wall Street. They take out any real company owned by a person. Most stock Options are held in large Blocks for the elite. very Little s offered to the Public.

    You need to read the true history of the last century. You are clueless.

    Wells Fargo… I told you years ago how corrupt they were and how they fired people for not opening enough checking accts. yet you defended them.

    Why were they doing that? it all comes down to CEO’s taking wages in Stock Options and doing what ever it takes to inflate stock prices not creating jobs.

    Look at what Hedgefund managers are doing to retail? They go in and make them bankrupt while selling off assets to their entities.

    You seem to think these companies are some nice man who cares about jobs… LOL

    You really are clueless

    Trickle down is a SCAM. Give the rich more tax breaks, they keep the money, make taxpayers on the hook for bank crashes, Wars ect ect and tell the people they need more austerity cause their gov spends too much making profits for corporations with endless war.

    Obama made the last Bush Tax Cuts permanent. They do not need any more. Those tax cuts are cutting revenue add to the deficit and we get NOTHING in RETURN!

    The Banks are behind every world war and that includes the coming WW3. Time to change the borders and countries of the world again. Get a Clue

    Corporate Tax Rate Vs the actual rate they really pay after loopholes? At least 1 in 4 pay no taxes now. They get refunds! And Ya catch trump implying he pays no taxes? Proud of it! Also proud he knows how to use that corrupt Bankruptcy law to make money. They wrote that law for their own profits.

    The Problem in our gov is it is ran by wall street crook and bankster types. It does not matter weather a Rep or Dem is in Office they all do the same exact thing when it comes to who they appoint int agencies.

    The American peple always Loose. yet you play their divisional game. To claim republicans are some great tang is no diff than claiming Dems are some great thing, Right now they are all corrupt. Foreign Money runs the country now along with the usual crooks

  4. Tina says:

    Dewey it is true that the board of directors for the companies whose stock is traded on Wall Street, have a fiduciary responsibility to make profits for the people who invest money into their company. This is a good thing. When companies make profits their stock holds it’s value and the company has a chance to thrive and grow in the future: 1. Pay current employees and monthly business expenses, 2.Create or improve products, 3. Purchase new equipment, 4. Expand the company, creating even more jobs, and 5. Pay their stockholders dividends if they offer them.

    All of this activity helps the economy grow and represents the way jobs are created. Smaller businesses that are not traded on Wall Street have the same obligations to make a profit and when they do have the same opportunities to grow, expand and innovate.

    What did you do on Wall Street sweep the floors? There is no way you could be this ignorant about profits and work in any other capacity.

    There is a separate issue that seems to be at the heart of all the anger…well two issues. One is corruption and the other, a left over from more abundant times, is disproportionate compensation to corporate heads and upper management.

    The first is a legal problem. Unfortunately, it appears our government has become too corrupt to do its job and has been complicit in making complex laws and regulations that allow such activities.

    The second can only be handled at the corporate level in board rooms where decisions are made. The people can refuse to work for these companies but it seems there is always someone who will take those jobs. This explains why small business is big business, particularly when our economy is thriving. Onerous business and investment taxes and regulations hurt these businesses most.

    The problem in the country is big government: government spending, government waist, government debt, government overreach. It is government that has made the laws that drive how corporate heads and investors operate. Change the laws and we change behaviors.

    There will always be crooks and greedy people. Isn’t it stupid that our government enables, encourages, and is often complicit in this?

    I’m not playing any divisional game. I have told you a million times. I promote and defend ideals and whatever power in DC that has the best chance to work toward those ideals of smaller less intrusive government, simpler laws and regulations, and a justice department that treats all Americans the same. The Democrat Party is in favor of none of those ideals. The Democrat party favors big expanded government control and lots of complex laws. The justice department is viewed as a means to that end and treats Americans according to their category, race, gender, or victim of the day. The other socialist parties have no chance of winning and they too prefer government intervention. My choice to support Republicans is based on the fact that they are more likely to move toward a smaller government footprint and more power vested in the individual.

    I still defend Wells Fargo and bankers in general. I don’t condemn an entire company or industry for the illegal activities of some employees. Those who are actually guilty should face legal charges. Unfortunately when they do we never hear about it. Convictions aren’t as much fun to report as corruption, particularly if you can spin it so socialism looks like a better way to go (Government in control of all business)

    The government is primarily run by lawyer types, by the way. Many of whom depend on wall street types to get elected…and some of whom (Hillary) go even further and collude with them against the people.

    I know I’m wasting my breath on you. It is my intention that some people, in particular young people, who might stumble on these humble words will have a light bulb experience!

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