Who Will Control Content on the Internet If Obama’s Plan is Realized?

Posted by Tina

Obama will take another step this weekend to diminish America and compromise our liberty while making our enemies stronger. He intends to turn control of Internet domain names to a “foreign multi-national operation” (ICANN) which means that the leaders of China, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea will decide how free our communications will be. Read the article in Breitbart for a refresher course in oppressive government control of the narrative.

Yesterday was the last day to sign an online petition. It’s not too late to contact members of Congress who might listen to your concerns. Ted Cruz addressed the Senate today about this important matter…he’s one who would listen.

Wall Street Journal:

In 2014 the administration asked the engineers and developers who run the Internet to come up with a plan to keep the Internet open without U.S. protection. That was an impossible task: The alternative to having the U.S. keep other governments out of the way was always going to be letting other governments get in the way.

The Commerce Department official charged with ending U.S. oversight, Lawrence Strickling, originally claimed that the U.S. role was merely “clerical,” so could easily be replaced. Last week he bragged: “Stakeholders spent more than 26,000 working hours on the proposal, exchanged more than 33,000 messages on mailing lists, and held more than 600 meetings and calls.”

The plan was supposed to ensure that U.S. control could never be replaced “with a government-led or intergovernmental organization solution.” Yet it does precisely that, giving foreign governments new powers over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or Icann, and a path to full control.

Frank Gaffney, quoted by http://conservativehq.com/article/23908-stop-obama-clinton-internet-freedom-giveaway”>ConservativeHQ staff, brings national security into the mix:

By relinquishing to the likes of Russia, China and Iran the management of ICANN – a bureaucratic mechanism that assigns what amount to website addresses – U.S. government agencies, other users and internet freedom are sure to suffer, said Gaffney.

Just one example cited by Gaffney, “If hostile powers can begin assigning to themselves or their friends America’s official government and military – “.gov” and “.mil” – domain names, at a minimum, confusion will ensue. More likely, there will be compromises of national security.”

More to the point noted Gaffney, “It’s currently against the law to surrender ICANN. Congress must not allow the President to betray his duty, again.”

Obama has been destructive, dangerous, and divisive, not to mention presiding over gross corruption! Hillary represents more of the same. When they speak of American values they certainly don’t include having respect for liberty and free speech. This is one of the lowest moves yet.

Hat tip to RHT447 who posted this reminder in comments to the article, Michelle Obama in ’08 Hillary Unfit for White House that included a link to the Internet story.

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10 Responses to Who Will Control Content on the Internet If Obama’s Plan is Realized?

  1. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Another abject FAILURE by Clowngress to halt Obumble’s internet giveaway – and to the UN of all groups! The UN operates like the Bubba foundation with bribes and kickbacks everywhere, and couldn’t stand an audit.
    Unfortunately, unless a new president voids the giveaway, the internet freedom as we now know it may become like the dodo bird.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    I thought this was already a done deal. An insane, corrupt, and grotesque done deal that is the hallmark of the Obama administration.

  3. Tina says:

    It is a done deal, Pie, as of today:

    Washington (AFP) – The US government on Saturday ended its formal oversight role over the internet, handing over management of the online address system to a global non-profit entity.

    The US Commerce Department announced that its contract had expired with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which manages the internet’s so-called “root zone.”

    That leaves ICANN as a self-regulating organization that will be operated by the internet’s “stakeholders” — engineers, academics, businesses, non-government and government groups.

    The move is part of a decades-old plan by the US to “privatize” the internet, and backers have said it would help maintain its integrity around the world.

    US and ICANN officials have said the contract had given Washington a symbolic role as overseer or the internet’s “root zone” where new online domains and addresses are created.

    But critics, including some US lawmakers, argued that this was a “giveaway” by Washington that could allow authoritarian regimes to seize control.

    A last-ditch effort by critics to block the plan — a lawsuit filed by four US states — failed when a Texas federal judge refused to issue an injunction to stop the transition.

    Lawrence Strickling, who heads the Commerce Department unit which has managed these functions, issued a brief statement early Saturday confirming the transition of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

    “As of October 1, 2016, the IANA functions contract has expired,” he said.

    Stephen Crocker, ICANN’s board chairman and one of the engineers who developed the early internet protocols, welcomed the end of the contract.

    “This transition was envisioned 18 years ago, yet it was the tireless work of the global Internet community, which drafted the final proposal, that made this a reality,” he said in a statement.

    “This community validated the multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance. It has shown that a governance model defined by the inclusion of all voices, including business, academics, technical experts, civil society, governments and many others is the best way to assure that the Internet of tomorrow remains as free, open and accessible as the Internet of today.”

    The Internet Society, a group formed by internet founders aimed at keeping the system open, said the transition was a positive step.

    They make it sounds like this is a harmless group but who exactly makes the decisions. How many people are there and how many of them are controlled by tyrannical regimes? One thing I know from business is that a multiple leader model doesn’t work. There has to be someone who has the final word or you end up in chaos. We know China already controls internet content.

    This irks me to no end but it doesn’t shock or surprise me. We can’t let privileged America have an advantage. Privileged white guys did this so it too must be redistributed!

    Obama plans to break the tradition of past presidents to keep a low profile once he’s out of office. Expect even more divisive and anti-Constitutional posturing in future.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Off topic but soon influencing the internet …

    No matter what the left wing fools ignore and bury their heads in the sand about, THIS is part and parcel of Sharia, and it is coming here too —

    Migrant child brides put Europe in a spin

    What amazes me, is that this is a BBC story. If there was ever a left-wing, brain dead Islam suck-up organization, it is the BBC.

    • Tina says:

      Pie you’re absolutely right!

      Good policy stands behind our nation’s immigration standards. It doesn’t make sense to bring people into our country that don’t share our values and won’t live under our laws:

      “Honor Violence Measurement Methods,” a study released earlier this year by research corporation Westat, and commissioned by the U.S. Department of Justice, identified four types of honor violence: forced marriage, honor-based domestic violence, honor killing and female genital mutilation. The report, which estimated that 23-27 honor killings per year occur in the U.S., noted that 91 percent of victims in North America are murdered for being “too Westernized,” and in incidents involving daughters 18 years or younger, a father is almost always involved. And for every honor killing, there are many more instances of physical and emotional abuse, all in the name of fundamentalist Islam, say experts.

      “Typically seen in the form of physical or emotional abuse, rape or kidnapping, honor violence also includes harmful practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage. In extreme cases, murder,” said Stephanie Baric, executive director of the AHA Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by women’s rights activist and FGM survivor Ayaan Hirsi Ali. “In sharp contrast with domestic violence, families and communities often condone honor violence, which makes it more difficult to identify and stop.”

      While women are generally the victims of honor violence, men also may be targeted if they reject an arranged marriage or are assumed to be homosexual. Victims may also be pressured to commit suicide, and may do so without even realizing they are victims of honor-motivated violence, said Baric.

      For police who encounter apparent honor crimes, the investigation is typically treated as a regular crime or murder probe, usually under the umbrella of domestic violence. While both issues are tragic and problematic, experts say there are critical distinctions, and that honor violence requires a different approach.

      Detective Chris Boughey, of Peoria, Ariz., calls Oct. 20, 2009, a day that “changed my life forever.” That was the day Iraqi immigrant Faleh Almaleki murdered his daughter, Noor Almaleki, by running her over with his vehicle for becoming “too Westernized.” Boughey was assigned as the lead investigator and has since dedicated his career to educating others and taking on similar cases in numerous other states — from Alaska and New York to California, Washington state and Pennsylvania.

      “In the Almaleki case, I learned very quickly that we would receive no assistance from the family,” Boughey said. “In fact, we received out-and-out defiance and resistance. Although we know they are involved, it can be very hard to prove in a court of law.”

      People who have these values don’t belong in America or anywhere else in the West. That’s why it was stoopid (or was it intentional?) to bring refugees into the West instead of housing them in the Middle East.

      It takes us right back to the question, “Whose side are they on?” Obama, Hillary, Kerry, et al, seem to be more interested in managing the world than they are in the safety and interests of the citizens they have vowed to serve and protect under the Constitution.

      Good fences make good neighbors. It’s simple common sense.

  5. Libby says:

    Hmmmm. Want to run the world, do we?

    That explains, partially, the Trump fixation.

  6. Tina says:

    Geez, you’re stoopid, Libby. This technology was made in America. I see no reason to hand control of it over to dictators in countries that stifle speech and pick winners and losers.

    And it does explain the support for Trump. Unlike Bill/Obama/Hillary he will not give America’s technology away to our enemies, nor will he give billions of dollars to supporters of terror.

    Sorry Dearie, it’s the radical leaders of your party that think they it should run the world. Your party has tried to control freedom of speech and thought for decades…bunch of deceitful tyrants.

  7. RHT447 says:

    Indeed. Who is in control?

    (Warning–some four-letter passion in a few spots)


    Electronic voting, anyone?

    Ahhh, the good old days….


  8. Dewster says:

    We must stop that for sure. Also stop the TPP. It changes Internet control as well. maybe that is PBO’s motivation? who knows. He thinks he will rail TPP in lame duck, likely China will get it.

    But make no mistake it was not brought to light because these people are honest. It is because the corporations want control. They want complete control over what people can say.

    The internet used tax dollars to develop and should be a public utility and free speech zone for all.

    LOL you think there is a difference n elite politicians? LOL

    G H Bush started what Bill Clinton Passed called NAFTA ( actually unconstitutional Treaty passed by Fast Track Vote)

    G W Started what is Obama calls TPP (unconstitutional Treaty they will pass with fast track)

    Both Clinton and Trump will Pass TPP

    Why? Because it changes the rights of citizens and sovernighty forever to global control.

    In fact Trump won the Primary railing everything he is supporting now…. Yet the Sheeple follow all these crooks to the end of America as we knew it.

    Never Hillary. Never Trump, And Watch Out for Obama making good on his donors as he leaves office

    Elections are a sham, a media game where we all loose no matter who wins.

  9. Dewster says:

    But I also just read Cruz’s speak… he is disingenuous as usual trying to gain political capitol for 2020, never Cruz as well.

    try to understand the issue to help not repeat either side the truth always lies in the middle

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