Michelle Obama in ’08 Hillary Unfit for White House

Posted by Tina

On the campaign trail in 08 Michelle Obama had some damning words regarding Hillary Clinton and her man and what good families should look like:

‘If you can’t run your own house you can’t run the White House”

Video available on You Tube

Now that her man isn’t in the race suddenly she tells young people to vote for Hillary, even dropping the birther issue which was first brought up by the Hillary campaign in 08. She doesn’t mention Trump by name, preferring to suggest a fantasy of her own making:

“With every word that they utter, they can start wars, crash markets, change the course of this planet, so who in this election is truly ready for this job?” Mrs. Obama said. “It is excruciatingly clear that there is only one person in this election we can trust with those responsibilities, only one person with the qualifications and the temperament for that job, and that is our friend Hillary Clinton.”

Why is it “clear?” Hillary, and Obama, are the only ones with a terrible record. They have started wars, they have created an explosion of strife across the planet. They have not caused a market crash…instead the plan has been to prop it up by printing money! The result has been a terrible economic condition across the entire world. Michelle talks about “disrespecting our citizens”…has she considered the coal workers that have been disrespected and thrown on the trash heap for the cause of green energy? Is she at all cognizant of the hell her husband has unleased for police officers across this nation?

Who could trust the word the word of this woman? She’s just another deceitful politician’s wife. Her rhetoric is false and designed to fool and sway young minds.

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15 Responses to Michelle Obama in ’08 Hillary Unfit for White House

  1. Deplorable J Soden says:

    And is the GOP going to use Moochelle’s anti-$hrilLIARy Youtube rant in one of their campaign ads?

  2. Dewster says:

    Come on that is weak.

    I will not vote for Hillary for good reasons but not because of Michele Obama campaigning in 08.

    Since then she was sec of state so experience is not the issue. That is the Issue with Trump. He has no clue.

    Actually if you were not so party divided and she had an R by her name you would be in Heaven. She is a Neo Liberal and will Keep us in these endless wars. The Dems put business heads in control of gov agencies. They are just as fascist as the GOP

    I will not vote for Hillary because of her war hawkishness. Her alliance with the Bush Family and the National War plan to which Obama has also been in sync with. I am voting against one Issue even if I loose. No #TPP

    Hum….. I remember an election where we just had to get in Syria….. I can still hear the GOP candidates on that. Well PBO got elected and where are we? In Syria! Look the Mercenaries and CIA are creating these wars. neither a Dem or Rep President will change these wars. The plan was written a long time ago.

    US Media Lies about these wars and what is going on, our media is as bad as Russian media and we are in a Proxy war with Russia.

    China, Korea, and Russia will undermine the Petrodollar and claim the worlds currency……. Our Politicians are allowing China to colonize us. Get a clue. Look at all the real estate and companies China is buying here.

    The one world gov? New World order? all those lines every President has uttered lately? = The WTO the world trade org and corporate rule, the TPP sets the stage… They are a few trade deals away… AKA “Treaties”

    • Tina says:

      Weak? What’s weak about exposing hypocrisy?

      “Since then she was sec of state so experience is not the issue.”

      Oh but it is since she has been exposed to have used her office to enrich herself and her foundation and to reward those who give to her foundation. that kind of “experience” is exactly the kind we don’t want in government!

      You still don’t know what fascism is I see.

      You also still offer no alternative to war as well. Think you can hide somewhere? Are you building a bunker and buying survival food?

      At least if Mitt Romney had drawn a red line over the use of chemical weapons he would have followed through. There’s a difference between attempting to appear tough and actually being tough…Obama/Hillary don’t scare anyone…they invite contempt and they make America appear weak.

      “Look at all the real estate and companies China is buying here. ”

      Just like Japan did a few years back. Where are they now? Investors are buying in America right now because as bad as our economy is, theirs is worse.

      That last paragraph is a nightmare. Run along and play.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Michelle Obama is as corrupt and deceitful as her serial liar husband.

    I found this fascinating —

    Nevada pot heads reject Hillary

    Evidently even drug addled dope fiends are getting a clue.

  4. Libby says:

    Well that was then, and this is now. Michelle is the most effective surrogate Hils has got. She don’t even like this sort of thing but she fires up the crowds real good. The youngsters love her.

    • Tina says:

      The 1.4 million who rejected her lunch program might think otherwise, Libby, as do many of their parents and teachers:

      The School Nutrition Association just this week said so many kids are protesting their school cafeteria that schools are having to eat $1.2 billion in costs because their sales revenues are down. “School districts are being forced to financially subsidize meals at the expense of educational programs,” the association said in a letter to Congress asking for financial support.

      She does “fire up” those who come out to hear her speak, much like the preacher that influenced her views.

      • Deplorable J Soden says:

        It’s too bad that the students who rejected Moochelle’s school lunch program weren’t able to decide what Moochelle could serve at the white house.
        Fair is fair, after all . . . . .

      • Libby says:

        1.4 million is maybe one-sixth of the SF Bay Area population.

        Sounds like the leadership of a few small towns making political hay … at their children’s expense. Very classy.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Like they love her lunch program.

  5. Libby says:



    Tina, were you and she keyed up by the same source, do you think? … and should you be quite so wind-up-able? You are, of course, somewhat more restrained … but the timing is too coincidental to be coincidence.

    Tell us. Which entity was it that set you off?

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