Clown Humor


Not so funny is the Creepy Clown menace that appears to be getting more onerous.

The NYT provides some history of the creepy dark clown phenom and concludes:

But what about the young people impersonating the phantoms? At a time when so many are cut off from power and opportunity, perhaps it’s no surprise that they’re drawn to the garb of a scary outsider who’s allowed to tell the truth. That’s a potent role — and it means that the phantom clowns haunting the parking lots and apartment complexes of America aren’t going away anytime soon.

Cut off from power and opportunity? Funny, the NYT is doing their best to see to it that another power and opportunity killer is elected!

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3 Responses to Clown Humor

  1. Dewster says:

    I find the cartoon relevant.

    Both candidates are negative polling. The Majority of the country wants neither.

    Will be interesting to see if local and state issues can bring people to the polls. The presidential candidates will not.

    Federal elections need to be reformed.

    • Tina says:

      sounds like a good time to ration up and head for the hills!

      From the article: “I’ve personally encountered young people who’ve never made the connection between the piece of meat they’ve just bought, and a living, breathing creature that was slaughtered to provide it. In one case, the person concerned burst into tears at the thought that an animal had died to provide her meal – and this was a woman who’d be considered educated, with a university degree.

      it’s much worse than I thought!

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