Reality: The Democrat Record of Challenging Election Results is Extensive!

Posted by Tina


Hillary smugly called his remarks, “horrifying!” Eeeeeeks!

Republican elites cringed and threw fits…(he’s staining our image). Double Eeeeeeks!

The media started throwing darts…he’s destroyed his chances now…he’s destroyed the long tradition of the election loser conceding and allowing for a “peaceful transition of power.”

Hmmm…is that true?

Surely Chris Wallace and other members of the outraged media recall the 2000 election with Al Gore refusing to accept the election outcome…and the weeks and weeks of a hanging chad comedy routine? They are the professionals…right?

What about the election involving Al Franken in Minnisota? Franken initially lost the election to the incumbent, Republican Sen. Norm Coleman in a close race. Guess what? Democrat Al Franken refused to accept the result and called for a recount…there were several:

….on the morning after the election, after 2.9 million people had voted, Coleman led Franken by 725 votes.

Franken and his Democratic allies dispatched an army of lawyers to challenge the results. After the first canvass, Coleman’s lead was down to 206 votes. That was followed by months of wrangling and litigation. In the end, Franken was declared the winner by 312 votes. He was sworn into office in July 2009, eight months after the election.

During the controversy, a conservative group called Minnesota Majority began to look into claims of voter fraud. Comparing criminal records with voting rolls, the group identified 1,099 felons — all ineligible to vote — who had voted in the Franken-Coleman race.

Al Franken’s successful and highly questionable victory gave the democrats the super majority they needed to shove Obamacare down our throats!

But that’s not all. Remember California Prop 8 on gay marriage? To qualify for the ballot, Proposition 8 needed 694,354 valid petition signatures. 1,120,801 signatures were collected. The amendment sought to preserve the established definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. THE PEOPLE voted in favor of the amendment with 52.24% of the votes and the left refused to accept the election result!

Remember the mess in 2011 in Wisconsin? Democrats refused to accept legislation, sighed by Republican Scott Walker:

In 2011, there were a series of demonstrations in Wisconsin, involving at its zenith as many as 100,000 protestors[9] opposing the 2011 Wisconsin Act 10, also called the “Wisconsin budget repair bill.” The legislation, passed by the Wisconsin Legislature on June 29, 2011, primarily impacted the following areas: collective bargaining, compensation, retirement, health insurance, and sick leave of the state’s public sector employees.

These protests became a major driving force of multiple recall elections, including state senators in 2011 and 2012, Governor Scott Walker in 2012 and a contentious Wisconsin Supreme Court election in 2011.

There are other examples all of which show the utter hypocrisy, and the always present phony rhetoric, of the conniving Democrat Party.

You know that if Trump wins it will be hysteria on the left…protests, hanging chads, whatever it takes to foil the will of the people.

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8 Responses to Reality: The Democrat Record of Challenging Election Results is Extensive!

  1. Dewster says:


    Get back into Reality Girl!

    Donald is just grandstanding. he says what gets the press. Classic Donald. LOL last Night he was 1 person away from Hillary. The Arch Bishop between them. He made a joke that after hearing Hillary go on and on he had a new fondness for Rosie.

    Clinton got up and made a comment to the effect she was surprised she came after Trump and he accepted the peaceful transfer of power.


    This election is All SHow, All Theater. The Great American scam

    This is a Controlled opposition Election. Trump got out of control cause Bernie kept HRC Busy. That is why they colluded with media and railed him so hard. that is why there is so much election fraud.

    But there is a difference between saying I will contest election fraud and saying I will only accept the results if I win as Trump has done.

    Do you even know the difference between Voter fraud and election fraud and the ridiculous media arguments?

    The American people are not the crooks , The elite are. Both Trump and Clinton are in the same NY Elite club. That is why they had fun last night. Together.

    Fighting fraud should not be a problem. being an Axehat cause ya do not win would be a crazy thing to say.

    Trump is Playing Games. Media loves it and you do not get it.

    here is a good one for ya! Soros machines! LOL yes the ol DNC plays as corrupt as the GOP

    Get with it girl! You are clueless!

    • Tina says:

      The media is absurdly saying that what Donald Trump has SAID is more damaging to this nation that what Democrats and Hillary Clinton have DONE!

      What a crock!

      What a sham!

      What a silly way to avoid talking about the content of the embarrassing wikileaks email revelations!

      Dewey you obviously do not know me. How in the world have you come up with the absurd and obnoxious notion that I think “the American people” are “the crooks?”

      You also do not know Trump. Trump has said may things about accepting the election results. The quote you cite was a joke.

      The main complaint I have about Wallace’s performance was his last minute gotcha question. Trump is running against Clinton AND the mixed cadre facing him. Why walk into the trap. This was a damned if you do damned if you don’t question. Notice it wasn’t asked of crooked Hillary with the fake snarky smile.

      Who stands against Trump? The Clinton campaign machine; the Democrat party; most of the media; the green cabal; George Soros, who backs hundreds of improper 501c4’s, Media Matters, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street and who knows what! In addition is content in emails that show there’s nothing the Clinton campaign won’t do to win this election, including paying people to disrupt Trumps rally’s and attack his supporters (including targeting women specifically) and paying people to commit voter fraud.

      OF COURSE they need something to assert that will create a firestorm…”the Russians are working for Trump to stop Hillary” will do (There’s no evidence of that)…or taking Trumps logical response to a gotcha question and turning it into a “horrifying” thought…as if Al Gore didn’t do the exact same thing AND they thought it was justified!

      The way I see it Trump is justified in refusing to make such a stupid promise.

      I started blogging about the corrupting influence of George Soros when I first started writing for PS, 12-15 years ago!

      Get with it “boy” you don’t know zot about me! (Or you can’t remember one day to the next)

  2. Deplorable J Soden says:

    All the fake hysteria by the moron media presstitutes gives anyone with a smidgen of intelligence a good laugh.
    And Sheriff David Clarke on Twitter: “I Don’t Trust the Polls, Even Ones Where@realDonaldTrump Lead.”
    Neither do I.

  3. Tommy says:

    There’s a big difference between demanding a recount after an election–based on evidence that there was misconduct–and saying you won’t accept the election results before the election even happens. There’s also a big difference between that and saying that a proposition is unconstitutional.

    Trump has no evidence that the election will be “rigged.” He knows he’s going to lose and is refusing to take personal responsibility for alienating a majority of the country. His loss will be his own fault, but as always, he wants to blame anyone and everyone else for his own failure.

  4. Tina says:

    The charge is refusal to accept the RESULTS of an election, as if that were something new.

    Of course there are differences…so what?

    “Trump has no evidence that the election will be ‘rigged.’”

    He has plenty of evidence to suggest the election could be rigged aginast him from many fronts.

    We all watched as Hillary and the Democrat Party elites rigged the system to favor Hillary.

    We know billionaire George Soros is affiliated with the company that supplied voting machines in 16 sates.

    We have a paid activist Democrat on tape, see here and here explaining the underhanded ways activists are used to disrupt events and create a the illusion that Trump supporters are “unhinged” (that word even became a talking point for journalists). In the second video this long time operative explains the ways they commit voter fraud.

    There are ongoing investigations into voter fraud in New York, Virginia, Texas and others. (According to the Democrat activist above unions are very helpful)

    There is evidence that polls have been deliberately skewed to favor Clinton and influence voters…no trick goes to waste and with all of the powerful voices on her side a lot can be done to influence. For instance, the media spent over five hundred minutes talking about accusations against Trump and less than thirty talking about the emails scandal revelations. which amounts to campaigning for Hillary and against DT.

    There is also the mounds of evidence found in emails that illustrate the corrupt, devious, underhanded, conniving, duplicitous, hypocritical people that surround Hillary Clinton!

    And we have witnessed eight years of the Obama administration. In the first two he rammed Obamacare through Congress by devious means avoiding the process. During the remaining years he accused congress of not cooperating on legislation when in fact it was he who would not bend and he who chose to use executive orders and Czars to do the nations business.

    If Washington DC is corrupt, and it is, the leadership of the Democrat Party is at it’s core. None of us can trust this administration, the Democrat Party, or the complicit or cowardly acting Republican elites…unless we are among those who approve of such behavior and tactics.

    As always you are arrogant. You don’t know who will win. One thing is sure if she wins we will have at least four more years of corruption, failure, bad worsening ecoomic times, more debt, and greater government control. The American people will lose.

  5. Tina says:

    A timely article about a new book explains how ridiculous the horrified left is:

    Whatever you think of Donald Trump not promising to immediately accept the election result, don’t believe anyone who says challenging the result would be unprecedented. Donald Trump is not the first candidate to say a presidential election was “rigged.” …

    … Democrats, such as newspaper barons Joseph Pulitzer and Henry Watterson, talked about leading 100,000 armed men into Washington if their nominee Samuel Tilden didn’t win the presidency. It was actually talk, but Democrats and their media allies did spend the next four years calling President Rutherford B. Hayes, Rutherfraud. In reality, 1876 was a presidential election the Democrats stole, the Republicans stole back and like 2000, Florida was in dispute.

    The election controversy came at a very touchy time for the country, just 11 years after the end of the Civil War. America could have been pushed to war again had some of the rowdier voices prevailed.

    Similarly, after the 1800 Electoral College tie with Thomas Jefferson and his running mate Aaron Burr, the lame duck Federalist Congress considered installing Burr as president. Jefferson supporters were threatening armed rebellion. But, in the end, the country went through the first peaceful transfer of power, and Burr, of course, became disgraced on multiple other fronts. The infant country was at a delicate stage at this time, and there were legitimate fears about a French Revolution-style ideology spreading.

    For all the wailing about how divided the country is along partisan and ideological lines today, we should ask: compared to when? Compared to the 1960s? Compared to the 1860s? Compared to when a sitting vice president would gun down a former treasury secretary in a duel? The story of the campaigns that went down to the wire also tells us that America is more than able to survive internal political tensions and unite. …

    … Shortly after John F. Kennedy was inaugurated president, Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen—certain that election fraud in his home state of Illinois cost Richard Nixon the election, called FBI Assistant Director Cartha DeLoach to ask why there wasn’t an FBI investigation into the chicanery and voter fraud emanating from Chicago’s Daley machine.

    “I told him that the Department of Justice was investigating this,” DeLoach recalled to the Washington Post. “I referred him to the attorney general.”

    The exasperated Dirksen sarcastically asked, “Who’s the attorney general?”

    DeLoach answered, “Bobby Kennedy.”

    Read the article and you’ll also find one of this nations prototypes for Trump was Andrew Jackson, founder of the Democrat Party, who was contentious and foul mouthed according to Fred Lucas, author of the book Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections.”

  6. Tina says:

    2008, with apologies to Ed and Johnnyheeeeeers Obama:

    “Well, I tell you what it helps in Ohio, that we got Democrats in charge of the machines,” Obama said regarding the threat of election-rigging.

    He continued, “Whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction. That’s why we’ve got to have, I believe, a voting rights division in the Justice Department that is nonpartisan, and that is serious about investigating cases of voter fraud.”

    “That’s why we need paper trails on these new electronic machines so that you actually have something that you can hang on to after you’ve punched that letter—make sure it hasn’t been hacked into,” he added, admitting that even Democrats have “monkeyed around” with election results:

    “I want to be honest, it’s not as if it’s just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes, Democrats have, too.”

    “Sometimes Democrats have too?”

    Gag me!

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