Election Thoughts and Opinions

by Jack

Just a few thoughts about the upcoming election:

If I could only vote for two people on our Chico city council, it would be Jovanni Triceri and Sean Morgan.  Both are extremely well qualified with the right temperament for administration.

ballot box23I’m not voting for anyone when it comes to Senator, because we have no choice except to cast a ballot for a really bad person.   And I would never, NEVER vote for Kamela Harris.  She’s a gun grabber, and a rabid leftist.

Elections tend to bring out the worst in us, we’ve see that in the presidential election. This country is already divided by race, immigration and class warfare.  But, at the root of each controversy are our two political parties. Nobody else has the power to wage dirty tricks like a giant political party and the two party system has sunk to new lows.  Having two party’s splits the nation and gives little choice, take either black or white.  Hey, I would like more colors!  I want more creativity and thinking outside the black/white box!  It’s better if we had 3, 4 or 5 equally divided party’s or no party’s at all.  Nobody likes a monopoly on power and that’s what we have with just two party’s.

The democrat party and several of our Supreme Court Justices tend to see the Constitution as a living document, something to be revised with the times and trends.  That kind of change ought to be reserved for the fall fashions.  Our Constitution was based on inalienable rights and truths that have stood the test of time.   Society is precocious and many of our values change with the wind.  That’s exactly why we need to anchor our core values in the Constitution.

Now my suggestions for the rest of the balloting are:

CD1         Doug La Malfa
SD1         Ted Gaines
AD3        James Gallagher

Proposition 51   School Bonds. Funding for K-12 School and Community College Facilities-Weak Yes
Proposition 52     State Fees on Hospitals. Federal Medi-Cal Matching Funds. Initiative Statutory and Constitutional AmendmentYES 

Proposition 53     Revenue Bonds. Statewide Voter ApprovalYES
Proposition 54     Legislature. Legislation and Proceedings (Legislature Transparency Act) -YES 

Proposition 55      Tax Extension to Fund Education and HealthcareNO
Proposition 56       Cigarette Tax to fund Healthcare, Tobacco Use PreventionResearch, and Law Enforcement – YES

Proposition 57      Criminal Sentences. Juvenile Criminal Proceedings and SentencingNO Proposition 58       English Language Education, Put on the ballot by the LegislatureNO

Proposition 59       California Overturn of Citizens United Act Advisory Question-YES Proposition 60        Adult Films. Condoms. Health RequirementsYES

Proposition 61       State Prescription Drug Purchases. Pricing Standards– BIG NO Proposition 62       Death Penalty. (Repeals Death Penalty) – NO (see 2nd death penality prop below) 

Proposition 63      Firearms. Ammunition Sales – HUGE NO!
Proposition 64      Marijuana Legalization. – YES
Proposition 65          Carry-Out Bags. Charges – YES

Proposition 66        Death Penalty. Procedures. (Reforms Death Penalty) – BIG YES! Proposition 67        Plastic Bag Ban Veto Referendum – NO

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9 Responses to Election Thoughts and Opinions

  1. Peggy says:

    I also voted for Morgan, Tricerri and Torres. Was undecided about Tricerri since liberals also have her sign in their yards with the other liberals running.

    I did vote for Sanchez, because Doug LaMalfa recommended her by saying she was someone he could work with on California’s water problems.

    And I ended up holding my nose and voted for Trump knowing full well my vote won’t matter with our winner take all the electoral college votes. It was a NEVER Hillary vote to just feel good to vote against her.

    If Trump does somehow win I have no doubt he’ll clean up the VA, IRS, ObamaCare, illegal immigration and education messes. I have real concerns with his foreign policy and tariff statements. Hopefully, he’ll have the best advisors and he’ll listen to them.

    Hearing lots of personal stories about him helping people out financially. There was a young couple who stopped to change the tire on his limo and he paid off their mortgage. Our Marine who was held in the Mexican jail for months he sent $25k or so to help him get settled. And a sick boy needed to fly to another city for treatment, but no airline would fly him because of his medical equipment, Trump sent his jet.

    It’s not my place to question what’s in a man’s heart, but if he cares for this country as a whole as much as he did for this individuals, he’s a least worth a chance. We know what Hillary’s record is and what she’ll do if she wins. She’ll destroy this country to fill her own pockets.

    Grab a tissue, you’ll need it. Here is Trump at his rally the other day inviting the parents of a deceased boy to speak. Believe me it is really touching.


    Jack, I see the end of both parties within the next four years. With the WikiLeaks and FBI email releases they have exposed just how corrupt our gov’t and media is. The DNC and RNC are the ones who choose our candidates and with the help of the media have gotten away with lying to us so we think we had something to do with the process.

    Sanders never had a chance even though he won the popular votes. The DNC pulled off a dog and pony show without the dog. And the RNC is having a hissy fit because the candidate THEY picked didn’t win, so past and current leaders have withheld their support. It is unacceptable IMO for the Bushes, McConnell, Ryan, Kaisch, etc. to not support THEIR party’s candidate. And if they cast a vote FOR Clinton they should be removed from their leadership role. If I remember correctly, the CRA had a rule that leadership could not support another party’s candidate. The same should apply at the national level.

    I will be soooo glad when this election is over. I am sick of it. I’m just praying she doesn’t win and if neither get the 270 EC votes needed the republican controlled House and Senate will pick our leaders per the 12th Amendment.

  2. Peggy says:

    Remember to turn your clocks back tonight. We get an extra hour of sleep.

  3. Libby says:

    That’s all you got to say? About a party that fields 16 presidential candidates, half of them by no stretch of the imagination qualified … and you choose the least qualified of them all?

    Whatever happens … a retreat to local concerns is positively in order. But what do you do with the fact that, locally, you are out-numbered … that progressives will continue to hold a majority in office?

    This is what you have to put up with, if you are going to enjoy the amenities of a university town.

    There is always Oroville, you know.

  4. Dewster says:

    It is unacceptable IMO for the Bushes, McConnell, Ryan, Kaisch, etc. to not support THEIR party’s candidate. And if they cast a vote FOR Clinton they should be removed from their leadership role

    Excuse me…. If anyone truly believed in Democracy, Free Speech, and Freedom than They would respect a Person being able to cast their vote to their own beliefs.

    That said your party Politics is exactly what is taking this country down. Same for Blue dog Democrats. You people want authoritarian Government and have no problem with the destruction of the United States as they move to their one world corporate Global system.

    Also Clinton is a puppet and/or major Player in the Global Cabal with the Bush Family. They are not on 2 different sides. They run in 2 different parties. The Clinton Team is the continuation of the Bush/Obama Plan. Nothing changes.

    They said 7 countries in 5 years. Well it took a bit longer but we are bombing in 7 countries. Why is Iran next? Because it is the only thing stopping them from having torn up that whole region to the borders of Russia and China.

    Obama has taken the Bush Policies and put them on steroids. He made the temp tax cuts permanent. Obama has expanded the GW obstruction of our rights by expanding his patriot act and NDAA.

    The Jeb Bush vs HRC was by design.

    The Clinton campaign asked the media to pump up trump. When Bernie was winning it put a rivet in her campaign. They were blatant in their cheating. Yet Americans tuned into their TV;s and watched fake stories of chairs being thrown, A sitting Senator Boxer say she was scared? Really? She left flipping the Bird to those who Booed her. That’s scared?

    The political parties are corrupt corporations. George Washington in his farewell speech warned us on Political parties.

    What you have is Blatant Political Theater. Why are they so blatant? Because they are correct Americans are DUMB. STUPID. IGNORANT.

    It is the fault of Americans the country will be driven to ruins by design.

    They pumped Up Trump to take out your beloved Jeb Bush, and Ted Cruz. That is proven in the emails. Yet you just follow the propaganda. The Clinton Team is composed of Republicans. Karl Rove was at the DNC Convention seen with Donna Brazile and ya still do not get it? LOL

    The Global Cabal is close to their goal. WW3 is the war that will destroy America’s Borders. That and the economic crash of the Petro Dollar is the end of America as a super power. China and Russia will be destroyed too.

    Your Big No on 61 shows just how much you hate Americans. You side with those whose greed cares none about your health.

    You fall for the 77 Billion of Big Pharma lobby money to allow the drug prices to soar solely for investor profits. True fascism.

    The 500% increase in EpiPen prices and a 5,000% price hike on a drug by Turing Pharmaceuticals that helps fight an AIDS-related disease,ect ect is your choice. Profit over human health and a broken Healthcare system for ever is your choice.

    Also you never mention why the health Insurance companies are raising rates due to Marco Rubio’s bill in 2014.

    America will fall due to the ignorance of it’s own People and party politics.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Dewey, you said, “America will fall due to the ignorance of it’s own People and party politics.” This little gem could be the most important thing you have ever said, because it is so reflective of the times and likely prophetic, unless we change course. It’s what most conservatives think too and they are generally right. So congratulations Dewey, you have scored one!

      • Tina says:

        Dewey gets one thing right…if we fall it will be due to colossal ignorance. It should be noted that much of that ignorance has been generated in progressive households and the progressive run educational system, which is just another arm of the ideological left whose strategy is to eliminate the two party system and impose a single party system.

        But Dewey is ignorant since he hasn’t a clue about the differences in progressive and conservative ideals and intentions for the country. For instance he supported Bernie Sanders, an avowed strong socialist (fascist-communist-progressive). Bernie doesn’t support freedom; he supports big government control!

        Dewey also claims to have all the answers but never brings them. He’s just ignorant enough to assume a rider Rubio attached to the 2014 budget is responsible for higher premiums:

        …More than a dozen health insurers representing 800,000 Americans have dropped out of Obamacare exchanges, primarily because the Obama administration no longer has the cash to cover their losses in the marketplace…

        UnitedHealthCare, the nation’s largest insurance company, said last week that the possibility of a funding shortfall might lead them to leave the program after next year.

        Key to the issue is an Obamacare program called “risk corridors” that was designed to protect insurers against losses, according to the report. …

        The rider prevents the Department of Health and Human Services from tapping into other accounts — such as its overall appropriations or its Medicare funding — to pay for the risk corridors program…

        Dewey wants us to pay for our premiums and then also allow government to put our taxpayer dollars into the health insurance companies’ pockets to prop them up, a scheme to make sure no one will notice Obamacare doesn’t work. This is how SS and MC also don’t work. We borrow (go into debt) to pay the bill for those.

        Obamacare, a poorly written law, is responsible for higher premiums. It was sold on a mountain of lies, one of which was that it would make health insurance “affordable” for consumers. The other lie was that if the insurance companies got on board to help shove it down our throats (collusion) they’d have millions of new customers (mandate) and those customers would make up the difference in cost to the insurance companies for millions of new customers. The very sick sighed up…the healthy and young refrained and paid the tax.

        There are many more lies involved with this bad law but we won’t go there now. Instead let us go to government and business working together, corporatism, which is blatant fascism, something Dewey claims to hate.

        “The 500% increase in EpiPen prices and a 5,000% price hike on a drug by Turing Pharmaceuticals that helps fight an AIDS-related disease,ect ect is your choice. Profit over human health and a broken Healthcare system for ever is your choice.”

        Utter horse hockey. Jack has nothing to do with either. Bad law is still bad law and Democrats have managed to hit us with a load of bad law for about seventy years.Obamacare is just the latest law.

        Obama is the President and Democrats hold the power at justice and in health and human services. Democrats passed this unworkable expensive bad law all by their lonesomes. It was their choice and their choice alone.

        Conservatives would eliminate Obamacare and replace it with market principled laws that will help reign in the cost to consumers and health care providers.

        Dewey’s choice doesn’t work either…single payer makes the government a healthcare monopoly (fascism). There is zero evidence that single payer healthcare will make any of us feel like we the people come first in terms of our health. It will be the government that comes first. CASH is the reason they want control. The people will experience ever increasing taxes, regulations, and lousy quality of care…lose, lose, lose!

        “…how much you hate Americans.”

        Dewey spews a carload of hate every time he posts here.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Even a blind squirrel occasionally gets a nut.

    • Peggy says:

      Dewey, you missed this important part of what I said. “If I remember correctly, the CRA had a rule that leadership could not support another party’s candidate. The same should apply at the national level.”

      The CRA rules prevents anyone serving in an elected and leadership role from publicly supporting someone from another party. If they didn’t hold an official position they can do what they want.

      McConnell, McCain, Ryan, etc. not supporting their party’s elected candidate is just as wrong as if they supported another party’s candidate.

  5. Deplorable J Soden says:

    When a resident of Taxifornia, I always tried to muddle through each proposition before voting and ignored all of the TV ads for/against. Many times, I could decide by just looking at the list of folks supporting the measures to decide if it was worthwhile or not.

    And unfortunately unless a ballot measure is actually a Taxifornia Constitutional Amendment, the Lunkhead Legislators can twist it into whatever they want and the voters be damned. Good luck to those remaining in Taxifornia!

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