Draining the Swamp

Posted by Tina

MAJOR ALERT: If you read nothing else today read Lobbyists and Big Donors Shut Out From Trump Administration – DC Trembling… by Sundance over at Breitbart – The last Refuge. Be sure to watch the video as well. The article provides a window into the task Trump has taken upon himself to “drain the swamp.” This is one of the key reasons Trump was elected. It’s about more than cabinet appointments and department heads; it’s about weeding out the service employees that exist to further a personal or special interest agenda.

Trump vowed to shake up DC and give power back to the American people and he’s right on course to do just that.

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12 Responses to Draining the Swamp

  1. No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

    The water level in the Swamp dropped immediately after the announcement. Have to be sure sewage (in the form of outta work hacks) don’t clog the drain!

    Sure is nice when someone elected actually keeps a campaign promise! And just listen to the hue and cry by the moron media presstitutes whose influence has been cut as well!

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Where Democrats are concerned, it will take more than “draining the swamp.” Trump will also have to drain the sewer.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    It remains to be seen if Trump will be successful in “draining the swamp” (sewer), but he already has a good start by doing just one thing — beating Hillary.

    I am seriously considering hanging my hat up on everything political even though I am a blood sport junkie. Ignore it all and give Trump a full 12 months in office to start making a dent. Everything is still just so much of the usual Democrat and MSM backed propaganda noise and half-baked Lippy crap. The guy will not take office for two months!

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Boxer: We must end this Electoral College on which I relied to challenge the 2004 election

    This is a lame PR stunt for a couple of reasons to which we’ll return in a moment, but it’s also a stunningly hypocritical stance for Barbara Boxer. She infamously challenged Ohio’s slate of electors in January 2005 in an attempt to block (or at least stall) George W. Bush’s formal re-election process.

    Try to pick 38 states that want to give up any influence they have as political entities in order to sign up for domination by the coastal elites. Democrats only won 20 states last week in the Electoral College, and in Congressional and state legislative races fewer than that. Florida and Texas might throw in theoretically, given their large populations, but that still leaves 16 more states to woo.

    In truth, the problem facing the nation isn’t the Electoral College as some archaic remnant of federalism — it’s the fact that Washington has too much power and federalism is the approach to which we should return. In a properly calibrated system, most of the power that now resides in the White House would belong to the states, and the presidency would matter for only those issues of explicit interstate interest, foreign policy, and national defense.

    President Obama Refuses To Condemn Violent Anti-Trump Protesters

    President Obama has the bully pulpit. He can at the very least try to do something. He can easily say, “Protesting the results of the election is your right. You do not have a right, however, to engage in violent behavior and carry signs that advocate the sexual assault of the woman who will be your First Lady.”

  5. RHT447 says:


    “Winners don’t demand a truce, losers do. For guidance in this, see Patton, Puller, Nimitz, et al. Winners dictate terms and keep pummeling ’em until they’re accepted. Concessions in return for nothing is what put the “cuck” in cuckservative. Trump needn’t reassure those who oppose him, he needs to reassure his supporters by keeping his promises. Pay attention to what he does, not what he says. Keep in mind, much of what he’ll say will be calculated blather however alarming it seems. ”

    Link to Woodpile Report—


    • Libby says:

      That is where you guys are.


    • Pie Guevara says:

      The leftists aren’t merely wrong, they’re dishonest and malevolent. They still hold us, our values and our heritage in contempt. They still mean to destroy the reputations and careers of dissenters. They still adore illegal aliens, jihadists, dindu thugs and the perverts du jour. They still insult and demean us and teach our kids to despise America, us and themselves. They still mean to trash what remains of the Constitution.


  6. Tina says:

    Another empty comment as if we were living in her head.

    Where is “that” Libby?

  7. Dewster says:

    “They still hold us, our values and our heritage in contempt. ”

    What values? Explain …….you flip flop like a fish out of water!

    Pence had to come in and fire all Christies Lobbyists hired cause it was too soon to show the cards. The first lady has nude photos from a magazine she did and was not born here. Trump has been on the Lolita Express like Hillary and Bill.

    Racist code making fun of disable reporter. What exactly is your heritage?

    LOL You guys are like a dish Of Hypocrisy served with empty statements

    If Obama ran as a Republican you would say he was the best thing since Nixon!

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