Today’s Funny

Thanks go to Pie G. for this find…


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24 Responses to Today’s Funny

  1. More Common Sense says:

    Off Topic but worth a look….

    He is not even President yet but check this out..

    • Libby says:

      Even better:

      But it’s the subtitle that really sells it: “Trump’s daughter – who is supposed to running his blind trust – joined him in a meeting with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe.”

      So, are they ignoramuses who simply don’t know the rules … or are they arrogant tyrants to whom the rules do not apply? Either way, it really don’t look good.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Poor Lippy, who turned a blind eye to Clinton corruption and Hillary’s ineptness is still trying to peddle Salon tripe.

        • Libby says:

          If you would just admit that, corruption-wise, there is no earthly difference between these two prominent families, and that it is absurd, obscene, and utter nonsense to prefer one to the other, on that basis, you would not have to have your little nose rubbed into the evidence thereof.

          Corruption-wise, there is nothing to choose between. Policy-wise, this is another matter entirely. And as the years pass, and the social fabric shreds, I will be bringing each and every instance of it to your attention. Have you sprayed your first swastika yet?

          • Pie Guevara says:

            I have never defended Trump — YOU IDIOT — and no, there is no earthly comparison to the abject corruption of the Clinton Crime Family TO ANYONE in the past 30 years, you sycophantic slug.

          • Tina says:

            You have set a poor example Libby. You have shown little concern for corruption UNLESS it involves a republican. You have piled on to accusations that re demonstrably false against republicans. You have been absolutely unwilling to give credit where credit is due when it involves republicans. And you have the audacity to lecture because of a meeting.

            How exactly does a meeting constitute an irregularity or ethics problem?

            Do you even know what was discussed at the meeting? Were any deals made?

            What happened that makes the meeting so abhorrent and dastardly?

            The fact that both families are wealthy and influential is not enough to make the case that they are “the same.”

            There is a pile of evidence of corruption in the Clinton family and the government officials who aid them in escaping the consequences.

            Get back to us when a like pile can be stacked up against the Trumps.

  2. No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

    Like Ferguson and Baltimore, I find it interesting that the crybaby “protestors” seem to be most active in those cities run by Demwits.
    And voters in those cities are getting fed up with the anarchy and destruction and rightly so! Messing in their own beds could cause Demwits to lose even more elected offices next time around.

  3. Libby says:

    When she actually punches somebody in the face, you let me know.

    • Tina says:

      Making decisions that result in the unnecessary deaths of Americans left abandoned and stranded in Benghazi trumps a punch in the face…no pardon.

  4. Tina says:

    Nah, Hillary throws vases and books not punches.

    Her main shtick is posturing for effect. For instance, her appearance at the Children’s Defense fund dinner, looking all shattered and torn was quite the performance. What woman goes out in public looking like that unless she has an agenda…tea and sympathy, perhaps?

    In contrast she appeared for the cameras a few days earlier looking somewhat chipper as she walked in the woods.

    Ever the phony poser, Hillary is just not to be believed.

  5. Libby says:

    Aw, Shucks … we don’t get to see The Donald’s day in civil court.

    I wonder what else he’s got going that he’s gonna have to settle, busy litigant that he is.

  6. Pie Guevara says:


    Dear pathetic progressive putrid princess of petulance, spraying swastikas is the purview of you and your ilk —

    You may count my swastikas here —

  7. Peggy says:

    Off topic.

    LOL Sessions will be our next AG. If a picture is worth a thousand words, how about several pictures?

    Seriously Trump?!?! The Pictures of Jeff Sessions They Don’t Want You To See.

  8. No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

    Another great column on November 8th’s election results and the aftermath . . .

    Scratch a braying snowflake protestor and you’ll find: 3rd-grade reading levels, 2nd grade math, 1st-grade thinking ability and total ignorance of history.

    • Peggy says:

      Thankful enough Blacks, Hispanics and White Democrats refused to drink the Koolaid and proved they weren’t as dumb as Jonathan Gruber, the DNC and the media thought they were.

      Plus, the obvious disconnect with the $300,000 a plate fundraiser dinners hosted by George Clooney when so many were struggling to put food on their own tables and the foul language entertainment by Beonce and Jay Z to church going middle America was more than enough to wake democrats up.

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