More Voter Fraud

Posted by Jack

Barth interviewed Republican Assembly Candidate for District 15, Stan Vaughan, who had actual proof of the massive voter fraud in his Clark County district. A total number of 17,086 votes were cast in the District for both Republican and Democrat candidates. However, when confirmation letters were sent to the voters in the District, the US postal service returned mail from 9,200 of these voters.

Vaughn found that many of the people who are listed as deceased are still on the active voter rolls. Many of the returned mail came back with 5 people living in a vacant lot with no mail receptacle. Edward Snowden, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and dozens of movie stars were registered to vote in District 15 according to Mr. Vaughan.

Link to the above story.

Actual proof of massive voter has yet to surface. I’ve heard the allegation that as many as 3M illegal aliens may have cast a ballot, but no authoritative source has come forward to prove it. No doubt there were many dead people, illegals, and aliens that did vote, but it appears so small as to not affect the election one way or the other.

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13 Responses to More Voter Fraud

  1. Libby says:

    “Edward Snowden, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and dozens of movie stars were registered to vote in District 15 according to Mr. Vaughan.”

    Uh-huh. And where is your registrar of voters in all this?

    “Actual proof … has yet to surface.” But that don’t stop you from posting about it, do it?

  2. Peggy says:

    With Stein and Hillary’s recount based on voting integrality and irregularities democrats won’t be able to not support republicans in congress and in courts when election laws are enforced and the process is cleaned up.

    I know democrats can’t help being hypocrites, with the help of the love affair they have with the media, it’s rarely pointed out. Republicans need to press and press hard like a good offensive team does.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Speaking of fraud …

    Princeton Physicist: ‘If global warming were any other branch of science it would have been abandoned a long time ago’

    This lengthy video is well worth watching all the way through. I hope Trump sees it.

  4. Dewster says:



    Stick to things you can prove not RW propaganda. #FakeNews

    That said we have proven the DNC committed primary election cheating in Nevada.

    All these stories are to cover up ELECTION FRAUD not Massive Voter fraud.

    STick to the facts.

    You are against Jill Stein’s recount to prove election fraud? Sole purpose is not to change the election results but to clean up the process. Why is that?

    You never mention Interstate Republican Crosscheck which threw hundreds of thousands of LEGAL VOTERS off the rolls.

    Rah rah Red Team! The only true Blue Honest Americans in the country!

    Oh those evil Democrats the horrible cheaters who always Lie!

    WHy half the country are horrible people! According to You Guys?

    LOL and I have a Bridge to sell ya!

    ELECTION Fraud committed by both parties is the real problem!

    Yet only voters are the problem?


    Clean up the elections ? It is time to take Fed elections out of the states hands. The GOP cheated better than the DNC that is the real story

    Time to end control of elections by the establishments 2 party System. The game is rigged by them,

    • Tina says:

      “Sole purpose is not to change the election results but to clean up the process. ”

      BS If she were interested in cleaning up the process she would work on cleaning up the voter roles and passing voter ID laws.

      “It is time to take Fed elections out of the states hands.”

      Moving us closer to fascism? More BS and idiocy.

      This is the “UNITED STATES” of America. The Federal government is out of control and drunk with power…time to move power back to the states and, MORE IMPORTANTLY, the PEOPLE!

      Your solutions are not solutions but left wing grabs for power. You are either crazy or duped.

  5. Tina says:

    I know you people in densely populated areas like the Bay Area and New York imagine that you represent the will of the people, however we are not a democracy, we are a republic. Mob rule has never been our way. Might makes right doesn’t constitute the will of the people in America. The people in the various states are represented in our system of government and they decided your failed policies had to go. Get over it.

    I think the electors will do the right thing, represent the whole of the people and not the arrogant, sore loser left concentrated in big cities on both coasts.

    • Gilbert says:

      This does not make any sense. Literally, it is incoherent. You contradict yourself within the same sentence multiple times.

      Are Californians and New Yorkers not “the people?” Who cares where people are geographically? They are no less American than you are. The fact remains that more Americans voted for Hillary than Trump. That’s what “the will of the people” means.

      Now, I’ve heard some good defenses of the electoral college. The above is not one of them. You can’t simultaneously believe that “the will of the people” should decide elections and that the majority of Americans should be ignored. I’d recommend studying up more on the justifications for the electoral college system because right now your defense of it doesn’t make any sense.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Lippy prefers mob rule if it goes her way. Lippy prefers the electorate system if it goes her way.

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