New Administration Forming – VP Tells Congress to “Buckle Up”

goldendoodlePosted by Tina

Vice President elect Mike Pence informed an audience at heritage that he’s been speaking with members of Congress about Trumps plans for his first 100 days in office. Trump will be prepared to aggressively move on several issues including, “rebuilding the military, repealing Obamacare, and naming a justice to the Supreme Court,” and repealing $1.7 billion of Dodd Frank laws.

“Buckle up, vacation is over ” was the basic message Pence conveyed. I don’t know about you, but my sense of Mr. Trump is that he will be five steps ahead of anyone opposing him, including Republicans in Congress. This is a man of action the likes of which America has never seen. He has made great strides in assembling a powerful administration that includes dedicated ex-military men in powerful positions:

National Security Advisor – Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.)

Secretary of Defense – Gen. James Mattis (Ret.)

Attorney General – Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala

CIA Director – Rep. Mike Pompeo

Deputy National Security Advisor – Kathleen (KT) MacFarland

Director of Homeland Security – Gen. John Kelly

Secretary of Treasury – Steven Mnuchin

Education Secretary – Betsy DeVos

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – Dr. Ben Carson

Secretary of Transportation – Elaine Chao

goldendoodle2Also of great interest, the First Dog, a golden-doodle named Patton!

As you can see at the link, golden-doodles sport a variety of looks.

Are we having fun or what!

This entry was posted in Constitution and Law, Education, Environment, Military. Bookmark the permalink.

28 Responses to New Administration Forming – VP Tells Congress to “Buckle Up”

  1. Libby says:

    Translation: The rich get richer, and the poor, poorer. What I can’t fathom is, what makes you think you’re in the rich category?

    I mean … this “repeal the ACA” stuff particularly burns my butt coming from people on Medicare … Jack.

  2. Tina says:

    “Translation: The rich get richer, and the poor, poorer.”

    Please explain how. I want the exact mechanism on which you base your absurd assertion.

    Please admit that during the last eight years that is exactly what has happened. Obama’s economic policy is deplorable in that respect. the middle class has all but disappeared, numbers of the unemployed and underemployed have reached new highs, we haven’t seen this many poor since the depression…but the wealthy among us saw fabulous returns on an artificially stimulated stock market while our dollars lost value from all the money printing!

    “…what makes you think you’re in the rich category?”

    What makes you ask such an ignorant question?

    “…this “repeal the ACA” stuff particularly burns my butt coming from people on Medicare”

    So, the fact that premiums are skyrocketing, most people can’t use their insurance due to high premiums and deductables, a younger generation would rather pay the stupid fine (tax), and the medical population that’s overworked wants it dumped isn’t incentive enough to scrap this abomination?

    Why keep such an odorous law when it can be replaced with laws that DO WORK?

    A better solution to the problems we faced in 08 is on the way. You might want to put out the fire and pay attention.

    • Gilbert says:

      “…numbers of the unemployed and underemployed have reached new highs, we haven’t seen this many poor since the depression…most people can’t use their insurance due to high premiums and deductables”

      You believe so many things that are not true. Unemployment, underemployment and poverty have all been falling since 2010. “Most people” can use their insurance and are happy with it under the ACA, though there are some who can’t. These are all easily verifiable facts. It’s a shame you won’t bother to learn them.

      • Tina says:

        Hello Chris…it’s a shame you continue to play this deceitful game.

        You realize what you’re saying is that the legislation helped some people so we should keep it even though it does not deliver as promised, hurts many other people, fails to serve many others, and is killing the medical profession.

        That’s both stooopid and stubborn.

        I keep recalling the pompous criticism of GWB when he (at first) refused to change course in the Iraq war. He did eventually change course and followed a winning strategy. It’s time for you lefties to admit that you tried and you failed. It’s also time for you to get out of the way and let others do what you failed to do to make insurance more affordable and better serve and support those who deliver our healthcare.

  3. Libby says:

    One more time … not that it will penetrate … but, who knows … in the control of which party has the legislating body of the federal government been for the last six years? And has this body done anything at all in the last six years except try to deprive 20 million people of health insurance coverage? … which does constitute making poor people poorer.

    • Joe says:

      Snowflake, get back to your safe space before you melt.

    • Tina says:

      Oh the question penetrates but the assumptions are asinine!

      Republicans were ushered into control and passed over 300 pieces of legislation including legislation to relieve an oppressed people from the onerous costs and regulations imposed under Obamacare. They also wrote legislation to replace Obamacare with sensible solutions to problems such as preexisting conditions and high premiums and deductables. They did the work knowing the legislation would be dead on arrival in the oval office. Obama had no intention to work with the Republicans, he’s a “my way or the highway” kind of guy.

      Poor people have been covered under the same Medicaid plan they had before under Obamacare only now there are more of them! (lousy economy-lost employer plans) Others have the new low level, subsidized policies. But some people who were forced into Obamacare plans can’t use them, even with subsidies, due to onerous costs and the young and healthy said, “No thanks, we’ll pay the fine!”

      Your problem is you bought the fantasy and refuse to admit to the reality. That’s typical of the arrogant radical left.

      The big deep purple fear you’re experiencing is that after eight years of increasing misery the people of this country will have the opportunity to contrast that experience with a reversal of “fundamental transformation” and the restoration of a great America…Jobs, increased pay, winning the war, being environmentally responsible without killing the economy and jobs, seeing cities like Detroit and Chicago begin to thrive again, and seeing more of our nations poor better educated/trained and filled with optimism for their futures.

      II know you agitators and spoilers will do your best to destroy and disrupt but I have a feeling it will just make you look more foolish and undesirable!

      • Gilbert says:

        “They did the work knowing the legislation would be dead on arrival in the oval office.”

        And this is a good thing to you? Why? Republicans could have spent that time offering improvements to Obamacare, rather than the fool’s errand of getting it repealed. Even Trump has now admitted that he won’t repeal it, which was obvious to everyone watching. His promise that he would repeal it was always going to be broken. Did you fall for it?

        ” But some people who were forced into Obamacare plans can’t use them, even with subsidies, due to onerous costs and the young and healthy said, “No thanks, we’ll pay the fine!””

        I’m glad you’ve downgraded from “most people” to “some people” now. That’s much more honest. And again, it’s a problem that could be solved with sensible improvements to the law. Republicans have not been amenable to that, since they wanted the law to fail and worked very hard to sabotage it. Now that we’ve got a Republican (in name only, but still) in the White House, maybe they’ll change their tune.

        Hey, that would be an unexpectedly positive result of the election: faced with the reality that they cannot repeal the ACA and that doing so would turn the country against them, Republicans move to actually work to improve it. 2016 was awful but 2017 may have a silver lining!

        • Tina says:

          “Republicans could have spent that time offering improvements to Obamacare…”

          Get real! Republicans offered ideas and were dismissed by the arrogant leadership of your party. Obama made his intentions clear when he said in what one could say is a racist remark: “They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

          That one sentence pretty much sums up Obama’s attitude during his entire two terms in office…a real jerk.

          2015, CNBC: “More paid Obamacare fine than expected” (300,000)

          2016, NYT, “Many See I.R.S. Penalties as More Affordable Than Insurance”:

          Two years after the Affordable Care Act began requiring most Americans to have health insurance, 10.5 million who are eligible to buy coverage through the law’s new insurance exchanges were still uninsured this fall, according to the Obama administration.

          That number appears to be shrinking: Administration officials said last month that about 2.5 million new customers had bought insurance through, the federal exchange serving 38 states, since open enrollment began on Nov. 1. The number of new enrollees is 29 percent higher than last year at this time, suggesting that the threat of a larger penalty may be motivating more people to get covered.

          But plenty of healthy holdouts remain, and their resistance helps explain why insurers are worried about the financial viability of the exchanges over time. They say they sorely need more healthy customers to balance out the costs of covering the sicker, older people who have flocked to exchange plans.

          Did you catch that? The “threat” of a larger penalty…wow, what a way to sell insurance! Shouldn’t the writers of this legislation have taken that into consideration before including such a stupid “threat.” do they imagine people will just fall in line like programmed robots?

          And the spin! They don’t say how many people have now chosen not to renew after premiums rose by 40-50%. There are plenty of people whose premiums have gone up so much they can’t afford to buy.

          “Republicans have not been amenable to that, since they wanted the law to fail…”

          It isn’t that they wanted it to fail, it’s that they KNEW it would fail. The ACA is rife with unworkable taxes, penalties, demands, controls, threats, busy work, and expensive bureaucracy…and it was sold through deceitful means.

          “…worked very hard to sabotage it.”


          Engaging in public discussion and explaining your reasons for opposing the legislation is not sabotage.

          Voting ones conscience in Congress is not sabotage…it is a sacred responsibility.

          There was a great deal of deceit going on under Pelosi, Reid that warranted strong opposition. Writing portions of the bill behind closed doors, bribing certain democrats for their votes, and having taxes kick in in future years so the CBO would score the legislation favorably are all examples of deceitful means used in passing the ACA. And the pie in the sky promises!!! OF COURSE there was opposition! It continues, loudly, to this day.

          Nobody that benefited from this legislation has to actually live with the negatives, which are many. These are the people who still believe Obamacare is just fine and dandy.

          CBS Poll: “According to the poll, 36 percent of Americans want Congress to expand or keep the health care law while 39 percent want Congress to repeal it – the highest percentage seen in CBS News polls. The poll also found a majority of Americans – 54 percent – disapprove of the health care law…”

          Republicans are already prepared to repeal and replace Obamacare. See also here. I imagine they will get some democrat support too.

          Hold onto your skivvies, 2017 is going to blow your socks off…I wouldn’t want you to risk full exposure!

        • Peggy says:

          Here’s a memory jogger for you Chris from the LA Times.

          “A new Rassmussen Reports poll out Monday finds that a majority of Americans believe the new plans will hurt healthcare quality, 59% figure it will actually increase healthcare costs, 57% oppose the bills’ intent to cut Medicare benefits by hundreds of billions of dollars and, for some reason, 78% of Americans suspect the Obama administration cost estimates are way under the actual expenses.”

          Democrats Reid, Pelosi ponder crafting Obama’s final healthcare bill behind closed doors:

          “Since it’s basically one-party rule in Washington nowadays, Democratic leaders including Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are seriously considering pushing President Obama’s beloved healthcare legislation through Congress without the normal conference committee work involving both party’s members from both houses.

          Such a select conference committee is normally charged with reconciling differing House and Senate bills on the same issue before final votes in each house on the compromise version.

          But since American voters collectively wanted so much change so badly in 2008, they handed over the White House, House of Representatives and Senate to Democrats with such lopsided majorities that, much as in Chicago, the ruling party doesn’t really need any Republican help driving the differing bills through a blender to produce a final version, possibly by early February.

          Congressional Democrats will meet with Obama at the White House this evening to discuss the….

          …strategy, some in person, some via videoconferencing. House Democrats will caucus Thursday to discuss a final decision on strategy for when they reconvene next week.

          As our colleague James Oliphant reports, such a beeline has some advantages for Democrats. While they don’t need Republican help, they also don’t need the GOP’s avowed obstructionism. Simply choosing conference committee members offers numerous opportunities for long procedural delays in a democracy.

          And the president has stressed healthcare urgency for months; remember, he wanted all this done by the first week of August last year because he saw poll support dropping and wanted to avoid entanglement with the 2010 elections.

          A new Rassmussen Reports poll out Monday finds that a majority of Americans believe the new plans will hurt healthcare quality, 59% figure it will actually increase healthcare costs, 57% oppose the bills’ intent to cut Medicare benefits by hundreds of billions of dollars and, for some reason, 78% of Americans suspect the Obama administration cost estimates are way under the actual expenses.

          But here we are in 2010. And there are the elections just 305 days away.

          Democrats simply ramming the immense measure through, however, might look heavy-handed to some moderate Americans, while having one party’s leadership secretly craft the final bill behind closed doors fits more with a policy of official opacity than oft-promised transparency.”

      • Libby says:

        “… and the restoration of a great America…Jobs, increased pay, …” out of the one side of your face.

        Out of the other, you want to boot a lot of very well compensated “private sector” employees into the road.

        You really must reconcile these two positions … or be dismissed for a hypocrite.

        It was your bloody bright idea to have the private sector doing government business … wastefully. I mean, all that efficiency of the market crap was nothing but cover for a lot of crony capitalism … and GD Republicans’ fiscal rape of the taxpayer. But I’m tellin ya, The Orange One is gonna make the Bushes look like a pair of pikers.

        And so don’t you think that your complaining about this “waste” is just a tad disingenuous? Does it make any sense? This was all your idea.

  4. Libby says:

    “Republicans were ushered into control and passed over 300 pieces of legislation including legislation to relieve an oppressed people ….”

    You are talking about those savagely oppressed employers … I presume … and I laughed myself silly. These helpless down-trodden want to get out from under, they should support “single payer,” which distributes the cost much more equitably than the ACA (but the O-man would not take on the nation’s insurers … and he really should have).

    But if that savage stupidity named Ryan really does boot 20 million people off their subsidized insurance, the political consequences are likely to be impressive.

    • Tina says:

      “You are talking about those savagely oppressed employers … I presume ”

      Presuming is as cautionary as assuming is!

      How about Joe six pack and his wife and kids who saw their premiums go up by 40% with $2500.00 deductable still looming?

      You lefties are so arrogant and stubborn you are not listening to large swaths of the population whose lives you’ve been destroying for several years.

      If the subsidized insured are “kicked off” YOU are to blame…it was always a stupid pipe dream that has also cost many people their jobs, or hours on the job, or a huge chunk of their meager means, making it a useless investment.

      The ACA just doesn’t work and never will. single payer is doubling down on stupid. The cost is not “shared”…some people pay and others get taken care of and sooner or later there are more people taking the free ride with few left to foot the bill.

      • Libby says:

        It works beautifully, sort of. I have coverage, sort of, for $101 and change. If I could be brought to fork over the $650 retail, which I could not, I would have to move into the car.

        I got a threatening letter from the IRS naming a possible $983 penalty for 2017 … which is, you will note, cheaper than the $101 a month. But my sister guilted me into doing the responsible thing and supporting the program.

        • Joe says:


          The Trump triggered snowflake had to be threatened by the gummyment to participate in her lord and saviors Obombinable Care?

          How could that be?

          • Libby says:

            Doofus. The more people on the rolls, the harder it will be, politically, for Trump and Ryan to boot them into the road.

            And the law is entitled The Affordable Care Act. The only people who call it Obamacare are racists.

          • Peggy says:


            Libby just called Obama a racist.

            Obama Owns “ObamaCare”: “Yeah, I like the term.”


          • Joe says:

            Snowflake, why would you want to keep something you had to be coerced to enroll in?

            Why didn’t you voluntarily enroll in the unaffordable no care act…er…sorry…ACA? Why did it take threats of fines and browbeating from your sister?

            And how much is your deductible and how much “care” will you be able to afford with it?

            Sorry this post didn’t come with a trigger warning, Snowflake.

  5. Libby says:

    Ah, already the cats stray …

    And, frankly, Trump’s got a lot of nerve requiring others to “Buy American” when he does not. The hyprocrisy ooozes all over everything … such a slimey mess.

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