Quote of Quotes – Van Susteren on “Fake News”

Posted by Tina

Greta Van Susteren was traveling in Southeast Asia and the Middle East when “fake news” made it’s debut. Her pronouncement for one of “the bigger fake news stories” of the decade:

…that a low-budget online video making fun of Islam and the prophet Muhammad spontaneously sparked the violent protest at the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, and led to the deaths of four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

Right on Greta! That manufactured fake story falls into a sizable basket of fakes that will mark the deeply flawed Obama presidency.

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26 Responses to Quote of Quotes – Van Susteren on “Fake News”

  1. Libby says:

    Well, Greta is a damned liar. There was nothing deliberately misleading about those stories. It was a perfectly plausible scenario which turned out to be only partially correct.


    This … is another matter entirely. I recognize two of these from Peggy postings. A republic full of people so damnably easy to fool is not going to last much longer, IMHO.

    • More Common Sense says:

      “A republic full of people so damnably easy to fool is not going to last much longer, IMHO.”

      I agree! Thank God there is only one Libby. Otherwise we would be doomed!

    • Tina says:

      ” Greta is a damned liar”

      Said the woman who has yet to admit her party of deceit and lies!

      “Affordable, affordable, affordable, for instance!”

      The main stream, so-called legitimate, media has been caught red handed manufacturing evidence/stories, spinning for effect, deliberately taking quotes out of context, making associations that don’t exist, engaging in Alinsky #12 character assassination, and simply ignoring what should be front page news for so long you wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you up side the head! They are Pravda for the American left.

      There are many Soros supported “non-profit” groups that float lies (and should have their status revoked) as well.

      The video is important because they attempted to hide the truth behind it, a shameful and disgracefully cowardly act.

      Pathetic Hillary is attempting to make “fake news” her new war cry. It’s as stupid as the vast right wing conspiracy she blamed for her horndog husbands scandals. The woman is pathological!

      Independent news outlets have been attempting to do the job the MSM will not do with a lot fewer resources. They may get it wrong from time to time but they also expose and disclose a the left wing propaganda and lies we’ve endured for years.

      Libby, your power advantage is slipping away!

      • Libby says:

        Pathological. I mean … are you truly a sheeple?

      • Dewster says:

        Tina both the GOP and DNC Lie get real.

        BTW How is your newly filled Swamp looking? Can not wait till your entitlements are secretly cut in the budget.

        The Fake news is Mainstream news period all of it. Truth mixed into Bull as the Sheeple follow into the world of authoritarian fascism.

        And you my lady follow media like no other…controlled by propaganda

        Obama is going after whistleblowers cause they hate it when truth comes out. ya know those TPP leaks, Those pesky clinton and Podesta emails,

        They want to end free speech and allow corporations to censor the people Wake UP

        No Free Speech should be censored.

        If the People are that dumbed down by the Reagan and conservative war on education they believe this crap? Then deal with it and educate our children again

        Fake News Propaganda stories iare a setup to censor the internet. A corporate attack on Net Nuetrality.

        look at how marsha blackburn’s bills are always attacking a free internet

        yea The FCC has done so bad keeping it a public utility cause you are censored how?

        Fox news won the right to lie as Infotainment ? In court?

        Bill Clinton signed the bill that destroyed news.

        Establishment is establishment

        Blackburn and Clinton are aiming at it from both sides… yea the GOP and DNC agree when it hurts freedom of the people

        Only stupid people fall for fake news, Look at the Alex Jones crowd…. dumb = dumb

        Iceland just kicked the FBI out after they said they were coming to fend off cyber attack. It was discovered they were there to try and frame Assange.

        There is a chance they have him. Wikileaks has been strange. releasing old documents ect.

        nothing is as it seems

        wake up – join the 21st century

    • Peggy says:

      Well, well Libs turns out fake news is a non-partisan equal offender. Denzel Washington is a Hillary supporter.

      “Denzel Washington had some “news” for the mainstream media peddling the narrative that the presidential election turned on “fake news:” It’s all bullshit.
      Despite finding himself previously in the center of a “fake news” story, which falsely claimed the actor was switching his support of Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump, Washington still slammed the media implying it was no better than those “fake” outlets it criticizes.

      … the Hollywood celebrity paraphrased Mark Twain when he said: “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed,” Washington said, while promoting his new film “Fences” according to The Hill. 

      One of the effects of “too much information,” the 61-year-old Oscar winner says, is “the need to be first, not even to be true anymore.”


      Hummm Libs, Twain died 105 years ago and our republic is still hanging on, even after your O man and his socialist, Marxist minions tried to destroy it.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Just imagine the slur mongering, libelous water boy’s outrage at this statement.

  3. Peggy says:

    The creators of fake news need to be exposed and held accountable. You all remember Van Jones, right? You know the 9/11 Truther, and communist organizer who is now a full-time commentator on CNN.

    The Messy Truth about Van Jones

    “But instead of weeding out left-wing partisans masquerading as mainstream political analysts from their lineup, CNN is doubling down. This week, the network debuted a news special called “The Messy Truth” hosted by “political commentator” Van Jones.

    Yeah, that guy.

    Before he was pontificating on CNN airwaves, he was a top environmental official of the Obama administration. The special advisor for green jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality held a special place in Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett’s heart. The Chicago power broker took full credit at a fringe Daily Kos blogger conference for recruiting him and closely following his career.

    Van Jones did not just accidentally slip through the cracks of the Obama vetters. They knew what he espoused before they installed him. So did his bosses at CNN who hired him in 2013.

    It wasn’t his expertise in political science, political history, electoral trends or journalism that got him the job. It was his social justice resume. He rose to public prominence as a race-baiting agitator at the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in Oakland, funded by the George Soros-supported Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the liberal Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. He became a public fixture in the Bay Area after crusading to free convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal for a Marxist organization and lambasting moderate civil rights leaders for objecting to politicizing the classrooms.”


    CNN doesn’t just stand for Clinton News Network any more.

    • Libby says:

      Do do do … do do do … we have, indeed, entered the twilight zone of this nation.

      Woman, what the hell are you talking about?

      • Peggy says:

        Let me bring it down to your level of comprehension Libs to help you understand.

        You do remember Obama being awarded the “Lie of the Year” award by the WashPost, right? You do remember Reid, Pelosi, Gruber and the rest of the democrats lying to Americans prior to passing ObamaCare into law, right?

        The Obama administration has been lying to the people for the past eight plus years from the Oval Office and the floor of the Senate and House chambers. Reid saying Romney paid no taxes was a lie! Pelosi saying they had to pass the ACA bill to find out what was in it was a ridicules lie.

        Our nation’s leaders have lied so much to the people we can no longer tell what is true any more. When those same leaders have to take the 5th to protect themselves from self incrimination even a five year old would be able to recognize. The Obama administration didn’t invent fake news, but they sure as hell ramped it up with the lies.

        In case your mom never taught you a lie by omission is a lie too. The fact that Van Jones was/is a self identified communist is a perfect example of this administration having him working at the WH without telling us is a lie by omission. CNN also hiring him to present the news knowing he’s a communist and would report biased and fake news as fact is deceitful.

        Bottom line is no news can be believed any more. This administration gets the vast majority of the blame when 75% of readers can’t tell the difference between a real or fake article.

        Fake News Stories Viewed as True 75% of the Time:

        “Buzzfeed commissioned a survey to find out how often fake news stories fool people and make them believe those stories to be true just because of the headline. The answer: 75% of the time. And those who get their news largely from Facebook are even more likely to fall for such stories.”


    • P says:

      Peggy, Van Jones is neither a 9/11 truther nor currently a Communist. Both of these things can be easily fact-checked. You responded to a post about fake news with more fake news!

  4. No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

    Have a suggestion should Obumble create his own TV network as has been hinted by the Leftie media. He could call it SLN – Serial Liar Network.
    Expect Libby to sign up right away!

  5. Dewster says:

    In a few weeks former Goldman banker Stephen Bannon will be in the West Wing as chief advisor to US president Donald Trump.

    Former Goldman partner Steven Mnuchin will be seeking Senate confirmation to run the Treasury Department.

    Gary Cohn, currently Goldman’s president and chief operating officer, looks set to join as an advisor to Trump and director of the National Economic Council.

    The budget is written to cut Social Security and medicare with deep cuts to pay for tax cuts to the wealthiest in the country and TeaBaggers will still be writing how glorious Trump is.

    Legislation will be introduced to jail anyone who speaks any dissent against the new President who is out Golfing and making profitable Business deals for Himself Because the Oval Office is being retrofitted with new security devices and is under construction.

    Pence and the Generals are ramping up world war three while their nuclear caves are being built.

    New year Bigger Swamp. Have Fun!

  6. Peggy says:

    Here’s another reason the media was big Hillary supporters and creators of the fake news phenomena. (“Say what we tell you or approve of and you’ll keep your job.”)

    After She Criticized Hillary, ‘Morning Joe’ Anchor Says NBC Got a Disturbing Call from Clinton Campaign…:

    ““Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski claimed on Friday that the Clinton campaign previously called NBC directly and attempted to have her “pulled off the air” after she criticized the campaign’s “arrogance.”

    She then just came out with her claim:

    “I’ll just say it — NBC got a call from the campaign. Like I had done something that was journalistically inappropriate or something and needed to be pulled off the air. I mean, think about that. That’s just shooting the wrong messenger.”

    Brzezinski’s co-host, Joe Scarborough, argued there were also people close to the campaign who were also “shut out” when they tried to raise serious concerns about the campaign’s strategy.


  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Imagine how much it sucks to be Lippy.

    Then then imagine that it is your full time job.

  8. Peggy says:

    FYI – NPR presents the creator of fake news. Or is this fake too?


    • Libby says:

      Impervious to fact. We will have to wait for your death to right the ship, or left the ship, and hopefully it comes before the nation’s implosion.

      Has anybody noticed that the last couple days The Donald has been particularly provocative? … like maybe he is trying to provoke those electors?

      If you were an elector and the pres-elect made a point of provoking China, with some appallingly ignorant shit, wouldn’t you reconsider?

      But no, he gets the job. It is the most fitting punishment.

  9. Tina says:

    Eight years of patty cake and nursery rhymes has been so much better? Ha!

    Obama’s weenie approach resulted in loss of respect and sadly is responsible for a lot of chaos, terrorism, and death….not to mention economic stagnation.

    The leaders of the world understand, and respect us. They won’t be pushing us around anymore and that’s a good thing, not only for America but the rest of the freedom loving world.

  10. No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

    Finding “fake news” is easy. Just tune in to . . .
    Any of $hrilLIARy’s campaign speeches
    CNN, BSDNC or any of the alphabet networks
    Or read the NYT, WaPo or HuffPost or Rolling Stone
    And don’t forget websites like Salon, Slate, Buzzfeed or Politico!
    Once upon a time, a story was verified by other sources before being broadcast – but that no longer suits our presstitute “journalists.”

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