Wishing Trump a Good Start

by Jack

By the time President-elect Trump is actually in office people will think he’s been president for months. Hey, he’s already shaping domestic and international policy and he’s got two months before he is sworn in. I can’t wait until he is actually president to see what he will do. This is not to say that I have unrealistically high expectations of the man, I do not. In fact I’ve set the bar pretty low for him. I’m hoping that in his first 6 months he does little more than assess situations and perhaps cancel a few of Obama’s more ridiculous presidential orders. That much would be just fine by me.

Being the president of the United States has always required a deliberate and thoughtful man (granted we’ve not always got it). However, Trump has always been guided by his instincts and he’s not a patient man, he’s a hard worker. This has caused him on occasion to run counter to the conventional wisdom. But, this is how great fortunes are won and lost, and Trump has done pretty well by his instincts so far. Could this be any worse than the blundering and corruption coming from both houses and Obama? I think not and the voters don’t seem to think so either….so here come “the Donald” like it or not! Ready or not!

chakafatahAmerica is resilient, we can handle a lot of trial and error. And when I think of that I think of Congrress. So, Make that mostly error, oh and with too few trials. Which reminds me, did you hear about the latest democrat congressman to be convicted of multiple counts of corruption? U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah (D., Pa.) was just sentenced to prison for taking bribes and stealing charitable donations, campaign contributions and federal grant money under his control. Uh, Chaka Fattah? Hmmmm… we’ve come a long way since 9/11. (see Chaka’s picture on left)

What he has done reminds me of Rep.Jesse Jackson Jr. and Rep. William Jefferson, both convicted of corruption while serving in Congress. I could list a lot more of them, but I don’t have the space. If you want to read the full list, click here. Take note how most of them have a big D after their names.

So, we can expect a lot of fault finding to come from the left over anything and everything Trump does or whatever they think he might do, but just remember, mostly that’s a smokescreen to cover up the dirt their people have been dealing us for decades. So, just carry on, don’t worry and give Donald a chance before we gripe too much.

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33 Responses to Wishing Trump a Good Start

  1. RHT447 says:

    Hear, hear.

    Victor Davis Hanson – The Mythologies of the 2016 Election


  2. Libby says:

    Shaping policy? I think he’s deliberately provoking the electors toward a history-making event.

    All that seriously irresponsible China talk, appointing a white supremacist to his cabinet! … and this:


    Aren’t you all big upholders of the Constitution?

    He’s not really likely to be deprived of the office, but if any number of Republican electors refuse to vote for him, he will be in an extravagantly weak position, politically.

    I mean, Trump has spurred the Senate to a level of activity we haven’t seen in many, many years, out to get some stuff done before Obama leaves office the maniac takes over, and nothing sensible gets done for four long years.

  3. No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

    Note to Post Scripts: Is there any way to add sound to replies to your posts? If so, playing the Twilight Zone TV show theme could be assigned to Libby. . . . . . .
    Just think of all of the tunes that could be applied to frequent responders!
    Suggestions anyone?

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    I suggest this for the Lippy and Dupey theme song —


  5. Libby says:

    “I could list a lot more of them, but I don’t have the space.”

    Indeed, and most of them would be of Anglo-Saxon descent … is that why you don’t “have the time” … Geez, Jack, you are beyond transparently racist. When are you going to stop exposing yerself?

  6. Libby says:

    Oh, Lord, I just checked in with the MSM.

    So, how does it feel to be one of Pooty’s pawns?

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Just when you thought Lippy could not be more stupid, she outdoes herself.

    • No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

      Moronic Stoopid Meltdowns?
      Really have to feel sorry for anyone who relies on thinkprogress.org or salon.com or slate.com for “news.”

      • Libby says:

        The CIA is lying to you? Everybody is always lying to you … when they tell you something you don’t want to hear.

        I don’t blame you really … being manipulated by a foreign power hardly jives with the stalwart, hardy, and superior American mythos … but denial don’t change nothing.

        • Tina says:

          The CIA is a big organization. A few key people (Morell) were certainly willing to act in cahoots with Hillary, Blumenthal and the WH in the Benghazi cover-up scandal. It’s naive to think there’s no possibility of CIA involvement.

          The world has pretty much used Obama as a toy for the lst eight…you and your nasty accusations can get bent.

  7. Libby says:

    Yet more obstinacy from the left, specifically those “Hamilton Electors”. Check this out:

    “A strong case can be made that these laws [faithless elector laws] are unconstitutional. To understand why, one need look no further back than Federalist Paper No. 68, which was authored by Alexander Hamilton in 1788:

    “The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” [Amen.]

    “This logic was used to form the Hamilton Electors, a bipartisan group of rogue electors of the Electoral College who hope to peel 37 Republican electors away from Trump and throw the election to the House of Representatives — or, perhaps, unite 270 electors around a moderate Republican alternative like Gov. John Kasich of Ohio.

    “Hamilton also warned that a presidential election could be corrupted by “the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils,” which is why 10 members of the Electoral College wrote an open letter to James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, on Monday demanding all the information pertaining to potential Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

    “Trump’s attorney in Colorado, however, is ignoring these arguments and instead erroneously accusing the lawsuits of attempting to undermine the very system that they’re trying to protect.”


    Goodness. Is this on point or what?: “the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils,” ….

    • Tina says:

      Quick answer, “NO!”

      • Libby says:

        You can “No” till hell freezes over. It is how it is. You are not merely domestic suckers … you have been duped by a foreign power.

        I’d be embarrassed. Why aren’t you embarrassed?

        • Tina says:

          You should be embarrassed!

          Obama was regularly briefed about the Russian hacking and did absolutely nothing about it!

          This only became an issue (for the left) when Hillary lost the election. And lose she did, you just refuse to accept the outcome!

          • Libby says:

            We are living in interesting times, and, as it happens, Trump does not win until the electors vote. For the first time in our history, there are serious and compelling reasons why they might not, all of them, vote for Trump.

            1. He lost the popular vote.
            2. Constitutionally, he is, on a number of grounds, unfit for the office.
            3. Personally, he has demonstrated precious little inclination to restrain some reckless tendencies, which also render him unfit.

            We will just have to see how this works out, won’t we?

    • Tina says:

      It’s sooooo good to see our side telling these arrogant, lying, fake news spewing, sore losers to stuff it. Thanks for sharing Peggy.

      • Peggy says:

        The Trump effect is apparently rubbing off and giving some republicans a backbone. Where was this Romney in 2012?

        Heard a commentator today say Dems have been on offense and Repubs on defense. Dems as a party will justify what they do and say as a means to achieve their goals. And if that means lying, cheating and stealing they will not hesitate.

        Dems are also in lockstep in supporting each other in everything they say and do. You’ll never hear one saying so and so was wrong or they didn’t agree with them

        Republicans on the other hand will verbally attack each other at will over just about anything. McCain’s negative statements today about Trump picking Rex Tillerson as his SoS should have been made in private, not in public. McCain is an idiot and the Dems and the media will use what he said against Trump for the next 4-8 years.

        Dirty Harry earned his name over his career and his parting shot is no surprise. Glad he’s gone. Hope many more join him soon.

    • Libby says:

      Ah, well … that was after Reid stated that the respect he did have for Romney … evaporated … after Mitt prostituted himself at Trump Tower.

      That photo … of the dinner … more than one observer opined that Mitt looked like somebody had their hand up his skirt.

      Whose hand would that have been, do you suppose?

      It’s not really even funny. The man’s integrity is shot all to hell forever. What the hell was he thinking?

      • Tina says:

        Obamacare…Affordable, affordable, affordable affordable affordable…

        2% growth in eight years….

        Blown up ME….

        Rise and spread of ISIS…

        Most new jobs part time…low wage…

        Lowest work participation rate since the Depression…

        A contentious, divided nation…

        Cop killers….

        Fake news….

        Phony liberals promised hope and change…we got change all right…all bad! But no hope.

        Give it up Libby…you guys have a long list of absolutely awful to brag about.

  8. Tina says:

    Donald Trump will work for the American people….all of the people. He will work hard on issues that matter to all. It feels so good to be rid of the divisive special interest control freaks.

    It’s morning in America once again! I wish Trump and his administration all good things.

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