Trump Wins Again ~ North Carolina Electors Sing “God Bless America” During March Prior to Vote

Posted by Tina

Bearing a banner that read, “Thank you President-Elect Donald Trump,” and included a map of the very red middle America, the electors of South Carolina sang proudly as they walked to the state capitol to cast their votes for Donald Trump. See video and read the story at American Lookout. The banner also featured Trumps signature slogan, “Make America Great Again,” and what appears to be Trumps signature!

I say God bless the electors all across the nation that endured unprecedented harassment and even death threats to complete their constitutional assignment. The sore loser left has been particularly viscious and rude after their loss in the 2016 election but their nasty efforts to derail the electors has failed. Trump easily won enough electoral votes to cement his presidential win. In fact more electors defected against Hillary:

Two Texas Republican electors cast ballots for Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul. On the Democratic side, four Washington state electors refused to cast ballots for Mrs. Clinton and her running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine. Three voted for former Secretary of State Colin Powell, while one cast a ballot for Native American activist Faith Spotted Eagle. In Hawaii, one Democratic elector also cast a ballot for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Trump issued a statement:

“This election represents a movement that millions of hard working men and women all across the country stood behind and made possible,” said Mr. Trump in a statement. “With this historic step we can look forward to the bright future ahead. I will work hard to unite our country and be the President of all Americans.”

I believe that is his intention but as we all know there are those on the left that will not accept this win and will continue their activist agitation. Let’s vow to overwhelm them with an America that is great again!

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11 Responses to Trump Wins Again ~ North Carolina Electors Sing “God Bless America” During March Prior to Vote

  1. No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

    The hysterical Left reminds me of the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” story. They ranted and raved about how bad TheDonald would be that many folks just quit listening. For many, the vote came down to whom to vote AGAINST rather than whom to vote FOR – especially after the DNC emails surfaced!
    And now we have the LunaticLeft presstitutes who continue their rants with wild and vitriolic predictions of all of us going to hell once TheDonald is inaugurated. Because of that type of “news,” I’ve quit believing ANY of the moron media presstitutes and their print partners-in-crime. Don’t need to list them all here – y’all know who they are.
    Seriously doubt if TheDonald will allow press pinpricks to keep him from trying to MAGA. And Kudos to those Electors who stood up to the bullies trying to get them to change the vote of their states.
    Now it’s time to sit back, pass the popcorn and enjoy the show.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic

    This is hilarious. The Oppression Olympics

    • Tina says:

      That is hilarious.

      I wonder if these kids will ever abandon this grievance insanity and begin to act and treat each other as human beings…deserving of love, kindness, understanding, opportunity…responsible to be considerate, generous, thoughtful, inclusive…while realizing that now and then human beings are capable of bad manners and even cruelty.

      The grievance factory is one of the more devilish constructs of the left…ugly, ugly stuff.

    • Libby says:

      You want hilarious? This is hilarious:

      And Ivanka’s $50K Tea Parties?

      These people ain’t bashful … I’ll give ’em that.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Fake news. Where were/are you when the Clinton Crime Syndicate was selling influence and Hillary lied to the FBI 27 times? No need to answer, you sycophantic toad.

      • Tina says:

        Tell me Libby, what is so hilarious? Why must you be so obtuse?

        I see nothing untoward or deceptive, it takes money to create inaugural events.

        Shall we make a few comparisons? How about Bill Clinton selling nights in the Lincoln bedroom?

        Hillary’s losing 2016 campaign cost her donors a whopping $1.2 billion by some accounts…how many big shots made fat donations at private dinner parties for her…and what a waste of money!

        Or how about the lavish vacations the Obama’s have taken on the public dime with Michelle often using a separate plane rather than traveling with her husband to save the taxpayer some money. Last March the total for vacations totaled more then $78 million. That number doesn’t include the summer vaca in Marta’s Vinyard or the Christmas jaunt to Hawaii.

        So tell me Libs…what is your point? I wish you would just make it.

        • Peggy says:

          Podesta and the rest of Hillary’s bag carriers are under attack by the big money donors for the billion dollars they wasted with their mismanagement of Hillary’s campaign. That’s why they are blaming it on everything including the kitchen sinks, but not themselves.

          They will never work in the political arena again if they fail to convince those mega contributors they are blameless and others are responsible.

    • Tina says:

      Not surprised you found that article amusing; he sounds just like you. Yes indeed, you are all so full of yourselves and so petulant and resentful when you lose. There’s not a drop of good sportsmanship, let alone common decency, in the lot of you.

      What an a$$. Trump hasn’t taken office yet and he’s already saying Trump failed to deliver. Trumps win must have dealt him an horrific blow.

      As for turning a better phrase? Once again you display your unbridled arrogance…a mask for your insecurity, perhaps?

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    I am surprised that so far no left-wingers have their sphincters oscillating over the singing of “God Bless America” at this state function.

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