Video Summary on the Middle East

Posted by jack

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12 Responses to Video Summary on the Middle East

  1. Libby says:

    Avoiding the subject du jour?

    It’s just one dim-witted move after another.

    Besides, I have my own theory about Pooty’s restraint which is much more fun. The diplomat expulsions were our “official” response. What if there was an “unofficial” response that involved worrisome fluctuations in Pooty’s offshore accounts?

    He can’t raise a stink about losing monies he’s not supposed to have, now can he?

    I like it. I wonder if we’re clever enough to do it?

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    I have a question — Why don’t “progressives” get this?

  3. Libby says:

    Here’s some more of the “return to sanity”, Tina’s looking forward to:

    “The Buffalo, New York, board of education passed a resolution Thursday ordering Carl Paladino, co-chairman of Donald Trump’s campaign in New York, to resign from his post on the school board following racist comments about the Obama family. In a special meeting, board members voted 6–2 that Paladino must resign within 24 hours, which would be by Friday afternoon. Paladino has so far refused to step down despite the uproar over his comments in a local weekly where he said, among other things, he wished Michelle Obama would “return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.”

    I hope the Obama girls aren’t hearing any of this crap. I mean, their Daddy was leader of the free world for eight years … and they still have to hear this crap?

  4. Peggy says:

    20 Ways Obama Used His Presidency to Set Israel Up for Destruction:
    Steve Baldwin on 28 December, 2016

    The recent sell out by Obama in which, for the first time ever, the U.S. refused to veto an anti-Israel U.N. resolution concerning Israeli settlements was just the tip of an iceberg. Indeed, while Obama pretended to be pro-Israel, he and his team of anti-Semitic middle eastern advisors did everything they could over the last 8 years to undermine Israel, clearly in an attempt to weaken them so that they would eventually be destroyed by their Islamic neighbors.

    The propaganda campaign initiated by Obama to convince wealthy American Jews that he was pro-Israel was a masterpiece of deception but with a compliant media that refused to cover his multitude of anti-Israeli policies and actions, we should not be surprised that many Jews to this day think Obama was a supporter of Israel.

    First, its needs to be made clear that both President Obama and his first Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, have long histories of associating with anti-Israel and anti-Semitic people and organizations. Obama has been associated with a large number of notorious anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activists such as Palestinian activists Rashid Khalid and Ali Abunimah, anti-Israel activist Bettylu Saltzman, his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, anti-Israel Rabbi Arnold Wolf, and the late notorious pro-PLO professor Edward Said, not to mention dozens of his own appointees — such as Chuck Hagel, Robert Malley, and Samantha Power—have long histories of anti-Israel actions and statements. These are not just acquaintances of Obama, but people he has been associated with for decades.

    And Hillary Clinton is no different. Her closest advisor while Secretary of State was Sidney Blumenthal, a long-time Israel hater whose son, Max, is a professional anti-Israel hater and author; indeed his latest book was even attacked by liberals for being too anti-Israel but his father aggressively defended it. In 2010, private emails released by the State Department show Sidney Blumenthal urging Clinton to take a harder line on the Israel-Palestinian peace talks. What’s more troubling, however, are the emails showing the elder Blumenthal forwarding many of his son’s rabidly anti-Israel articles to Clinton, to which she responded with compliments such as “Pls congratulate Max for another impressive piece. He’s so good.”

    1 – Israeli officials, both on and off the record, state that Obama and his two Secretaries of State (Clinton and Sen. John Kerry) have pursued the most anti-Israel foreign policy in history and have thus endangered Israel’s survival.


  5. Post Scripts says:

    It seems that Palestinians do not like multi-culturalism. They want only Palestinian neighborhoods absent any Jews. On the other side, Israel is all about multiculturalism and being a great melting pot for all.

  6. RHT447 says:

    IMHO, the Nobel committee should ask Fearless Reader for a refund.

    • Peggy says:

      No kidding. He’ll be the first and only president to bring us to the edge of both a civil and world war.

      How many have already died at home and abroad during his terms and how many more will die because of him?

      His leading from behind left a void that Putin was all to willing to step into. World leaders are holding meeting and Obama is in Hawaii on vacation again. He couldn’t even wait 30 days to take ANOTHER vacation for us to pay for instead of him. Wonder how many trips to Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard they’ll be taking on their dime and not ours?

      • Libby says:

        Only in your ignorant and paranoid fantasies. Let’s check in two years from now.

        • Peggy says:

          You got it! But. remember just like Obama inherited what Bush left him so will Trump inherit what Obama left him. After EIGHT years Obama is still blaming Bush for all of the problems he hasn’t been able to fix.

          None of us knows what our country and the world will be like in two years under Trump’s leadership, but we do know the facts of what the last eight have been under Obama.

          Two facts say it all. 1) Food stamp recipients have increased 20% with close to 50 million getting them. 2) The Labor Force Participation Rate has reached a 39 year high (since Carter was pres.) with 95 million workers unable to find jobs.

          I’m neither ignorant or live in a paranoid fantasy. You do with your refusal to accept FACTS that exist today and are right in front of your face, and not some unknown imagined dream of what you want two years from now. The fantasy is the one you live in. Our country and the world has never been filled with so much hate before, at least not in the last century.

          Obama gets all of the blame just like Bush did according to you liberal. So, now all you progressive liberals get to live through the next 4-8 years of hearing it’s all his fault for leaving us in such a mess.

  7. Tina says:

    The messes Obama inherited were made in large part by democrats. Clinton refused to take out Bin laden twice. Both Bill and Hill warned of the increasing dangers of Saddam and his chemical weaponry. After 911 democrats joined with republicans to give Bush full authority to do deal with the terrorists telling him he must do “what ever it takes.” And in the housing crash/financial bubble it was democrats that approved legislation at the bottom of the entire mess. Good intentions (race agitation) forced lowered lending standards that led to the creation of bundling which led to a buying and flipping frenzy which led to a burst bubble and the big caboom! Note that over eight years democrats refused to take steps to fix the problem. Bush and other republicans repeatedly called attention to the danger. So when we speak about the problems that Obama inherited let us not forget he inherited it from failed policies put forth by Democrats, defended by democrats, and unsuccessfully challenged by republicans who were demonized in the process with “fake news” and smear tactics.

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