California – 898 New Laws for 2017

by Jack

States passed a ton of new laws and enough of them were so incredibly wacky that it will make you think we are definitely….”STUCK ON STUPID.”

What state is leading the charge when it comes to the offensive, most illogical, most moronic and freedom robbing laws?  Awwww…you guessed it too quick.  Yep, it’s our dear ol single party state of California.  Are you ready to see a sample of what this state is doing to you?  Better fasten your seat belt, this is going to be a bumpy ride.  In no particular order of offense, they are:


  1. Prop. 63: ”2nd Amendment Nullification” Act.  Although various portions go into effect in various years — yes, they staggered implementation of this “critically needed reform,” some out to 2019 — this is the most sweeping assault on our long-cherished, God-given natural right as Americans to protect our lives and our freedom.  It requires you to pass a background check and pay for a permit to buy ammunition for the gun you may have just passed a background check to buy.  Yeah, that’ll stop criminals — who buy their guns and ammo in parking lots from other criminals. WooHoo! Next, it makes high-capacity magazine (any magazine that holds more than 10 rounds) illegal to possess — even if you bought it prior to the current ban and ownership was previously considered grandfathered.  This law should make it clear that the goal of the left is not “safety” — it’s control!
  2. SB880: ”Bullet Button Ban.”  For years, California Democrats have sought to ban a made-up classification of semi-auto rifles with “evil features” that they re-named “assault weapons” for propaganda purposes. Every year, California Democrats attempt to increase control over this “hated group” of guns — until they finally outright ban all semi-automatics.  This law will not do a single thing to further public safety, as the San Bernardino terrorist attack illustrated — determined mass murderers will simply ignore and work around all gun control laws — as if they are just words on paper. One last bit of irony: in a previous legislative session, this same bill was sponsored by none other than disgraced State Senator Leland Yee. If that name sounds familiar, you’re right.  Leland Yee wanted to “protect” Californians from “assault weapons” on our streets — that is, until he was arrested for trafficking fully automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades in exchange for campaign contributions.  He’s currently serving a five-year prison sentence.
  3. SB3: Minimum Wage Hike to $15/hour by 2020.  As a result of a strong socialist push by unions and complicit governments — such as the union-controlled California legislature—businesses are looking to eliminate as many jobs as possible, investing in automation instead. When you combine this with unchecked illegal immigration — where you have an unlimited labor pool willing to work for subpar wages under the table — the future for entry-level jobs and small business owners in California is bleak.
  4. AB1785 The “Hands Free” Law.  This is another example of government gone wild.  AB1785 prescribes driver behavior so severely that in and of itself, I believe it will cause more accidents — and more deaths.  Not only must the phone be dash mounted — meaning you’ll have a permanent distraction right in front of you — but you may not text, take photos or video, or enter GPS destinations while driving. Fat chance of stopping those activities with a mere $20 fine. The bill does stipulate that “the only time a driver is allowed to touch the device is when he or she is activating or deactivating a “feature or function.” However, that process should only involve a “single swipe or tap of the driver’s finger,” according to the bill,” reports.   How about “hands off” my phone instead of an unenforceable “hands free” law?
  5. AB 1732: Single-User Restrooms.  If you’ve ever had to go so badly that you used the opposite sex restroom at a gas station or Starbucks, then perhaps you think this law is needed. But do we really need another law regulating bathrooms? Some businesses have already put signs on their single-use restrooms designating use by either sex.  And sometimes people just take it upon themselves. I can’t help but think this law is unnecessary and diminishes us as a society a little.
  6. SB 1383: Controlling Cow Flatulence.  Not making this up.  In spite of the fact that 53 California dairy farmers went bankrupt, moved out of state, or just closed down this year, the Marxist-Progressives are back at it again. Capture cow farts or suffer heavy fines.  CARB (CA Air Resources Board) suggests inserting a tube into the cow’s digestive system and venting into a backpack.  Even liberals admit that laws like this, where government tries to control the uncontrollable, can have undesirable economic consequences.  Lost jobs, lost industries, lost revenue. Stupid law.
  7. AB 857: Ghost Gun Ban.  Even if you manufacture your own gun — starting with an 80% receiver — that requires you to have special skills and tools to complete the machining, you must now register it and obtain a serial number from the California Department of Justice.  The purpose of this law is simply to record your name and your firearm on a list for eventual confiscation.  Once again, control — not public safety — is the goal.
  8. SB1322: Legalizing Child Prostitution. This law bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with intent to do so.  So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.  Now that is nuts. I understand the idea of trying to not punish the victim, but certainly granting judges discretion is better than legalizing and therefor “green-lighting” behavior that is so harmful to the individual child.
  9. Prop. 57:  Early Release for so-called Non-Violent Criminals.  This was Governor Jerry Brown’s baby — the crown jewel of his prison reform initiatives. Among those offenses he considers “non-violent”:  rape of an unconscious person; human trafficking involving sex acts with minors; and assault with a deadly weapon. Blogger Felicia Wilson summed it up well (original emphasis):  “…Call me crazy, but shouldn’t a crime that includes the word rape or assault be considered, I don’t know… violent?”
  10. AB 2466: Felons Voting. Low-Level felons serving sentences outside of state prison get to keep their right to vote.  Hmm. Wonder which party this could possibly help?  Just like the “illegal alien vote,”  Democrats will have the felon vote locked down. This is simply about protecting their power and making it permanent.

When California Democrats promised to take to the streets to defend the rights of convicted felons, illegal aliens and welfare recipients, they weren’t kidding. If only they were as serious about cracking down on immigration cheats and violent criminals as they are about penalizing law-abiding citizens and gun owners, California would have more jobs, less crime — and might be a place people want to come to instead of fleeing.


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7 Responses to California – 898 New Laws for 2017

  1. Harold says:

    update on SB 63 with reference to magazines size:

    “On Thursday, December 29, the California Department of Justice (DOJ) backed down from its proposed “emergency” regulations on large-capacity magazines, asking the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) to withdraw them from consideration”

    Seems the NRA was on the job again, so if you have a interest in shooting and legal ownership protection of firearms as prescribed by the 2nd amendment, it would serve you well to join the NRA and support their efforts on your behalf.

    Also SB 1322 just gave Pimps the nod to traffic underage kids of any sex.
    What the He77 are the elected smoking while voting?

    Disgusting and unfathomable. concerned family members need to speak up and send a message send to Sacramento before the damage is done, demanding SB 1322 be rescinded.

    • Peggy says:

      There is confusion over SB 1322. It appears it was designed to protect children under the age of 18 who have been used as sex slaves. They will no longer be charged with a sex crime, but will be turned over to child protective services for help.

      California child prostitution law causes outrage over ‘legalization’ confusion:

      “A new California law designed to protect underage sex trafficking victims caused confusion after a Republican politician accused Democrats of legalizing child prostitution.

      Legislation SB1322 protects underage victims of sex trafficking against prosecution, but does not stop the prosecution of pimps or those who pay for sex with children. The bill doesn’t change the law that allows authorities to remove a child from a situation they deem unsafe, such as being a victim of sex trafficking.”

  2. Harold says:

    Jack ,you can add this the list of Gun-control actions inflicted on Americas 2nd amendment by Obama’s pen. This is suppose to go into effect on 1/18/2017.

    This should be one of Trumps first acts to remove as well. 1/20/2017 can’t arrive to soon!

    “On Monday, Barack Obama’s SSA issued the final version of a rule that will doom tens of thousands of law-abiding (and vulnerable) disability insurance and SSI recipients to a loss of Second Amendment rights under the guise of re-characterizing them as ‘mental defectives,’” explains the NRA-ILA. “The SSA, for the first time in its history, will be coopted into the federal government’s gun control apparatus, effectively requiring Social Security applicants to weigh their need for benefits against their fundamental rights when applying for assistance based on mental health problems.”

    “The NRA-ILA adds that policymakers (that should read Obama) made no attempt to answer any of their legal questions surrounding the sweeping new policy. The SSA even acknowledged that the new policy was not tied to reducing violence or crime.”

    “We are not attempting to imply a connection between mental illness and a propensity for violence, particularly gun violence,” said the SSA. “Rather, we are complying with our obligations under the NIAA, which require us to provide information from our records when an individual falls within one of the categories identified in [the law].”

  3. Libby says:

    “…who buy their guns and ammo in parking lots from other criminals.”

    And where did the “other criminals” get their ammo? Perhaps the “other criminals” are gun dealers doing a little dealing off the books?

    This argument is, and always has been, horsepucky. Your hobby is dangerous. It is oft indulged by people of dubious mental health. You will be regulated. Suck it up.

  4. RHT447 says:

    Prop 63—
    Want to sell ammo? Get a license.
    Want to buy ammo? Get a license that only allows you to buy from licensed sellers.
    Store purchase in another state? Sure. Just don’t bring it back into Kalifornia.
    No on-line purchase.
    All those so called high capacity magazines that are now contraband with the stroke of a pen? How is it that we sit by let our legally purchased property be condemned/confiscated without just compensation?

    The bullet button was an engineering work-around to comply with the then new law. In their infinite wisdom, lawmakers wrote a law addressing detachable magazines, how ever said nothing about attaching magazines. They further defined a fixed magazine as one that required a tool for removal. The next sentence said that an example of such a tool is a bullet point. Voila. A magazine release that required the use of a pointy tool was compliant with the law. SB880 bans bullet button magazine releases. So try this—

    to which I would only add, HAHAHAHAHAHHAflippingmoronswhatdidyouexpect?

    SB3 Minimum Wage Hike—
    Should be re-named the Automation Stimulus Bill.

    AB 1732: Single-User Restrooms—
    It gets even better–

    If you are employed by the state of Kalifornia, and as such are required to travel to North Carolina, your travel expenses are now out of pocket.

    “The effect is to ban state-funded travel to North Carolina and other states that may adopt policies like its HB2, the law that struck down local measures protecting gays and lesbians from workplace discrimination and prohibited cities from passing new anti-discriminatory policies.”

    Read more here:

  5. Tina says:



    People find ways around stupid, and poorly written, laws.

    Perhaps even more notable is the fact that anyone that wants to use a weapon to do harm or threaten others will “manufacture” one if necessary. These laws do nothing to stop violent criminals.

  6. Harold says:

    A side bar on what will always be a problem with too much Government.

    Last week, (Jan 2017)the California Department of Justice (DOJ) Privacy Office began mailing letters to certified Firearm Safety Instructors.

    The letter states that on October 14, 2016, DOJ inadvertently disclosed the name, date of birth, and California Driver’s License and/or Identification Card numbers of potentially every single DOJ certified Firearm Safety Instructor in California to an unknown requestor.
    (Surprising, so far they haven’t blamed it on another Russian hack)

    DOJ allegedly discovered the breach on October 27—well over two months ago—but is just now notifying individuals.

    Additionally, if this wasn’t already enough concern, in the recently submitted “assault weapon” regulations DOJ is attempting to include a “non-liability” clause. More than likely resulting from the above inept handling of private information.

    This clause requires all individuals who voluntarily register their firearms as “assault weapons” to hold DOJ harmless for any liability for hardware, software, information, or other issues associated with the registration process. Essentially, DOJ is requiring individuals to waive their constitutionally protected right to privacy in order to participate in their constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms!

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