About Those Russian Hacks

Posted by Tina

Time and energy are not my friends these days, wish it were not so. Saw this late tonight and I thought you should have the opportunity to read the article by John Hinderaker on the Intelligence report, in case you missed it.

While failing utterly to provide evidence (let alone persuasive evidence) that Russia intruded into the DNC’s email system, today’s intelligence report is not without interest. The most notable sections of the report are those that tie Russia’s government to a series of left-wing propaganda campaigns in the U.S. No member of the Occupy movement, for instance, can read the report without squirming. If true, it vindicates what we conservatives have been saying for decades, going back to the unilateral disarmament and nuclear freeze movements of the 1950s through 1980s.

For example:

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union used intelligence officers, influence agents, forgeries, and press placements to disparage candidates perceived as hostile to the Kremlin, according to a former KGB archivist.

Like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. It would have been useful to have the information supporting this conclusion several decades ago, when Democrats ridiculed suggestions that the Kremlin was behind various left-wing movements in the Free World. It would be interesting to see what our intelligence agencies know about Soviet efforts to influence the elections of 1968, 1980 and 1984.

The Russians haven’t stopped trying since the presumed end of the Cold War…(continues)

Read the full article. In it you will find references to Russian influence and propaganda regarding Occupy Wall Street, the Diebald (company run by a Democrat) voting machine software, and the notion that the two party system doesn’t represent the people (Dewey?).

See here for more from Hinderaker.

Read the report here.

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40 Responses to About Those Russian Hacks

  1. Dewster says:

    Stop and think about this report.

    I read it and it is a political hack job. It reads as such. Read it because it is a sad sad scary alarming piece. It is Political Propaganda.

    Poor Hillary lost because #Russia BULL!

    Hillary lost because her campaign disenfranchised 1/2 the party and continued to ignore those voters after the Primary. The campaign message was we don’t need your votes we are going to get all the non Trump Republicans.

    She hired David Brock the conservative who railed Anita Hill. Brock assembled an army of mean trolls who railed the internet and showed up as “Bernie Bros” at Trump rally’s. FACT Hillary was behind all that crap.

    You are so quick to jump on the propaganda bandwagon. I would suggest we as Americans should take a step back and examine this situation. Do not forget we read reports just like this before. The subject matter was WMD’s in Iraq. We were lied to and later found out true intel was held back.

    First I would like to say the USA and Russia commonly hack each other. I would have no doubt some hacking could have occurred but it did not affect the election and that whole premise is alarming.

    It is well known the establishment types Like McCain and Hillary’s camp want war with Russia. I told you the lawyer ligating Ohio election fraud had suggested so in July well before any of this started and the name Russia was introduced into Media Propaganda.

    Also note the Occupy movement has people from both sides of the isle and many more Independents. There are quite a few Obama haters in that group so that suggestion is preposterous.

    There is absolutely no evidence. Read it. It says” We assess with high confidence” Ask any professional from the intelligence community. That is an unprofessional report and a Joke.

    We have to fix this. Intel should not be a political hack job to start wars. Furthermore collecting social media stats ect is not intel.

    Note that while RT in the past has had some propaganda they were boycotted and for the most part have many very good American produced shows, The real problem is that some truth can be found there.

    When the Hillary campaign lied, the shows there pointed it out. I watched them. look at Redacted tonight and tell me that is Russian Propaganda.

    No it is How the non Hillary Voters felt. Our show. What went on this election for us. Lee made us laugh about it. Not your kind of show but see what they call Russian propaganda that affect election.

    Watch the whole thing to see what info they are against. It is not Russian propaganda. It is the political view of over 22 million people for the most part.

    BEST OF 2016 Redacted Tonight!


    Progressive Americans are pissed. Hillary ran a bad campaign, cheated, and treated 1/2 the dem party like criminals.

    She was also so arrogant she did not bother to cheat in the Gen. Bottom line Millions of votes were not counted. A republican Govenor program called Interstate Crosscheck threw out like names. So if a Jack Lee voted in Kansas a Jack Lee in another state must be a fraud cause they have the same name. I posted the proof of that here before.


    Oh wait Thom does a Show on RT as well as Radio from DC…He must be a Russian propagandist because he pointed out GOP Fraud!

    That Report is a joke and a bad sign. An attempt to shut down Free Speech. Whether a millennial comedy show or a well known DC radio host they are not Russian Propaganda not Russian ops.

    Also note the dates on one of those no longer broadcasted shows. Nov 10th not after Nov 8th

    More RT shows The intel community hated

    NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under virtual surveillance, all info stored, no matter the post


    William Binney Tells RT That USA Freedom Act is a Farce


    NSA whistleblower exposes Obama’s secrets


    What we have here is an attempt to shut down real information on the intel community while giving Hillary a Boo Hoo, and creating a path for their Russian and world war .

    Hillary lost because she is a liar and establishment neoliberal who was the lessor of 2 evils but disenfranchised voters making them hate her because of her own actions.

    I told you Trump would win because Millions of us could not ethically vote for either. Bernie voters put up with paid trolls from both sides.

    The DNC has not learned a thing. As they rehired the Hillary Camp and promote this Trump won because of “Russia Crap” Millions are disgusted.

    You do not have to agree but that is the real reason Hillary lost.

    This is a war against whistleblowers exposing State propaganda.

  2. J. Soden says:

    John Podesta allowed access to his emails and the DNC shenanigans by using “password” as a password in response to a phishing scam. May or may not have been the Russians, but whomever it was – they’re a hero for exposing it!
    We continue to hear “the election was hacked” from the Leftie presstitutes, and the latest “intelligence” report smacks of political opinions with no real evidence. “Because I said so” isn’t proof, Mr. Prez.
    And testimony to Clowngress by Clapper – who has also been caught lying under oath to that body – should be treated with skepticism. Once a liar, always a liar – just like our current prezident.
    And recall the numerous hacks of both goofernment and private industry over the last 8 years with a thumb-twiddling response from Obumble and now all of a sudden he’s concerned????????? You can bet the farm that there would be no worries if $hrilLIARy had won the election!
    Put it all together and it smells more like propaganda from the white house and DNC to blame the Russians for $hrilLIARy’s defeat and Obumble’s policy repudiations by the voters.

    • Dewster says:

      Hillary’s Server was not encrypted for 3 months at the start. NPG Van is crappy software the DNC switched all their locations to so they could manipulate the database.

      Podesta answered a Phishing email like an idiot.

      This is all on the Hillary camp. Hillary’s camp wants war with Russia. She is a War hawk like the rest.

      But this is not a pure Democrat deal. There is a reason the Bush’s and Clinton’s are so close.

  3. Peggy says:

    Here’s a good article by Glenn Greenwald exposing journalist who write fake news and how they benefit while the public is mislead.

    WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived

    Glenn Greenwald
    January 4 2017

    “In the past six weeks, the Washington Post published two blockbuster stories about the Russian threat that went viral: one on how Russia is behind a massive explosion of “fake news,” the other on how it invaded the U.S. electric grid. Both articles were fundamentally false. Each now bears a humiliating editor’s note grudgingly acknowledging that the core claims of the story were fiction: The first note was posted a full two weeks later to the top of the original article; the other was buried the following day at the bottom.

    The second story on the electric grid turned out to be far worse than I realized when I wrote about it on Saturday, when it became clear that there was no “penetration of the U.S. electricity grid” as the Post had claimed. In addition to the editor’s note, the Russia-hacked-our-electric-grid story now has a full-scale retraction in the form of a separate article admitting that “the incident is not linked to any Russian government effort to target or hack the utility” and there may not even have been malware at all on this laptop.

    But while these debacles are embarrassing for the paper, they are also richly rewarding. That’s because journalists — including those at the Post — aggressively hype and promote the original, sensationalistic false stories, ensuring that they go viral, generating massive traffic for the Post (the paper’s executive editor, Marty Baron, recently boasted about how profitable the paper has become).

    After spreading the falsehoods far and wide, raising fear levels and manipulating U.S. political discourse in the process (both Russia stories were widely hyped on cable news), journalists who spread the false claims subsequently note the retraction or corrections only in the most muted way possible, and often not at all. As a result, only a tiny fraction of people who were exposed to the original false story end up learning of the retractions.”


  4. Libby says:

    Fox has been training you … for years … to be unable to tell reporting from propaganda … but, ya know, I’m not sure they’re all that pleased with their success.

  5. Tina says:

    Gateway Pundit reports breaking news: “Wikileaks to Hold Press Conference Monday to Respond to CIA Russia Report”

    Wikileaks will hold a press conference Monday at 9 AM Eastern to respond to the CIA report this week on Russian interference in the US elections. …

    …US Intelligence under Obama is dishonest and political and it took Russia to point this out. Drain the swamp….quickly.

  6. RHT447 says:

    Here we go—

    This is a coup: the Homeland Security takeover of US elections
    by Jon Rappoport


  7. Dewster says:

    Be careful of everything. Vet everything. I think Wikileaks is still OK but we have to realize the CIA is publishing Propaganda as well. They have Anonymous accounts ect ect.

    Bottom Line we are so close to bringing the house of cards down with all these leaks that this is cyber war.

    Vet everything and listen to Thomas Drake and William Binney. Original NSA programer’s and whistleblowers who stayed out of jail but had their lives ruined by telling us the truth

  8. Dewster says:

    Also realize that conspiracy is real. Theories are not.

    That said Seth Rich was a Lead witness in the RICO case in Ohio brought by Cliff Arnebeck. He is dead.

    A few others are now too. Different election lawsuits.

    Amazing how people do drop dead around Clinton scandals. I think it goes way deeper than the Clinton’s themselves.

  9. Peggy says:

    Off topic – More good news from FaceBook.

    It must really suck to be Obama and a democrat right now.

    “Just in: Fiat Chrysler announces that it will invest $1 billion in modernizing two Midwestern plants, which will create 2,000 new jobs and enable the production of the Dodge Ram pickup truck currently manufactured in Mexico.”

    Fiat Chrysler announces $1 billion investment in U.S. manufacturing, 2,000 new jobs:


  10. Pie Guevara says:

    Re “Also realize that conspiracy is real. Theories are not.”

    Words of wisdom from our resident conspiracy theorist lunatic. Can you imagine the mentally deranged hell this person lives in? No need to imagine, it is right there in every comment the Dopester posts. This would be “amazing” if it were not so tediously half-baked, lame-brained, self contradicting loony tripe.

    Seriously, Dopester, do you ever listen to yourself?

    • Libby says:

      Pie … can you not learn? Maybe this will be the year it dawns.

      Personal abuse is not an argument. You have not countered a single one of Dew’s points. You wanna try again?

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Too funny, the queen of personal abuse chastises me. Dear hypocritical idiot from left-wing hell, I am not trying to win an argument with the likes of morons such as you and the Dopester. Merely pointing out that you two are complete idiots is all that is required.

    • Dewster says:

      Are you even educated? Pie define the difference between conspiracy, and conspiracy theory. 2 Different things.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        Re: “Are you even educated? Pie define the difference between conspiracy, and conspiracy theory. 2 Different things.”

        HUH??? You are asking me? I thought you knew everything, oh great and wise Dopey! You just posted the ludicrous and completely nonsensical statement, “Also realize that conspiracy is real. Theories are not.” How long is your attention span Dopey?

        OK, try this on for size. Maybe it will help you. Conspiracies and conspiracy theories are both real activities human beings engage in. The first may be factual, speculative, or imaginary. The second has not risen to the level of fact and may never rise to the level of a fact.

        An actual conspiracy is something that is provable or has been proven by a preponderance of evidence. (In the rigorous sense of jurisprudence, something has been proven in a court of law by a preponderance of evidence.)

        Conspiracy theories typically don’t even rise to the level of a theory, most are merely hypothesis, or worse, half-baked speculation. (Look up The Scientific Method for further clarification.)

        A conspiracy theory is often marked by incoherence and paranoia. Incoherent, half-baked, paranoid speculation is precisely the mentally defective sewer that you trade in.

        Does this explain it sufficiently?

  11. Peggy says:

    Last night during the Packers vs Giants playoff game the FBI quietly released another batch of Hillary’s email. The report states as fact her emails were accessed by hostile countries, which would include Russia.

    FBI Releases More Hillary Emails, Says ‘Hostile Foreign Actors’ Accessed:

    “The FBI late Sunday night released additional documents related to the investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, posting the information on its website and doing so without sending out a release or announcing the move.

    WikiLeaks reported the news first.

    There are five sets of documents on the FBI site. In the first one, the FBI states that it found “that hostile foreign actors successfully gained access to the personal email accounts of individuals associated with whom Clinton was in regular contact and, in doing so, obtained emails sent to or received by Clinton on her personal account.”


    Also, great game and great win. On to the Super Bowl!!

    • Dewster says:

      FBI and CIA do not have a good history. It is legal for them to publish Propaganda to the public. Obama signed the bill.

      That said Hillary’s team broke the law to avoid FOIA.

      USA and Russia hack each other. Podesta answered a phishing email none of us would answered.

      The election fraud that needs to be looked at is both parties cheating.

      7 million voters had their votes not counted.

      But hey Propaganda s more fun!

  12. Dewster says:

    It is what we learned from the emails that is important.

    Assange says they did not come from a state source. His record is 100%

    So let us follow up on how corruption works not this distraction of the Russians. They could have acted on this a long time ago. They did not, but we are moving military to the Russian border.

    Wake UP

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Re Dopey’s “Assange says they did not come from a state source. His record is 100%”

      What the heck does that mean? Are you are asserting Assange is truthful? If yes — as it strongly appears to be what you are claiming — based on what evidence? Put up or shut up, Dopey.

      If you think Assange is a friend of the US, you are a clueless, ignorant fool. (Which does not come as a shock to readers of your comments in this blog.)

      Assange is a criminal whose hacking has endangered US and US allies lives.

      Wake up.

      • dewster says:

        It is a Dopey who does not See US Propaganda. I guess you are still looking for those WMD’s EH?

        Can you even name any of the suspicious deaths that happened around these leaks?

        Not my fault you are clueless. You have no idea what is going on. US Propaganda has you lock stock and Barrel.

        These people are doing the same crap they did in Bill Clinton’s era. All the way back to Arkansas. Do some research, connect the dots.

        You are a clueless Ignorant fool. You Think the US Shadow gov is your friend? Hahahahah

        Go ahead and eat your Blueberry Pie.

        It’s funny to see you stick up for the Clinton’s. LOL Sorry I have followed their trail for too many years.

        Let me know when you find those WMD’s

        The only person who endangered peoples lives are those who used an unencrypted Server for 3 months. Used a private server for state secrets.

        No one has been harmed by wikileaks. There is a dead DNC data expert and Key witness to the RICO lawsuit. There is a dead process server who was part of another lawsuit.

        The ex CEO of the Clinton Foundation is missing. Hopefully in hiding. He quit because he disagreed with what was going on.


        We were already making the accusations on the foundation. All the leaks did were to show we were correct and provide a gateway to how world leaders do their pay to play. name someone harmed by wikileaks.

        No One.

        Now name the agents dead cause Clinton traveled around the world communicating from a non gov Blackberry to a private server. very hack-able

        You are so far from reality it is amazing

        Assange is a publisher and nobody’s friend.

        That said he did us many a favor as did Snowden and Manning who upheld their oath to service.

        You repeat what is fed to your brain by media.

        The real Whistleblowers call the report unprofessional and a joke. It is poorly written for the general public as propaganda.

        Real Intelligence reports look nothing like that.

        There are no confirmations on these reports concerning Clinton or Trump. So until there are no real sources, facts.

        Hacking went on, They have had this info for months but can not substantiate the info. That is where we are PERIOD

        • Pie Guevara says:

          Sheesh, yet another another insane, rambling, incoherent screed from Dopey. I guess this is Dopey’s way of avoiding answering my simple, direct, and clear question. I don’t mind that he refuses to answer, I did not expect him to answer.

          Sorry, Dopey, but I refuse to swim in the clogged sewer that is your mind and waste my time responding to your lunacy and litany of idiotic, specious juvenile personal attacks.

          Dopey, you should seriously consider professional help. You are embarrassing yourself. Nevertheless, please feel free to continue to make an ass of yourself at every opportunity.

  13. Libby says:

    Here’s your morning giggle, compliments of David Brooks:

    “It’s becoming clear that for the next few years American foreign policy will be shaped by the struggle among Republican regulars, populist ethno-nationalists and the forces of perpetual chaos unleashed by Donald Trump’s attention span.”


  14. Pie Guevara says:

    In his press conference today Trump clearly acknowledged that Russia has been involved in hacking the DNC. This follows the intelligence briefing of last Friday.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Addenda to the above …

      In today’s press conference, Trump related his own internal sting operation and claimed he caught the intelligence community leaking information. Note: Such leaking is a federal criminal offense and a violation of the oath of office in any of the various intelligence organizations.

      Trump said he decided to tell no one about a particular intelligence briefing, shielding even his longtime scheduling aide, Rhoda, to rule out the possibility leaks were coming from his staff

      When the briefing was leaked, Trump concluded it was the intelligence community who was putting out the information. (Given the situation, this is not an unreasonable conclusion.)

      Trump described the sting operation after suggesting intelligence officials leaked a fake dirty dossier of information about him.

      If the leak about the intelligence briefing did come from within the intelligence community, this is just another of many examples of how corrupt government agencies have become under Obama’s watch. Oaths mean nothing, honor means nothing, justice means nothing, fairness means nothing. The political ends justify the means and everything is political, from the EPA to the IRS to the intelligence community, from Fast and Furious, to the Benghazi debacle, to Operation Chokepoint.

      In a few days the worst presidency in modern history will be over. Hopefully Trump will be able to turn back and halt the climate of corruption Obama has left behind.

  15. dewster says:

    Pie the CIA and FBI leak info for a purpose all the time. Jeeze. You forget our own history? Trump is like in kindergarten guess you are too. We know this already. Very common in their propaganda campaigns.

    Jeeze Operation Mockingbird and many a campaign. What planet have you been living on?

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Dear dips****, I am talking about unauthorized leaking here and corruption. For a whacko conspiracy theorist nutcase like you to talk down to me is laughable, but then to talk down to everyone. Go **** yourself.

      The great and wise Dopey strutting his stuff!

  16. Rick Clements says:

    I know I’m late to the party but regarding all these claims that Russia helped Trump win. If that is so then how did the Russians create 3 million more popular votes for Hillary then for Trump? So logic dictates that the Russians really wanted Hillary to win right? Also if one believes the Electoral College was tampered with by hacking, how did the Russians do it if the College is not computerized and not connected to the Internet? If Liberals and Democrats used their brains more and talking points less, they might find out what common sense creates!

    • Peggy says:

      You’re not late to the party Rick, you’ve asked the same questions many of us have. But, since our logic doesn’t align with the MSM narrative it’s not being voiced for the general public.

      Also, looking at the timeline of the Russian involvement of supposedly getting Trump elected is when every poll had Hillary beating him badly during the primary and the general. If I remember right Cruz and Rubio were the only ones in the primary polls who beat Hillary. One would think if the Russians wanted to beat her they would have supported Cruz and/or Rubio not Trump.

      Logic and critical thinking are not prerequisites for being a Democrat.

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