18 Jan. 1981, Iran Releases American Hostages

by Jack

On this day in U.S. history, 18 January -1981: IRANIAN HOSTAGE RELEASE.

Iran released 52 American hostages held in the American Embassy in Tehran after 444 days.

They would probably still be there too, if it were not for Ronald Reagan.

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7 Responses to 18 Jan. 1981, Iran Releases American Hostages

  1. Dewster says:

    You really need to learn history as it really happened

    Negotiations for the hostages’ release started well before Election Day. In September 1980, the Iranians contacted the Carter administration with a proposal.

    Carter informed Reagan at 8:31 a.m. that the release of the hostages was imminent.

    Reagan announced the news at 2:15 p.m. at a luncheon with congressional leaders.

    Reagan did not play any significant role in freeing the hostages.

    No Reagan administration officials participated in the negotiations

    But hey only Republicans are any good right?

    • Tina says:

      Carter was a weak man and the Iranians knew it. Reagan doesn’t get credit. the hostage release as a function of his participation or planning. He is credited because the American people, as well as the Iranians, sensed he was a man of principle and no nonsense action!

      A few historical facts:

      1. Carter deported Iranians living in America who believed in “the revolution.”
      2. Carter stopped imports of Iranian oil to no effect.
      3. Carters weakness inspired Khomeini to comment that “action has many benefits. … This has united our people. Our opponents [Carter] do not dare act against us.”
      4.Carter arranged for a Canadian ambassador to go to Iran to interview the hostages. (so tough)
      5. Ramsey Clark flew to Tehran and participated in a “Crimes of America” trial while the crisis was on.
      6. Saddam Hussein invaded Iran in September 1980 and Iran turned to the US for support.
      7. Carter eventually authorized an $8 billion ransom for the release of the prisoners.
      8. Reagan’s campaign platform included restoring American power and influence abroad. Immediately after Reagan took the Presidential Oath of Office on January 20, the hostages were flown out of Iran after 444 days of captivity.

      The History Guy

      Ardeshir Zahedi

      Mark Bowden

      Carter was weak, just as Obama has been weak. The resulting damage continues to this day.

      • Dewster says:

        No Tina that was the Republican spew at the Time. Sorry Reagan did not get credit. The Iranians waited for his inaug day cause they were mad at Carter. But Fact Remains Carter’s Team brokered the deal.

        You just can not be real can you?

        All Democrats are bad and all Republicans are glorious is all you ever say.

        Well ya got a foreign First lady who posed for soft nude photos so be proud! never again can ya spew the family values crap. LOL What id your respectable Republican say he grabbed women by?

        Yep That is Family Values in Republican Reality.

        Party politics is dead. Both parties are divided. They need to go they are the problem.

        • Tina says:

          All Democrats are not bad. All Republicans are not good. This isn’t about good and bad. It is about posture and policy. Carter was weak on both. The “deal” you refer to was a testament to his weakness and the popular hippy notion that love is all you need. $8 billion in ransom was a weenie move, much like Obama’s weenie moves regarding Iran. Negotiating with terrorists emboldens them and gives them license as bad actors.

          “never again can ya spew the family values crap”

          Crap huh? That says a lot about your values. The thing you don’t understand is there is no perfect state for mankind. Values are what we aspire to achieve not what we as individuals always accomplish. Before you get your nose too high in the air you might consider that.

          As for the first lady, she is beautiful, gracious, and smart. Show some respect.

          The people are demanding better of their leaders. Party affiliation is important to the degree that it defines an individuals ideals. In reality there are two succinct responses to questions, yes and no. You are either left of an issue or right…yes or no. So called independents are whiners who have trouble deciding, probably because they lack grounding.

          • Libby says:

            “In reality there are two succinct responses to questions, yes and no.”

            Uhhh, not in “reality”, Tina, in the “fascist mindset” only, does the world manifest itself so distinctly.

            In fact, you contradict your own self in this very post: “All Democrats are not bad. All Republicans are not good” … “there is no perfect state for mankind”.

            So, what are you trying to say? That you disdain deal-making, compromise? That really is quite fascistic of you.

            And, as some people around here are inclined to toss this word around with no regard to it’s actual meaning: “that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”

            People who see society in terms of “yes and no” are heavily into social regimentation … deny it though they will.

    • Libby says:

      I can’t believe he brought the subject up … not Ronald’s finest hour, at all.

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