Trump: Restore Power to the People

Trump innauguration dayPosted by Tina

WE HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT! And our new president doesn’t see himself as the all important figure in American politics. In fact he places himself in service to the people under the guidance of a power much greater than all of us. How refreshing! How exciting! To see our nation symbolically grounded and restored to it’s founding. Now it’s time to get to work. I have no doubt that’s what President Donald J. Trump and his administration will do.

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16 Responses to Trump: Restore Power to the People

  1. Libby says:

    Yeah, he was talking straight at you, and no one else: “Calm down, people, it’ll be all right.”

    If you go on Salon, some guy was just wandering through the crowd, tweeting what he heard. This did not reflect well on the crowd. Such gay-bashing, you never heard. What is WRONG with you?

    • Tina says:

      Really Libby…”some guy?”

      What’s wrong with YOU?

      • Dewster says:

        No Tina what is wrong with you?

        Uninformed for sure. Look at how many people will be in DC today, far more than the bleak amount that showed up for his inaug.

        Also Trump wanted a Military Parade with Tanks and Missiles? Like Putin? Hitler? Mussolini?

        The military said no because it would not be easy to haul it all out.

        I will call out a Rep or Dem. You just Propagate unicorns and fairies in the name of Hate?

        NEWSFLASH Hillary lost cause she cheated US. But she Had More voters anyway and in fact made history on the popular vote.

        You never addressed Interstate Crosscheck either. The GOP cheated in the General. The DNC Cheated in The Primary.

        Both Parties are 100% Corrupt and we have not won anything the Oligarchy had an election. We will continued to be Bled dry.

        No One is Happy.

        • Tina says:

          Trump wanted to HONOR the military and signal to the world that the new president IS NOT a weenie like the previous president. You know, the guy that allowed ISIS to grow and expand throughout the world to make war on the free world in the streets. Trump wanted the parade to be an all American event rather than an elitist celebrity vent. You hear what you want to hear.

          Get real. The number that showed up for his inauguration wasn’t a “bleak” number. And they also didn’t tear up the roads, break windows, or set cars on fire. If you asked, they could also tell you exactly what they wanted whereas many of the so-called protesters were seriously emotional, uninformed, and there for the “anarchist party aspect” of the day. to be sure they were mainly a bunch of ignorant adolescents out for thrills.

          You might also notice the bright contrast, in terms of acceptance and the peaceful transition of power between the left oriented anti-Trump sniveling whiners and the more adult right, even the hard core right, when Obama won.

          There is nothing “hateful” about my message of limited government and power emanating from the people. If hate is on display post election it resides absolutely with the sore losers protesting in the streets, on the airwaves and in print: 217 arrests (protesters were armed with crowbars and threw objects at people and businesses, destroying storefronts and damaging vehicles-CBS) in DC alone. Animals!

          “she Had More voters anyway ”

          Concentrated in a handful of cities or regions. That’s not America and it’s why we have an electoral college.

          “The GOP cheated in the General”

          You have a habit of making such accusations without evidence. Please supply evidence that the GOP cheated in the general…at least that they cheated more than the DNC in the general if you’re going to make such an unfounded remark.

          “Both Parties are 100% Corrupt”

          An insane generalization meaning absolutely nothing. This is particularly true when you imagine that the so-called independents are somehow different as human beings. If we look at the behavior of many in this group, those you seem to identify with most, it is doubtful they would do any better and a great deal of evidence they would be the bigger crooks.

          “No One is Happy”

          You realize that attempts to peak for everyone is something a fascist dictator would do?

          • Libby says:

            My God … did he really? I had not heard.

            Tina: “Trump wanted to HONOR the military and signal to the world that the new president IS NOT a weenie …”

            Honey, we do not do that here … roll the tanks down the main street. It’s too hard on the pavement. It also betrays a barbarous sensibility that we thought … we as a nation … had moved beyond.

            We were not entirely correct, were we?

      • J. Soden says:

        Tina, there’s absolutely no reasoning or hope for someone who continues to quote Salon.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Have never before watched an Inauguration, but proud to say I did this time.
    Congratulations President Trump and Vic President Pence!

  3. Harold says:

    Let me reflect on a comment from the past:

    “People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and … for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

    Greeted with rousing applause after making the comment in Milwaukee Wisconsin on 2/19/2008, Michelle Obama delivered an amended version of the speech later that day in Madison, Wis.

    “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country … because I think people are hungry for change,” “I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment.”

    Well, people today are not just hungry for a change, they have been starving.

    And given the intolerance toward others, the leftist of today facing a direction not of their choosing and the loss of a election, should those words have been spoken by the new first Lady today, it would have sent the left half of this county into a frenzy.

  4. Tina says:

    Hillary’s friends and staff “gay bashing” in emails apparently didn’t bother you. In fact you personally love to use that type of political smear language…use it all the time!

    So phony!

  5. Tina says:

    And by the way folks the idea that Trump wanted tanks and missels in the parade was a story launched by the NYT from an unidentified source. The fake news was, of course repeated as fact.

    • Libby says:

      Will you STOP calling everything “fake” that you don’t want to hear? It is too feeble … like a five-year-old holding it’s ears and going: “Wah, wah, wah, I can’t HEAR you!”

      The unhappy fact is that The Trump Administration is “leaking” like a sieve … already. The situation in the West Wing is apparently so alarming that today we all learned the text of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.

      Eeecck … I expected it would be fun, but not quite THIS MUCH fun.

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