Keeping America from Harm the Liberal Way

by Jack

I find it more than a little ironic that protestors who claim Trump is bad for America, think they’re doing good by blocking traffic, assaulting people, boycotting businesses, breaking windows, looting and starting fires.

TrumpprotestI see the usual democrat protesters were out in force this weekend in our city (Chico, CA).  The mostly women, marched to protest Trump over, uh, something… I’m not really sure what? I mean, Trump hasn’t done anything yet, he’s only been in office 5 minutes!

What’s there to protest? Oh, wait a sec, I better rephrase that, President Trump has been in office since last Friday.  I didn’t want to be called a liar, because liberals can’t tell sarcasm from a deliberate statement of fact.

President Trump, wow, I still can’t believe it.  Who wudda thunk! lol I kinda like saying it though, because it drives the liberals wild with rage.

Serious question:  What do you think folks, is the left going to start a bloody revolt in an attempt to get Trump forcibly removed from office?  I really have no idea what the far left will do, but I recognize a familiar pattern forming (across America) and it’s one that feeds radicalism and violence.

I hope it doesn’t happen, but if it does it should not be unexpected.

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34 Responses to Keeping America from Harm the Liberal Way

  1. Jim says:

    This kind of behavior is disgusting, however you have no idea who these people actually were. They may have been paid provocateurs sent to discredit the legitimate protesters. So called false flag operations have happened before.

    Most of the demonstrators were peaceful, and all of the Women’s Marches around the world on Saturday, there were no reported acts of violence.

    Every year there is worse violence after the Super Bowl. Are you against football too?

    However you asked a more serious question: ” What do you think folks, is the left going to start a bloody revolt in an attempt to get Trump forcibly removed from office?”

    Actually I think it’s going to be the Republicans who will force Trump from Office. Notice how Fox news is already starting to turn on the Trump administration?

    • Tina says:

      Do you assume Wallace is a Republican, Jim?

      At FOX he’s respected as a hard hitting journalist who challenges all comers when he thinks the subject warrants it. That’s been my experience of him. He’s certainly more professional than the people at CBS, NBC, CNN, and others who worked to elect Obama, fawned over him like cheerleaders, and promoted his every move. On the terrorist front alone he received few criticisms, if any.

      And guess what? The Republican Party, which the Democrats thought were dead, are now stronger than they’ve been in a long time and the Democrats have lost power all across America. In addition they have few bright lights taking positions of power to climb the ladder. Almost all of the party leaders are OLD!

      Democrats who love America should take a good hard look at the radicals that have taken over the party and basically destroyed it. What do they stand for? Special interest groups that whine and complain that they are oppressed. Really? Are personal issues, personal choices, and dysfunction the purview of the federal government? Aren’t those things better addressed locally or within the states? What else do they stand for? Peace? The world has been anything but peaceful under the direction of the radical left. The environment? How smart is it to enact regulations so draconian that people lose their jobs and for minuscule gain in terms of clean air and water? Radicals don’t care about the solving the problem; they care about power and control.

      Jim I believe there are a lot of good people who think of themselves as Democrats. I also believe that two things get in the way of unity, well, at least two. One is they don’t realize who is running their party. The other is they believe every rotten thing that’s sad about Republicans.

      There were plenty of protesters who marched peacefully. Some didn’t have a clue why and others had fears about one or two issues. Quite a few were paid to be out there and to start trouble…that’s what radicals do, they agitate, they rub people raw, they stir up passions, often on false notions.

      What did they accomplish? How productive or educational was it? What message did they send out into the world? Are you personally happy with it?

      I think refusal to accept the transfer of power and give the new president a chance is petty and adolescent. I think it sends a false image of American political values that can be damaging in the world. I think good democrats should be at least a little embarrassed.

  2. J. Soden says:

    The “women’s march” kept shouting for restoration of women’s rights. Gee, I must’ve missed the story that those rights had been cancelled . . . . . .

    When they booted those with a pro-life stance, it became a Feminazi march. And with comments from Madonna and Ashley Judd, along with the hate and vulgarity-filled signs, the march was more like a tantrum by $hrilLIARy voters who lost.

  3. Libby says:

    Ahhh ….. the protest crowds matched the inauguration crowds. A group of constitutional lawyers has filed suit against The Orange One. All is right with the world.

  4. Harold says:

    While I agree it’s not been enough time to really see what President Trump will accomplish, with or without the help of half the nation, I see the protest marches as peaceful as most were, a working understanding of the First Amendment a good thing.

    Those people marching were expressing their concerns, even though a lot of them didn’t know why, or even voted, but there they are marching based on money paid to organizers (Soros Dollars) or on the misinformation and suppositions spewing from a hateful media that fears Trump will expose the media failing importance, much as he has their lack of creditability exposed, because most of what they falsely report seems to get “BUSTED” (pun intended).

    They (Media) know they cant selectively narrate his tweeting, this is a major problem because he will fight back time and time again against false opinions and fake news. And its about time someone cared more about informing the public than running for their re-election from the get go.

    • Tina says:

      Here here, Harold. It is time the media in particular cared about informing the public, something they haven;t done well for decades.

      Trump has there number and knows exactly how to go over their heads to reach the people directly.

      Trump accomplished a lot his first day. We’re off to a good start.

  5. Peggy says:

    Awesome article by a Muslim writer who exposes George Soros, the man who took down the economy of England and other European country, as the financial backer of 56 groups who were “partners” in the Women’s March on Washington.

    Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington :

    “What is the link between one of Hillary Clinton’s largest donors and the Women’s March? Turns out, it’s quite significant”

  6. Peggy says:

    Yes Jack the left has formed a bloody revolt. What’s funny is they’re trying to sell it as a “grassroots” movement. Sound familiar? Have you ever heard of a grassroots movement that took place worldwide? No? Me neither.

    They took the very successful Tea Party movement learned their mistakes with the OWS and organized this woman’s march. Have you seen the pictures of the little kids holding signs that say Fu** Trump or all of the women walking around in vagina costumes? No? Well, they’re out there on the internet, but not being covered at all on the televised news reports. But, remember the 60 year old Tea Party women who stapled tea bags to hats were ridiculed and called “Tea Baggers.” No pictures of young kids holding American flags either.

    Afraid it’s going to be a very long four years with George Soros’ billions funding these idiots.

  7. Libby says:

    You thought you were going to get efficiency in government?

    Think again. You’ve elected a truly bizarre specimen of humanity, who spends way too much time pitching hissys on Twitter, when there is a good deal of work to be done.

    • Tina says:

      Ha! NYT piece was “opinion” which is fortunate since it began with one horrendous lie: “…he assumed office on Friday with the most incomplete team in recent history.”

      Trump will run rings around Obama. He works tirelessly and will give many more hours of service than his predecessor. Obama was more interested in symbolic gestures and bragging in front of the cameras than in serving the interests of the American people.

      Bummer was exactly that!

  8. RHT447 says:

    We’ll see.

    Sanders backers take over California Democratic Party

    • Tina says:

      That should be fun to watch. The Democrat elites attempting to harness the rebellious agitators.

      There’s also a group of people bent on turning California red again.

      • Dewster says:

        Good Luck Trump will steam up the Progressive deep blue #CalExit

        All you care about is red/Blue and winning You care none about the people

        You think dictating your beliefs to others is why they wrote the Constitution?

        You want the tyranny?

        • Tina says:

          Dewey “deep blue” and “progressive” are the Democrat Party. Quit pretending to be different. You announce your allegiance every time you open your pie hole.

          I support freedom and power vested in the people…that is not tyranny. What’s up…brain a little fried?

          The dictator dictates again!

  9. Libby says:

    “NYT piece was “opinion” which is fortunate since it began with one horrendous lie….”

    which he backs up with a fat fistful of figures, from this administration and the previous one … plus a plan to remediate the situation.

    Don’t lie to the people about what I post. All they have to do is read it, to see that you are a liar. We got something new for the DSM … Trumpitis: the irrepressible urge to prevaricate.

    • Tina says:

      A lie backed up by figures, even a fat fistful, is what the left media has always done. Good old, “lies, dam* lies, and statistics” is simply a tactic to destroy any republican president.

      The difference now is, they and their fake news, are exposed and Trump talks and acts right past them.

  10. Harold says:

    Jack, as you eluded to in the start of this post, the Liberals snowflakes are rapidly going through a meltdown. This woman was so out of line, and disruptive that the police had to remove her at the Captains request.

    If she was this rank and rude while on the ground, what could she have caused once the flight was in the air.

    Once more a Liberal without restraint of her own emotional impulses and lacking self control stirs up the ‘old S-pot” without provocation

    It was her unconstrained need to blow off. which led to her being put off, which seems fair and justified to me, just another Liberal full blown crying baby in a adult body.

  11. Peggy says:

    Liberal snowflakes aren’t just melting down they’re in a full flameout panic. Look at what, not who, is running to be the chair of the DNC. This is what they have to offer? They’re really in trouble. If JFK was alive today he’d be rejected by his own party.

    DNC Chair Candidates Lambaste White People During Forum:

    Trump’s meetings yesterday and today with business, labor and union leaders will send them all to their little safe places with their blankies.

  12. Dewster says:

    “I see the usual democrat protesters”

    So If you can tell me how these are Democrats?

    Usually these groups hate all parties.

    So for the sake of fun let’s just say everyone who attacks a Bank involved in DAPL is a Democrat and represents all of them.

    Then Dylan Roof represents all Republicans. We do know at least he was conservative.

    Council of Conservative Citizens changed his life.

  13. Dewster says:

    Love Trumps Hate

  14. Joe says:

    Tell Libby to put down the bat.

  15. Pie Guevara says:



    I love you both. You are perfect.

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