5 Year Old Detained at Airport

by Jack

By now I’m sure you’ve heard the story about the little boy who was detained at JFK because he was coming from Iran. His mother had given advance notice to the airport security of his arrival, so there should have been no problem. Further, he was a US born citizen . Yet, he was still detained and at one point he was placed in handcuffs because of an old policy about securing all detained persons. There is no defense for such a thing. The detention part is a little more complicated, but still incredibly wrong.

The officer who ordered the child handcuffed should be fired immediately. There was also no reason to detain a US citizen, much less a 5 year old US citizen.

This is not the first time this stupidity has happened, but in each case the officer responsible had to pay a price. The embarrassment this caused the White House was compounded by a blithering idiot by the name of Shaun Spicer, the WH press secretary. He tried to defend the action. You don’t handcuff a 5 year old period. Those who think otherwise are unfit for public employment.

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15 Responses to 5 Year Old Detained at Airport

  1. Libby says:

    Well, that’s something.

    … and it’s Sean … which fact supports a theory of mine. You must tell me if it’s true. Have you and Tina commenced to, shall we say, distance yourself from the situation?

    I mean, Sean’s first press conference was not a conference at all, but a lying harangue which has sullied his integrity forever, probably. So we all know how to spell his name.

    • Tina says:

      Can’t fool me, it was really Sean Connery that taught you how to spell his name.

      No distance here…still pretty busy…now putting my house back in order and of course TAX RETURNS!

      If we’re fortunate sometime in the near future it won’t be such a tedious task!

  2. Libby says:

    More seriously … Jack, why do you think that plain ordinary German citizens consented to participate in the rounding up and murder of six million people? Jack, why did the Hutus in Rwanda take up machetes and butcher the Tutsi refugees in their midst?

    Very, very, unhappily … this is just not that far from putting a 5-year-old in handcuffs. This is what evil political leadership gets you. A country full of evil people.

    But … never fear !!

    The ACLU raised $24 million over the weekend and another $50 million in the two days since. The resistance is financed for some time to come.

    Oh, heavens, speaking of financing, you must go see what happened to Hannity when he twittered a query into the “financing” of the airport protests … very funny.


    And we must keep our spirits up.

    • Tina says:

      Libby: “why do you think that plain ordinary German citizens consented to participate in the rounding up and murder of six million people? Jack, why did the Hutus in Rwanda take up machetes and butcher the Tutsi refugees in their midst?

      Very, very, unhappily … this is just not that far from putting a 5-year-old in handcuffs. This is what evil political leadership gets you. A country full of evil people.”

      Once again you show what a phony you are! A five year old being detained, even in handcuffs can’t hold a candle to a Bill Clinton era scandal. Surely you recall this charming photo of little six year old Cuban refugee Elien Gonzalez whose mother risked everything to get her son to America!

      You remember, I know you do, because we posted a story at the time.

      The Washington Examiner revisted the story in 2012:

      On this day, April 22, in 2000, Elian Gonzalez was snatched by a SWAT team from his Florida relatives to return him to his father in Cuba.

      The tug of war over the young boy generated a media frenzy.

      In November 1999, two fishermen found Elian off the coast. He was the lone survivor of 13 Cubans trying to reach American soil. His mother was among the dead.

      Attorney General Janet Reno decided that Gonzalez should be returned to his father. The family in Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood defied the order.

      Some say Janet Reno was Hillary’s choice for AG, Hillary being the “co-President.”

      You people are such hypocrites and phonies!

  3. Bryan H. says:

    Great post. Small quibble–it’s “Sean Spicer.”

  4. Tina says:

    Jack your points are well taken in terms of this child. It’s unfortunate that this little boy was treated with such bizarre indelicacy…as Libby might say, ham handedness.

    I didn’t see the full exchange between Spicer and the reporters. I have only seen captured video. The Spicer quote being cited most is: “To assume that just because of someone’s age and gender that they don’t pose a threat would be misguided and wrong.”

    If this stand alone quote defends anything, it defends policy. In terms of policy it would be a mistake to assume innocence based on age or gender given what we know about the enemy’s use of children and women to wage war. Recent examples include the use of young boys to perform beheadings.

    Having said that this case likely represents the confusion that occurs at the street level when a policy is changed in DC. Unfortunately, people in America have not been encouraged to think for themselves in the last several decades or to assume the risk of taking responsibility. It’s incredible that those at JFK who were overseeing the officer/s involved allowed five hours to pass before making decisions about this boy. I’m not clear about whether the handcuffs remained on him for five hours which, if so, is ridiculous.

    Unfortunately I also have the political to consider. These are government employees. We have seen overt political activism in various departments in recent years. I would not rule out political activism in this case. Look at the incriminating headlines…observe which media jumped on the story: MSNBC and the Washington Post, a few blogs, and some UK media. Your own post appears in a search at about number eight to ten. It’s almost like the story was planted in news outlets that would generate negative outrage.

    What a sad state our nation has come to in general. I submit it is largely due to politically correct thinking that has evolved over the decades to displace logic and reason, common sense and responsibility.

    • Bryan H. says:

      “Having said that this case likely represents the confusion that occurs at the street level when a policy is changed in DC. Unfortunately, people in America have not been encouraged to think for themselves in the last several decades or to assume the risk of taking responsibility.”

      Yes, which explains why you cannot attribute responsibility for the failures of this policy to the people who made the policy.

      Also, are you asserting that the airport may have detained and handcuffed this boy because they are liberals trying to make Trump look bad?

      • Tina says:

        On the contrary, new policy under any president creates a period of adjustment and problems. I wrote, as an example, of the disastrous roll out of Obamacare. In fact problems continue to roll to this day!

        Yes, I am asserting that we cannot rule out government (union) employees turning activist to smear Trump and this EO. Activism among government employees is not rare, rather in the last administration it was quite apparent: Lois Lerner targeting conservatives, Eric Holder, Barack Obama activism in local cases, agents at IRS, ATF, OSHA, EPA targeting Catherine Engelbrecht and Gibson guitars, to name a few areas of activism rather than governance.

        • Harold says:

          Tina, based on TSA errors and mishandling of events as reported in past, the 5 year was lucky it was only handcuffs, , And as long as they want to hold feet to the fire, how about on Obamas and Holders watch Brain Terry died.

          Spelling correction by Lippy is the only real quibble she had to discredit what Jack was saying.

          And where it relates to competence, It will be a welcome pleasure to see Government, Federal and possibly even State employees reduced in ranks, maybe then the best of the best will rise to fill those positions and work harder to preform them correctly.

        • Libby says:

          “Yes, I am asserting that we cannot rule out government (union) employees turning activist to smear Trump and this EO.”

          Paranoid. The election results had eased her symptoms, but the underlying condition is firmly established.

  5. Tina says:

    Libby is a brick wall. A hard core partisan for the radical (commie) left. Of course she will not see the possibility, which is all I asserted.

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