Robots ~ How to Downsize Government?

Posted by Tina

A new study out of England finds that “90% of British civil service workers have jobs so pointless, they could easily be replaced by robots.” A robotic bureaucracy would save the British taxpayer around $8 billion a year!

Imagine what they could do for the American taxpayer!

Take a look at some of the plans in the budget summary for England for 2016:

In this Budget, the government will take action to:

make additional savings equivalent to 0.5% of total government spending, to ensure the nation lives within its means

back business with a major overhaul of corporation tax reliefs, a lower corporation tax rate and a big reduction in small business rates

boost enterprise with a reduction in Capital Gains Tax and tax for the self-employed

accelerate education reforms and improve children’s health with a soft drinks industry levy

support working people with a £11,500 personal allowance and a £45,000 higher rate threshold

back savers with a new flexible Lifetime ISA for young people and a higher ISA limit for all

Those Brexit backed folks sound a lot like conservatives here in America. Robtics in government may be a new area for both of us to explore. Speaking of things robotic…

Hillary recently said “women are the future.”

I’m betting on robots, for one thing they don’t scold, shriek, or cackle (Unless you’re dumb enough to program for irritating output)!

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18 Responses to Robots ~ How to Downsize Government?

  1. J. Soden says:

    WEe already have robots in goofernment.
    They’re called Demwits, and they vote in Clowngress just exactly how their leadership programs them to do!
    And they currently need some serious reprogramming!

  2. Joe says:

    Could you replace Libster or Chryster (Chris, Bryan H., Brewster) with robots? (Aren’t they government employees?)

  3. Libby says:

    So, Tina, what are you gonna do with the displaced workers? … shoot ’em?

    Someday, you are going to learn to think this stuff through.

    • dewster says:

      lol she never will. Next story will be about all the displaced workers being bums in her park.

      Not to mention how there will be more tax revenue coming in so we need to give those working the casino of wall street a pass on taxes.

      Then when the infrastructure is owned by foreign companies and no one can afford to live it will all be Obama’s fault.

      Fascism is here

  4. Tina says:

    Arrogant witch…someday you’re going to take responsibility for the lost jobs under Obama, for the cr*p sandwich Obamacare handed most of the American people, for the failed businesses, for the lack of opportunity for young people, for eight years of lost time to build a nest egg…

    With a vibrant economy there should be plenty of jobs in the private sector for them…of course, they will have to actually work. (jobs so pointless, they could easily be replaced by robots)

    And by the way…I didn’t write the story or suggest it should happen. I was just having a little fun with the results of the study since it struck a familiar note!

    • dewster says:

      Tina what are you talking abut? No memory?

      750,000 jobs a month leaving was under GW.

      You are so wrapped up in this supposed conservatism you do not remember history.

      Furthermore After 45 deregulates the banks again we will all be unemployed by this next crash

      Time to divide the country up.

      • Tina says:

        Dewey selective facts and your moronic notion that “less government control” equals fascism explains all of your comments. You don’t have a clue, but you preach like a true fascist trol…own any brown shirts?

    • Libby says:

      Getting a little testy, are we? I’m not surprised. It’s been a bad week.

      Poor Betsy … just an innocent little remark about pencils, and Kaboomee! goes the Twitter.

      I even think Sean has a point about Melissa. The picking up of the podium was a bit much.

      But why are you denying your post now. It’s a legitimate issue. Have you not been hearing all the talk about this government paid “Basic Wage”? … that they are actually trying out in some nordic country, I forget which.

      Economists are saying that if tech development continues at this pace, soon there simply will not be work for everybody. According to “conservative” social theory, they would all be left to starve and die … or maybe you’d be merciful and shoot them?

      This is all real stuff we gotta start thinking about, but our Prezzy is too busy trashing Nordstrom.

      • Tina says:

        The experts told us that computers would displace workers, instead they created millions of new jobs.

        Millenials are rejecting tech and going native, a trend that will change the face of business and manufacturing by demand. Tiny houses, organic food, and experience oriented stuff will be the basis for a lot of entrepreneurial endeavors. Lower taxes, a simplified code, and smart regulation will help them keep more of what they earn to grow their businesses and hire others while expanding the tax base. Win, win, win!

        You control freaks act as if people will not have a say in what happens. What you fear is what you project and enable. That’s why you favor of big fascistic government.

    • Bryan H. says:

      What “jobs lost under Obama?” There were 75 straight months of job growth under Obama.

      • dewster says:

        Media brainwashing you?

        With the catastrophe Bush left we would not still be here if they had not had growth.

        It is sad to see people so desperate to win, be better than everyone else that they repeat lies. But ya know those alternative facts (Lies) just keep coming.

        By the way Ethics Rules.

        “An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity.”

        Conway is in clear violation for starters.

        I protect no one, no party. Truth to Power is all that matters.

      • Tina says:

        Bryan (Chris) we’ve explained this again and again. Obama uses sleight of hand when he talks economics and job creation. Record numbers are meaningless when they fail to keep up with demand or provide broad based opportunity. Most of the jobs created were low wage and part time. 60% of new jobs were in the healthcare and food service sectors. Many of the healthcare related jobs were related to increased bureaucracy (Obamacare regs) Manufacturing, where wealth building supports expansion and good jobs, was at a measly 5%.

        Its disingenuous to brag about job growth under Obama when related statistics demonstrate the terrible conditions that so many of our citizens have endured under the 2.% growth presidency. The low participation rate, the high number of people needing food stamps and other government help (expanded Medicaid), and the record numbers turning to disability when their unemployment runs out to name a few.

        Selective arguments reveal a partisan interest…where is your concern for the millions of Americans that have struggled?

        If you are indeed Chris, as I suspect, you have shared that you got a good education with help from taxpayers and chose a profession provided by taxpayers. Nothing wrong with that except when you fail to respect the people who are not subsidized and who do create the wealth that makes tax supported jobs possible.

        Lefties may be pushing robots to displace the American worker because their ultimate goal is seeing the electorate dependent on government and one party rule. They actually believe government can sustain without a free and working population. The USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela could teach them a few things about government control. So should the lousy job picture of the last eight years.

  5. RHT447 says:

    Another tech topic that bears watching…

    β€œIn fact, Erdogan was scheduled to meet in Moscow with Russian President Putin just two days before the coup. However, all that came to a sudden end when Erdogan was spirited out of his vacation home just prior to an attempt on his life by a platoon of Turkish special forces. Somehow he had gotten wind of it, boarded his jet, and jettisoned off toward Turkey’s capital. While enroute to the capital his plane was “locked onto” by two Turkish F-16’s. Despite locking onto Erdogan’s jet the Turkish fighter pilots could not fire and bring it down – for whatever reason. The bottom line is that al the evidence points toward a very important Russian intervention in the coup – to stop it that is. It appears that Russian intelligence intercepted the coup plotter’s communications and plans, alerted Erdogan in advance, and saving his life in the process. It likely also proved very clearly to Erdogan who his friends were, and who they were not. In any case, the mysterious escape from the lethal missiles of those two Turkish F-16s is really what this article is about.

    Funny enough, Erdogan’s saving grace seems to be a part of another trend that has raised its head for at least the last few years. Simply put, the Russians have developed technology that renders all missile systems, nuclear or conventional, useless. In November, 2014 the first high profile incident occurred when a Russian SU-24 fighter bomber shut down all systems on the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea. The only armament the plane carried was a small basket – an important little basket known as “Khibiny” – perhaps named after the Russian mountain of the same name. In any case, the entire state-of-the-art destroyer was rendered unable to defend itself while the SU-24 flew eleven simulated bombing runs over it before flying off. The Cook’s Aegis system (most modern US defence system) was shut down completely.

    Then, just three weeks ago a military drone entered Israeli airspace from Syria. The Israeli military fired two Patriot missiles at the drone, but the deadly accurate missiles could not hit the slow and plodding drone. Then an Israeli fighter pilot fired an air-to-air missile at the drone, but the missile would not strike it. It appears quite obvious that the Russian drone had on board a system similar to the Khibiny electronic warfare device that shut down the Cook. However, this system appears to not jam the firing systems, but just the missiles themselves. That would be a variant of the system and essentially render anti-aircraft systems and fighter jets obsolete. It seems clear the Russians used the air-tight “Iron Dome” Israeli anti-missile system as a test for this technology. Not a bad choice considering Israel’s small land mass and therefore concentrated air defense systems. Or, in other words, no better place to test it in the world.

    Read the rest here—

    There is some interesting discussion in comments.

  6. dewster says:

    Also Tina Kansas is a state where all your ideas are being tested and they are flat broke

    The majority voted against Trump.

    • Tina says:

      You bet Dewey…liberals who gave Obama eight long years, and still brag about his 2% growth and stagnant, inadequate job growth, started screaming after eighteen months following tax cuts in Kansas.

      But your assertion is old news and stands on sloppy ground. In 2015 the Kansas legislature, made more liberal by democrat gains, passed tax increases and failed to cut spending. They lowered the hammer on conservative ideas. Add the fact that our nation has suffered under a lousy economy under Obama and you can’t say conservative policies have cause bad conditions.

      Well, you can because you don’t care about the whole truth, all of the facts, just your radical, uneducated, ignorant agenda.

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